
Cost Management And Pricing Decisions MCQs

Option A: off shore cost

Option B: markup

Option C: sunk cost

Option D: outsource cost

Correct Answer: markup

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Option A: market based approach

Option B: cost incurrence pricing

Option C: cost plus pricing

Option D: locked-in cost pricing

Correct Answer: cost plus pricing

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Option A: outsource engineering

Option B: reverse engineering

Option C: target engineering

Option D: off shore engineering

Correct Answer: reverse engineering

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Option A: peak-load pricing

Option B: elastic pricing

Option C: elastic demand

Option D: inelastic demand

Correct Answer: peak-load pricing

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Option A: reverse engineering

Option B: value engineering

Option C: target engineering

Option D: operation engineering

Correct Answer: value engineering

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Option A: target operating income per unit

Option B: target cost per unit

Option C: total current full cost

Option D: total cost per unit

Correct Answer: target operating income per unit

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Option A: designed-in costs

Option B: locked-in costs

Option C: value added cost

Option D: non-value added cost

Correct Answer: value added cost

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Option A: cost incurrence

Option B: valued incurrence

Option C: locked incurrence

Option D: non valued incurrence

Correct Answer: cost incurrence

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Option A: demand elasticity

Option B: price elasticity

Option C: price inelasticity

Option D: demand inelasticity

Correct Answer: demand inelasticity

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Option A: target price

Option B: target cost

Option C: outsource price

Option D: off shore price

Correct Answer: target price

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Option A: designed-in costs

Option B: locked-in costs

Option C: value added cost

Option D: both a and b

Correct Answer: designed-in costs

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Option A: designed-in costs

Option B: locked-in costs

Option C: value added cost

Option D: non-value added cost

Correct Answer: value added cost

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Option A: price incurrence

Option B: price discrimination

Option C: price targeting

Option D: price engineering

Correct Answer: price discrimination

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Option A: product life cycle

Option B: life cycle budgeting

Option C: life cycle costing

Option D: target costing

Correct Answer: life cycle costing

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Option A: $15

Option B: $12

Option C: $16

Option D: $18

Correct Answer: $12

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Option A: budgeted life cycle

Option B: targeted life cycle

Option C: customer life cycle

Option D: operating life cycle

Correct Answer: customer life cycle

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Option A: product life cycle method

Option B: life cycle budgeting method

Option C: life cycle costing method

Option D: time and material method

Correct Answer: time and material method

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Option A: product life cycle

Option B: life cycle budgeting

Option C: life cycle costing

Option D: target costing

Correct Answer: product life cycle

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Option A: $27,000

Option B: $26,000

Option C: $24,000

Option D: $25,000

Correct Answer: $24,000

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Option A: customers

Option B: costs

Option C: competitors

Option D: all of above

Correct Answer: customers

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Option A: product life cycle

Option B: life cycle budgeting

Option C: life cycle costing

Option D: target costing

Correct Answer: life cycle budgeting

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Option A: independent revenue approach

Option B: market based approach

Option C: cost based approach

Option D: dependent revenue approach

Correct Answer: cost based approach

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Option A: market based

Option B: sunk cost

Option C: cost based

Option D: both a and c

Correct Answer: both a and c

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Option A: independent revenue approach

Option B: market based approach

Option C: dependent revenue approach

Option D: cost based approach

Correct Answer: market based approach

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Option A: target pricing

Option B: target costing

Option C: value engineering

Option D: all of above

Correct Answer: all of above

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Option A: total current full cost

Option B: total cost per unit

Option C: target operating income per unit

Option D: target cost per unit

Correct Answer: target cost per unit

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Option A: target operating income per unit

Option B: target cost per unit

Option C: total current full cost

Option D: total cost per unit

Correct Answer: target cost per unit

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Option A: 388.5

Option B: 350

Option C: 362

Option D: 368.5

Correct Answer: 388.5

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Option A: target rate of return on investment

Option B: operating income per unit

Option C: operating cost per unit

Option D: cost of goods sold

Correct Answer: target rate of return on investment

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