
Fluid Mechanics For Chemical MCQs

Option A: Parabola (vertex being at the opening)

Option B: Hyperbola

Option C: Horizontal straight line

Option D: Zig-zag path (which is geometrically undefined)

Correct Answer: Parabola (vertex being at the opening)

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Option A: Type of orifice

Option B: Density, viscosity & compressibility of the fluid

Option C: Ratio of pipe diameter to orifice diameter

Option D: Pipe roughness

Correct Answer: Type of orifice

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Option A: 25

Option B: 100

Option C: 250-300

Option D: 1000

Correct Answer: 25

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Option A: 2

Option B: 8

Option C: 12

Option D: 20

Correct Answer: 2

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Option A: Less than

Option B: Equal to

Option C: Not necessarily greater than

Option D: Always greater than

Correct Answer: Always greater than

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Option A: Turbine

Option B: Piston

Option C: Diaphragm

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Turbine

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Option A: Increasing the impeller speed and the volute area

Option B: Increasing the number of vanes in the impeller

Option C: Mounting of two or more impellers in series on a single shaft

Option D: Either of A., B. or C.

Correct Answer: Mounting of two or more impellers in series on a single shaft

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Option A: Steady, incompressible, irrotational

Option B: Steady, compressible, irrotational

Option C: Steady, compressible and along a streamline

Option D: Unsteady, incompressible, irrotational

Correct Answer: Steady, incompressible, irrotational

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Option A: Efficiency, head and B.H.P.

Option B: Head, efficiency and B.H.P.

Option C: B.H.P., efficiency and head

Option D: Efficiency, B.H.P. and head

Correct Answer: Head, efficiency and B.H.P.

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Option A: 8400 Pa/m

Option B: 12600 Pa/m

Option C: 18900 Pa/m

Option D: 16800 Pa/m

Correct Answer: 12600 Pa/m

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Option A: Greater than

Option B: Less than

Option C: Equal to

Option D: Either more or less than

Correct Answer: Greater than

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Option A: Decrease in effect

Option B: Increase in thrust

Option C: Develops noise

Option D: Develops high pressure

Correct Answer: Develops high pressure

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Option A: Logarithmic

Option B: Linear

Option C: Hyperbolic

Option D: Parabolic

Correct Answer: Logarithmic

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Option A: More than

Option B: Less than

Option C: Equal to

Option D: Either A. or B.

Correct Answer: More than

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Option A: (ρH – ρair)gH

Option B: (ρH – ρL)gH

Option C: (ρH – ρL) gH + (ρL – ρair) . g(L – H)

Option D: (ρH – ρL) gL + (ρL – ρair)gH

Correct Answer: A. (ρH – ρair)gH

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Option A: Energy which it can store

Option B: Discharge which it can deliver

Option C: Liquid which it can store

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Energy which it can store

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Option A: Directly proportional to

Option B: Inversely proportional to

Option C: Inversely proportional to the square root of

Option D: Independent of

Correct Answer: Inversely proportional to

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A. Re <> 1, accelerating flow
C. Re << 1, decelerating flow
D. Re >>1, decelerating flow

Correct Answer: Re >>1, decelerating flow

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Option A: Partially filled pipeline

Option B: Pipe

Option C: Open channel

Option D: River

Correct Answer: Pipe

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Option A: Tall narrow vessel

Option B: Deep bed of solids

Option C: Shallow beds of solids and proper choice of particle size

Option D: Very large particles

Correct Answer: Shallow beds of solids and proper choice of particle size

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Option A: Disk

Option B: Skin

Option C: Form

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Form

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Option A: Viscous forces to gravity forces

Option B: Inertial forces to viscous forces

Option C: Viscous forces to inertial forces

Option D: Inertial forces to gravity forces

Correct Answer: Inertial forces to viscous forces

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Option A: 0.58 to 0.8

Option B: 0.93 to 0.98

Option C: 0.2 to 0.3

Option D: 0.02 to 0.03

Correct Answer: 0.58 to 0.8

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Option A: 4πg/3

Option B: 0.01 πgH/4

Option C: 0.01 πgH/8

Option D: 0.04 πgH/3

Correct Answer: 4πg/3

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Option A: Velocity of fluid

Option B: Size of pipe

Option C: Length of pipe and number of bends

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: None of these

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Option A: Reynolds

Option B: Hagen and Poiseuille

Option C: Pascal

Option D: Blake-Plummer

Correct Answer: Hagen and Poiseuille

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Option A: Water

Option B: Any liquid

Option C: Solids

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Any liquid

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Option A: Wetted perimeter to flow area

