
Computer MCQs

Option A: Press Ctrl + Shift + Enter

Option B: Press Alt + Enter

Option C: Press Ctrl + Enter

Option D: Press Alt + Shift + Enter

Correct Answer: Press Ctrl + Shift + Enter

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Option A: press the enter key twice

Option B: click the Undo button on the Standard toolbar

Option C: press the backspace key to remove the bullet

Option D: click the Bullets button on the Formatting toolbar

Correct Answer: click the Undo button on the Standard toolbar

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Option A: Copy the selected text

Option B: Cut the selected text

Option C: Print the selected text

Option D: Paste the selected text

Correct Answer: Copy the selected text

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Option A: lines

Option B: characters

Option C: paragraphs

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: Page Orientation

Option B: Page margins

Option C: Paper Style

Option D: Paper Source

Correct Answer: Page Orientation

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Option A: header and footer toolbar

Option B: print layout view

Option C: page setup dialog box

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: page setup dialog box

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Option A: insertion point

Option B: end mark

Option C: status indicator

Option D: scroll box

Correct Answer: end mark

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Option A: floating toolbar

Option B: scroll bar

Option C: status toolbar

Option D: menu bar

Correct Answer: floating toolbar

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Option A: case of letters

Option B: underline words, not spaces

Option C: superscript

Option D: all capital letters

Correct Answer: superscript

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Option A: the first several characters of text in the item display as a ScreenTip

Option B: the text entry is deleted from the Office Clipboard gallery

Option C: the text entry is pasted into the document at the location of the insertion point

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: the first several characters of text in the item display as a ScreenTip

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Option A: Gates

Option B: Smaller ribbons

Option C: Tabs

Option D: Icons

Correct Answer: Tabs

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Option A: the Save button on the Standard toolbar

Option B: Save on the File menu

Option C: the Save As button on the Standard toolbar

Option D: Save As on the File menu

Correct Answer: Save As on the File menu

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Option A: word is the destination document

Option B: excel is the destination document

Option C: the worksheet is the destination document

Option D: the document is the source document

Correct Answer: word is the destination document

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Option A: Find command

Option B: Replace Command

Option C: Thesaurus

Option D: Spelling and Grammar

Correct Answer: Thesaurus

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Option A: source

Option B: destination

Option C: original

Option D: primary

Correct Answer: source

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Option A: on first page

Option B: on alternate page

Option C: on every page

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: on every page

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Option A: Next Page

Option B: Previous Page

Option C: Odd Page

Option D: Even Page

Correct Answer: Previous Page

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Option A: Cancel

Option B: Back

Option C: Next

Option D: Finish

Correct Answer: Finish

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Option A: Status bar

Option B: Tool bar

Option C: Menu bar

Option D: Title bar

Correct Answer: Tool bar

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Option A: upper-right

Option B: lower-left

Option C: lower-right

Option D: upper-left

Correct Answer: upper-left

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Option A: the same characters per line with the same document in landscape

Option B: More characters per line than the same document in landscape

Option C: Less characters per line than the same document in landscape

Option D: Smaller fonts in order to fit the same amount of characters per line with landscape

Correct Answer: Less characters per line than the same document in landscape

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Option A: Left & Right

Option B: Left & Top

Option C: Left & Bottom

Option D: Left Only

Correct Answer: Left & Top

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Option A: It activates extended selection

Option B: It activates the rectangular selection

Option C: It selects the paragraph on which the insertion line is.

Option D: None of above

Correct Answer: It activates the rectangular selection

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Option A: format, header and footer

Option B: view, footer

Option C: insert, header and footer

Option D: view, header and footer

Correct Answer: insert, header and footer

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Option A: Format Tabs

Option B: Table Insert Table

Option C: Insert Textbox

Option D: Format Columns

Correct Answer: Format Columns

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Option A: Left Align

Option B: Left Indent

Option C: Increase Left Margin

Option D: Decrease Left Margin

Correct Answer: Left Align

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Option A: bookmarks

Option B: cross-references

Option C: hyperlinks

Option D: word-fields

Correct Answer: hyperlinks

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Option A: End

Option B: Backspace

Option C: Home

Option D: Delete

Correct Answer: Delete

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Option A: Landscape

Option B: Portrait

Option C: Gutter

Option D: Only A & B

Correct Answer: Only A & B

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Option A: full street address

Option B: logo

Option C: complete legal name of the company, group, or individual

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: None of the above

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Option A: Save Document

Option B: Print Document

Option C: Close Document

Option D: Open Document

Correct Answer: Open Document

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Option A: Choosing File menu then Exit submenu

Option B: Press Alt+F4

Option C: Click X button on title bar

Option D: From File menu choose Close submenu

Correct Answer: From File menu choose Close submenu

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Option A: clears all default tab stops

Option B: clears all default tab stops to the right of the custom tab stop

Option C: clears all default tab stops to the left of the custom tab stop

Option D: does not clear any default tab stops

Correct Answer: clears all default tab stops

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Option A: Exit Application

Option B: Select All

Option C: Clear All

Option D: Align Center

Correct Answer: Align Center

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Option A: places a border above a paragraph

