
Fluid Mechanics For Chemical MCQs

Option A: Increases

Option B: Decreases

Option C: Remain same

Option D: May increase or decrease; depends on the magnitude of shear rate

Correct Answer: Decreases

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Option A: Increases

Option B: Decreases

Option C: Remains unchanged

Option D: Data insufficient to predict

Correct Answer: Increases

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Option A: 2v2/gc

Option B: v2/2gc

Option C: ρv2/gc

Option D: ρ.v2/2gc

Correct Answer: v2/2gc

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Option A: Bursting of pipelines due to closure by a valve

Option B: Rapid pressure change due to a rapid change in the rate of flow

Option C: Pressure increase due to closure of a valve resulting in decrease in rate of flow

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Rapid pressure change due to a rapid change in the rate of flow

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Option A: Unsteady through unchanged cross-section

Option B: Steady through changing cross-section

Option C: Steady and the cross-section is unchanged

Option D: Unsteady and the cross-section is changed

Correct Answer: Steady and the cross-section is unchanged

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Option A: 1

Option B: 10

Option C: 40

Option D: 70

Correct Answer: 1

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Option A: Size

Option B: Surface properties

Option C: Both A. and B.

Option D: Neither A. nor B.

Correct Answer: C. Both A. and B.

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Option A: Steam

Option B: Diesel engine

Option C: Electric motor

Option D: Gas turbine

Correct Answer: Electric motor

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Option A: Gate

Option B: Butterfly

Option C: Needle

Option D: Globe

Correct Answer: Butterfly

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Option A: Increases

Option B: Increases linearly

Option C: Decreases

Option D: Remain constant

Correct Answer: Increases

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Option A: Vane

Option B: Piston

Option C: Centrifugal

Option D: Plunger

Correct Answer: Vane

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Option A: Atmospheric pressure

Option B: Sub-atmospheric pressure

Option C: Pressure difference between two points

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Pressure difference between two points

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Option A: P, Q and R

Option B: P and R

Option C: R and S

Option D: P, Rand S

Correct Answer: P, Q and R

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Option A: Varies parabolically across the section

Option B: Is constant over the entire cross-section

Option C: Is zero at the plates and increases linearly to the mid-plane

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Varies parabolically across the section

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Option A: 0.03

Option B: 0.3

Option C: 3

Option D: 10

Correct Answer: 0.3

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Option A: At the centre

Option B: At d/4 from the wall

Option C: At the wall

Option D: At d/8 from the wall

Correct Answer: At the wall

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Option A: Temperature

Option B: Pressure

Option C: Both A. & B.

Option D: Neither A. nor B.

Correct Answer: C. Both A. & B.

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Option A: HB/2 (H + B)

Option B: HB/(H + B)

Option C: 2HB/(H + B)

Option D: 4HB/(H + B)

Correct Answer: HB/(H + B)

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Option A: Constant

Option B: Variable

Option C: Both A. & B.

Option D: Neither A. nor B.

Correct Answer: Constant

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Option A: Perfect gases only

Option B: Isothermal flow of gases

Option C: Adiabatic unsteady flow of gases

Option D: All compressible fluids

Correct Answer: All compressible fluids

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Option A: Prandtl number is one

Option B: Schmidt number tends to infinity

Option C: Nusselt number tends to infinity

Option D: Archimedes number is greater than 10000

Correct Answer: Prandtl number is one

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Option A: Hyperbola

Option B: Parabola

Option C: Semi-circle

Option D: Semi-ellipse

Correct Answer: Parabola

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Option A: Turbine type impeller

Option B: Vaned diffusion casing

Option C: Rotating vaned volute

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Vaned diffusion casing

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Option A: Lower than

Option B: Higher than

Option C: Equal to

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Higher than

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Option A: 17

Option B: 42

Option C: 84

Option D: 1.8

Correct Answer: 17

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Option A: Speed of impeller, diameter of impeller & viscosity

Option B: Density & viscosity of fluid only

Option C: Density of fluid, viscosity of fluid & impeller dia only

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: None of these

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Option A: Surface tension

Option B: Viscosity

Option C: Specific gravity

Option D: All A., B., and C.

Correct Answer: Viscosity

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Option A: Axial

Option B: Radial

Option C: Mixed

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Axial

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Option A: 1

Option B: > 1

Option C: > 4

Option D: < 2

Correct Answer: > 4

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Option A: Reciprocating

Option B: Gear

Option C: Centrifugal

Option D: Diaphragm

Correct Answer: Centrifugal

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Option A: Power of the pump

Option B: Nature of the liquid being pumped

Option C: Angle of the vanes and the speed of the tip of the impeller

Option D: Vapour pressure of the liquid

Correct Answer: Angle of the vanes and the speed of the tip of the impeller

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Option A: Q/2

Option B: Q/4

Option C: Q/8

Option D: Q/16

Correct Answer: Q/16

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Option A: A circular

Option B: Any convenient

Option C: A small

Option D: A large

Correct Answer: Any convenient

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Option A: Rotational and incompressible

Option B: Rotational and compressible

Option C: Irrotational and compressible

Option D: Irrotational and incompressible

Correct Answer: Rotational and compressible

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Option A: Require less space

Option B: Have quieter operation

Option C: Have lower operating costs

Option D: All A., B. and C.