Option B: Flow area to wetted perimeter

Option C: Flow area to square of wetted perimeter

Option D: Square root of flow area to wetted perimeter

Correct Answer: Flow area to wetted perimeter

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Option A: Barometric pressure

Option B: Speed of the impeller

Option C: Diameter of the impeller

Option D: Both B. and C.

Correct Answer: Barometric pressure

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Option A: V1 < V2 < V3

Option B: V2 > V1 and V2 > V3

Option C: V1 > V2 > V3

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: V2 > V1 and V2 > V3

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Option A: 7

Option B: 700

Option C: 7000

Option D: 630

Correct Answer: 7

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Option A: Deliver liquid at uniform pressure

Option B: Can handle slurries more efficiently

Option C: Are not subject to air binding

Option D: Can be operated with delivery valve closed

Correct Answer: Are not subject to air binding

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Option A: Boundary friction

Option B: Flow contraction

Option C: Expansion of flow after sudden contraction

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Flow contraction

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Option A: 0.61 – 0.63

Option B: 0.5 – 0.75

Option C: 0.75 – 0.90

Option D: 0.35 – 0.55

Correct Answer: A. 0.61 – 0.63

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Option A: Mechanical energy balance in potential flow

Option B: Kinetic energy balance in laminar flow

Option C: Mechanical energy balance in turbulent flow

Option D: Mechanical energy balance in boundary layer

Correct Answer: Mechanical energy balance in potential flow

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Option A: Shear stress over the cross-section is proportional to the distance from the surface of the pipe

Option B: Surface of velocity distribution is a paraboloid of revolution, whose volume equals half the

Option C: Velocity profile varies hyperbolically and the shear stress remains constant over the crosssection

Option D: Average flow occurs at a radial distance of 0.5 r from the centre of the pipe (r = pipe radius)

Correct Answer: B. Surface of velocity distribution is a paraboloid of revolution, whose volume equals half the
volume of circumscribing cylinder

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Option A: Reduce swirling and vortex formation

Option B: Increase the structural strength of the tank

Option C: Aid in rotational flow

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Reduce swirling and vortex formation

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Option A: Venturimeter

Option B: Orificemeter

Option C: Weir

Option D: Rotameter

Correct Answer: Weir

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Option A: Venturimeter

Option B: Pressure gauge

Option C: Pitot tube

Option D: Orificemeter

Correct Answer: Pitot tube

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Option A: Adiabatic constant

Option B: Mach number

Option C: Weber number

Option D: Prandtl number

Correct Answer: Adiabatic constant

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Option A: 0.01

Option B: 0.1

Option C: 1

Option D: 10

Correct Answer: 0.1

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Option A: Gravity forces

Option B: Viscous forces

Option C: Pressure forces

Option D: Turbulent forces

Correct Answer: Turbulent forces

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Option A: 0.5

Option B: 0.84

Option C: 1.84

Option D: 1.25

Correct Answer: 1.84

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Option A: 2

Option B: 2.828

Option C: 5.657

Option D: 4

Correct Answer: 5.657

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Option A: Transition

Option B: Laminar

Option C: Turbulent

Option D: Both B. and C.

Correct Answer: D. Both B. and C.

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Option A: Liquids

Option B: Gases

Option C: Mixture of hydrocarbons

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Gases

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Option A: static

Option B: Dynamic

Option C: Total

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Total

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Option A: Gravity

Option B: Drag

Option C: Buoyant

Option D: All A., B., & C.

Correct Answer: All A., B., & C.

