
Fluid Mechanics For Chemical MCQs

Option A: d

Option B: 0.5 d

Option C: 2d

Option D: 4d

Correct Answer: d

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Option A: Lies above the centroid of the plane surface

Option B: Is independent of the specific weight of the fluid

Option C: Is different for different fluids

Option D: Is at the centroid of the plane surface

Correct Answer: Is independent of the specific weight of the fluid

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Option A: Vacuum as well as the atmospheric

Option B: Difference in

Option C: Absolute

Option D: Gage

Correct Answer: Difference in

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Option A: Pressure

Option B: Average velocity

Option C: Average flow rate

Option D: Point velocity

Correct Answer: Point velocity

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Option A: More

Option B: Less

Option C: Equal

Option D: More or less, depending on the type of particle

Correct Answer: More

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Option A: High suction pressure

Option B: Low barometric pressure

Option C: Low suction pressure

Option D: High suction velocity

Correct Answer: Low suction pressure

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Option A: Powder & granular solids

Option B: Liquids

Option C: Low melting point semi-solids

Option D: All A, B & C

Correct Answer: All A, B & C

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Option A: Own weight

Option B: Submerged weight

Option C: Own volume

Option D: Submerged volume

Correct Answer: Own weight

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Option A: Moving

Option B: Static

Option C: Cold

Option D: Hot

Correct Answer: Moving

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Option A: Absolute viscosity

Option B: Ratio of absolute viscosity to density

Option C: Density

Option D: Reynolds number

Correct Answer: Ratio of absolute viscosity to density

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Option A: Reynolds number

Option B: Froude number

Option C: Mach number

Option D: All A., B. and C.

Correct Answer: Reynolds number

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Option A: 0.5

Option B: 1.66

Option C: 1

Option D: 2

Correct Answer: 1.66

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Option A: Incomplete priming

Option B: Too high a suction lift

Option C: Low available NPSH and air leaks in the suction pipe

Option D: All A., B., and C.

Correct Answer: All A., B., and C.

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Option A: Weir

Option B: Hot wire anemometer

Option C: Cup and vane anemometer

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Hot wire anemometer

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Option A: Pressure

Option B: Height of descend

Option C: Viscosity

Option D: Surface tension

Correct Answer: Surface tension

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Option A: Increase the mass flow rate of fluid

Option B: Develop effective pressure rise by the pump

Option C: Avoid chances of separation inside the impeller

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Avoid chances of separation inside the impeller

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Option A: The ratio of average velocity to the maximum velocity for turbulent flow of Newtonian fluid

Option B: The Newtonian fluid velocity in a circular pipe flow is maximum at the centre of the pipe

Option C: Navier-Stokes equation is applicable to the analysis of viscous flows

Option D: Hagen-Poiseuille equation is applicable to the laminar flow of Newtonian fluids

Correct Answer: A. The ratio of average velocity to the maximum velocity for turbulent flow of Newtonian fluid
in circular pipes is 0.5

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Option A: 0.5

Option B: 1

Option C: 2

Option D: 0.33

Correct Answer: 2

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Option A: Pressure drop only

Option B: Its orientation

Option C: Co-efficient of contraction only

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Pressure drop only

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Option A: (V12 – V22)/2gc

Option B: (V1 – V2)2/2gc

Option C: (V1 – V2)/2gc

Option D: (V12 – V22)/gc

Correct Answer: B. (V1 – V2)2/2gc

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Option A: Head & discharge

Option B: Length & discharge

Option C: Length & diameter

Option D: Friction factor & diameter

Correct Answer: Head & discharge

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Option A: FL-2T, ML-1T-1

Option B: FLT, ML-1T-1

Option C: ML-1T-3, F-1L2T

Option D: F-1L2T-1, MLT-3

Correct Answer: FL-2T, ML-1T-1

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Option A: U-tube manometer

Option B: Inclined tube manometer

Option C: Pitot tube

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Inclined tube manometer

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Option A: Relates velocity and pressure

Option B: Is constant along a stream line

Option C: Is constant along an equipotential surface

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Is constant along a stream line

