
Chemical Engineering MCQs

Option A: Materials exhibiting high elasticity obey Hooke’s law

Option B: The elastic behaviour of rubber under compression is the same as its behaviour under tension

Option C: The damping capacity of a material is due to its plastic deformation

Option D: The stress required to cause plastic flow in polycrystalline material is higher as compared to

Correct Answer: The elastic behaviour of rubber under compression is the same as its behaviour under tension

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Option A: Cold cracking of a weld is due to the presence of hydrogen gas in the weld

Option B: True stress is given by, ζ = ζE (1 + εE), where ζE and εE are engineering stress and

Option C: Phosphorous can be easily recovered in the iron blast furnace

Option D: High residual stress at the surface is beneficial for fatigue properties of a material

Correct Answer: Phosphorous can be easily recovered in the iron blast furnace

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Option A: For a pressure vessel to be classified as ‘thin vessel’, the ratio of wall thickness to mean radius

Option B: For calculating forces and efficiency of riveted joint, either rivet diameter or rivet hole

Option C: Longitudinal joint is normally made butt joint to maintain the circularity of the vessel

Option D: Maximum diameter of the opening provided in a pressure vessel, which does not require any

Correct Answer: B. For calculating forces and efficiency of riveted joint, either rivet diameter or rivet hole
diameter is used in case of pressure vessel and in structural work

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Option A: Sphlerite is zinc oxide

Option B: The first law of the thermodynamics is stated as δE = δQ – δW

Option C: Lead can be produced in a blast furnace

Option D: T. ferrooxidans is a fungus that can be used for leaching chalcopyrite

Correct Answer: Lead can be produced in a blast furnace

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Option A: Weldability of high carbon steel is poorer compared to low carbon steel

Option B: Invar is a magnetic alloy

Option C: Magnetic permeability of the diamagnetic material is less than one

Option D: Martenistic transformation never goes to completion (i.e., 100%) at room temperature

Correct Answer: Invar is a magnetic alloy

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Option A: Nickel

Option B: Cobalt

Option C: Aluminium

Option D: Iron

Correct Answer: Aluminium

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Option A: Stainless steel

Option B: Graphite

Option C: Copper

Option D: Steel

Correct Answer: Copper

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Option A: Improve machinability & tensile strength

Option B: Remove internal stresses

Option C: Refine the structure

Option D: Remove strains caused by cold working

Correct Answer: Remove internal stresses

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Option A: Film

Option B: Nucleate

Option C: Transition

Option D: All modes of

Correct Answer: Film

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Option A: 0

Option B: 100

Option C: 50

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 0

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Option A: 150

Option B: 200

Option C: 300

Option D: 400

Correct Answer: 200

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Option A: Sec-1. mole°

Option B: Moles1. sec-1

Option C: Moles-1. sec1

Option D: Moles1. sec1

Correct Answer: Moles-1. sec1

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Option A: Immobility of dislocation

Option B: Strain-ageing

Option C: Increase in Young’s modulus

Option D: Strain hardening

Correct Answer: Strain-ageing

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Option A: Copper

Option B: Aluminium

Option C: Nickel

Option D: Zinc

Correct Answer: Nickel

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Option A: He

Option B: C

Option C: H

Option D: Ar

Correct Answer: H

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Option A: Nuclear fission

Option B: Nuclear fusion

Option C: Both the nuclear fission & fusion

Option D: Ionisation

Correct Answer: Nuclear fission

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Option A: Dew point

Option B: Dry bulb

Option C: Wet bulb

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Dew point

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Option A: Supercharging

Option B: Wall temperature

Option C: Compression ratio

Option D: Engine speed

Correct Answer: Engine speed

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Option A: Newton’s second law of motion

Option B: Newton’s third law of motion

Option C: Law of projectiles

Option D: Archimedes principle

Correct Answer: B. Newton’s third law of motion

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Option A: Painted steel

Option B: Galvanised iron

Option C: Case hardened steel

Option D: Lead lined reactor

Correct Answer: Galvanised iron

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Option A: Flow output

Option B: Head developed

Option C: Overall efficiency

Option D: Weight

Correct Answer: Flow output

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Option A: White metal

Option B: Gun metal

Option C: Duralumin

Option D: Constantan

Correct Answer: Constantan

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Option A: Radio-isotopes

Option B: Pouring soap solution on the surface and locating the gas bubbles

Option C: Halide torch

Option D: Pungent smell of mercaptans present in the gas

Correct Answer: Pungent smell of mercaptans present in the gas

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Option A: Plastic deformation of material does not occur

