
Computer MCQs

Option A: Slide show

Option B: Slide sorter view

Option C: Notes page view

Option D: Outline view

Correct Answer: Outline view

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Option A: Alt + Click each slide

Option B: Shift + drag each slide

Option C: Shift + Click each slide

Option D: Ctrl + Click each slide

Correct Answer: Ctrl + Click each slide

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Option A: Automatically places clipart in your presentation

Option B: Scans your presentation for incorrect spelling in your words on each slide

Option C: Scans your presentation for incorrect spelling in Word Arts objects

Option D: All of above

Correct Answer: All of above

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Option A: Clicking and edit and select all

Option B: Right click the chart background and then click select all

Option C: Press and hgold the SHIFT key and click each box

Option D: All of above

Correct Answer: All of above

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Option A: Click the outline tab and select handout master view

Option B: Press the shift key and click the handout master view button

Option C: On the view menu, click slide sorter, and click handouts.

Option D: All of above

Correct Answer: Press the shift key and click the handout master view button

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Option A: Slide with animation

Option B: Outline view

Option C: Notes page

Option D: Audience handout

Correct Answer: Audience handout

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Option A: Slide sorter view

Option B: Notes pages view

Option C: Slide view

Option D: Outline view

Correct Answer: Slide sorter view

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Option A: Text tool box

Option B: Line tool

Option C: Drawing tool

Option D: Auto shapes tool

Correct Answer: Text tool box

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Option A: Use random slide transitions

Option B: Launch an online broadcast

Option C: Loop continuously

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Use random slide transitions

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Option A: File, add a new slide

Option B: Insert, New slide

Option C: File Open

Option D: File, New

Correct Answer: Insert, New slide

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Option A: Slide show

Option B: Insert

Option C: Slide maser

Option D: Zoom

Correct Answer: Zoom

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Option A: Common tasks toolbar

Option B: Drawing toolbar

Option C: Formatting toolbar

Option D: Standard toolbar

Correct Answer: Common tasks toolbar

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Option A: effects

Option B: custom animations

Option C: transitions

Option D: present animations

Correct Answer: transitions

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Option A: Clicking the new button on the standard toolbar

Option B: Clicking file, new

Option C: Clicking file open

Option D: Pressing ctrl + N

Correct Answer: Clicking file open

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Option A: Triple click the chart object

Option B: Click and drag the chart object

Option C: Double click the chart object

Option D: Click the chart object

Correct Answer: Double click the chart object

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Option A: An action button that advances to the next slide

Option B: An item on the slide that performs an action when clicked

Option C: The name of a motion path

Option D: All of above

Correct Answer: An item on the slide that performs an action when clicked

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Option A: Clicking edit object

Option B: Double clicking the organization chart object

Option C: Right clicking the chart object, then clicking edit MS-Organizaiton Chart object

Option D: b and c both

Correct Answer: b and c both

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Option A: Edit the notes master and add your company logy

Option B: Edit the slide master and insert your company logo and notes pane

Option C: Edit the handout master to include your company logo and one slide per page with additional note space

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Edit the notes master and add your company logy

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Option A: Clicking the insert new slide button on the standard toolbar, then double clicking table

Option B: Clicking the insert Microsoft word table button on the formatting toolbar

Option C: Clicking the insert Microsoft word table button on the standard toolbar

Option D: A and c

Correct Answer: A and c

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Option A: Click the not do move object command on the edit menu

Option B: Click on the undo button

Option C: Click on redo button

Option D: All of above

Correct Answer: Click on the undo button

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Option A: Alt + a

Option B: Ctrl + a

Option C: Shift + Enter

Option D: Edit, Select All

Correct Answer: Edit, Select All

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Option A: A table slide

Option B: A bullet slide

Option C: A title slide

Option D: All of above

Correct Answer: A table slide

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Option A: File, Print Preview

Option B: The print button

Option C: File, print

Option D: Ctrl + P

Correct Answer: The print button

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Option A: The slid layout option

Option B: The add a slide option

Option C: Outline view

Option D: A presentation design template

Correct Answer: A presentation design template

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Option A: A type of animation entrance effect

Option B: A method of advancing slides

Option C: A method of moving items on a slide

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: A method of moving items on a slide

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Option A: .wav files and .mid files

Option B: .wav files and .gif files

Option C: .wav files and .jpg files

Option D: .jpg files and .gif files

Correct Answer: .wav files and .mid files

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Option A: .jpg

Option B: .giv

Option C: .wav

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: English

Option B: Latin

Option C: Greek

Option D: None of These

Correct Answer: Latin

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Option A: Marcian E Hoff

Option B: Herman H Goldstein

Option C: Joseph Jacquard

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Marcian E Hoff

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Option A: Vint cerf

Option B: Mark zukerberg

Option C: Charles Babbage

Option D: None

Correct Answer: Charles Babbage

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Option A: International Business Machine

