
Miscellaneous Economics MCQs

Option A: has been used as an instrument of foreign policy by the U.S

Option B: should be abolished until poverty is eliminated is our own society

Option C: is what ultimately overthrowing communism

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: has been used as an instrument of foreign policy by the U.S

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Option A: globalism

Option B: pluralism

Option C: scientific democracy

Option D: neorealism

Correct Answer: scientific democracy

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Option A: multipolar system

Option B: bipolar system

Option C: assured destruction system

Option D: unipolar system

Correct Answer: multipolar system

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Option A: Physical survival

Option B: Territorial integrity

Option C: Political independence

Option D: Cultural diversity

Correct Answer: Cultural diversity

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Option A: unilateral and generic

Option B: universal and local

Option C: empirical and patriotic

Option D: uniform and multiform

Correct Answer: universal and local

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Option A: change in the distribution of power

Option B: technological progress

Option C: climactic changes from the ice age to global heating

Option D: BOTH fluctuations in the distribution of power and technological progress

Correct Answer: technological progress

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Option A: the global social system closely resembles a social system closely resembles a social system

Option B: the global social system differs considerably from a societal social system

Option C: a global social system does not exist

Option D: there exists consensus on values on a global level

Correct Answer: the global social system differs considerably from a societal social system

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Option A: morality will be the foundation of foreign policy

Option B: Americans do not always act according to their ideology

Option C: the world operates on generous feelings toward others

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: Americans do not always act according to their ideology

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Option A: China

Option B: France

Option C: Russia

Option D: none of these

Correct Answer: none of these

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Option A: very dependable allies

Option B: help in the Middle East

Option C: assurance that allies will back up U.S

Option D: the need to build up the U.S military apparatus

Correct Answer: help in the Middle East

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Option A: to restore peace

Option B: after the establishment of private property

Option C: because people began to fight among themselves

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: after the establishment of private property

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Option A: racism

Option B: imperialism

Option C: colonialism

Option D: national ethnocentrism

Correct Answer: national ethnocentrism

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Option A: dead

Option B: the source of wars and atrocities

Option C: at most a quaint reminder of past political cultures

Option D: the bastion of freedom and world peace

Correct Answer: the source of wars and atrocities

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Option A: the Middle Ages

Option B: the Renaissance

Option C: the Hundred Years War

Option D: the Protestant Reformation

Correct Answer: the Renaissance

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Option A: public education

Option B: health care

Option C: the rise of administrative elites

Option D: war

Correct Answer: the rise of administrative elites

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Option A: explains why things are as they are

Option B: underlie all social movements

Option C: underlie all governments

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: underlie all social movements

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Option A: the statuses and roles that enforce the law

Option B: the legitimate use of force within a territory

Option C: the process by which individuals and groups acquire power

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: the process by which individuals and groups acquire power

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Option A: the ability to coerce agreement

Option B: legitimate authority

Option C: a charismatic leader

Option D: a strong army

Correct Answer: legitimate authority

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Option A: nationalism

Option B: legal-rational thinking

Option C: an internationalist world view

Option D: a reasoned approach to detente

Correct Answer: nationalism

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Option A: protecting the interest of the ruling elite only

Option B: helping the poor and homeless

Option C: bringing peace to its citizens

Option D: directing the economy

Correct Answer: protecting the interest of the ruling elite only

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Option A: God

Option B: the law

Option C: the Bible

Option D: personal charisma

Correct Answer: personal charisma

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Option A: Legal-rational

Option B: Democratic

Option C: Traditional

Option D: Charismatic

Correct Answer: Traditional

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Option A: pattern of statuses and roles

Option B: system of norms and values

Option C: system to deal with order and defense

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: appears only in capitalistic societies

Option B: is power exercised by the state through its government

Option C: characterizes all dictatorships

Option D: belongs to a ruler in democratic regimes

Correct Answer: is power exercised by the state through its government

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Option A: they live in groups and need a degree of order

Option B: of their competitive nature

Option C: they have not reached a sufficient amount of civilization to exist without it

