
Miscellaneous Economics MCQs

Option A: they are representative of a minority of people

Option B: they are democratic

Option C: they are accountable to the public

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: none of the above

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Option A: present official candidates to the electorate

Option B: have the goal of complete control of the government

Option C: put their names on ballots

Option D: are only accountable to themselves

Correct Answer: are only accountable to themselves

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Option A: Italy

Option B: the United States

Option C: England

Option D: all nations take the same time to campaign

Correct Answer: the United States

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Option A: the need to have religious representation in government

Option B: proportional representation

Option C: extremist ideologies

Option D: broad agreement on basic principles

Correct Answer: broad agreement on basic principles

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Option A: eliminate the opposition

Option B: gain power

Option C: eliminate power

Option D: control the media

Correct Answer: gain power

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Option A: physical force

Option B: manipulation of the masses

Option C: explaining the truth to the people

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: manipulation of the masses

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Option A: the elite is not always against the masses

Option B: the elite always works against the public interest

Option C: the elite displays a monolithic power structure

Option D: the masses should rebel against the elite

Correct Answer: the elite is not always against the masses

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Option A: the masses

Option B: a power elite

Option C: representatives of the people

Option D: the participants in the political process

Correct Answer: a power elite

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Option A: the dignity of the individual

Option B: representation of the majority

Option C: protection of minority rights

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: the elite may be influenced by the masses but it is more likely that it influences the masses

Option B: the elite constitutes a monolithic ruling class

Option C: elite groups have maximum control over decisions that affect the majority of people

Option D: the elite works against the public good

Correct Answer: the elite may be influenced by the masses but it is more likely that it influences the masses

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Option A: C.Wright Mills

Option B: Karl Marx

Option C: Paul Samuelson

Option D: BOTH Mills and Marx

Correct Answer: BOTH Mills and Marx

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Option A: control of Congress

Option B: Ways and Means

Option C: oversight

Option D: supervision

Correct Answer: oversight

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Option A: govern every state in the Union

Option B: ensure a system of representation

Option C: ensure that neither of the chambers has the upper hand

Option D: pass laws consistent with moral values

Correct Answer: ensure a system of representation

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Option A: to enact legislation

Option B: ensure that legislation is carried out

Option C: get around the administration

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: to enact legislation

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Option A: Corporate growth

Option B: The Social Security system

Option C: Public education

Option D: Public housing

Correct Answer: Public education

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Option A: powers not claimed by individual states are reserved by the national government

Option B: there is no national government whatsoever

Option C: power is centralized in a national government

Option D: all political power ultimately belongs to the states

Correct Answer: all political power ultimately belongs to the states

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Option A: aristocracy

Option B: oligarchy

Option C: republicanism

Option D: democracy

Correct Answer: aristocracy

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Option A: traditional authority

Option B: legal rational authority

Option C: charismatic authority

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: traditional authority

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Option A: unitary system

Option B: confederate system

Option C: catholic system

Option D: BOTH unitary and confederate systems

Correct Answer: confederate system

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Option A: inferred powers

Option B: residual powers

Option C: implied powers

Option D: reserved powers

Correct Answer: reserved powers

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Option A: Foreign Affairs Committee

Option B: Farm Affairs Committee

Option C: Rules Committee

Option D: Forest Preservation Committee

Correct Answer: Rules Committee

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Option A: are absolutely separated from one another

Option B: undergo checks and balances among one another

Option C: are integrated into a cohesive unit

Option D: make for speedy decision making

Correct Answer: undergo checks and balances among one another

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Option A: vote funds for conducting foreign affairs

Option B: conduct foreign affairs

Option C: unanimously approve treaties

Option D: decide the constitutionality of specific laws

Correct Answer: vote funds for conducting foreign affairs

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Option A: reserved

Option B: delegated

Option C: confederate

Option D: legislative

Correct Answer: reserved

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Option A: signed documents

Option B: instruments for limiting governmental power

Option C: possible only in industrial societies

Option D: characteristic of democracies only

Correct Answer: instruments for limiting governmental power

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Option A: The European monarchs

Option B: Middle Eastern dynasties

Option C: American Indian chiefdoms

Option D: None

Correct Answer: None

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Option A: rule of law

Option B: rule of men

Option C: rule of public authority

Option D: rule of the majority

Correct Answer: rule of men

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Option A: At the signing of the Declaration of Independence

