
Development Planning And Policy-Making The State, And The Market MCQs

Option A: Keeping balanced budget, a price target

Option B: slow economic growth under colonial capitalism

Option C: minimizing public spending in the rural areas

Option D: western countries, nation-state ideology

Correct Answer: slow economic growth under colonial capitalism

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Option A: I and II only

Option B: I, II, III only

Option C: I, II, IV only

Option D: I, II, III and IV

Correct Answer: I, II, III and IV

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Option A: has failed

Option B: works well in Utopia

Option C: is widely used in sub Saharan Africa

Option D: is the only way to eradicate poverty?

Correct Answer: has failed

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Option A: market socialism

Option B: capitalism

Option C: mixed economy

Option D: monopoly

Correct Answer: market socialism

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Option A: but falls short of authorization

Option B: with immediate implementation

Option C: of the central bank

Option D: of implementation through foreign aid

Correct Answer: but falls short of authorization

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Option A: Yugoslavia

Option B: Chile

Option C: Vietnam

Option D: Japan

Correct Answer: Yugoslavia

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Option A: the inputs to each industry from other industries and sectors

Option B: development planning and the required information on national income growth

Option C: the planned public capital divided by feasible actual industrial projects public capital

Option D: how the output of each industry is distributed within the sectors of the economy

Correct Answer: the inputs to each industry from other industries and sectors

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Option A: III and IV only

Option B: II and III only

Option C: I, II and III only

Option D: I, II, III and IV

Correct Answer: I, II, III and IV

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Option A: monetary policy, fiscal policy

Option B: elections; economics policies

Option C: economic policies; political policies

Option D: tax collection, tax implementation

Correct Answer: elections; economics policies

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Option A: governments depend primarily on their colonial masters

Option B: excessive controls are used in the private sector

Option C: the brain drains cost government substantially

Option D: monopolies dominate in the agricultural sector

Correct Answer: excessive controls are used in the private sector

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Option A: Investigating development potential through scientific and market research and natural resources surveys

Option B: Providing adequate infrastructure for public and private agencies

Option C: Creating markets, including commodity markets, security exchanges, banks credit facilities and insurance companies

Option D: Increasing market monopolies and oligopolies to help producers

Correct Answer: Increasing market monopolies and oligopolies to help producers

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Option A: most resource lack freedom to move to their highest value uses

Option B: resources are free to move to their lowest cost uses

Option C: resources owned by private entities moves to efficient use but not those owned publicly

Option D: resources are privately owned by capitalists

Correct Answer: most resource lack freedom to move to their highest value uses

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Option A: indicative plan

Option B: central bank policies

Option C: central planning

Option D: instrument variables

Correct Answer: instrument variables

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Option A: achieved only through socialism

Option B: target variables

Option C: bound by soft budget

Option D: recurrent expenditures

Correct Answer: target variables

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Option A: instrument variable

Option B: seasonal expenditure

Option C: rolling plan

Option D: perspective plan

Correct Answer: rolling plan

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Option A: The monopoly profit maximization rule applies

Option B: Product price equals marginal cost

Option C: marginal revenue equals average cost

Option D: total revenue equals total cost

Correct Answer: Product price equals marginal cost

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Option A: commanding heights

Option B: entrepreneurial programs

Option C: public physical policy

Option D: development planning

Correct Answer: development planning

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Option A: dirigiste

Option B: Keynesian

Option C: Commanding heights

Option D: soft budget

Correct Answer: dirigiste

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