Option D: brute force is not sufficient keep them in line

Correct Answer: they live in groups and need a degree of order

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Option A: rational-legal authority

Option B: charismatic authority

Option C: traditional authority

Option D: the authority of force

Correct Answer: traditional authority

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Option A: appear only in traditional societies

Option B: may appear in societies with either a traditional or a legal-rational base of authority

Option C: establish a stable social organization

Option D: are only characteristic of theocracies

Correct Answer: may appear in societies with either a traditional or a legal-rational base of authority

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Option A: Territory

Option B: Population

Option C: Armed services

Option D: Sovereignty

Correct Answer: Armed services

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Option A: sovereignty over it

Option B: the desire to rule it

Option C: interest in its resources

Option D: the power to take it over

Correct Answer: sovereignty over it

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Option A: the formation of party machines

Option B: the protection of the interests of the power elite

Option C: the enlargement of the administrative elite

Option D: the provision of institutionalized social control

Correct Answer: the protection of the interests of the power elite

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Option A: dose not exist in large urban industrial societies

Option B: is insufficient to maintain social order in complex societies

Option C: can only be exerted through the institution of religion

Option D: is best when exerted by forces outside the individual

Correct Answer: is insufficient to maintain social order in complex societies

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Option A: it is enforced on members of society

Option B: a majority of societal members accept its use as right and proper

Option C: it has been transmitted in a traditional way

Option D: it is rational

Correct Answer: a majority of societal members accept its use as right and proper

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Option A: the ultimate source of social control

Option B: institutionalized social control

Option C: a way of insuring absolute freedom for citizens

Option D: BOTH ultimate and institutionalized social control

Correct Answer: institutionalized social control

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Option A: homogeneous societies

Option B: traditional agrarian societies

Option C: urban industrial developed societies

Option D: totalitarian societies

Correct Answer: urban industrial developed societies

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Option A: have never existed toward diverse religious groups

Option B: have been a part of the relationships among diverse religious groups

Option C: are tenets of some religions

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: have been a part of the relationships among diverse religious groups

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Option A: realism

Option B: pluralism

Option C: globalism

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: pluralism

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Option A: international law

Option B: international economics

Option C: international security affairs

Option D: international relations

Correct Answer: international relations

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Option A: total anarchy

Option B: centralized power

Option C: full cooperation

Option D: quasi-anarchy

Correct Answer: centralized power

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Option A: Americans are the least religious of these nations

Option B: 59 percent of Americans said that religions played an important role in their lives

Option C: the English and the French are much more religious than Americans

Option D: Canadians are as religious as Americans

Correct Answer: 59 percent of Americans said that religions played an important role in their lives

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Option A: nation-sates or national states

Option B: dominions

Option C: principalities

Option D: territories

Correct Answer: nation-sates or national states

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Option A: Schumpeterian system

Option B: Birmingham system

Option C: Topeka system

Option D: Lancaster system

Correct Answer: Lancaster system

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Option A: how well the students’ parents did in school

Option B: the peer group influence

Option C: the opinion of the neighbors

Option D: a family’s values regarding education

Correct Answer: a family’s values regarding education

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Option A: Reinforcement of society’s stratification system

Option B: Understanding mathematical concepts

Option C: Reinforcement of grammatical forms in language

Option D: Formation of youth leadership groups

Correct Answer: Reinforcement of society’s stratification system

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Option A: a highly educated intellectual

Option B: manual workers

Option C: nonproductive citizens

Option D: the poor and alienated

Correct Answer: manual workers

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Option A: to all people

Option B: to members of skilled professions

Option C: to members of academia

Option D: but has no bearing on the job market

Correct Answer: to members of skilled professions

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Option A: maintaining the class system

Option B: encouraging social mobility

Option C: promoting nationalism

Option D: allowing the formation of a subculture and keeping children in school for a period of time

Correct Answer: allowing the formation of a subculture and keeping children in school for a period of time

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Option A: the masses

Option B: a small elite

Option C: productive persons

Option D: the obviously intelligent

Correct Answer: a small elite

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Option A: depth of religious feelings

