
Chemical Process MCQs

Option A: Inferior coke compared to low temperature carbonisation

Option B: Less of gases compared to liquid products

Option C: Larger quantity of tar compared to low temperature carbonisation

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: None of these

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Option A: V2O5 & Cr2O3.

Option B: Oxides of nitrogen & Cr2O3

Option C: V2O5 on a porous carrier & oxides of nitrogen

Option D: Oxides of nitrogen & V2O5 on a porous carrier

Correct Answer: Oxides of nitrogen & V2O5 on a porous carrier

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Option A: Endothermic

Option B: Exothermic

Option C: Irreversible

Option D: Both B. and C.

Correct Answer: D. Both B. and C.

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Option A: Neoprene

Option B: Cumene

Option C: Gelatin

Option D: Mercaptans

Correct Answer: Cumene

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Option A: Tetrachloroethane

Option B: Trichloroethane

Option C: Tetrachloromethane

Option D: Trichloromethane

Correct Answer: Trichloroethane

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Option A: Lead

Option B: Cement

Option C: Carbon disulphide

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Cement

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Option A: 4 kgf/cm2 & 500°C

Option B: 10 kgf/cm2 & 1000°C

Option C: 40 kg/cm2 & 200°C

Option D: 100 kgf/cm2 & 500°C

Correct Answer: 4 kgf/cm2 & 500°C

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Option A: More unsaturated glycerides of fatty acids

Option B: Less unsaturated glycerides of fatty acids

Option C: Much higher reactivity to oxygen

Option D: Lower melting point

Correct Answer: Less unsaturated glycerides of fatty acids

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Option A: Cause cholesterol build up and blood clotting

Option B: Are prone to rancid oxidation

Option C: Always contain some amount of nickel (as their complete removal is very difficult)

Option D: Have affinity to retain harmful sulphur compounds

Correct Answer: Cause cholesterol build up and blood clotting

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Option A: Styrene

Option B: Phenol

Option C: Phthalic anhydride

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Phthalic anhydride

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Option A: Conversion of SO2 to SO3 in Monsanto-4 pass converter is about 98%

Option B: The chemical formula of oleum is H2S2O7, which is formed by saturating sulphuric acid with

Option C: Vitriol oil is nothing but technical sulphuric acid

Option D: Decomposition of sulphuric acid on heating does not start before its boiling

Correct Answer: Decomposition of sulphuric acid on heating does not start before its boiling

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Option A: Pasteurisation of milk involves moderate heating followed by cooling

Option B: Bakeries and breweries make use of yeasts

Option C: Enzyme is a complex nitrogenous compound

Option D: Oils and fats are alkaloids

Correct Answer: Oils and fats are alkaloids

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Option A: Fibrillation of fibre during paper manufacture is done to develop the strength in paper

Option B: Alkali consumption in digestion/cooking of bamboo is measured in terms of permanganate

Option C: Bagasse fibre contains both lignin & cellulose

Option D: Presence of sodium sulphate in pulp makes the pulp bleachability poor

Correct Answer: Presence of sodium sulphate in pulp makes the pulp bleachability poor

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Option A: Sodium silicate

Option B: Sodium borate

Option C: Sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP)

Option D: Caustic soda

Correct Answer: Sodium borate

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Option A: Cause cholesterol build up and blood clotting

Option B: Are prone to rancid oxidation

Option C: Always contain some amount of nickel (as their complete removal is very difficult)

Option D: Have affinity to retain harmful sulphur compounds

Correct Answer: Cause cholesterol build up and blood clotting

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Option A: Styrene

Option B: Phenol

Option C: Phthalic anhydride

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Phthalic anhydride

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Option A: Cyclo trimethylene trinitramine

