
Fluid Mechanics For Chemical MCQs

Option A: Change in direction of flow

Option B: Change in total energy

Option C: Change in pressure

Option D: Non uniform direction of velocities at inlet & outlet sections

Correct Answer: Non uniform direction of velocities at inlet & outlet sections

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Option A: Sump

Option B: Volute

Option C: Vacuum

Option D: Submerged

Correct Answer: Vacuum

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Option A: Employs such an impeller, through which the flow is a combination of radial & axial flow

Option B: Mixes the two fluids before pumping them

Option C: Pumps the two fluids separately and then mixes them

Option D: Employs impellers in both the radial & axial directions

Correct Answer: Employs such an impeller, through which the flow is a combination of radial & axial flow

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Option A: Blower

Option B: Compressor

Option C: Vacuum pump

Option D: Fan

Correct Answer: Vacuum pump

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Option A: G is above B

Option B: B is above G

Option C: B & G coincide

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: B is above G

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Option A: Kinetic head gets converted into static head

Option B: Moving stream gradually reduces velocity

Option C: Mean velocity remains constant

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Kinetic head gets converted into static head

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Option A: More

Option B: Less

Option C: Same

Option D: Unpredictable

Correct Answer: More

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Option A: 0.1

Option B: 0.5

Option C: 0.94

Option D: 1

Correct Answer: 0.5

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Option A: 1,300

Option B: 10,000

Option C: 100,000

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 1,300

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Option A: Use of floats of different densities

Option B: No means

Option C: Increasing the diameter of the float

Option D: Decreasing the diameter of the float

Correct Answer: Use of floats of different densities

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Option A: Axial flow mixers

Option B: Low speed impeller

Option C: Used for mixing liquids of high viscosity

Option D: Radial flow mixers

Correct Answer: Axial flow mixers

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Option A: Less than the vapour pressure of the liquid at that temperature

Option B: Greater than the vapour pressure of the liquid at that temperature

Option C: Equal to the vapour pressure

Option D: Equal to the developed head

Correct Answer: Less than the vapour pressure of the liquid at that temperature

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Option A: Cavitation

Option B: Low speed of impeller

Option C: Its operation with delivery valve closed for considerable time after starting the pump

Option D: Off centering of pump with motor

Correct Answer: Cavitation

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Option A: 0.5

Option B: 1

Option C: 1.5

Option D: 2

Correct Answer: 2

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Option A: Is always below

Option B: Is the evolute of

Option C: Intersects at right angle

Option D: Is tangential to

Correct Answer: Is the evolute of

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Option A: Narrow

Option B: Deep

Option C: Both A. & B.

Option D: Neither A. nor B.

Correct Answer: C. Both A. & B.

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Option A: Long pipe at constant rate

Option B: Long pipe at decreasing rate

Option C: Expanding tube at increasing rate

Option D: Expanding tube at constant rate

Correct Answer: Expanding tube at increasing rate

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Option A: Vavg

Option B: 1.2 Vavg

Option C: 1.5 Vavg

Option D: 1.8 Vavg

Correct Answer: Vavg

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Option A: Parabolic law

Option B: Linear law

Option C: Logarithmic law

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Logarithmic law

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Option A: Turbulent flow

Option B: Laminar flow through an open channel

Option C: Steady flow

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: None of these

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Option A: Fluid flow at the inlet to a nozzle

Option B: Fluid flow between parallel plates

Option C: Viscous fluid flow between converging plates

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Fluid flow at the inlet to a nozzle

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Option A: Elevation & kinetic energy

Option B: Elevation & pressure

Option C: Kinetic energy & pressure

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Elevation & pressure

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Option A: H

Option B: H2

Option C: H3/2

Option D: H1/2

Correct Answer: H

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Option A: Press

Option B: Turbine

Option C: Pump

Option D: Coupling

Correct Answer: Press

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Option A: Reduce the cost of compressor

Option B: Reduce the size requirement

Option C: Resemble closely to isothermal compression

Option D: Are easy to control

Correct Answer: Resemble closely to isothermal compression

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Option A: MLT-1

Option B: L2T-1

Option C: L2T

Option D: L2T-2

Correct Answer: L2T-1

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Option A: Top plate moving and the bottom plate fixed