Option B: whether one believes in God or gods

Option C: whether one participates in religious rituals

Option D: a belief in heaven and hell

Correct Answer: depth of religious feelings

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Option A: they are small voluntary and exclusive

Option B: they reject the status quo

Option C: the have no ties to existing religious groups

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: the sympathetic interpretation of myths

Option B: the rational system of ideas that explains a belief system

Option C: a justification of the function of religion

Option D: the rules of ritual observance

Correct Answer: the rational system of ideas that explains a belief system

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Option A: differentiation

Option B: denomination

Option C: institutionalization

Option D: bureaucratization

Correct Answer: institutionalization

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Option A: Baptism

Option B: Anglicanism

Option C: Calvinism

Option D: Lutheranism

Correct Answer: Calvinism

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Option A: another name for atheism

Option B: a fusion of Christianity and Marxism

Option C: a doctrine of personal transcendence

Option D: a branch of Roman Catholicism

Correct Answer: a fusion of Christianity and Marxism

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Option A: cult

Option B: charismatic movement

Option C: fundamentalist movement sect

Option D: ecclesia

Correct Answer: cult

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Option A: income safety and deference

Option B: life liberty and the pursuit of property

Option C: survival and expressiveness

Option D: control over nature and the denial of death

Correct Answer: survival and expressiveness

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Option A: invented the concept of gods

Option B: though they were gods

Option C: projected their human ideals and personified them as gods

Option D: saw themselves as clans of animals

Correct Answer: projected their human ideals and personified them as gods

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Option A: animals are worshipped as gods

Option B: spirits are worshipped as disembodied humans

Option C: spirits are thought to acquire various forms

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: Christianity

Option B: Shintoism

Option C: Zoroastrianism

Option D: Hinduism

Correct Answer: Hinduism

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Option A: Hinduism

Option B: Christianity

Option C: Buddhism

Option D: Zoroastrianism

Correct Answer: Hinduism

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Option A: doctrines

Option B: creeds

Option C: articles of faith

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: finally destroy religion in the United States

Option B: promote secular humanism

Option C: stimulate new sects and cults to overcome the secularization process

Option D: be punished by God

Correct Answer: stimulate new sects and cults to overcome the secularization process

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Option A: transpersonal reality

Option B: paranormal reality

Option C: transient reality

Option D: transcendent reality

Correct Answer: transcendent reality

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Option A: supporting societal norms

Option B: making life anxiety-ridden

Option C: having the individual lose his/her identity

Option D: decreasing a person’s sense of security

Correct Answer: supporting societal norms

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Option A: help people improve their lives

Option B: support the exploitation of the masses

Option C: deal with reality

Option D: attain immortality

Correct Answer: support the exploitation of the masses

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Option A: they are young males

Option B: they live at or below the poverty level

Option C: they are seriously depressed

Option D: all of these

Correct Answer: all of these

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Option A: victims of child abuse become troubled adults

Option B: the more severe the abuse the more extreme the later psychiatric symptoms

Option C: not all abused children go on to abuse their own children

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: includes physical and emotional neglect

Option B: refers to a wide range of maltreatment

Option C: has a victimization rate of 12.3 per 1,000 children

Option D: only A B and C

Correct Answer: only A B and C

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Option A: is most popular among the 24-35 age group

Option B: among working couples

Option C: among college-educated high-income groups

Option D: only A and B

Correct Answer: only A and B

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Option A: a delay in the age of first marriage

Option B: the increase of cohabitation

Option C: the increase in the incidence of remaining single

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: a women’s age at marriage

Option B: a women’s family income

Option C: whether the women came from an intact family

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: Spending at least 20 hours with a person other than the mother

Option B: Being cared for by the biological mother even if she would rather work outside the house

Option C: We do not really know

Option D: Being in a day-care center with other children of the same age

Correct Answer: We do not really know

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Option A: are predominantly homosexual

Option B: represent an example of premarital life

Option C: are an old phenomenon

Option D: represent the great majority of couples

Correct Answer: represent an example of premarital life

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Option A: renounces all responsibility for his children

Option B: is often a “deadbeat dad”

Option C: is usually unfit to be a parent

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: B. is often a “deadbeat dad”

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Option A: is a normal process from which people quickly recover?