Option B: Trinitro resorcinol

Option C: Cyclo tetramethylene tetranitramine

Option D: Trinitrobenzene

Correct Answer: Cyclo trimethylene trinitramine

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Option A: Air

Option B: Natural gas

Option C: Coke oven gas

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Natural gas

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Option A: Quicklime

Option B: Slaked lime

Option C: Limestone

Option D: Gypsum

Correct Answer: Slaked lime

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Option A: Nickel

Option B: Vanadium

Option C: Alumina

Option D: Iron

Correct Answer: Vanadium

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Option A: Kill insects, when they eat it

Option B: Emit poisonous vapour

Option C: Are absorbed throughout the plant

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: None of these

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Option A: Mineral salts

Option B: Carbohydrates

Option C: Fats

Option D: Proteins

Correct Answer: Proteins

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Option A: Pyrex

Option B: Flint

Option C: Crookes

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Flint

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Option A: Wine, rum & Vodka are prepared by the formulation of fruit juice, sugar beet & rye

Option B: Protein catalysts are called enzymes

Option C: The rate of chemical reaction is independent of the concentration of reactants at high

Option D: Total sugar content in molasses is about 10%

Correct Answer: Total sugar content in molasses is about 10%

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Option A: Phenol

Option B: Naphthalene

Option C: Benzene

Option D: Pyridine

Correct Answer: Benzene

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Option A: Sodium phosphate

Option B: Sodium hexametaphosphate

Option C: Calcium phosphate

Option D: Tricresyl phosphate

Correct Answer: Sodium hexametaphosphate

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Option A: Increasing the oxygen concentration

Option B: Putting more quantity of V2O5 catalyst in the converter

Option C: Removing some quantity of SO3 during intermediate stage

Option D: Maintaining low temperature & pressure in the converter

Correct Answer: Removing some quantity of SO3 during intermediate stage

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Option A: Before

Option B: After

Option C: During

Option D: To avoid

Correct Answer: Before

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Option A: Benzene hexachloride

Option B: Alkyl benzene sulphonate

Option C: Polytetrafluoroethylene

Option D: Cellulose nitrate

Correct Answer: Alkyl benzene sulphonate

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Option A: Na2CO3

Option B: Na2CO3.10H2O

Option C: Na2CO3.H2O

Option D: Na2HCO3

Correct Answer: Na2CO3

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Option A: Solvay

Option B: Ostwald’s

Option C: Haber’s

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: B. Ostwald’s

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Option A: Low intensity explosives are also called propellants, whereas high intensity explosive are

Option B: Gun powder comprises of 75% salt petre, 15% charcoal and 10% sulphur

Option C: Lead azide is a popular military explosive

Option D: TNT is a hygroscopic explosive having very high melting point and is non-toxic to human

Correct Answer: D. TNT is a hygroscopic explosive having very high melting point and is non-toxic to human

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Option A: Exothermic heat

Option B: Hissing sound

Option C: Slaked lime

Option D: All A , B. & C .

Correct Answer: D. All A , B. & C .

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Option A: Dry process is used for the manufacture of cement, when the raw material is blast furnace slag

Option B: Portland cement is made employing wet process

Option C: Gypsum is added to Portland cement to lengthen its setting time

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: None of these

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Option A: Fire extinguishing compounds

Option B: Fire proofing agents

Option C: Dyes and antiknock compounds

Option D: All A , B. and C.

Correct Answer: D. All A , B. and C.

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Option A: High electrical insulation properties

Option B: Sharp melting points

Option C: Low co-efficient of thermal expansion

Option D: Compressive strength much greater than their tensile strengths

Correct Answer: Sharp melting points

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Option A: Azoic dyes are mostly applied on cotton fabrics

Option B: Basic dyes (e.g. amino derivatives) are applied mostly to paper

Option C: Mordant dyes are applied mainly to wools

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: None of these

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Option A: < 0

Option B: 10-30

Option C: 250-280

Option D: 500-600

Correct Answer: 10-30

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Option A: Transparent soaps are made by cold process

Option B: Organic pigments are used as colouring materials in the soap manufacture