Option B: After the Constitutional Convention of 1788

Option C: At the Inauguration of George Washington in 1789

Option D: Both B and C

Correct Answer: Both B and C

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Option A: was imitated by the framers of the constitution from Roman forms of government

Option B: provides for an absolute separation of three branches of government

Option C: is prescribed by the Constitution

Option D: was a notion the framers had to abandon

Correct Answer: is prescribed by the Constitution

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Option A: give more power to the government

Option B: restrict the power of the government

Option C: weaken the government

Option D: make revolution impossible

Correct Answer: restrict the power of the government

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Option A: the caretaker role

Option B: strict adherence to the written Constitution

Option C: dynamic political leadership

Option D: the teflon principle

Correct Answer: dynamic political leadership

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Option A: single member constituency system

Option B: proportional representation

Option C: parliamentary system

Option D: BOTH single-member constituency and proportional representation

Correct Answer: proportional representation

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Option A: Presidential supremacy

Option B: Federalism

Option C: Separation of powers

Option D: Checks and balances

Correct Answer: Presidential supremacy

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Option A: confederacy

Option B: federalism

Option C: centralism

Option D: Unitarianism

Correct Answer: federalism

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Option A: a feature of Adam Smith,s Wealth of Nations

Option B: the belief God exhibited by the Puritans

Option C: the fact that prayer results in help

Option D: a belief in ghosts prevalent in the early Middle Ages

Correct Answer: a feature of Adam Smith,s Wealth of Nations

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Option A: create abuse

Option B: stimulate government control

Option C: stimulate economic growth as each individual tried to maximize profits

Option D: stifle economic growth as the markets would be flooded with merchandise

Correct Answer: stimulate economic growth as each individual tried to maximize profits

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Option A: a failure in raised expectations

Option B: the oppressive role of the Communist Party

Option C: the failure of the Soviet economy to provide for consumer goods

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: the people respect the government

Option B: much the government interferes in the economy

Option C: profits are made

Option D: easy it is become rich

Correct Answer: much the government interferes in the economy

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Option A: everyone has economic security

Option B: everyone has the right to hold private property

Option C: welfare is eliminated

Option D: everyone has the chance to become a millionaire

Correct Answer: everyone has the chance to become a millionaire

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Option A: preaches hatred of the state

Option B: demands total nationalization of the economy

Option C: stresses class struggle

Option D: seeks to provide essential services to all

Correct Answer: seeks to provide essential services to all

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Option A: people must obey the rulers at all times

Option B: the rulers govern at the direction of God

Option C: the people allow themselves to be governed for their own good

Option D: a society cannot exist without authoritarian rulers

Correct Answer: the people allow themselves to be governed for their own good

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Option A: abolition of private property

Option B: military expansionism

Option C: the creation of a new ruling class

Option D: intense nationalism

Correct Answer: abolition of private property

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Option A: the ideology is static

Option B: the ideology changes to suit conditions

Option C: it has not led to dictatorship

Option D: it promises to give more power to the masses

Correct Answer: it promises to give more power to the masses

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Option A: idealism

Option B: dialectic materialism

Option C: an absence of materialism

Option D: a cyclical theory

Correct Answer: dialectic materialism

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Option A: is tolerated by religious ideologies

Option B: is incorporated in the ideology of democracy

Option C: underlies fascism

Option D: has been borrowed from the natural sciences

Correct Answer: underlies fascism

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Option A: in Germany under the leadership of Adolf Hitler

Option B: in Italy under the leadership of Benito Mussolini

Option C: in Argentina under Juan Peron

Option D: In South Africa under apartheid

Correct Answer: in Italy under the leadership of Benito Mussolini

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Option A: control the individual socially and politically

Option B: control only political life

Option C: leave individuals human and civil rights intact

Option D: deal only with economic and foreign policy matters

Correct Answer: control the individual socially and politically

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Option A: partial

Option B: comprehensive

Option C: abstract

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: a body of doctrines beliefs and symbols

Option B: ideas that have been in existence for centuries

Option C: a set of complex algebraic expressions

Option D: ideas derived exclusively from ancient Greece

Correct Answer: a body of doctrines beliefs and symbols

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Option A: matters of rule selection and principles of rule

Option B: parties

Option C: economics

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: matters of rule selection and principles of rule