Option B: Initiation of crack from below the surface does not occur

Option C: Initiation of crack occurs on the surface of the machine part

Option D: Presence of both rough & smooth zone with conchoidal markings in smooth zone of the

Correct Answer: Initiation of crack from below the surface does not occur

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Option A: Tension

Option B: Shear

Option C: Compression

Option D: Bending & tension

Correct Answer: Tension

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Option A: Mild steel

Option B: Copper

Option C: Soft iron

Option D: Stainless steel

Correct Answer: Soft iron

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Option A: Magnetic susceptibility

Option B: Magnetic moment

Option C: Permeability of free space

Option D: Flux density

Correct Answer: Permeability of free space

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Option A: 10 atm-1

Option B: 105 atm-1

Option C: 10 (dimensionless)

Option D: 105 (dimensionless)

Correct Answer: 105 atm-1

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Option A: 723

Option B: 959

Option C: 1147

Option D: 1493

Correct Answer: 723

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Option A: 25

Option B: 45

Option C: 65

Option D: 20

Correct Answer: 20

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Option A: Induction motor

Option B: Electrostatic precipitator

Option C: Fast breeder reactor

Option D: Magneto hydrodynamic generator (MHD)

Correct Answer: Electrostatic precipitator

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Option A: Phosphorous

Option B: Nitrogen

Option C: Carbon

Option D: Boron

Correct Answer: Boron

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Option A: Air filter

Option B: Fuel injector

Option C: Exhaust silencer

Option D: Battery

Correct Answer: Fuel injector

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Option A: Preloaded spring

Option B: Piezoelectric

Option C: Bonded strain gauge

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Piezoelectric

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Option A: 1-5

Option B: 20-30

Option C: 100-150

Option D: 200-250

Correct Answer: 20-30

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Option A: Surface tension

Option B: Density

Option C: Viscosity

Option D: Buoyancy

Correct Answer: Density

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Option A: Cermets

Option B: High speed steel

Option C: Alloy steel

Option D: Tungsten carbide

Correct Answer: High speed steel

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Option A: High heat capacity

Option B: Low heat capacity

Option C: High thermal conductivity

Option D: Both B. and C.

Correct Answer: D. Both B. and C.

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Option A: Precipitation of fine alloy carbides at high temperatures

Option B: Refinement of ferrite grain size by working

Option C: Decomposition of retained austenite upon heat treatment

Option D: Precipitation of complex inter-metallic upon heat treatment

Correct Answer: Decomposition of retained austenite upon heat treatment

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Option A: Season cracking of brass

Option B: Caustic embrittlement of steel

Option C: Both A. & B.

Option D: Neither A. nor (B)

Correct Answer: C. Both A. & B.

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Option A: Nipple

Option B: Socket

Option C: Union

Option D: Bell and spigot

Correct Answer: Socket

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Option A: 0.3-0.4

Option B: 12-14

Option C: 3-4

Option D: 20-25

Correct Answer: 3-4

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Option A: Alumina

Option B: Platinum

Option C: Vanadium pentoxide

Option D: Iron oxide

Correct Answer: Platinum

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Option A: Softens it to facilitate machining

Option B: Decreases the free carbon

Option C: Increases the strength

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Softens it to facilitate machining

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Option A: Voltage measuring

Option B: Temperature measuring

Option C: Temperature compensating

Option D: Both B. & C.

Correct Answer: D. Both B. & C.

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Option A: Less than the wet bulb temperature

Option B: More than the wet bulb temperature

Option C: More than the dry bulb temperature

Option D: Equal to wet bulb temperature

Correct Answer: Less than the wet bulb temperature

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Option A: 0.7-1.0

Option B: 1.1-1.4

Option C: 1.5 – 1.8

Option D: 2.0 – 2.5

Correct Answer: 1.1-1.4

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Option A: Graphite

Option B: Light water

Option C: Heavy water

Option D: Beryllium

Correct Answer: Graphite

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Option A: Wet bulb temperature