Option C: Both laundry as well as toilet soaps are manufactured by hot process

Option D: Colourless rosin is used in the manufacture of laundry soaps

Correct Answer: Transparent soaps are made by cold process

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Option A: Chamber process of sulphuric acid manufacture produces pure acid of concentration < 80%

Option B: Contact process of sulphuric acid manufacture produces pure acid of concentration ≥ 98%

Option C: 75% oleum can be produced by distillation of 20% oleum

Option D: Contact process of sulphuric acid manufacture uses nickel as the catalyst

Correct Answer: Contact process of sulphuric acid manufacture uses nickel as the catalyst

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Option A: Sintering

Option B: Annealing

Option C: Shaping or forming

Option D: Melting

Correct Answer: Sintering

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Option A: Cold rubber (SBR) is superior as compared to hot rubber (SBR)

Option B: Polymerisation temperature can modify the properties of SBR

Option C: Production of cold SBR employs lower pressure as compared to that of hot SBR

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: None of these

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Option A: Activated clay

Option B: Bromine

Option C: Chlorine or chlorine dioxide

Option D: Magnesium sulphite

Correct Answer: Chlorine or chlorine dioxide

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Option A: Roasting

Option B: Smelting

Option C: Froth floatation

Option D: Electromagnetic separation

Correct Answer: Froth floatation

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Option A: Produces 70% NaOH solution

Option B: Requires less specific power consumption for the production of chlorine

Option C: Requires lesser investment for similar capacity

Option D: All A , B. and C

Correct Answer: Requires lesser investment for similar capacity

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Option A: Strongly caking coal should not be used in the Lurgi gasifier

Option B: Acetylene gas cannot be used for illumination purpose

Option C: Water gas is called blue gas because of the color of the flame, when it is burnt

Option D: Gaseous fuels require less percentage of excess air for combustion as compared to liquid fuels

Correct Answer: Acetylene gas cannot be used for illumination purpose

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Option A: Aeration of water is effective in CO2 removal

Option B: The zeolite water softening process reduces the hardness of water by not more than 50%

Option C: Sodium sulphate or sodium carbonate do not cause hardness in water

Option D: Water with pH value less than 7, is acidic

Correct Answer: The zeolite water softening process reduces the hardness of water by not more than 50%

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Option A: 0.14

Option B: 0.34

Option C: 0.94

Option D: 1.4

Correct Answer: 0.94

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Option A: Hard glass which is used for making laboratory glass wares is a mixture of sodium

Option B: Glass is decolorized during its manufacture by adding antimony oxide, manganese dioxide or

Option C: Ordinary glass is represented chemically by Na2O . CaO . 6SiO2

Option D: Red color is imparted to glass by addition of arsenic oxide

Correct Answer: Red color is imparted to glass by addition of arsenic oxide

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Option A: Trichloroethylene

Option B: Vinyl chloride

Option C: Ethanol amine

Option D: Ethylene oxide

Correct Answer: Vinyl chloride

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Option A: Adsorbs

Option B: Oxidises

Option C: Reduces

Option D: Converts

Correct Answer: Adsorbs

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Option A: Paint

Option B: Oil hydrogenation

Option C: Soap

Option D: Sugar

Correct Answer: Sugar

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Option A: Slow sand filters can remove colour completely

Option B: Activated carbon can be used for taste & odour control without subsequent filtration

Option C: Application of activated carbon reduces the temporary hardness of water

Option D: Normally, the turbidity is removed by adding a coagulant prior to sedimentation

Correct Answer: Normally, the turbidity is removed by adding a coagulant prior to sedimentation

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Option A: Kraft method of pulp manufacture can process all types of fibrous raw materials

Option B: Digestion time for bagasse is less than that for wood base materials

Option C: Both temperature and pressure in the digestor is less in case of the sulphite method as