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Option A: Δp

Option B: 2Δp

Option C: Δp2

Option D: Δp/2

Correct Answer: Δp

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Option A: Conservation of mass

Option B: Conservation of energy

Option C: Newton’s first law of motion

Option D: Newton’s second law of motion

Correct Answer: Conservation of mass

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Option A: Conditions change steadily with time

Option B: Conditions are the same at the adjacent points at any instant

Option C: Conditions do not change with time at any point

Option D: Rate of the velocity change is constant

Correct Answer: Conditions do not change with time at any point

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Option A: Fluid momentum is constant

Option B: Force per unit mass equals acceleration

Option C: Rate of mass outflow is equal to the rate of mass inflow

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Force per unit mass equals acceleration

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Option A: 1

Option B: -1

Option C: 0.5

Option D: -0.5

Correct Answer: 1

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Option A: Directly as square of gas density

Option B: Directly as gas density

Option C: Directly as square root of gas density

Option D: Inversely as gas density

Correct Answer: Directly as gas density

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Option A: Pipe length

Option B: Ratio of pipe diameter to orifice diameter

Option C: Type of orifice & the Reynolds number

Option D: Pipe diameter

Correct Answer: Pipe length

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Option A: Constant

Option B: Independent of time

Option C: Both A. & B.

Option D: Neither A. nor B.

Correct Answer: C. Both A. & B.

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Option A: Temperature

Option B: Pressure

Option C: Density

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Temperature

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Option A: Long pipe at constant rate

Option B: Long pipe at decreasing rate

Option C: Expanding tube at increasing rate

Option D: Expanding tube at constant rate

Correct Answer: Long pipe at decreasing rate

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Option A: Less than the average velocity through channels

Option B: More than the average velocity through channels

Option C: Dependent on the pressure drop across the bed

Option D: Same as the average velocity through channels

Correct Answer: Less than the average velocity through channels

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Option A: ηma × ηm × ηv = ηo

Option B: ηm = ηv . ηma

Option C: ηma = ηm × ηv

Option D: ηv = ηm × ηma

Correct Answer: ηm = ηv . ηma

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Option A: 1.5

Option B: 1

Option C: 0

Option D: 5

Correct Answer: 1

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Option A: Delivers unit discharge at unit head

Option B: Requires unit power for unit head

Option C: Delivers unit discharge at unit power

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Delivers unit discharge at unit head

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Option A: 2 to 5

Option B: 7 to 15

Option C: 15 to 25

Option D: >25

Correct Answer: 7 to 15

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Option A: rpm

Option B: Type of casing

Option C: Impeller blade angle

Option D: Number of blades in impeller

Correct Answer: Type of casing

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Option A: Evaporation

Option B: Cavitation

Option C: Sublimation

Option D: Stripping

Correct Answer: Cavitation

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Option A: Above

Option B: Below

Option C: At

Option D: Either above or below; depends on the liquid density

Correct Answer: Below

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Option A: Brinkman

Option B: Galileo

Option C: Archimedes

Option D: Euler

Correct Answer: Galileo

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Option A: Density of the fluid

Option B: Density of the body

Option C: Velocity of the body

Option D: Projected area of the body

Correct Answer: Density of the body

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Option A: ML-2T-1

Option B: L2T-1

Option C: ML-2T-2

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: L2T-1

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Option A: Radius of

Option B: Speed of

Option C: Fluid velocity leaving

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: None of these

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Option A: Frictionless and at rest

Option B: At rest

Option C: At rest and when the frictionless fluid is in motion

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: At rest

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Option A: Steady uniform

Option B: Non-steady uniform

Option C: Steady non-uniform

Option D: Non-steady non-uniform

Correct Answer: Non-steady non-uniform

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Option A: The fluid is incompressible

Option B: The fluid is non-viscous

Option C: The continuity equation is satisfied

Option D: The flow is rotational and incompressible

Correct Answer: The fluid is incompressible

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Option A: Penstock

Option B: Siphon

Option C: Tunnel

Option D: Pressure pipeline

Correct Answer: Siphon

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Option A: In the zone of complete turbulence