Option B: Integrated Business Machine

Option C: Information Business Machines

Option D: International Business Model

Correct Answer: International Business Machine

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Option A: IBM

Option B: Apple

Option C: Intel

Option D: Dell

Correct Answer: IBM

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Option A: Symbol

Option B: Objects

Option C: Shapes

Option D: Equation

Correct Answer: Equation

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Option A: Task Manager

Option B: RAM

Option C: BIOS

Option D: Operating System

Correct Answer: Operating System

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Option A: Transistor

Option B: Compiler

Option C: Nibble

Option D: Binary Digit

Correct Answer: Nibble

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Option A: Subscriber identity module

Option B: Subscriber Inline module

Option C: Secret Internet module

Option D: Subscriber Interface Module

Correct Answer: Subscriber identity module

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Option A: Copy

Option B: Indent Left

Option C: Paste

Option D: Copy Format Painter

Correct Answer: Copy

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Option A: Different Font Color

Option B: Background

Option C: Shade

Option D: Font Effects

Correct Answer: Shade

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Option A: double click the worksheet range object

Option B: right click worksheet range object & choose format object

Option C: edit the data in the destination document

Option D: edit the data in the source document.

Correct Answer: double click the worksheet range object

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Option A: Tools, Link, Documents

Option B: Tools, Link

Option C: Edit, Link

Option D: Edit, Paste Special

Correct Answer: Edit, Paste Special

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Option A: alt

Option B: shift

Option C: enter

Option D: ctrl

Correct Answer: ctrl

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Option A: f1

Option B: f2

Option C: f3

Option D: f4

Correct Answer: f3

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Option A: Auto Text

Option B: Format Painter

Option C: Font dialog box

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Format Painter

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Option A: Edit

Option B: View

Option C: Format

Option D: Tools

Correct Answer: Format

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Option A: File

Option B: Layout

Option C: Format

Option D: Tools

Correct Answer: Layout

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Option A: Table style

Option B: Table format

Option C: Format Style

Option D: None of above

Correct Answer: Table style

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Option A: Proofing

Option B: Editing

Option C: Formatting

Option D: All of above

Correct Answer: Formatting

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Option A: Ctrl+I

Option B: Ctrl+M

Option C: Alt+I

Option D: F10

Correct Answer: Ctrl+M

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Option A: Ctrl + F6

Option B: Ctrl + F9

Option C: Alt + F11

Option D: Shift + F12

Correct Answer: Ctrl + F9

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Option A: Ctrl + =

Option B: Ctrl + Shift + =

Option C: Alt + Ctrl + Shift + =

Option D: None of above

Correct Answer: Ctrl + Shift + =

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Option A: Superscript

Option B: Subscript

Option C: All Caps

Option D: Shadow

Correct Answer: Subscript

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Option A: 12-point Times New Roman and paragraphs as single-spaced and right-aligned

Option B: 10-point Times New Roman and paragraphs as double-spaced and left-aligned

Option C: 12-point Times New Roman and paragraphs as double-spaced and right-aligned

Option D: 10-point Times New Roman and paragraphs as single-spaced and left-aligned

Correct Answer: 10-point Times New Roman and paragraphs as single-spaced and left-aligned

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Option A: 1-inch left, right, top, and bottom

Option B: 1.25-inch left, right, top, and bottom

Option C: 1.25-inch left and right margins and 1-inch top and bottom

Option D: 1-inch left and right margins and 1.25-inch top and bottom

Correct Answer: 1.25-inch left and right margins and 1-inch top and bottom

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Option A: 0″

Option B: 0.5″

Option C: 1″

Option D: 1.5″

Correct Answer: A. 0″

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Option A: putare

Option B: com

Option C: computa

Option D: computar

Correct Answer: putare

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Option A: Start panel

Option B: Finish panel

Option C: Add/Sort Heading panel

Option D: Address panel

Correct Answer: Finish panel

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Option A: A preview in a full screen

Option B: A preview with margins

Option C: A View with a margins and gutter

Option D: A view with a structure of heading at various levels

Correct Answer: A view with a structure of heading at various levels

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Option A: the defaults

Option B: a template

Option C: a style

Option D: a boilerplate

Correct Answer: a style

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Option A: 1 inch top and bottom margins

Option B: a portrait orientation

Option C: 1.25 inches left and right margins

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: ‘Data Source’ button

Option B: ‘Edit’ button

Option C: ‘Edit Data Source’ button

Option D: ‘Data Editing’ button

Correct Answer: ‘Edit Data Source’ button

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Option A: Hypertext transfer processor

Option B: Hypertext Transfer Protocol

Option C: High transfer protocol

Option D: None

Correct Answer: Hypertext Transfer Protocol

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Option A: .msw

Option B: .wor

Option C: .wrd

Option D: .docx

Correct Answer: .docx

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Option A: .25″

Option B: .5″

Option C: .75″

Option D: 1″

Correct Answer: B. .5″

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Option A: authoring page

Option B: text page

Option C: frames page

Option D: hyperlink page

Correct Answer: frames page

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Option A: From Paragraph dialog box

Option B: From Font dialog box

Option C: From Options Dialog box

Option D: None of above

Correct Answer: From Font dialog box

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Option A: Standard, Contemporary, and Sophisticated