Correct Answer: D. All A., B. and C.

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Option A: Reynolds

Option B: Mach

Option C: Euler

Option D: Weber

Correct Answer: Mach

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Option A: Surface tension

Option B: Viscosity

Option C: Cohesion

Option D: Adhesion

Correct Answer: Surface tension

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Option A: As velocity

Option B: As (velocity)2

Option C: Inversely as the square of diameter

Option D: Inversely as the velocity

Correct Answer: As (velocity)2

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Option A: 0.42

Option B: 0.62

Option C: 0.82

Option D: 0.98

Correct Answer: 0.62

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Option A: Static submergence

Option B: Net positive suction head (NPSH)

Option C: Cavitation sensitivity

Option D: Priming

Correct Answer: Net positive suction head (NPSH)

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Option A: Cohesion

Option B: Adhesion

Option C: Both A. & B.

Option D: Neither A. nor B.

Correct Answer: C. Both A. & B.

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Option A: Elevation

Option B: Velocity

Option C: Both A. & B.

Option D: Neither A. nor B.

Correct Answer: Velocity

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Option A: Axial

Option B: Reciprocating

Option C: Rotary

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Rotary

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Option A: 12 mm/s

Option B: 16 mm/s

Option C: 24 mm/s

Option D: 28 mm/s

Correct Answer: 16 mm/s

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Option A: Non-Newtonian

Option B: Newtonian

Option C: Dilatent

Option D: Pseudo-plastic

Correct Answer: Newtonian

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Option A: Flow in a straight line

Option B: Steady uniform flow

Option C: Unsteady uniform flow

Option D: A flow which does not account for changes in transverse direction

Correct Answer: A flow which does not account for changes in transverse direction

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Option A: Flow nozzle

Option B: Venturimeter

Option C: Rotameter

Option D: Orificemeter

Correct Answer: Venturimeter

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Option A: Elastic

Option B: Tensile

Option C: Vibratory

Option D: Centrifugal

Correct Answer: Tensile

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Option A: Decreases

Option B: Increases

Option C: Remain constant

Option D: Increases linearly

Correct Answer: Remain constant

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Option A: fB/4

Option B: fB/2

Option C: 4fB

Option D: 2fB

Correct Answer: fB/4

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Option A: 1500

Option B: 330

Option C: 1000

Option D: 3000

Correct Answer: 1500

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Option A: Intimate contact of the fluid with all parts of the solid particles

Option B: Lower fluid pumping power requirement

Option C: Minimisation of temperature variation

Option D: Prevention of particle segregation

Correct Answer: Lower fluid pumping power requirement

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Option A: Open

Option B: Closed

Option C: Either open or closed

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Open

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Option A: Stream

Option B: Path

Option C: Equipotential

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Path

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Option A: Piston

Option B: Gear

Option C: Positive displacement

Option D: Sump

Correct Answer: Gear

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Option A: μ

Option B: 1/μ

Option C: √μ

Option D: 1/√μ

Correct Answer: μ

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Option A: Venturimeter

Option B: Orificemeter

Option C: Flow-nozzle

Option D: Δp is same for all

Correct Answer: Venturimeter

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Option A: 7.65

Option B: 32.36

Option C: 48.22

Option D: 125.6

Correct Answer: 125.6

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Option A: Dilatants

Option B: Newtonian

Option C: Pseudo plastic

Option D: Bingham plastic

Correct Answer: Pseudo plastic

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Option A: Solids

Option B: Liquids

Option C: Fluids

Option D: Slurries

Correct Answer: Slurries

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Option A: Equivalent

Option B: Transition

Option C: Prandtl mixing

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Transition

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Option A: Widens

Option B: Squeezes

Option C: Does not change

Option D: Unpredictable from the data

Correct Answer: Does not change

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Option A: Absolute pressure

Option B: Gauge pressure

Option C: Pressure difference

Option D: Pressure gradient

Correct Answer: Pressure difference

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Option A: Hyster

Option B: Sump

Option C: Mono

Option D: Submerged

Correct Answer: Hyster

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Option A: 1.3

Option B: 1.66

Option C: 2.5

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: None of these

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Option A: Area of surface in contact

Option B: Flow velocity

Option C: Fluid temperature

Option D: Pressure of flow

Correct Answer: Area of surface in contact

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Option A: Long pipe at constant rate

Option B: Long pipe at decreasing rate

Option C: Expanding tube at increasing rate

Option D: Expanding tube at constant rate

Correct Answer: Expanding tube at constant rate

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Option A: 5 kg/m3

Option B: ∞ N/m2

Option C: 1 N

Option D: 0 N/m

Correct Answer: ∞ N/m2

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Option A: Kozeny-Carman

Option B: Blake-Plummer

Option C: Leva’s

Option D: Fanning friction factor

Correct Answer: Kozeny-Carman

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Option A: Centroid of the displaced volume of fluid