Option B: When the roughness projections are much smaller than the thickness of the laminar film

Option C: Everywhere in the transition zone

Option D: When the friction factor is independent of the Reynold’s number

Correct Answer: When the roughness projections are much smaller than the thickness of the laminar film

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Option A: 1

Option B: 10/55

Option C: 5.5

Option D: 1/55

Correct Answer: 1

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Option A: Less power than

Option B: More power than

Option C: Same power as

Option D: Data insufficient to predict

Correct Answer: Less power than

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Option A: Motion

Option B: Pressure & temperature

Option C: Shearing stress

Option D: Both B. & C.

Correct Answer: D. Both B. & C.

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Option A: ∂u/∂x = 0

Option B: ∂(ρu)/∂x = 0

Option C: (∂u/∂x) = – (∂ρ/∂t)

Option D: ∂ρ/∂t = 0

Correct Answer: ∂u/∂x = 0

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Option A: 2 to 5

Option B: 7 to 15

Option C: 15 to 25

Option D: >25

Correct Answer: 7 to 15

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Option A: Dynamic pressure

Option B: Static pressure

Option C: Total pressure

Option D: Point velocity

Correct Answer: Total pressure

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Option A: Drag co-efficient

Option B: Froude number

Option C: Galileo number

Option D: Weber number

Correct Answer: Weber number

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Option A: Fluid friction is zero

Option B: Gravity force is less than the fluid friction

Option C: Pressure forces equal gravity forces

Option D: Sum of the fluid friction and pressure forces is equal and opposite to gravity forces

Correct Answer: Gravity force is less than the fluid friction

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Option A: 0.5

Option B: 1

Option C: 1.5

Option D: 3

Correct Answer: 0.5

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Option A: dq/dx = K

Option B: dq/dx = K.q

Option C: dq/dx = K/q

Option D: dq/dx = Kq2

Correct Answer: dq/dx = K

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Option A: Less than

Option B: More than

Option C: Equal to

Option D: Not related to

Correct Answer: More than

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Option A: 26

Option B: 42

Option C: 269

Option D: 325

Correct Answer: 26

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Option A: First power of its diameter

Option B: Inverse of the fluid viscosity

Option C: Inverse square of the diameter

Option D: Square of the difference in specific weights of solid & fluid

Correct Answer: Inverse of the fluid viscosity

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Option A: Union

Option B: Tee

Option C: Reducer

Option D: Elbow

Correct Answer: Union

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Option A: Centrifugal

Option B: Piston

Option C: Positive acting rotary

Option D: A group of vacuum

Correct Answer: Positive acting rotary

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Option A: Pipe length

Option B: Fluid velocity in the pipe

Option C: Time taken to close the valve

Option D: All A., B. and C.

Correct Answer: D. All A., B. and C.

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Option A: Elbow

Option B: Union

Option C: Tee

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Tee

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Option A: In case of boundaries experiencing form drag

Option B: At points of abrupt changes in the flow directions

Option C: In laminar flow

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: None of these

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Option A: 1

Option B: 0.1

Option C: 0.01

Option D: 0.001

Correct Answer: 1

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Option A: Venturimeter

Option B: Orificemeter

Option C: pitot tube

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: None of these

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Option A: Viscous forces

Option B: Turbulent forces

Option C: Pressure forces

Option D: Compressibility forces

Correct Answer: Compressibility forces

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Option A: U-bend

Option B: 30° bend

Option C: 45° bend

Option D: 90° bend

Correct Answer: U-bend

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Option A: Measuring small pressure difference in gases

Option B: Measuring small pressure difference in liquids

Option C: Remote recording of pressure difference

Option D: Measuring the difference of the impact & the static pressure

Correct Answer: Remote recording of pressure difference

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Option A: x

Option B: x/2

Option C: x/3

Option D: 2x/3

Correct Answer: x

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Option A: Reduction of pressure to vapour pressure