Option B: Professional, Contemporary, and Elegant

Option C: Formatted, Unformatted, and Graphic

Option D: Basic, Comprehensive, and Formatted

Correct Answer: Professional, Contemporary, and Elegant

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Option A: Copy

Option B: Paste

Option C: Format Painter

Option D: Paste Special

Correct Answer: Format Painter

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Option A: View

Option B: Edit

Option C: Format

Option D: Tools

Correct Answer: View

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Option A: footnote or at the end of the document as a startnote

Option B: headnote or at the end of the document as an endnote

Option C: footnote or at the end of the document as an endnote

Option D: headnote or at the end of the document as a startnote

Correct Answer: footnote or at the end of the document as an endnote

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Option A: F5

Option B: F7

Option C: F9

Option D: Shift + F7

Correct Answer: F7

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Option A: F6

Option B: F9

Option C: F11

Option D: F12

Correct Answer: F9

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Option A: Tab key

Option B: Spacebar

Option C: Enter key

Option D: Shift key

Correct Answer: Enter key

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Option A: white space at the top of the pages

Option B: white space at the bottom of the pages

Option C: gray space between pages

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: End notes

Option B: Foot notes

Option C: Header

Option D: Footer

Correct Answer: End notes

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Option A: tab

Option B: backspace

Option C: home

Option D: enter

Correct Answer: tab

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Option A: End

Option B: Backspace

Option C: Home

Option D: Delete

Correct Answer: Backspace

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Option A: upper-left corner and use it for your favorite commands

Option B: floats over your text and use it when you need to make formatting changes

Option C: Home tab and use it when you need to quickly launch or start new document

Option D: None of above

Correct Answer: upper-left corner and use it for your favorite commands

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Option A: Java

Option B: Perl

Option C: HTML

Option D: Unix

Correct Answer: HTML

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Option A: bookmarks

Option B: cross-references

Option C: hyperlinks

Option D: word fields

Correct Answer: word fields

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Option A: format, header and footer

Option B: view, header

Option C: insert, header and footer

Option D: view, header and footer

Correct Answer: insert, header and footer

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Option A: it appears near the insertion point

Option B: it is inserted in its default size

Option C: is selected

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: First Line Indent Marker

Option B: Hanging Indent Marker

Option C: Left Indent Marker

Option D: Right Indent Marker

Correct Answer: Hanging Indent Marker

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Option A: paragraph break character

Option B: nonbreaking space

Option C: line break character

Option D: nonbreaking hyphen

Correct Answer: line break character

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Option A: embedding

Option B: objects

Option C: links

Option D: relationships

Correct Answer: links

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Option A: Normal

Option B: Raised

Option C: Lowered

Option D: Centered

Correct Answer: Centered

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Option A: upper-left

Option B: upper-right

Option C: lower-left

Option D: lower-right

Correct Answer: lower-right

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Option A: document formatting

Option B: database management

Option C: mail merge

Option D: form letters

Correct Answer: mail merge

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Option A: Main document

Option B: Data source

Option C: Merge fields

Option D: Word fields

Correct Answer: Word fields

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Option A: restored

Option B: hidden

Option C: minimized

Option D: closed

Correct Answer: hidden

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Option A: Menu bar

Option B: Tool Bar

Option C: Status Bar

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Menu bar

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Option A: formatting toolbar

Option B: page setup dialog box

Option C: Standard toolbar

Option D: paragraph dialog box

Correct Answer: page setup dialog box

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Option A: Tab stop buttons

Option B: View buttons

Option C: Split buttons

Option D: Indicators

Correct Answer: View buttons

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Option A: date line and inside address

Option B: message

Option C: signature block

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: shift+enter

Option B: ctrl+enter

Option C: shift+tab

Option D: ctrl+tab

Correct Answer: shift+enter

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Option A: Alt + F9

Option B: Ctrl + F9

Option C: Shift + F9

Option D: Space + F9

Correct Answer: Alt + F9

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Option A: CTRL + Enter

Option B: Alt + Enter

Option C: Shift + Enter

Option D: Space + Enter

Correct Answer: Shift + Enter

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Option A: merge the two files

Option B: create the main document

Option C: set the mailing list parameters

Option D: create the data source

Correct Answer: set the mailing list parameters

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Option A: Align Justify

Option B: Insert Hyperlink

Option C: Search

Option D: Print

Correct Answer: Align Justify

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Option A: left-aligned, or flush margins at the left edge and uneven edges at the right edge

Option B: centered, or equidistant from both the left edge and the right edge

Option C: right-aligned, or flush margins at the right edge and uneven edges at the left edge

Option D: justified, or flush margins at both the left and right edges

Correct Answer: left-aligned, or flush margins at the left edge and uneven edges at the right edge

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Option A: Double click the tab marker and choose Clear All

Option B: Drag the tab stop marker out of the ruler

Option C: Right click the tab stop marker and choose remove

Option D: All of above

Correct Answer: Drag the tab stop marker out of the ruler

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