Option B: creates a numbered list

Option C: changes the characters to an em dash

Option D: creates a bulleted list

Correct Answer: places a border above a paragraph

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Option A: Align Right

Option B: Select All

Option C: Change font

Option D: Save document

Correct Answer: Select All

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Option A: Both are same

Option B: It is faster to convert from Change Case than from Font dialog box

Option C: Change Case makes conversion permanent but All Caps on Font can always be reverted

Option D: All Caps on Font dialog box makes the change permanent where Change Case can be always reverted

Correct Answer: Change Case makes conversion permanent but All Caps on Font can always be reverted

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Option A: clip art

Option B: hyperlinks

Option C: captions

Option D: bookmarks

Correct Answer: clip art

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Option A: By pressing Ctrl + ]

Option B: By pressing Ctrl + [

Option C: By pressing Ctrl + }

Option D: By pressing Ctrl + {

Correct Answer: By pressing Ctrl + ]

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Option A: Pressing Ctrl+Enter

Option B: Pressing Alt+Shift+Enter

Option C: Break command from Insert menu

Option D: Both b and c

Correct Answer: Break command from Insert menu

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Option A: Save tab on Options dialog box

Option B: Save As dialog box

Option C: Both of above

Option D: None of above

Correct Answer: Save tab on Options dialog box

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Option A: Search the selected text

Option B: Paste the selected text

Option C: Bold the selected text

Option D: Open the specified file

Correct Answer: Bold the selected text

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Option A: F12

Option B: Shift F12

Option C: Alt + F12

Option D: Ctrl + F12

Correct Answer: F12

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Option A: Sub directory

Option B: Mini directory

Option C: Junior Directory

Option D: Active directory

Correct Answer: Sub directory

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Option A: 1 and 1

Option B: 2 and 2

Option C: 2 and 1

Option D: 1 and 2

Correct Answer: 1 and 1

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Option A: Outline

Option B: Raised

Option C: Subscript

Option D: Superscript

Correct Answer: Superscript

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Option A: Clip art

Option B: Word art

Option C: Drop cape

Option D: All of above

Correct Answer: Clip art

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Option A: 1

Option B: 1.25

Option C: 1.5

Option D: 2

Correct Answer: 1

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Option A: Left indent

Option B: Right indent

Option C: Center indent

Option D: Tab stop box

Correct Answer: Center indent

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Option A: Winword.exe

Option B: Word.exe

Option C: Word2003.exe

Option D: Msword.exe

Correct Answer: Winword.exe

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Option A: Save Document

Option B: Open Document

Option C: New Document

Option D: Close Document

Correct Answer: New Document

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Option A: On the left of horizontal scroll bar

Option B: On the right of horizontal scroll bar

Option C: On the top of vertical scroll bar

Option D: On the bottom of vertical scroll bar

Correct Answer: On the top of vertical scroll bar

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Option A: Open Paragraph Dialog box activating Goto Tab

Option B: Open Page Setup Dialog box activating Goto Tab

Option C: Open Find and Replace Dialog box with activating Goto Tab

Option D: Open Goto Dialog box

Correct Answer: Open Find and Replace Dialog box with activating Goto Tab

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Option A: Open Paragraph Dialog Box

Option B: Open Page Format Dialog Box

Option C: Open Save Dialog Box

Option D: Open Print Dialog box

Correct Answer: Open Print Dialog box

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Option A: Normal

Option B: Print Layout

Option C: Outline

Option D: Web Layout

Correct Answer: Print Layout

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Option A: normal

Option B: print layout

Option C: page layout

Option D: page edit

Correct Answer: print layout

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Option A: Formatting toolbar

Option B: Paragraph dialog box

Option C: Page Setup dialog box

Option D: Standard toolbar

Correct Answer: Page Setup dialog box

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Option A: feature

Option B: hyperlink

Option C: palette

Option D: theme

Correct Answer: theme

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Option A: Document

Option B: Character

Option C: Paragraph

Option D: Object

Correct Answer: Character

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Option A: font

Option B: font size

Option C: point

Option D: paragraph formatting

Correct Answer: font

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Option A: Press F8 again to disable

Option B: Press Del to disable

Option C: Press Esc to disable

Option D: Press Enter to disable

Correct Answer: Press Esc to disable

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Option A: Standard

Option B: Formatting

Option C: Print Preview

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Formatting

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Option A: Normal view

Option B: Print layout view

Option C: Print preview mode

Option D: Both B and C

Correct Answer: Both B and C

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Option A: Paragraph formatting (Line Space and Paragraph Space)

Option B: Close Word Application without saving Document

Option C: Print Whole Document without confirmation

Option D: Does nothing

Correct Answer: Paragraph formatting (Line Space and Paragraph Space)