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Option A: h1 > h2 < h3

Option B: h1 > h2 > h3

Option C: h2 < h1 < h3

Option D: h1 < h2 < h3

Correct Answer: h1 > h2 < h3

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Option A: H3/2

Option B: H1/2

Option C: H5/2

Option D: H2/3

Correct Answer: H5/2

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Option A: Spouted

Option B: Sluggish

Option C: Boiling

Option D: Teeter

Correct Answer: Spouted

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Option A: Irrotational flow only

Option B: Ideal/non i viscous fluids only

Option C: Cases of axial symmetry

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Cases of axial symmetry

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Option A: Velocity is uniform at any cross-section

Option B: Velocity gradient is zero at the solid surface

Option C: Resistance between the surface & the fluid is lesser as compared to that between the fluid

Option D: Velocity is not zero at the solid surface

Correct Answer: Velocity gradient is zero at the solid surface

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Option A: Save power in compressing a given volume to a given pressure

Option B: Cool the delivered air

Option C: Achieve the exact delivery pressure

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Save power in compressing a given volume to a given pressure

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Option A: Torque applied

Option B: Force exerted

Option C: Work done

Option D: Power developed

Correct Answer: Torque applied

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Option A: Reciprocating

Option B: Gear

Option C: Multistage centrifugal

Option D: Diaphragm

Correct Answer: Multistage centrifugal

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Option A: Pressure reaches a minimum

Option B: Cross-section of the channel is reduced

Option C: Valve is closed in a pipeline

Option D: Velocity of sound is reached

Correct Answer: Cross-section of the channel is reduced

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Option A: Mach

Option B: Froude

Option C: Euler

Option D: Weber

Correct Answer: Froude

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Option A: For non-symmetrical bodies is not vertical

Option B: Depends on the depth of the submergence of the floating body

Option C: Depends on the weight of the floating body

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Depends on the weight of the floating body

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Option A: Opened

Option B: Closed

Option C: Either opened or closed; it does not make any difference

Option D: Either opened or closed; depending on the fluid viscosity

Correct Answer: Closed

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Option A: Mass

Option B: Energy

Option C: Both A. & B.

Option D: Momentum

Correct Answer: Momentum

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Option A: Hot wire anemometer

Option B: Notch

Option C: Rotameter

Option D: Segmental orifice

Correct Answer: Notch

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Option A: Rotameter

Option B: Pitot tube

Option C: V-notch

Option D: All A., B. and C.

Correct Answer: Rotameter

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Option A: Froude number

Option B: Kinematic viscosity

Option C: Pressure co-efficient

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Kinematic viscosity

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Option A: Submerged body

Option B: Displaced volume of the fluid

Option C: Volume of fluid vertically above the body

Option D: Horizontal projection of the body

Correct Answer: Displaced volume of the fluid

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Option A: High density

Option B: Low compressibility

Option C: Low capillary action

Option D: Very low vapor pressure

Correct Answer: Very low vapor pressure

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Option A: Store a definite quantity of water all the time

Option B: Reduce the water hammer

Option C: Facilitate easy dismantling of pipeline for cleaning and maintenance

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Reduce the water hammer

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Option A: Hyperbolic

Option B: Parabolic

Option C: Linear

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Parabolic

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Option A: Increases

Option B: Decreases

Option C: Remain constant

Option D: May increase or decrease; depends on the liquid

Correct Answer: Decreases

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Option A: Net rate of inflow into any small volume must be zero

Option B: Energy is not constant along a streamline

Option C: Energy is constant along a streamline

Option D: There exists a velocity potential

Correct Answer: Net rate of inflow into any small volume must be zero

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Option A: Amount of energy stored

Option B: Flow rate through accumulator

Option C: Rate of falling of ram

Option D: Volume available in the cylinder

Correct Answer: Amount of energy stored

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Option A: Laminar

Option B: Unsteady

Option C: Steady

Option D: Uniform

Correct Answer: B. Unsteady
C. Steady

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Option A: 0.5

Option B: 1

Option C: 2

Option D: 0.66

Correct Answer: 0.5

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Option A: x

Option B: √(πx)

Option C: √(2x)

Option D: √(x/2)

Correct Answer: x

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Option A: Rate of velocity of liquid supply