Option B: Dry bulb temperature

Option C: Relative humidity

Option D: Specific humidity

Correct Answer: Wet bulb temperature

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Option A: Bomb

Option B: Throttling

Option C: Junker’s

Option D: Boy’s

Correct Answer: Throttling

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Option A: Creep

Option B: Tension

Option C: Compression

Option D: Endurance

Correct Answer: Tension

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Option A: Cast iron pipe for domestic water supply

Option B: Aluminium curtain rods

Option C: Stainless steel tubes used in furnitures

Option D: Any of these

Correct Answer: Cast iron pipe for domestic water supply

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Option A: Soluble in solid state

Option B: Insoluble in liquid state

Option C: Insoluble in both solid & liquid state

Option D: Soluble in liquid state

Correct Answer: Soluble in liquid state

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Option A: A fine, highly dislocated and strong martensite

Option B: Fine dispersions of inter-metallic of Fe, Ni, Ti etc

Option C: Fine dispersions of alloy carbides in a ferrite matrix

Option D: Fine dispersions of Fe3 C nucleated on dislocations in austenite

Correct Answer: A fine, highly dislocated and strong martensite

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Option A: Neutral

Option B: Ideal

Option C: Buffer

Option D: Zero pH

Correct Answer: Buffer

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Option A: 1.0

Option B: 1.3

Option C: 2.3

Option D: 3.3

Correct Answer: 3.3

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Option A: Flux

Option B: Slag

Option C: Protective layer

Option D: Binder

Correct Answer: Slag

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Option A: Wet bulb temperature increases

Option B: Dry bulb temperature remains constant

Option C: Dew point temperature increases

Option D: Dry bulb temperature increases

Correct Answer: Dry bulb temperature remains constant

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Option A: Frequency counter

Option B: Tachometer

Option C: Strobometer

Option D: Speedometer

Correct Answer: Strobometer

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Option A: Tensile

Option B: Compressive

Option C: Yield

Option D: Bearing

Correct Answer: Yield

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Option A: 3

Option B: 7

Option C: 11

Option D: 15

Correct Answer: 11

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Option A: Decarburising

Option B: Alloying with cobalt

Option C: Purification

Option D: Alternate heating & cooling

Correct Answer: Alloying with cobalt

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Option A: Carbon dioxide

Option B: Carbon monoxide

Option C: Oxygen

Option D: Air

Correct Answer: Carbon monoxide

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Option A: Cermets

Option B: High speed steel

Option C: Tungsten carbide

Option D: Stellite

Correct Answer: High speed steel

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Option A: Fatigue

Option B: Notched bar impact

Option C: Tensile

Option D: Hardness

Correct Answer: Notched bar impact

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Option A: One

Option B: Two

Option C: Three

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Two

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Option A: Aluminium

Option B: Copper

Option C: Titanium

Option D: Stainless steel

Correct Answer: Titanium

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Option A: Manganese

Option B: Phosphorous

Option C: Magnesium

Option D: Chromium

Correct Answer: Magnesium

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Option A: μ , α and θ all have units of m/s

Option B: μ , α and θ all have units of m2/s

Option C: α and θ have units of m2/s, while μ has unit of m/s

Option D: α and θ have units of m/s, while μ has unit of m2/s

Correct Answer: α and θ have units of m2/s, while μ has unit of m/s

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Option A: Spraying water

Option B: Blanketting the area with nitrogen atmosphere

Option C: Fire fighting foam

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Blanketting the area with nitrogen atmosphere

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Option A: A soft magnetic material should have high permeability and small area of hysteresis loop

Option B: Poisson’s ratio of high melting point metals is more than unity

Option C: Solders generally melt at less than 185°C

Option D: Steel produced by B.O.F process is ideally suited for manufacturing flat product

Correct Answer: B. Poisson’s ratio of high melting point metals is more than unity

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Option A: Hard

Option B: Elastic

Option C: Ductile

Option D: Brittle

Correct Answer: Ductile

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Option A: Increase

Option B: Decrease

Option C: Remain unaffected

Option D: May increase or decrease; depends on the thickness of each layer

Correct Answer: Remain unaffected

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Option A: Rigid

Option B: Tough

Option C: Ductile

Option D: Plastic

Correct Answer: Ductile

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Option A: More

Option B: Equal

Option C: Less

Option D: Double

Correct Answer: More

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Option A: Wet bulb temperature=dry bulb temperature

