
Balanced Scorecard And Strategic Profitability Analysis MCQs

Option A: $14,500

Option B: $135,000

Option C: $125,000

Option D: $12,500

Correct Answer: $125,000

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Option A: potential entrants in market

Option B: customer’s bargaining power

Option C: supplier’s bargaining power

Option D: all of above

Correct Answer: all of above

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Option A: internal process component

Option B: growth component

Option C: price recovery component

Option D: productivity component

Correct Answer: price recovery component

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Option A: targeted productivity

Option B: total factor productivity

Option C: partial productivity

Option D: unused productivity

Correct Answer: partial productivity

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Option A: 0.642 unit of jacket per ² of leather

Option B: 0.342 unit of jacket per ² of leather

Option C: 0.442 unit of jacket per ² of leather

Option D: 0.542 unit of jacket per ² of leather

Correct Answer: 0.642 unit of jacket per ² of leather

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Option A: employee turnover rates

Option B: operating capabilities and number of patents

Option C: operating income and revenue growth

Option D: customer satisfaction and market share

Correct Answer: operating income and revenue growth

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Option A: engineered productivity

Option B: targeted productivity

Option C: partial productivity

Option D: total factor productivity

Correct Answer: total factor productivity

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Option A: inelastic demand

Option B: product differentiation

Option C: cost leadership

Option D: elastic demand

Correct Answer: cost leadership

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Option A: targeted capacity

Option B: budgeted capacity

Option C: recovery capacity

Option D: unused capacity

Correct Answer: unused capacity

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Option A: $70,000

Option B: $75,000

Option C: $65,000

Option D: $73,000

Correct Answer: $75,000

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Option A: elasticity incurrence

Option B: off shoring

Option C: strategy

Option D: engineering

Correct Answer: strategy

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Option A: employee turnover rates

Option B: operating capabilities and number of patents

Option C: operating income and revenue growth

Option D: customer satisfaction and market share

Correct Answer: customer satisfaction and market share

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Option A: financial perspective

Option B: learning and growth perspective

Option C: customer perspective

Option D: all of above

Correct Answer: all of above

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Option A: benchmark engineered productivity

Option B: benchmark total factor productivity

Option C: benchmark partial productivity

Option D: benchmark total productivity

Correct Answer: benchmark total factor productivity

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Option A: inelastic demand

Option B: product differentiation

Option C: cost leadership

Option D: elastic demand

Correct Answer: product differentiation

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Option A: internal process component

Option B: growth component

Option C: price recovery component

Option D: productivity component

Correct Answer: growth component

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Option A: learning perspective

Option B: financial perspective

Option C: internal business process perspective

Option D: customer perspective

Correct Answer: internal business process perspective

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Option A: internal process component

Option B: growth component

Option C: price recovery component

Option D: productivity component

Correct Answer: productivity component

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Option A: internal business process perspective

Option B: customer perspective

Option C: learning perspective

Option D: financial perspective

Correct Answer: customer perspective

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Option A: cost leadership

Option B: demand inelasticity

Option C: differentiated products

Option D: both A and C

Correct Answer: both A and C

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Option A: employee turnover rates

Option B: operating capabilities and number of patents

Option C: operating income and revenue growth

Option D: customer satisfaction and market share

Correct Answer: operating capabilities and number of patents

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Option A: reengineering

Option B: downsizing

Option C: upgrading

Option D: none of above

Correct Answer: downsizing

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Option A: employee turnover rates

Option B: operating capabilities and number of patents

Option C: operating income and revenue growth

Option D: customer satisfaction and market share

Correct Answer: employee turnover rates

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Option A: reengineering

Option B: differentiation

Option C: bargaining

Option D: targeting

Correct Answer: reengineering

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Option A: differentiation scorecard

Option B: bargaining scorecard

Option C: leadership scorecard

Option D: balanced scorecard

Correct Answer: balanced scorecard

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Option A: indirect material cost

Option B: direct material cost

Option C: direct labor cost

Option D: indirect labor cost

Correct Answer: direct material cost

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Option A: $60,000

Option B: $6,000

Option C: $65,000

Option D: $6,500

Correct Answer: $60,000

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Option A: internal business process perspective

Option B: external business process perspective

Option C: leadership perspective

Option D: reengineering perspective

Correct Answer: internal business process perspective

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