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: None of these

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Option A: CaO

Option B: MnO2

Option C: ZnO

Option D: FeS

Correct Answer: ZnO

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Option A: SO3

Option B: H2SO4

Option C: H2SO3

Option D: SO2

Correct Answer: H2SO4

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Option A: Bakelite

Option B: Pumice

Option C: Corundum

Option D: Carborundum

Correct Answer: Bakelite

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Option A: Evaporation and burning the concentrate followed by causticisation of products

Option B: Multi-effect evaporation only

Option C: Selective liquid extraction

Option D: Extractive distillation

Correct Answer: Evaporation and burning the concentrate followed by causticisation of products

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Option A: Dehydrate it

Option B: Sinter the ore

Option C: Remove CO2 & H2O

Option D: Remove arsenic & sulphur

Correct Answer: Remove arsenic & sulphur

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Option A: Are cross-linked molecules

Option B: Soften on application of heat

Option C: Are solvent soluble

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Are cross-linked molecules

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Option A: Thermoplastic

Option B: Inorganic polymer

Option C: Monomer

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Inorganic polymer

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Option A: Ethyl alcohol

Option B: Impurities

Option C: Methyl alcohol

Option D: Carbonic acid

Correct Answer: Methyl alcohol

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Option A: Extrusion

Option B: Mastication

Option C: Calendaring

Option D: Vulcanisation

Correct Answer: Calendaring

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Option A: Reduction

Option B: Roasting

Option C: Calcination

Option D: Smelting

Correct Answer: Roasting

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Option A: 7-14 and 14-30

Option B: 7-14 and 40-50

Option C: 14 – 30 and 40-50

Option D: 10 – 20 and 40 – 50

Correct Answer: 7-14 and 14-30

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Option A: Gives an idea about its molecular weight

Option B: Is inversely proportional to its molecular weight

Option C: Detects its adulteration

Option D: All A , B. & C.

Correct Answer: D. All A , B. & C.

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Option A: Low ash content

Option B: Low ignition temperature

Option C: High electrical resistivity

Option D: All A , B. and C.

Correct Answer: D. All A , B. and C.

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Option A: Exothermic

Option B: Endothermic

Option C: Catalytic

Option D: Autocatalytic

Correct Answer: Endothermic

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Option A: Dilute H2SO4

Option B: Ethanol amine

Option C: Chilled water

Option D: Tri-butyl phosphate

Correct Answer: Ethanol amine

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Option A: Removal of fatty and albuminous substance from it

Option B: Killing of organisms present in it by heating it at controlled temperature without changing its

Option C: Inhibiting the growth of micro-organisms without killing them

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: B. Killing of organisms present in it by heating it at controlled temperature without changing its
natural characteristics

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Option A: Glucose and glucose

Option B: Glucose and fructose

Option C: Glucose and galactose

Option D: Fructose and galactose

Correct Answer: Glucose and fructose

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Option A: Fats

Option B: Carbohydrates

Option C: Proteins

Option D: Amino acids

Correct Answer: Proteins

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Option A: Steam distillation

Option B: Extractive distillation

Option C: Solvent extraction

Option D: Leaching

Correct Answer: Leaching

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Option A: Isopropyl alcohol

Option B: Tetra-ethyl lead

Option C: Zeolite

Option D: Cumene

Correct Answer: Tetra-ethyl lead

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Option A: Collagen

Option B: Tannin

Option C: Molasses

Option D: Carbohydrate

Correct Answer: Collagen

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Option A: Carbon

Option B: Charcoal

Option C: Sulphur

Option D: Potassium nitrate

Correct Answer: Carbon

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Option A: Spalling

Option B: Refractoriness

Option C: Both A. & B.

Option D: Neither A. nor B.