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Option A: direct people to act in a certain way

Option B: never distort the truth

Option C: always abhor fanaticism

Option D: refer to the study of ideas

Correct Answer: direct people to act in a certain way

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Option A: we may begin to our national identity

Option B: the United States will be divided into a number of smaller nations

Option C: we must keep out all new immigrants

Option D: we will not defend the nation from invasion

Correct Answer: we may begin to our national identity

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Option A: older tribal loyalties must be abandoned

Option B: a “we are feeling must emerge among people

Option C: people must acknowledge a common history and a sense of a common future

Option D: all of these

Correct Answer: all of these

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Option A: deviant acts serve the individual,s purpose

Option B: deviant acts are escape valves for anxiety

Option C: deviance may contribute to group cohesion

Option D: successful deviants become stronger people

Correct Answer: deviance may contribute to group cohesion

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Option A: psychologists prefer the term “abnormality”

Option B: moralists prefer the term “immorality”

Option C: the definition of social norms varies by culture and subculture

Option D: no two people agree what deviance is

Correct Answer: the definition of social norms varies by culture and subculture

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Option A: Resocialization

Option B: Ethnocentrism

Option C: Self-fulfilling prophecy

Option D: Rebellion

Correct Answer: Self-fulfilling prophecy

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Option A: breaking legal codes

Option B: behavior forbidden by religion

Option C: behavior that passes the limits of what the social group tolerates

Option D: any violation of societal norms

Correct Answer: behavior that passes the limits of what the social group tolerates

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Option A: considered normal by some antisocial individuals

Option B: caused by abnormal chromosomes

Option C: learned through interaction with others

Option D: the result of social deprivation

Correct Answer: learned through interaction with others

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Option A: Differential association

Option B: Anomie

Option C: Labeling theory

Option D: Gang imitation theory

Correct Answer: Differential association

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Option A: chemotherapy

Option B: hypnotherapy

Option C: shock therapy

Option D: behavior therapy

Correct Answer: behavior therapy

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Option A: lack of legitimate means to attain group goals

Option B: mental retardation

Option C: neurosis

Option D: wild mood swings

Correct Answer: lack of legitimate means to attain group goals

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Option A: neurosis

Option B: psychosis

Option C: halitosis

Option D: prognosis

Correct Answer: neurosis

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Option A: shows what is proper behavior

Option B: helps group cohesiveness

Option C: promotes social change

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: Joan of Arc

Option B: Mozart

Option C: The Hell,s Angels

Option D: People with high IQs

Correct Answer: The Hell,s Angels

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Option A: signify a weakness in its development

Option B: are instrumental in cementing the mother-infant bonding

Option C: should be ignored or the infant will be spoiled

Option D: are natural in all mammals

Correct Answer: are instrumental in cementing the mother-infant bonding

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Option A: the peer groups

Option B: the mass media

Option C: the day-care center

Option D: child psychotherapy

Correct Answer: the day-care center

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Option A: universal validity

Option B: limited applicability to technologically advanced societies

Option C: the desire for equality is peculiar to democratic nations

Option D: post conventional morality is a luxury few cultures and societies can afford

Correct Answer: universal validity

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Option A: ethical dilemmas

Option B: opportunities for self-transcendence

Option C: crises of self-definition

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: crises of self-definition

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Option A: behavior based on sexual drives

Option B: thinkers prior to Freud who anticipated his ideas

Option C: thinkers opposed to psychoanalysis

Option D: thinkers influenced by Freud who have modified his ideas

Correct Answer: thinkers influenced by Freud who have modified his ideas

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Option A: they are based on a sophisticated definition of instinct

Option B: they emphasize sexual dysfunction

Option C: they stress the irrational

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: they are based on a sophisticated definition of instinct

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Option A: corresponds to Freud,s”ego”

Option B: emerged before the “me”

Option C: eventually completely merges with the “me”

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: B. emerged before the “me”

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Option A: the expressed judgment of one,s peers

Option B: the imagined judgments of others

Option C: the persons self-feeling such as pride

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: the imagined judgments of others

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Option A: occurs incidentally and unconsciously

Option B: involves acquiring a self-image

Option C: is less effective and easier to resist than childhood socialization

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: is less effective and easier to resist than childhood socialization