Option B: Bottom plate moving and the top plate fixed

Option C: Both the plates fixed

Option D: Both the plates moving

Correct Answer: Top plate moving and the bottom plate fixed

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Option A: Surface tension

Option B: Gravity

Option C: Viscous

Option D: Elastic

Correct Answer: Surface tension

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Option A: Compressible fluids with shear

Option B: Compressible fluids with no shear

Option C: Incompressible fluids with shear

Option D: Incompressible fluids with no shear

Correct Answer: Incompressible fluids with no shear

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Option A: Heat conduction to viscosity of a fluid

Option B: Cp/Cv of a fluid

Option C: Elastic force to pressure force in the fluid flow

Option D: Inertial force to elastic force in the fluid flow

Correct Answer: Heat conduction to viscosity of a fluid

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Option A: V2

Option B: 1/V2

Option C: 1/V

Option D: V

Correct Answer: V2

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Option A: Non-steady uniform

Option B: Non-steady non-uniform

Option C: Steady uniform

Option D: Steady non-uniform

Correct Answer: Non-steady uniform

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Option A: (Dp/6) (ε/1- ε)

Option B: (Dp/6) (1- ε/ε)

Option C: ⅔Dp (1- ε/ε)

Option D: ⅔Dp (ε/1- ε)

Correct Answer: (Dp/6) (ε/1- ε)

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Option A: Only when the fluid is frictionless

Option B: Only when the fluid is at rest having zero velocity

Option C: When there is no motion of one fluid layer relative to an adjacent layer

Option D: Regardless of the motion of one fluid layer relative to an adjacent layer

Correct Answer: When there is no motion of one fluid layer relative to an adjacent layer

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Option A: Velocity of liquids

Option B: Temperature of liquids

Option C: Velocity of gases

Option D: Pressure of liquids

Correct Answer: Velocity of gases

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Option A: 1.8

Option B: 12.4

Option C: 186.2

Option D: 736.4

Correct Answer: 12.4

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Option A: Newtonian

Option B: Pseudo-plastic

Option C: Dilatent

Option D: Bingham plastic

Correct Answer: Pseudo-plastic

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Option A: Bingham plastic

Option B: Dilatant

Option C: Newtonian

Option D: Pseudo plastic

Correct Answer: Dilatant

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Option A: Back flow through impeller

Option B: Loss of kinetic head

Option C: Loss of static head

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Loss of kinetic head

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Option A: CD = 16/Re.p

Option B: CD = 24/Re.p

Option C: CD = 18.4/Re.p

Option D: CD = 0.079/Re

Correct Answer: CD = 24/Re.p

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Option A: Q = Q1 + Q2 + Q3

Option B: V1 = V2 = V3

Option C: Q1 = Q2 = Q3

Option D: f = f1 + f2 + f3

Correct Answer: Q = Q1 + Q2 + Q3

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Option A: Needle

Option B: Globe

Option C: Gate

Option D: Butterfly

Correct Answer: Needle

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A. 2
B. 2
D. 1/2

Correct Answer: 2

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Option A: Changing the speed of rotation

Option B: Bleeding air into suction

Option C: Bypassing liquid from the suction or discharge line

Option D: All A., B. and C.

Correct Answer: D. All A., B. and C.

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Option A: Generally a needle valve

Option B: Used to release any gases that might be vapour locking the pump

Option C: Helpful in easy removal of samples

Option D: All A., B. and C.

Correct Answer: D. All A., B. and C.

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Option A: Dilatant

Option B: Bingham plastic

Option C: Newtonian

Option D: Pseudo-plastic

Correct Answer: Bingham plastic

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Option A: Passing the centroid of the body at 60°to the direction of motion

Option B: The component being parallel to the flow direction

Option C: The component being normal to the flow direction

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: The component being parallel to the flow direction

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Option A: It is not very accurate

Option B: It is very costly

Option C: Most of the pressure drop is not recoverable

Option D: It is not suitable for measuring gas flow

Correct Answer: Most of the pressure drop is not recoverable

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Option A: Of real fluids

Option B: Over flat surfaces only

Option C: In pipes only

Option D: Of ideal fluids only

Correct Answer: Of real fluids

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Option A: 0.5

Option B: 1

Option C: 2

Option D: 5

Correct Answer: 0.5

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Option A: Pressure fluctuation

Option B: Eddies

Option C: Deviating velocities

Option D: All A., B. & C.