Correct Answer: Refractoriness

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Option A: Oxidation of naphthalene

Option B: Propylene alkylation of benzene

Option C: Polymerisation of a mixture of benzene & propylene

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Propylene alkylation of benzene

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Option A: Hydration

Option B: Dehydration

Option C: Hydrolysis

Option D: Loss of CO2

Correct Answer: Hydration

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Option A: Anti-pyretic drug

Option B: Food preservative

Option C: Flavour

Option D: Dye

Correct Answer: Flavour

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Option A: Nylon-6

Option B: Nylon-66

Option C: Dacron

Option D: Rayon

Correct Answer: Nylon-6

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Option A: Naturally occuring clay which is capable of exchanging cations

Option B: Abrasive material

Option C: Catalyst used in shift conversion

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Naturally occuring clay which is capable of exchanging cations

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Option A: Citric acid

Option B: Oleic acid

Option C: Stearic acid

Option D: Glycerol

Correct Answer: Citric acid

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Option A: Catalytic hydrogenation of carbon monoxide produces methyl alcohol

Option B: In nylon-6, the number 6 represents the total number of carbon atoms in the ring

Option C: Raw materials for DDT manufacture are benzene and chlorine

Option D: Ethanolamines are produced by using ammonia and ethylene oxide as raw material

Correct Answer: Raw materials for DDT manufacture are benzene and chlorine

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Option A: Shift conversion

Option B: Oil hydrogenation

Option C: Steaming reforming of naphtha

Option D: Ammonia cracking/dissociation

Correct Answer: Shift conversion

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Option A: CaCO3

Option B: MgCO3

Option C: K2CO3

Option D: Na2CO3

Correct Answer: MgCO3

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Option A: Colour

Option B: Turbidity

Option C: Bacteria

Option D: All A , B. and C.

Correct Answer: D. All A , B. and C.

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Option A: Oxidation of an aldehyde

Option B: Hydrolysis of an ether

Option C: Esterification of a fat

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Hydrolysis of an ether

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Option A: Absorption of SO3 in 98% H2SO4

Option B: C + H2O = CO + H2

Option C: Thermal dissociation of iron pyrites

Option D: Both B. and C.

Correct Answer: D. Both B. and C.

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Option A: Is an exothermic reaction

Option B: Increases their melting point

Option C: Is done in presence of nickel catalyst

Option D: All A , B. and C.

Correct Answer: D. All A , B. and C.

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Option A: The number of grams of iodine taken up by 100 gm of oil or fat

Option B: A measure of its unsaturation

Option C: Helpful in findings its adulteration & its suitability for making soap

Option D: Independent of the type of oil, whether it is drying or non-drying

Correct Answer: Independent of the type of oil, whether it is drying or non-drying

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Option A: Ostwald’s

Option B: Bosch

Option C: Solvay

Option D: Haber’s

Correct Answer: Solvay

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Option A: Pain relievers

Option B: Antibiotics

Option C: Used in the treatment of T.B.

Option D: Used in the treatment of typhoid

Correct Answer: Pain relievers

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Option A: Polyurethane

Option B: Phenol formaldehyde

Option C: Polychlorophrene

Option D: Styrene-butadiene rubber

Correct Answer: Polychlorophrene

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Option A: 10

Option B: 20

Option C: 50

Option D: 85

Correct Answer: 50

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Option A: Merely compression of gas beyond its critical pressure

Option B: Joule-Thomson expansion cooling

Option C: Heat exchange with colder stream

Option D: Adiabatic expansion against a piston or in a turbine

Correct Answer: Adiabatic expansion against a piston or in a turbine

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Option A: Coking coals cannot be used

Option B: Low carbon conversion efficiency is achieved

Option C: Entrainment of solids is higher

Option D: Large quantity of coal can be processed

Correct Answer: Large quantity of coal can be processed

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Option A: CaO, SiO2, Al2O3

Option B: MgO, SiO2, K2O

Option C: Al2O3, MgO, Fe2O3

Option D: CaO, MgO, K2O

Correct Answer: CaO, SiO2, Al2O3

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Option A: 25

Option B: 60-70

Option C: 150-200

Option D: 250-300

Correct Answer: 60-70

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Option A: Brighten the faint images

Option B: Remove metallic silver

Option C: Convert silver chloride to silver

Option D: Remove unexposed silver halide

Correct Answer: Remove unexposed silver halide

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