
Miscellaneous Economics MCQs

Option A: homogeneous societies

Option B: societies that value the social group over the individual

Option C: societies with a ruthless police force

Option D: only and b

Correct Answer: only and b

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Option A: drug addiction is a sustainable life style

Option B: drug users are not responsible for their actions

Option C: addicts choose to be addicted and hurt no one but themselves

Option D: society does care what happens to addicts

Correct Answer: addicts choose to be addicted and hurt no one but themselves

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Option A: organized crime

Option B: crimes against persons

Option C: social order crimes

Option D: sins against religious teaching

Correct Answer: social order crimes

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Option A: primary deviance

Option B: secondary deviance

Option C: tertiary deviance

Option D: labeling

Correct Answer: labeling

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Option A: Ritualistic territorial rebel

Option B: Realist drug and alcohol territorial

Option C: Conflict subcultural criminal

Option D: Criminal realist conflict

Correct Answer: Criminal realist conflict

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Option A: illness

Option B: abnormality

Option C: mental defects

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: neuroses

Option B: sociopathology’s

Option C: psychoses

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: psychoses

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Option A: were popular during the first half of the 20th century

Option B: agree on the causes of deviance

Option C: are strongly supported scientifically

Option D: explain all types of deviance

Correct Answer: were popular during the first half of the 20th century

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Option A: considered normal by some antisocial individuals

Option B: caused by abnormal chromosomes

Option C: learned through interaction with others

Option D: the result of social deprivation

Correct Answer: learned through interaction with others

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Option A: illegal drug use

Option B: Copyright infringement

Option C: Prostitution

Option D: Truancy

Correct Answer: Truancy

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Option A: government reaction

Option B: supply and demand

Option C: lack of labor

Option D: goods and service

Correct Answer: supply and demand

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Option A: being in a football pool

Option B: speeding

Option C: robbery

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: robbery

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Option A: one person’s demand for goods and services

Option B: the lack of demand for goods and services

Option C: the total demand in a society or on a world level for goods and services

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: the total demand in a society or on a world level for goods and services

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Option A: an undiscovered teller who steals from his bank is still a deviant

Option B: it does not take biology into consideration

Option C: it discounts the power of anomie

Option D: it is necessary to be realistic about people’s behavior

Correct Answer: an undiscovered teller who steals from his bank is still a deviant

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Option A: secondary deviance

Option B: final deviance

Option C: primary deviance

Option D: sinful deviance

Correct Answer: primary deviance

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Option A: the southern regions of the world

Option B: the North-South Axis

Option C: the northern regions of the world

Option D: the North and South Pole

Correct Answer: the southern regions of the world

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Option A: 10%

Option B: 35%

Option C: 56%

Option D: 5%

Correct Answer: 56%

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Option A: Europe

Option B: Asia

Option C: North America

Option D: Sub-Saharan Africa

Correct Answer: Sub-Saharan Africa

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Option A: dates

Option B: oil

Option C: uranium

Option D: coal

Correct Answer: oil

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Option A: Africa

Option B: The Middle East

Option C: Europe

Option D: The Pacific Rim

Correct Answer: Europe

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Option A: the United Nations is contacted

Option B: the Chief State makes all final decisions

Option C: both general and administrative personnel are involved

Option D: Henry Kissinger is contacted

Correct Answer: both general and administrative personnel are involved

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Option A: isolationism

Option B: interventionism

Option C: containment

Option D: internationalism

Correct Answer: containment

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Option A: administrative

Option B: crisis

Option C: general

Option D: threatening

Correct Answer: crisis

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Option A: Egypt

Option B: Israel

Option C: Palestine

Option D: Lebanon

Correct Answer: Israel

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Option A: morality

Option B: rights of humanity

Option C: exercise of power

Option D: what is best for the people of a nation

Correct Answer: exercise of power

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Option A: size and resources

Option B: location and population

Option C: political ideology and wealth

Option D: specific combinations of attributes

Correct Answer: specific combinations of attributes

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Option A: crisis decisions

Option B: administrative foreign policy

Option C: legislative decisions

Option D: constructive foreign policy

Correct Answer: administrative foreign policy

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Option A: Realism

Option B: Neo-realism

Option C: Globalism

Option D: Pluralism

Correct Answer: Globalism

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Option A: propaganda

Option B: journalism

Option C: foreign policy

Option D: diplomacy

Correct Answer: propaganda

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Option A: foreign policy

Option B: diplomacy

Option C: power in the context of international relations

Option D: international law

Correct Answer: power in the context of international relations

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Option A: 11%

Option B: 5%

Option C: 8%

Option D: 3%

Correct Answer: 5%

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Option A: discretionary

Option B: uncontrollable

Option C: balanced

Option D: unavoidable

Correct Answer: uncontrollable

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Option A: fiscal policy

Option B: monetary policy

Option C: incomes

Option D: revenue policy

Correct Answer: fiscal policy

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Option A: a reference to a government economist favoring high taxes

Option B: a special kind of screw driver that reflects the functioning of the economy