Correct Answer: D. All A., B. & C.

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Option A: Dependent on the speed of the pump

Option B: Dependent on the power of the pump

Option C: 34 feet

Option D: 150 feet

Correct Answer: 34 feet

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Option A: Directly as

Option B: Inversely as square root of

Option C: Inversely as

Option D: As square of

Correct Answer: Directly as

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Option A: Develops a lower head

Option B: Capacity is reduced

Option C: Requires more power

Option D: All A., B. and C.

Correct Answer: D. All A., B. and C.

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Option A: Δp

Option B: < Δp

Option C: > Δp

Option D: Δp2

Correct Answer: Δp

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Option A: Reynolds number at the orifice

Option B: Ratio of orifice dia to pipe dia

Option C: Both A. and B.

Option D: None of the above parameters, and has a constant value of 0.61

Correct Answer: C. Both A. and B.

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Option A: That is traced by all the fluid particles passing through a given point

Option B: Along which a fluid particle travels

Option C: Such that at every point on it, the velocity is tangential to it

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Such that at every point on it, the velocity is tangential to it

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Option A: Total pressure

Option B: Total energy

Option C: Velocity head

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Total energy

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Option A: Fluid particles move in an orderly manner

Option B: Momentum transfer is on molecular scale only

Option C: Shear stress is caused more effectively by cohesion than momentum transfer

Option D: Shear stresses are generally larger than in a similar laminar flow

Correct Answer: Shear stresses are generally larger than in a similar laminar flow

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Option A: Very precise control of

Option B: Unidirectional

Option C: Multidirectional

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Unidirectional

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Option A: For Reynolds number greater than 300

Option B: When there is no vortex formation

Option C: For unbaffled tank

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: When there is no vortex formation

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Option A: Reciprocating

Option B: Centrifugal

Option C: Volute

Option D: Rotary vacuum

Correct Answer: Reciprocating

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Option A: H1/2

Option B: H5/2

Option C: H2/5

Option D: H3/2

Correct Answer: H3/2

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Option A: Velocity head

Option B: Pressure

Option C: Point velocity

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: None of these

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Option A: Temperature remains constant

Option B: Compressibility is greater than zero

Option C: Density does not change with pressure & temperature

Option D: Is frictionless

Correct Answer: Density does not change with pressure & temperature

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Option A: Sewage sludge

Option B: Rubber latex

Option C: Blood

Option D: Sugar solution

Correct Answer: Sewage sludge

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Option A: Flow of liquid upward in a vertical pipe

Option B: Flow through a converging section

Option C: Flow of air downward in a pipe

Option D: Impossible in a constant cross-section conduit

Correct Answer: Flow through a converging section

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Option A: Fluid flow rate & friction loss

Option B: Length & friction factor

Option C: Diameter & friction factor

Option D: Length & diameter

Correct Answer: Fluid flow rate & friction loss

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Option A: Euler

Option B: Froude

Option C: Mach

Option D: Weber

Correct Answer: Weber

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Option A: Corresponding to uniform flow

Option B: Measured normal to the channel bed

Option C: Corresponding to steady flow

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Corresponding to uniform flow

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Option A: √d

Option B: d1/3

Option C: d2

Option D: d2/3

Correct Answer: √d

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Option A: Potential

Option B: Streamline

Option C: Creep

Option D: Boundary layer

Correct Answer: Potential

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Option A: Molten sodium (used as a coolant in Fast Breeder Reactor)

Option B: Moderately viscous vegetable oil used in soap industry

Option C: Thick molten soap at 80°C

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Thick molten soap at 80°C

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Option A: Circular

Option B: Rectangular

Option C: Triangular

Option D: Trapezoidal

Correct Answer: Circular

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Option A: Frictionless & incompressible

Option B: One, which obeys Newton’s law of viscosity

Option C: Highly viscous

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Frictionless & incompressible

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Option A: Paddle

Option B: Turbine

Option C: Propeller

Option D: All A., B. and C.