Option B: Centre of gravity of a submerged body

Option C: Centroid of the volume of any floating body

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Centroid of the displaced volume of fluid

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Option A: Various momentums

Option B: Various masses

Option C: Different forms of mechanical energy

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Different forms of mechanical energy

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Option A: Which follows Newton’s law of motion

Option B: Which needs a minimum shear, before it starts deforming

Option C: For which shear & deformation are related as T = μ (∂u/∂y)

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: For which shear & deformation are related as T = μ (∂u/∂y)

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Option A: 0.5

Option B: 2

Option C: 4

Option D: 1

Correct Answer: 0.5

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Option A: Drag stress to inertial stress

Option B: Inertial stress to drag stress

Option C: Inertial stress to gravitational stress

Option D: Gravitational stress to drag stress

Correct Answer: Drag stress to inertial stress

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Option A: 10

Option B: 100

Option C: 1000

Option D: 10000

Correct Answer: 10

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Option A: < 0.3

Option B: > 3

Option C: 50

Option D: 1

Correct Answer: < 0.3

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Option A: High capacity at high heads

Option B: High capacity at low heads

Option C: Low capacity at high heads

Option D: Low capacity at low heads

Correct Answer: High capacity at low heads

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Option A: Two

Option B: Three

Option C: Four

Option D: Eight

Correct Answer: Four

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Option A: Shear stress to gravitational stress

Option B: Drag stress to shear stress

Option C: Inertial stress to shear stress

Option D: Inertial stress to gravitational stress

Correct Answer: Inertial stress to gravitational stress

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Option A: Fixed in space in steady flow

Option B: Always the path of particle

Option C: Drawn normal to the velocity vector at every point

Option D: A line connecting the mid points of flow cross-section

Correct Answer: Fixed in space in steady flow

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Option A: Single stage centrifugal pump

Option B: Gear pump

Option C: Screw pump

Option D: Duplex/triplex reciprocating pump

Correct Answer: Duplex/triplex reciprocating pump

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Option A: Viscosity of the liquid

Option B: Weight of the liquid displaced

Option C: Depth of immersion of the body

Option D: Surface tension of the liquid

Correct Answer: Weight of the liquid displaced

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Option A: Specific gravity of the liquid

Option B: Suction lift

Option C: Discharge head

Option D: All A., B. and C.

Correct Answer: D. All A., B. and C.

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Option A: Brings about no further reduction of

Option B: Increases

Option C: Decreases

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Brings about no further reduction of

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Option A: Keep the pipe in proper orientation

Option B: Make the pipe joint leak-proof

Option C: Account for contraction/expansion of pipe due to temperature changes of the surroundings

Option D: Account for the pressure variation side the pipeline

Correct Answer: Account for contraction/expansion of pipe due to temperature changes of the surroundings

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Option A: ft-lb/sec

Option B: ft-lb/ft3

Option C: ft-lbf/lb

Option D: ft-lbf/sec

Correct Answer: ft-lbf/lb

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Option A: Impeller diameter or speed

Option B: Number of pumps and joining them in series

Option C: Number of pumps and joining them in parallel

Option D: All A., B. and C.

Correct Answer: D. All A., B. and C.

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Option A: Dilatent fluid

Option B: Pseudo plastic fluid

Option C: Ideal plastic

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Pseudo plastic fluid

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Option A: Fluid characteristics

Option B: Particle size

Option C: Both A. and B.

Option D: Neither A. nor B.

Correct Answer: C. Both A. and B.

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Option A: Drag on particles

Option B: Drag on column walls

Option C: Bed height

Option D: Bed voidage

Correct Answer: Bed height

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Option A: M2/sec

Option B: N/m2. sec

Option C: Kg. sec/m

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: M2/sec

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Option A: 39.6y

Option B: 48y

Option C: 49.2y

Option D: 58y

Correct Answer: 48y

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Option A: 0.2

Option B: 0.5

Option C: 0.7

Option D: 0.8

Correct Answer: 0.7

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Option A: Newtonian

Option B: Dilatant

Option C: Thixotropic

Option D: Rheopectic

Correct Answer: Newtonian

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Option A: 24/NRe,P

Option B: 16/NRe,P

Option C: 64/NRe,P

Option D: 48/NRe,P

Correct Answer: 24/NRe,P

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Option A: A constant velocity with no acceleration

Option B: A fluctuating velocity

Option C: Attained after moving one-half of total distance

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: A constant velocity with no acceleration

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Option A: Speed of

Option B: Diameter of

Option C: Fluid velocity leaving

Option D: All A., B. and C.

Correct Answer: D. All A., B. and C.

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Option A: Pressure drop increases linearly

Option B: Pressure drop is almost constant

Option C: Area through which fluid flows does not vary

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Pressure drop is almost constant

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Option A: That corresponding to static bed

Option B: That corresponding to completely fluidised bed

Option C: The porosity of the bed when true fluidisation begins

Option D: Less than that of the’ static bed

Correct Answer: The porosity of the bed when true fluidisation begins

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Option A: Wall roughness

Option B: Reynolds number

Option C: Both A. & B.

Option D: Neither A. nor B.

Correct Answer: C. Both A. & B.

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