
Furnace Technology MCQs

Option A: Ingots

Option B: Slabs

Option C: Steel coils

Option D: Steel sheets

Correct Answer: Slabs

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Option A: 80

Option B: 130

Option C: 180

Option D: 250

Correct Answer: 130

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Option A: 95% N2 + 5% H2

Option B: 5% H2 + 9% N2

Option C: 100% CO

Option D: 100% H2

Correct Answer: 95% N2 + 5% H2

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Option A: Speed of the fan

Option B: Damper

Option C: Variation in the pitch of fan blades

Option D: All A., B. and C.

Correct Answer: D. All A., B. and C.

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Option A: Regenerator

Option B: Metallic recuperator

Option C: Ceramic recuperator

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Ceramic recuperator

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Option A: Arc

Option B: Resistance

Option C: Low frequency induction

Option D: High frequency induction

Correct Answer: High frequency induction

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Option A: 5

Option B: 20

Option C: 50

Option D: 80

Correct Answer: 20

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Option A: By-product coke oven

Option B: Calcination kiln

Option C: Sintering furnace

Option D: Open hearth furnace

Correct Answer: By-product coke oven

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Option A: Reduces its thermal efficiency

Option B: Is indicated by flame sting out

Option C: Increases the flue gas temperature

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Reduces its thermal efficiency

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Option A: 250

Option B: 650

Option C: 850

Option D: 1000

Correct Answer: 650

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Option A: By-product coke ovens

Option B: Beehive coke oven

Option C: Blast furnace stoves

Option D: Soaking pits

Correct Answer: By-product coke ovens

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Option A: 5

Option B: 60

Option C: 20

Option D: 40

Correct Answer: 20

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Option A: Retards the heat transfer

Option B: Assists in temperature equalisation in the charge

Option C: Permits the use of controlled atmosphere for the protection of stock

Option D: All A., B. and C.

Correct Answer: D. All A., B. and C.

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Option A: Roasting

Option B: Melting

Option C: Reheating

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: None of these

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Option A: Is the removal of carbon from iron carbide (Fe3C)

Option B: Affects its crystalline structure

Option C: Is favoured by CO2

Option D: All A., B. and C.

Correct Answer: D. All A., B. and C.

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Option A: Conduction

Option B: Convection

Option C: Radiation

Option D: Either A., B. or C.; depends on the type of furnace

Correct Answer: Radiation

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Option A: Quantity & temperature of waste gas

Option B: Dust concentration & nature of dust in waste gas

Option C: Corrosive nature of the waste gas

Option D: All A., B. and C.

Correct Answer: Dust concentration & nature of dust in waste gas

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Option A: kcal/hr/m3 combustion space

Option B: kcal/m3 combustion space

Option C: kcal/hr

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: kcal/hr/m3 combustion space

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Option A: Are lighter

Option B: Occupy more space

Option C: Are less costly

Option D: Have higher pressure differential between flue gas & air side

Correct Answer: Occupy more space

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Option A: Occupy more space

Option B: Are less costly

Option C: Are of smaller size

Option D: All A., B. and C.

Correct Answer: Occupy more space

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Option A: Flue gas volume

Option B: Flame temperature

Option C: Fuel consumption

Option D: Stack loss

Correct Answer: Flame temperature

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Option A: Glass tank furnace

Option B: Open hearth furnace

Option C: Cupola

Option D: Reheating furnace

Correct Answer: Cupola

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Option A: Should be as low as possible i.e., 1 : 2

Option B: Should be 1:1 for a batch type furnace

Option C: Is the ratio of maximum to minimum permissible heat input rates

Option D: Is normally much more for a continuous furnace as compared to a batch furnace

Correct Answer: Is the ratio of maximum to minimum permissible heat input rates

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Option A: Gate

Option B: Butterfly

Option C: Globe

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Gate

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Option A: Horizontal

Option B: Vertical

Option C: Tangential

Option D: All A., B. and C.

Correct Answer: D. All A., B. and C.

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Option A: Tunnel kiln

Option B: Rotary kiln

Option C: Soaking pit

Option D: Reheating furnace

Correct Answer: Soaking pit

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Option A: Movement of gases

Option B: Measurement of flue gas volume

Option C: Temperature control

Option D: Pressure adjustment

Correct Answer: Movement of gases

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Option A: Surface area & emissivity of the stock

Option B: Properties of the muffle wall (temperature, area, and emissivity)

Option C: Both A. & B.

Option D: Neither A. nor B.

Correct Answer: C. Both A. & B.

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Option A: Surface area & emissivity of the stock

Option B: Properties of the muffle wall (temperature, area, and emissivity)

Option C: Both A. & B.

Option D: Neither A. nor B.

Correct Answer: C. Both A. & B.

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Option A: Conduction

Option B: Convection

Option C: Radiation

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Conduction

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Option A: L.D. converter

Option B: Glass melting tank

Option C: Blast furnace

Option D: Soaking pit

Correct Answer: Blast furnace

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Option A: Soaking pit

Option B: Reheating furnace

Option C: Steam boiler

Option D: Coke oven

Correct Answer: Coke oven

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Option A: 50

Option B: 65

Option C: 85

Option D: 99

Correct Answer: 85

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Option A: Cupola

Option B: Reheating furnace

Option C: Glass tank furnace

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Cupola

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Option A: 50

Option B: 100

Option C: 150

Option D: 250

Correct Answer: 50

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Option A: Rate of firing and emissivity of flame

Option B: Thermal conductivity of the charge & structural materials of furnace

Option C: Nature of process; whether batch, continuous or intermittent

Option D: All A., B. and C.

Correct Answer: D. All A., B. and C.

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Option A: To increase heat transfer by convection

Option B: To ensure uniform temperature

Option C: In furnaces, operating below 750°C

Option D: All A., B. and C.

Correct Answer: D. All A., B. and C.

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Option A: Walking beam

Option B: Shaft

Option C: Tunnel

Option D: Rotary hearth

Correct Answer: Walking beam

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Option A: CO

Option B: H2

Option C: High CO/CO2

Option D: All A., B. & C.

Correct Answer: D. All A., B. & C.

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Option A: Temperature of flue gas

Option B: Thermal conductivity of stock

Option C: Thickness of heating stock

Option D: All A., B. and C.

Correct Answer: D. All A., B. and C.

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