Option B: Rate of flow through delivery pipeline of a pump

Option C: Intensity of pressure of the liquid

Option D: Momentum rate through delivery pipe

Correct Answer: Intensity of pressure of the liquid

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Option A: Greater than the vapour pressure of the liquid

Option B: Less than the vapour pressure of the liquid

Option C: Equal to the vapour pressure of the liquid

Option D: Less than barometric pressure

Correct Answer: Greater than the vapour pressure of the liquid

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Option A: 0.3

Option B: 0.9

Option C: 0.03

Option D: 0.66

Correct Answer: 0.3

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Option A: Convert velocity head to pressure head

Option B: Convert pressure head to velocity head

Option C: Reduce the discharge fluctuation

Option D: Increase the discharge

Correct Answer: Increase the discharge

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Option A: Smoothens the flow by avoiding pulsations

Option B: Increases the volumetric efficiency of the pump

Option C: Saves the pump from the danger of cavitation

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: None of these

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Option A: 160

Option B: 120

Option C: 80

Option D: 40

Correct Answer: 40

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Option A: 0.5

Option B: 1

Option C: 1.5

Option D: 2

Correct Answer: 2

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Option A: Specified mass flow rate cannot be achieved

Option B: Valve is closed in the line

Option C: Restriction in flow cross-section area occurs

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Specified mass flow rate cannot be achieved

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Option A: f1/4

Option B: 4f2

Option C: 2f1

Option D: f1/2

Correct Answer: f1/4

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Option A: NPSH required

Option B: BHP required by the pump

Option C: Head of the liquid pumped

Option D: All A., B. and C.

Correct Answer: D. All A., B. and C.

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Option A: Viscous

Option B: Laminar

Option C: Turbulent

Option D: Transition

Correct Answer: Turbulent

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Option A: Angular velocity

Option B: Specific weight

Option C: Kinematic viscosity

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: None of these

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Option A: Have the same diameter

Option B: Have different diameters

Option C: Are directly coupled

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Have different diameters

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Option A: Occurs when NRe is very small

Option B: Is primarily a friction drag

Option C: Is independent of body length

Option D: Depends mainly on cross-sectional shape

Correct Answer: Occurs when NRe is very small

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Option A: Velocity increases

Option B: Pressure decreases

Option C: Both A. & B.

Option D: Neither A. nor B.

Correct Answer: C. Both A. & B.

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Option A: The line connecting the mid-points of flow cross-sections

Option B: Defined for uniform flow only

Option C: Drawn normal to the velocity vector at every point

Option D: Always the path of a particle

Correct Answer: Drawn normal to the velocity vector at every point

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Option A: Steep slope in flow

Option B: Unsteady nature of flow

Option C: Non-uniformity of flow

Option D: Turbulence in flow

Correct Answer: Non-uniformity of flow

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Option A: Mass

Option B: Volume

Option C: Specific weight

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Mass

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Option A: Single stage vertical

Option B: Centrifugal

Option C: Plunger

Option D: Diffuser

Correct Answer: Single stage vertical

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Option A: Rotational

Option B: Unsteady

Option C: Turbulent

Option D: Non-uniform

Correct Answer: Non-uniform

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Option A: f = 0.079.NRe-0.25

Option B: f-0.5 = 4.07 loge (NRef)-0.6

Option C: Both ‘a’ and ‘b’

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: f = 0.079.NRe-0.25

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Option A: Inertial and drag forces are important

Option B: Drag, gravitational and buoyancy forces are important

Option C: Drag force and gravitational forces are important

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Drag, gravitational and buoyancy forces are important

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Option A: Where there is no velocity gradient

Option B: At higher temperatures

Option C: Only in Newtonian fluids

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Where there is no velocity gradient

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Option A: Dynamic similarity

Option B: Same efficiency

Option C: Same speed

Option D: Geometrical similarity

Correct Answer: Dynamic similarity

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Option A: √(2gh)

Option B: C.V. √(2gh)

Option C: Cd √(2gh)

Option D: Cc √(2gh)

Correct Answer: √(2gh)

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Option A: Bearing losses

Option B: Disk friction

Option C: Shock losses

Option D: Cavitation

Correct Answer: Shock losses

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