Option B: Wet bulb temperature=dew point temperature

Option C: Saturation temperature=dew point temperature

Option D: All ‘A’, ‘B’ & ‘C’

Correct Answer: D. All ‘A’, ‘B’ & ‘C’

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Option A: Promotes graphite module formation

Option B: Improves its ductility

Option C: Does not promote graphite flakes formation

Option D: Increases the fluidity of molten metal

Correct Answer: Increases the fluidity of molten metal

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Option A: Wrought iron

Option B: Stainless steel

Option C: Mild steel

Option D: High speed steel

Correct Answer: High speed steel

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Option A: Ability to absorb shock

Option B: Capacity to store energy

Option C: Ratio of the wire & coil diameters

Option D: Load to produce unit deflection

Correct Answer: Load to produce unit deflection

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Option A: To reduce the head loss in discharge

Option B: To increase the pump efficiency

Option C: To collect liquid from the periphery of the impeller and to transmit it to the delivery pipe at

Option D: To increase the pump discharge rate

Correct Answer: To increase the pump discharge rate

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Option A: Below the yield point

Option B: Above the yield point

Option C: Below the elastic limit

Option D: At the elastic limit

Correct Answer: Below the yield point

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Option A: Malleable iron

Option B: Grey cast iron

Option C: Chilled cast iron

Option D: White cast iron

Correct Answer: Malleable iron

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Option A: Surface roughness

Option B: Pores

Option C: Spherical inclusion

Option D: Crack

Correct Answer: Crack

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Option A: Tungsten

Option B: Zirconium

Option C: Molybdenum

Option D: Tantalum

Correct Answer: Tungsten

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Option A: Tin

Option B: Lead

Option C: Zinc

Option D: Glass

Correct Answer: Glass

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Option A: 6 : 1

Option B: 12 : 1

Option C: 18 : 1

Option D: 24 : 1

Correct Answer: 12 : 1

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Option A: Crystallise faster

Option B: Resist greater tensile stress at room temperature

Option C: Have higher melting temperature

Option D: Are better conductor of electricity at higher temperature

Correct Answer: Have higher melting temperature

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Option A: Cathodic protection

Option B: Anodic protection

Option C: Usage of largest possible anodic area

Option D: Any one of these

Correct Answer: Anodic protection

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Option A: 1

Option B: 4.0

Option C: 8

Option D: 14

Correct Answer: 4.0

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Option A: Antifriction properties

Option B: Compressive strength

Option C: Bearing resistance

Option D: Wear resistance

Correct Answer: Wear resistance

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Option A: Perspex (PMMA)

Option B: Teflon (PTFE)

Option C: Bakelite (phenol formaldehyde)

Option D: Polystyrene

Correct Answer: Perspex (PMMA)

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Option A: Made of glass fibre and thermoplastic resins

Option B: Anisotropic

Option C: Made of thermosetting resin and glass fibre

Option D: Both ‘B’ & ‘C’

Correct Answer: D. Both ‘B’ & ‘C’

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Option A: Vickers hardness test

Option B: Shore scleroscope test

Option C: Brinell hardness test

Option D: Rockwell hardness test

Correct Answer: Shore scleroscope test

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Option A: Wet steam

Option B: Saturated steam

Option C: Superheated steam

Option D: Saturated water

Correct Answer: Superheated steam

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Option A: Improve machinability & tensile strength

Option B: Remove internal stresses

Option C: Refine the structure

Option D: Remove strains caused by cold working

Correct Answer: Remove internal stresses

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Option A: Linear displacement

Option B: Concavity/convexity

Option C: Surface texture

Option D: Flatness

Correct Answer: Linear displacement

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Option A: Weaker in tension but stronger in shear

Option B: Weaker in shear but stronger in tension

Option C: Stronger in both shear and tension

Option D: The lap joints are easily made

Correct Answer: The lap joints are easily made

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Option A: Unsteady uniform

Option B: Unsteady non-uniform

Option C: Steady uniform

Option D: Steady non-uniform

Correct Answer: Unsteady non-uniform

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Option A: Elaiden test

Option B: Reichert-Meissl value test

Option C: Hunter value test

Option D: Iodine value test

Correct Answer: Elaiden test

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Option A: Electronic

Option B: Structural

Option C: Process

Option D: Heavy

Correct Answer: Electronic

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