Option C: a graphic representation of conflict between full employment and inflation

Option D: a deflationary curve

Correct Answer: a graphic representation of conflict between full employment and inflation

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Option A: nouveau riches

Option B: generation x-ers

Option C: baby boomers

Option D: symbolic analysts

Correct Answer: symbolic analysts

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Option A: timing

Option B: interpretation

Option C: implementation

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: spending and taxation

Option B: wage regulation

Option C: income ceilings

Option D: bank regulation

Correct Answer: spending and taxation

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Option A: monetarism

Option B: Reaganism

Option C: the gold standard

Option D: cash and carry

Correct Answer: monetarism

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Option A: that the masses were being exploited

Option B: that the market was inherently unstable

Option C: the need for the intervention of the owners of the means of production

Option D: that industrial workers were becoming the new bourgeoisie

Correct Answer: that the market was inherently unstable

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Option A: mediate among conflicting economic goals

Option B: plan to ensure the correct mix of supply and demand

Option C: ensure that everyone is a sinner in the economy

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: mediate among conflicting economic goals

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Option A: the quantity of capital and labor

Option B: the quality of capital and labor

Option C: the quality of the labor force

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: the GDP

Option B: the GNP

Option C: the NNP

Option D: the SPQR

Correct Answer: the GDP

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Option A: efficient but inequitable

Option B: inefficient but equitable

Option C: efficient and equitable

Option D: a tenet of communism

Correct Answer: efficient but inequitable

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Option A: negatives

Option B: externalities

Option C: internalities

Option D: tangentials

Correct Answer: externalities

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Option A: is bloated with a large bureaucracy

Option B: employs one of every four workers

Option C: is less efficient and effective than the private sector

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: political liberals

Option B: political independents

Option C: political conservatives

Option D: political freethinkers

Correct Answer: political conservatives

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Option A: is exclusively used by anthropologists

Option B: requires the researcher to disguise his or her identity

Option C: involves experimental controls

Option D: may compromise the objectivity of the researcher

Correct Answer: may compromise the objectivity of the researcher

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Option A: manage large corporations

Option B: strike

Option C: bargain collectively

Option D: regulate safety

Correct Answer: bargain collectively

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Option A: vice president

Option B: specialist

Option C: bureaucrat

Option D: foreman

Correct Answer: specialist

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Option A: feudal agriculture

Option B: Christianity

Option C: machine-based production

Option D: dialectic materialism

Correct Answer: machine-based production

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Option A: is equitable

Option B: rations products among consumers

Option C: allows wealthy consumers to obtain more products

Option D: only B and C

Correct Answer: only B and C

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Option A: the more of the product will be produced

Option B: the less producers will manufacture to raise the price still more

Option C: the more they go into debt forcing them to stop buying

Option D: the more expensive the product becomes

Correct Answer: the more of the product will be produced

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Option A: Mexico Panama Costa Rica

Option B: United States Canada Puerto Rico

Option C: United States Canada Mexico

Option D: United States Cuba Mexico

Correct Answer: United States Canada Mexico

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Option A: hyperinflation

Option B: the Pigou effects

Option C: inflation

Option D: restraint of trade

Correct Answer: inflation

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Option A: concerns wage rates and labor supply

Option B: is a political as well as economic issue

Option C: is complicated by overlapping labor markets

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: a desirable mix of windfall profits

Option B: a leisure-based society

Option C: spectacular growth

Option D: none of the above are dominant goals

Correct Answer: none of the above are dominant goals

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Option A: savings

Option B: withdrawals

Option C: unbalanced exchange

Option D: exchange flow

Correct Answer: withdrawals

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Option A: incremental

Option B: windfalls

Option C: injections

Option D: incidentals

Correct Answer: injections

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Option A: macroeconomics

Option B: macroeconomics

Option C: macroeconomics

Option D: institutional economics

Correct Answer: macroeconomics

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Option A: the ratio of gold to paper money

Option B: economic laws

Option C: prices and incomes

Option D: the religious institution

Correct Answer: prices and incomes

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Option A: demand exceeds supply

Option B: supply exceed demand

Option C: there is control of purchasing power

Option D: consumers have no purchasing power

Correct Answer: demand exceeds supply

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Option A: Full employment

Option B: High and equitably distributed income

Option C: Reasonable price stability

Option D: Low prime interest rate

Correct Answer: Low prime interest rate

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Option A: a recession

Option B: equilibrium

Option C: equivalence

Option D: abeyance

Correct Answer: equilibrium

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Option A: firms

Option B: households

Option C: markets

Option D: central authorities

Correct Answer: central authorities

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Option A: everyone is called by a title

Option B: the same as unemployment

Option C: there is a decrease in polarization

Option D: having theoretical knowledge in addition to training

Correct Answer: having theoretical knowledge in addition to training

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Option A: Cultural and social