Option B: Boundary layer thickness reducing to zero

Option C: Adverse pressure gradient

Option D: Reduction of pressure gradient to zero

Correct Answer: Reduction of pressure gradient to zero

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Option A: Head

Option B: Discharge

Option C: Efficiency

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Discharge

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Option A: At high pressure

Option B: In bends

Option C: For controlling water flow

Option D: For unidirectional flow

Correct Answer: For unidirectional flow

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Option A: Does not depend on Mach number

Option B: Depends on Mach number only

Option C: Cannot drop and then increase again downstream

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Depends on Mach number only

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Option A: Outside diameter

Option B: Inside diameter

Option C: Schedule number

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Outside diameter

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Option A: Temperature

Option B: Pressure

Option C: Specific volume

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Temperature

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Option A: Increase

Option B: Decrease

Option C: Remain constant

Option D: Either A. or B.; depends on other factors

Correct Answer: Increase

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Option A: 0.5

Option B: 1

Option C: 1/3

Option D: 2/3

Correct Answer: 2/3

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Option A: Highly viscous fluid

Option B: Very narrow passages

Option C: Very slow motion

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: None of these

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Option A: Greatly affected by moderate changes in pressure

Option B: Greatly affected only by moderate changes in temperature

Option C: Not affected with moderate change in temperature & pressure

Option D: Sensible to changes in both temperature & pressure

Correct Answer: Not affected with moderate change in temperature & pressure

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Option A: Very low speeds

Option B: Smaller discharge

Option C: Higher capital &maintenance cost

Option D: High vibrations

Correct Answer: Higher capital &maintenance cost

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Option A: Provided in the discharge line

Option B: Generally a globe valve

Option C: Provided to prevent liquid from backing up through the pump when the pump is turned off or

Option D: All A., B. and C.

Correct Answer: D. All A., B. and C.

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Option A: 1/D

Option B: 1/D2

Option C: 1/D5

Option D: D2

Correct Answer: 1/D

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Option A: 100

Option B: 200

Option C: 320

Option D: 160

Correct Answer: 200

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Option A: Velocity and relative roughness

Option B: Head loss and velocity

Option C: Reynold number, relative roughness and head loss

Option D: Reynolds number and friction factor

Correct Answer: Reynold number, relative roughness and head loss

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Option A: Venturimeter

Option B: Orificemeter

Option C: Rotameter

Option D: Pitot tube

Correct Answer: Rotameter

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Option A: Δp/ρ = 4f (L/D) (V2/2gc)

Option B: Δp = 32 (μLV/gc. D2)

Option C: Δp/L = 150 [(1 – ε)/ε3]. (μ.V0

Option D: Δp/L = 1.75 [(1 – ε)/ε3]. (ρV0

Correct Answer: Δp = 32 (μLV/gc. D2)

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Option A: 20 m/sec

Option B: 10 m/sec

Option C: 5 √2 m/sec

Option D: 5 m/sec

Correct Answer: 10 m/sec

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Option A: Cd = Cc/Cv

Option B: Cd = Cc.Cv

Option C: Cd = Cv/ Cc

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Cd = Cc.Cv

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Option A: Newtonian

Option B: Viscous

Option C: Dilatant

Option D: Non-viscous

Correct Answer: Dilatant

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Option A: Manometric

Option B: Mechanical

Option C: Volumetric

Option D: Overall

Correct Answer: Manometric

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Option A: U-tube water

Option B: U-tube mercury

Option C: Inclined tube mercury

Option D: Inclined tube water

Correct Answer: Inclined tube water

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Option A: Steady uniform

Option B: Steady non uniform

Option C: Unsteady uniform

Option D: Unsteady non uniform

Correct Answer: Steady non uniform

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Option A: Thixotropic

Option B: Rheopectic

Option C: Both A. & B.

Option D: Neither A. nor B.

Correct Answer: C. Both A. & B.

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Option A: Always below the centroid of the area

Option B: Always above the centroid of the area

Option C: A point on the line of action of the resultant force

Option D: At the centroid of the submerged area

Correct Answer: A point on the line of action of the resultant force

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