Option B: means freedom and happiness

Option C: may bring devastating economic and emotional consequences

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: may bring devastating economic and emotional consequences

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Option A: the jailing of spouse abusers and marital rapists

Option B: “serial” or “throwaway” marriages

Option C: male bonding and tribalism

Option D: women,s lack of interest in marriage

Correct Answer: women,s lack of interest in marriage

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Option A: infidelity

Option B: personality differences

Option C: incompatibility

Option D: only b and c

Correct Answer: only b and c

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Option A: micro conflict theory

Option B: transactional analysis

Option C: resource theory

Option D: dependency theory

Correct Answer: resource theory

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Option A: drug and alcohol abuse

Option B: infidelity

Option C: physical abuse

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: none of the above

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Option A: need not do any of the menial housework

Option B: have a more difficult psychological adjustment than men

Option C: experience a 45 percent drop in income

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: experience a 45 percent drop in income

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Option A: are quite content with their lot

Option B: spend very little time together

Option C: experience constant elation

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: spend very little time together

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Option A: are the most difficult

Option B: require the most adjustment

Option C: offer the most satisfaction

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: my family

Option B: the family of procreation

Option C: the family of origin

Option D: the family of orientation

Correct Answer: the family of orientation

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Option A: occurs with greater frequency in extended families

Option B: occurs less frequently in extended families

Option C: is a function of social class

Option D: happens only in industrial societies

Correct Answer: occurs less frequently in extended families

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Option A: ensuring the reproduction of the species

Option B: providing sex education

Option C: feeding its members

Option D: keeping members sheltered

Correct Answer: ensuring the reproduction of the species

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Option A: conjugal

Option B: consanguine

Option C: procreational

Option D: extended

Correct Answer: conjugal

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Option A: Single-parent family

Option B: Extended family

Option C: Blended family

Option D: Reconstituted family

Correct Answer: Extended family

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Option A: has soared in the past two years

Option B: has declined in the past several years

Option C: is highest among white teenagers

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: has declined in the past several years

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Option A: increased in number since 1970

Option B: generally a lower income than two-parent families

Option C: greater emotional stress in dealing with children

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: more suicides

Option B: more instances of depression

Option C: more car accidents

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: the importance of religion

Option B: the low status of women

Option C: emphasis on group goals

Option D: the stress on values of individualism and personal goals

Correct Answer: the stress on values of individualism and personal goals

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Option A: Indians (natives of India)

Option B: Hasidic Jews

Option C: Muslim

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: is an ancient principle

Option B: is a modern invention

Option C: prevents divorce

Option D: contributes to divorce

Correct Answer: is a modern invention

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Option A: exogamy

Option B: endogamy

Option C: polygamy

Option D: purdah

Correct Answer: endogamy

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Option A: polygamy

Option B: polyandry

Option C: polygyny

Option D: none of these

Correct Answer: none of these

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Option A: lunacy

Option B: polyandry

Option C: polygyny

Option D: serial marriage

Correct Answer: polygyny

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Option A: marriage

Option B: common descent

Option C: adoption

Option D: none of these

Correct Answer: common descent

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Option A: interfaith competition

Option B: legal and economic bonds

Option C: educational functions

Option D: class conflict

Correct Answer: legal and economic bonds

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Option A: show business

Option B: gossip

Option C: sports

Option D: the family

Correct Answer: the family

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Option A: are ingrained patterns of behavior representing solutions to universal human needs

Option B: are things like banks and schools

Option C: make up cultural components

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: are ingrained patterns of behavior representing solutions to universal human needs

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Option A: one urban cluster of at lest 10,000 but less than 50.000 population

Option B: one city of at least 50,000 population

Option C: one city of at least 1 million population

Option D: a region of the country

Correct Answer: one urban cluster of at lest 10,000 but less than 50.000 population

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