
Employment, Migration, And Urbanization MCQs

Option A: decrease aggregate demand

Option B: reduce tax rates or lower interest rates

Option C: decrease government spending

Option D: decrease private consumption and investment

Correct Answer: decrease private consumption and investment

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Option A: Migration to the cities is a larger contributor than natural population growth to urban labor growth is sub Saharan Africa

Option B: In Latin America natural population increase is the major source of urban growth

Option C: From 1975 to 2000 the number of cities in LDC with populations over 1 million increased from 20 to 50

Option D: The urban share of total LDC population grew from 27 percent in 1975 and 35 percent in 1992 to 40 percent in 2003

Correct Answer: In Latin America natural population increase is the major source of urban growth

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Option A: marginal rate of substitution

Option B: labor force literacy

Option C: substitution of leisure and work among labor

Option D: limited technical sustainability of factors

Correct Answer: limited technical sustainability of factors

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Option A: are workers who are compelled to work short hours

Option B: result from an inadequate use of workers capacities

Option C: are part-time workers who voluntarily work short hours

Option D: None of the above is correct

Correct Answer: result from an inadequate use of workers capacities

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Option A: The unemployment rate for youths is twice that of people over 24

Option B: Unemployment in rural areas is twice that of urban areas

Option C: World-wide there are fewer unemployed females than males, but the rate is higher for women

Option D: The unemployed are relatively well educated

Correct Answer: World-wide there are fewer unemployed females than males, but the rate is higher for women

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Option A: persons 15 to 24 years old

Option B: the educated

Option C: residents of urban areas

Option D: from the poorest 1/5 of the population

Correct Answer: from the poorest 1/5 of the population

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Option A: plant and equipment

Option B: buildings

Option C: inventories

Option D: consumers goods

Correct Answer: consumers goods

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Option A: technique to manage raw materials efficiently

Option B: residual of a production function

Option C: resource coordinating other productive resources

Option D: blueprint on how to manage the labor force

Correct Answer: resource coordinating other productive resources

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Option A: I and II only

Option B: III and IV only

Option C: I, II and III only

Option D: I, II and IV only

Correct Answer: I and II only

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Option A: I and II only

Option B: II and III only

Option C: I, II and III only

Option D: I, II, III and IV

Correct Answer: I, II, III and IV

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Option A: That people migrate when urban wages exceed rural wages

Option B: a higher expected income in urban areas

Option C: better infrastructure in urban areas

Option D: the availability of labor-intensive jobs in urban areas

Correct Answer: a higher expected income in urban areas

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Option A: is insufficient for solving the urban unemployment problem

Option B: will generate capital-intensive technologies

Option C: will generate more government revenue through urban wages

Option D: induces government to increase minimum wages

Correct Answer: will generate capital-intensive technologies

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Option A: when marginal revenue productivity of labor is zero

Option B: the same as seasonal unemployment of LDC agricultural

Option C: the rigid factor proportions in LDC agriculture and industry

Option D: due to capital formation and the level of technology remaining constant.

Correct Answer: when marginal revenue productivity of labor is zero

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Option A: disguised unemployed

Option B: cyclical unemployed

Option C: seasonally unemployed

Option D: voluntarily unemployed

Correct Answer: disguised unemployed

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Option A: employed plus unemployed divided by labor force

Option B: total employment divided by population

Option C: labor force divided by population

Option D: unemployed divided by employed

Correct Answer: employed plus unemployed divided by labor force

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Option A: fertility

Option B: population quality

Option C: mortality

Option D: morbidity

Correct Answer: population quality

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Option A: national product

Option B: capital

Option C: natural resources

Option D: prevailing technology

Correct Answer: national product

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Option A: shows the dependency output of the working population

Option B: depicts the relationship between input and output

Option C: states the relationship between products and income distribution

Option D: is a function of natural resources in a country

Correct Answer: depicts the relationship between input and output

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