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Option A: green X

Option B: green check mark

Option C: red X

Option D: red check mark

Correct Answer: red X

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Option A: Home tab

Option B: Insert tab

Option C: Review tab

Option D: None of above

Correct Answer: None of above

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Option A: Tab stop box

Option B: Left Indent

Option C: Right Indent

Option D: Center Indent

Correct Answer: Center Indent

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Option A: Scenarios

Option B: Size

Option C: Save

Option D: Spelling Check

Correct Answer: Save

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Option A: Save As dialog box

Option B: Open dialog box

Option C: Save dialog box

Option D: Close dialog box

Correct Answer: Save As dialog box

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Option A: Italic

Option B: Left Indent

Option C: Save Document

Option D: Close Document

Correct Answer: Italic

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Option A: Embed Fonts

Option B: Embed True Type Fonts

Option C: Save True Type Fonts

Option D: Save Fonts

Correct Answer: Embed True Type Fonts

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Option A: Copy the text and paste in new location. Then type the new text again.

Option B: Copy the text and click on Paste Special tool on new place

Option C: Select the text then click on Format Painter and select the new text

Option D: All of above

Correct Answer: Select the text then click on Format Painter and select the new text

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Option A: Ctrl

Option B: Alt

Option C: Shift

Option D: Tab

Correct Answer: Shift

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Option A: Alt

Option B: Ctrl

Option C: Shift+Enter

Option D: Alt+Enter

Correct Answer: Alt

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Option A: sub document

Option B: symbol

Option C: signal

Option D: switch

Correct Answer: switch

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Option A: Bullets

Option B: Hyperlinks

Option C: Sounds

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: find command

Option B: Replace command

Option C: Spelling and Grammar

Option D: Thesaurus

Correct Answer: Spelling and Grammar

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Option A: Formatting

Option B: Header and Footer

Option C: Standard

Option D: Edit

Correct Answer: Header and Footer

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Option A: File >> Share >> Email

Option B: Save the file as an email attachment

Option C: Start Outlook and attach the file while open in Word

Option D: This is an impossible operation

Correct Answer: File >> Share >> Email

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Option A: View tab

Option B: Home tab

Option C: Status bar

Option D: A & C both

Correct Answer: A & C both

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Option A: scroll boxes

Option B: sizing handles

Option C: status indicators

Option D: move handles

Correct Answer: sizing handles

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Option A: Information that is unique for every form letter created

Option B: Information that is same for every form letter created

Option C: Styles and fonts for the data source

Option D: None of above

Correct Answer: Information that is same for every form letter created

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Option A: frames

Option B: theme

Option C: table of contents

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: frames

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Option A: Font tab

Option B: Character Spacing

Option C: Text Effects

Option D: Standard Toolbar

Correct Answer: Font tab

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Option A: The text is deleted from document and you need to bring from Recycle Bin if required again.

Option B: The text is hidden and you need to bring it by removing the check box if needed again

Option C: The text is deleted and cannot be returned back

Option D: The text is hidden and cannot be returned back

Correct Answer: The text is hidden and you need to bring it by removing the check box if needed again

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Option A: scroll bar

Option B: status bar

Option C: title bar

Option D: menu bar

Correct Answer: menu bar

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Option A: to insert a blank line into a document

Option B: when the insertion point reaches the right margin

Option C: to begin a new paragraph

Option D: in response to certain Word commands

Correct Answer: when the insertion point reaches the right margin

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Option A: Hypertext Transfer Protocol Section

Option B: Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure

Option C: Hypertext Transfer Protocol start

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure

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Option A: Nav Panel

Option B: Notes

Option C: Speaker’s Panel

Option D: Both B. and C.

Correct Answer: D. Both B. and C.

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Option A: Animation

Option B: Slide Timing

Option C: Visual Widgets

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Animation

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Option A: Slider View

Option B: Instance Slide View

Option C: Slide View

Option D: Instance Slider View

Correct Answer: Slide View

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Option A: Windows 8

Option B: Windows 16

Option C: Windows 10

Option D: Windows 7

Correct Answer: Windows 10

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Option A: Bluetooth

Option B: Wifi

Option C: Modem

Option D: USB

Correct Answer: Bluetooth

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Option A: Audio

Option B: Video

Option C: Image

Option D: Flash

Correct Answer: Image

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Option A: to enhance the overall appearance of the document

Option B: to mark the starting and ending of page

Option C: to make large document more readable

Option D: to allow page headers and footers appear on document when printed

Correct Answer: to allow page headers and footers appear on document when printed

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Option A: to quickly format the document

Option B: to quickly print required page

Option C: to quickly navigate the document

Option D: to quickly correct spelling mistakes

Correct Answer: to quickly navigate the document

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Option A: Insert

Option B: Format

Option C: Tools

Option D: Table

Correct Answer: Insert

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Option A: Format

Option B: Edit

Option C: Tools

Option D: View

Correct Answer: Tools

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Option A: View, Zoom

Option B: Format, Font

Option C: Tools, Options

Option D: Tools, Customize

Correct Answer: View, Zoom

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Option A: Tools, Spelling & Grammar

Option B: Tools, Language

Option C: Tools, Options

Option D: Insert, Cross-reference

Correct Answer: Tools, Language

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