
Common Chemical Industries MCQs

Option A: it is a synthetic fertilizer

Option B: it is a natural fertilizer

Option C: it provides micronutrients to the plants

Option D: it is an inorganic water soluble compound

Correct Answer: it is a synthetic fertilizer

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Option A: dry zone burning zone decomposition zone cooling zone

Option B: cooling zone burning zone decomposition zone dry zone

Option C: burning zone cooling zone decomposition zone

Option D: dry zone decomposition zone burning zone cooling zone

Correct Answer: dry zone decomposition zone burning zone cooling zone

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Option A: lime stone

Option B: gypsum

Option C: KNO3

Option D: iron oxide

Correct Answer: iron oxide

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Option A: root

Option B: leave

Option C: stem

Option D: seed

Correct Answer: seed

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Option A: roasted calcareous material

Option B: roasted argillaceous material

Option C: roasted calcareous and argillaceous material

Option D: roasted gypsum

Correct Answer: roasted calcareous and argillaceous material

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Option A: form starch sugar and fibrous material

Option B: ripen the seeds and fruits

Option C: increase the resistance against disease

Option D: all the above statements are correct

Correct Answer: all the above statements are correct

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Option A: manure

Option B: urea

Option C: ammonium nitrate

Option D: All

Correct Answer: ammonium nitrate

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Option A: nitrogenous fertilizers

Option B: micronutrients

Option C: phosphorus fertilizer

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: micronutrients

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Option A: vlay

Option B: marine shells

Option C: slate

Option D: blast furnace slag

Correct Answer: marine shells

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Option A: KCI

Option B: KNO3

Option C: K2SO4

Option D: KMnO4

Correct Answer: KNO3

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Option A: urea

Option B: DAP

Option C: Ammonium sulphate

Option D: Ammonium nitrate

Correct Answer: Ammonium nitrate

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Option A: Pt

Option B: ZnO + Cr2O3

Option C: Fe in fused mixture of Al2O3 + SiQ2 + MgO

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Fe in fused mixture of Al2O3 + SiQ2 + MgO

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Option A: Cu

Option B: Cl

Option C: H

Option D: Zn

Correct Answer: H

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Option A: It enhances plant growth

Option B: It is involved in the synthesis of protein and nucleic acids

Option C: it accelerates fruits and flowers growth

Option D: It is involved in the chlorophyll synthesis

Correct Answer: it accelerates fruits and flowers growth

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Option A: to dry the moisture of slurry

Option B: to decompose lime stone to unslaked lime

Option C: combination of different oxides like CaO SiO2 Fe2O3 and Al2O3

Option D: to reduce the impurities

Correct Answer: combination of different oxides like CaO SiO2 Fe2O3 and Al2O3

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Option A: 75% lime stone and 25% clay

Option B: 25% lime stone and 75% clay

Option C: 15% lime stone and 55% clay

Option D: 55% lime stone and 15% clay

Correct Answer: 75% lime stone and 25% clay

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Option A: crushing heating mixing grinding

Option B: crushing mixing heating grinding and mixing

Option C: crushing grinding mixing heating

Option D: mixing heating grinding crushing

Correct Answer: crushing grinding mixing heating

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Option A: Lime (CaO)

Option B: Silica (SiO2)

Option C: Alumina (Al2O3)

Option D: Magnesia (MgO)

Correct Answer: Lime (CaO)

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Option A: clay and clinker

Option B: clay lime stone and gypsum

Option C: lime stone and gypsum

Option D: lime stone and clay

Correct Answer: clay lime stone and gypsum

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Option A: urea

Option B: calcium superphosphate

Option C: diammonium phosphate

Option D: potassium nitrate

Correct Answer: diammonium phosphate

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Option A: 36%

Option B: 46%

Option C: 56%

Option D: 66%

Correct Answer: 46%

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Option A: CH4 N2 and CO2

Option B: H2 N2 and CO

Option C: H2 CO2 and H2O

Option D: H2O N2 and H2

Correct Answer: CH4 N2 and CO2

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Option A: 4

Option B: 3

Option C: 2

Option D: 5

Correct Answer: 4

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Option A: dry process

Option B: wet process

Option C: both

Option D: none

Correct Answer: both

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Option A: lime stone

Option B: marble

Option C: chalk

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: 60%

Option B: 65%

Option C: 70%

Option D: 75%

Correct Answer: 75%

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Option A: prilling

Option B: evaporation

Option C: condensation

Option D: crystallization

Correct Answer: prilling

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Option A: endothermic

Option B: exothermic

Option C: both a and b

Option D: no heat energy is involved

Correct Answer: exothermic

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Option A: straight

Option B: compound

Option C: both a and b

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: straight

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Option A: Rotation of the crops

Option B: Adding lime to the acid salts

Option C: Adding manure and growing legumes

Option D: All

Correct Answer: All

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