Correct Answer: Propeller

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Option A: Water surface

Option B: Centre of gravity

Option C: Centre of buoyancy

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Centre of gravity

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Option A: Rheopectic

Option B: Pseudo-plastic

Option C: Thixotropic

Option D: Dilatant

Correct Answer: Pseudo-plastic

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Option A: 2

Option B: 4

Option C: 8

Option D: 5.5

Correct Answer: 2

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Option A: 4

Option B: 2100-4000

Option C: 4000

Option D:

Correct Answer:

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Option A: V/Vmax = (x/r)1/7

Option B: V/Vmax = (r/x)1/7

Option C: V/Vmax = (x.r)1/7

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: V/Vmax = (x/r)1/7

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Option A: Longer, if Metacentric height is increased

Option B: Independent of the Metacentric height

Option C: Dependent on the buoyant forces only

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: None of these

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Option A: Newtonian

Option B: Dilatant

Option C: Pseudo-plastic

Option D: Non-Newtonian

Correct Answer: Newtonian

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Option A: Is an area meter

Option B: Is a variable head meter

Option C: Rotates an element at a speed determined by the velocity of the fluid in which the meter is

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: C. Rotates an element at a speed determined by the velocity of the fluid in which the meter is

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Option A: Corrosive

Option B: Viscous

Option C: Non-Newtonian

Option D: Solid suspended

Correct Answer: Corrosive

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A. 4
C. > 12.5
D. < 10

Correct Answer: > 12.5

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Option A: The body should be bluff body

Option B: The body should be stream lined

Option C: Circulation around the body is essentially required

Option D: The main stream velocity must approach the velocity of sound in that fluid medium

Correct Answer: Circulation around the body is essentially required

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Option A: Reduction of pressure below vapour pressure

Option B: Reduction of pressure gradient to zero

Option C: Adverse pressure gradient

Option D: Reduction of boundary layer thickness to zero

Correct Answer: Adverse pressure gradient

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Option A: Lies above its centre of buoyancy

Option B: And centre of buoyancy coincide

Option C: Lies below its centre of buoyancy

Option D: Lies above its metacentre

Correct Answer: Lies below its centre of buoyancy

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Option A: Angular velocity

Option B: Fanning friction factor

Option C: Specific volume

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Fanning friction factor

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Option A: Linear with radius for turbulent flow only

Option B: Linear with radius for laminar flow only

Option C: Linear with radius for both laminar & turbulent flow

Option D: Parabolic with radius for both laminar & turbulent flow

Correct Answer: Linear with radius for both laminar & turbulent flow

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Option A: Cc . Cv

Option B: Cc . Cd

Option C: Cv . Cd

Option D: Cd/Cv

Correct Answer: Cc . Cv

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Option A: Zero at the pipe wall and is a universal constant

Option B: Independent of radial distance from the pipe axis

Option C: Independent of the shear stress

Option D: Useful for computing laminar flow problems

Correct Answer: Useful for computing laminar flow problems

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Option A: Placed farther from the wall

Option B: Not affected by other particles and the wall

Option C: Near each other

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Near each other

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Option A: Normal

Option B: Local

Option C: Convective

Option D: Tangential

Correct Answer: Local

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Option A: Cv . √(2gH)

Option B: Cc . √(2gH)

Option C: Cd . √(2gH)

Option D: Cv . Va

Correct Answer: Cv . √(2gH)

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Option A: Pitot tube

Option B: Manometer

Option C: Rotameter

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Pitot tube

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Option A: Inverse of the roughness

Option B: First power of the roughness

Option C: Square of the velocity

Option D: Inverse square of hydraulic radius

Correct Answer: First power of the roughness

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Option A: Having high viscosities

Option B: Moving at low velocities

Option C: Both A. & B.

Option D: Neither A. nor B.

Correct Answer: C. Both A. & B.

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Option A: Irrotational

Option B: Turbulent

Option C: Steady

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Irrotational

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