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Option A: one’s mother

Option B: shame

Option C: societal norms

Option D: analytic internalization

Correct Answer: societal norms

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Option A: view the same experiences differently

Option B: arrive at a common view point through discussion

Option C: perceive the same events in the same way

Option D: pretend to disagree when they really agree

Correct Answer: view the same experiences differently

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Option A: Charles Horton Cooley

Option B: Sigmund Freud

Option C: George Herbert Mead

Option D: Jean Piaget

Correct Answer: Sigmund Freud

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Option A: the absence of instincts

Option B: the need for love

Option C: the need for body contact

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: a child of five can learn philosophy

Option B: a child of one can understand social rules

Option C: a child of eight can master addition

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: a child of eight can master addition

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Option A: his overemphasis on early childhood

Option B: his overemphasis on adulthood

Option C: none his theory is widely accepted

Option D: his stress on the spiritual facet of personality

Correct Answer: his overemphasis on early childhood

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Option A: unconscious level of personality

Option B: conscious level of personality

Option C: the absence of the unconscious level

Option D: empirical level of personality

Correct Answer: unconscious level of personality

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Option A: primary socialization

Option B: secondary socialization

Option C: reverse socialization

Option D: tertiary socialization

Correct Answer: reverse socialization

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Option A: children are generally emotionally impaired by them

Option B: children lose intellectual progress

Option C: there is no important loss or gain in intellectual development in well managed centers

Option D: they are a breeding ground of child abuse

Correct Answer: there is no important loss or gain in intellectual development in well managed centers

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Option A: instincts

Option B: genes

Option C: drives

Option D: none of these

Correct Answer: none of these

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Option A: self-regard based on instinct

Option B: a person’s perception as to what others think of him/her

Option C: negative self-image

Option D: positive self-image

Correct Answer: self-regard based on instinct

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Option A: child taught to read

Option B: child absorbing parents’ attitudes toward race

Option C: correcting child’s use of worlds

Option D: child taught to use knife and fork

Correct Answer: child absorbing parents’ attitudes toward race

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Option A: permit researchers to generalize from samples

Option B: convey information about central tendency

Option C: allow researchers to test hypotheses

Option D: convey information about atypical behavior

Correct Answer: convey information about central tendency

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Option A: children

Option B: adults

Option C: persons of all ages

Option D: infants

Correct Answer: persons of all ages

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Option A: awareness of self

Option B: walking

Option C: speaking

Option D: crying

Correct Answer: awareness of self

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Option A: interplay between environment and learned behavior

Option B: a result of biology alone

Option C: role demands

Option D: more a function of heredity than anything else

Correct Answer: interplay between environment and learned behavior

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Option A: behavioral traits of a person

Option B: emotions of a person

Option C: attitudes of a person

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: socialization

Option B: the development of instincts

Option C: physical development

Option D: learning to be responsible

Correct Answer: physical development

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Option A: instincts

Option B: socialization

Option C: cosmic influences

Option D: in our society watching television

Correct Answer: socialization

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Option A: the subconscious mind

Option B: an individual’s self-concept or self-awareness

Option C: a person’s conscience

Option D: the equivalent of the libido in Freuds theory

Correct Answer: an individual’s self-concept or self-awareness

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Option A: Personality development acts independently of physical development

Option B: Personality development proceeds in stages related to sensorimotor maturation

Option C: Behavior is the product of genetic predispositions

Option D: The most important influence on personality development is social class

Correct Answer: Personality development proceeds in stages related to sensorimotor maturation

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Option A: Lookingglass self

Option B: symbolic interactionism

Option C: behaviorism

Option D: developmental theory

Correct Answer: behaviorism

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Option A: William Sheldon

Option B: Abraham Maslow

Option C: Charles Horton Cooley

Option D: George Herbert Mead

Correct Answer: Abraham Maslow

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Option A: the family

Option B: the peer groups

Option C: church

Option D: occupational groups or organizations

Correct Answer: occupational groups or organizations

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Option A: poor

Option B: black

Option C: Catholic

Option D: urban

Correct Answer: urban

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Option A: formal organizations are the same as institution

Option B: formal organizations are based on groups of people

Option C: institutions are groups of people

Option D: institutions are voluntary

Correct Answer: formal organizations are based on groups of people

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Option A: oligarchy

Option B: economic institution

Option C: public institution

Option D: total institution

Correct Answer: total institution

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