Option B: Religious and educational

Option C: Semantic and semitic

Option D: Typically, American

Correct Answer: Cultural and social

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Option A: water space air

Option B: earth wind fire

Option C: animal vegetable object

Option D: technology time efficiency

Correct Answer: technology time efficiency

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Option A: primary sector

Option B: secondary sector

Option C: tertiary sector

Option D: quaternary sector

Correct Answer: tertiary sector

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Option A: monopoly

Option B: diversification

Option C: planned obsolescence

Option D: takeover attempt

Correct Answer: diversification

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Option A: a free market for all

Option B: oligopoly

Option C: government control

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: oligopoly

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Option A: gold and silver

Option B: the means of production machines tools materials

Option C: serfs

Option D: precious spices

Correct Answer: the means of production machines tools materials

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Option A: government controlling parts of the economy for the common good

Option B: revolutionary change

Option C: abolition of private property

Option D: totalitarian government and dictatorship of the proletariat

Correct Answer: government controlling parts of the economy for the common good

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Option A: production depends on supply and demand

Option B: consumers create demand

Option C: producers supply what is demanded

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: Public

Option B: Private

Option C: Communal

Option D: Indian

Correct Answer: Communal

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Option A: the amount of each commodity that can be produced given available resources

Option B: unlimited production of one commodity

Option C: limitless output of commodities

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: the amount of each commodity that can be produced given available resources

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Option A: land

Option B: capital

Option C: labor

Option D: time

Correct Answer: land

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Option A: must always be limited

Option B: maintains and fuels demand

Option C: is not a factor

Option D: is viewed unfavorably

Correct Answer: maintains and fuels demand

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Option A: excessive upward mobility

Option B: interlocking directorates

Option C: racial polarization

Option D: a combination of theoretical knowledge and training

Correct Answer: a combination of theoretical knowledge and training

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Option A: public

Option B: private

Option C: common law

Option D: communal

Correct Answer: public

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Option A: truth

Option B: property

Option C: happiness

Option D: justice

Correct Answer: property

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Option A: anything that is manmade

Option B: anything that is produced in factories

Option C: anything that is derived from natural including

Option D: everything that is needed for the production of goods and services including human energy

Correct Answer: everything that is needed for the production of goods and services including human energy

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Option A: convict felons in Common Pleas Cout

Option B: Provide a blueprint showing people how to survive

Option C: show people how to obtain goods and services without having to pay for them

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: Provide a blueprint showing people how to survive

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Option A: are moving outside the Democratic party to achieve some of their political goals

Option B: are becoming very scarce in both parties

Option C: are hoping to create a third party

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: are moving outside the Democratic party to achieve some of their political goals

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Option A: median

Option B: mode

Option C: moot

Option D: mean

Correct Answer: mean

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Option A: dealignment

Option B: realignment

Option C: alignment

Option D: retrenchment

Correct Answer: dealignment

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Option A: the press and politicians

Option B: the president and Congress

Option C: the two political parties

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: money promised for campaigns

Option B: money used to purchase air time

Option C: money given after the election

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: none of the above

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Option A: all political and social issues

Option B: the major issues like war and peace

Option C: the election of all national officials

Option D: access to Supreme Court appointments

Correct Answer: the major issues like war and peace

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Option A: a charismatic leader is available

Option B: a large portion of the electorate is dissatisfied with the other candidates

Option C: the nation experiences severs economic recession or depression

Option D: new political ideologies emerge

Correct Answer: a large portion of the electorate is dissatisfied with the other candidates

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Option A: in accord with the agenda of the rank and file

Option B: more liberal than the rank and file

Option C: more conservative than the rank and file

Option D: unaware of the concerns of the rank and file

Correct Answer: more liberal than the rank and file

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Option A: injecting partisan ideologies into political parties

Option B: creating splinter parties

Option C: the dissemination of biased information

Option D: stifling minority voices

Correct Answer: the dissemination of biased information

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Option A: money

Option B: mass media

Option C: leadership

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: leadership

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Option A: what the government does

Option B: what the government fails to do

Option C: a plan of action

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: impressment

Option B: appeasement

Option C: innuendo

Option D: initiative

Correct Answer: initiative

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Option A: mass media

Option B: socialization

Option C: social class

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: the demands of the masses

Option B: the values of the elites

Option C: the ideals of the society

Option D: the compromises necessary to temper ideals with reality

Correct Answer: the values of the elites

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Option A: power is in the hands of a small group of individuals

Option B: Wall street brokers and other bankers hold the effective reins of government

Option C: power is diffused among numerous interest groups who compete and compromise on the decision-making process

Option D: the fewer interest groups exist the greater the stability of the political system

Correct Answer: power is diffused among numerous interest groups who compete and compromise on the decision-making process

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Option A: political control of the media

Option B: media subversion of government

Option C: nonexistent

Option D: symbiotic and adversarial

Correct Answer: symbiotic and adversarial

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Option A: attitude

Option B: action

Option C: opinion

Option D: conviction

Correct Answer: attitude

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Option A: state without a nation

Option B: nation without a state

Option C: nation split among several states

Option D: state split among several nations

Correct Answer: nation without a state

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