
Miscellaneous Economics MCQs

Option A: produce useful things

Option B: serve the practical purposes of their owners

Option C: provide useful services to the community

Option D: provide material benefits in exchange for work

Correct Answer: provide material benefits in exchange for work

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Option A: leadership structure

Option B: full-time employees

Option C: bylaws and body of officers

Option D: appearance to its general public

Correct Answer: bylaws and body of officers

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Option A: underlies both competition and coercion

Option B: is diametrically opposed to competition

Option C: is a hostile form of struggle?

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: is a hostile form of struggle?

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Option A: was the first of three such revolution

Option B: entailed the harnessing of electricity

Option C: involved a change in farming techniques

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: was the first of three such revolution

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Option A: industrial societies

Option B: agricultural societies

Option C: pastoral societies

Option D: horticultural societies

Correct Answer: industrial societies

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Option A: the family

Option B: the military

Option C: ones in-group

Option D: society

Correct Answer: society

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Option A: they cannot exist in secondary groups

Option B: they are always harmonious

Option C: the family is the only source of primary relation

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: an aggregate

Option B: a group

Option C: a category

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: a category

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Option A: role strain

Option B: ascribed statuses

Option C: master statuses

Option D: role conflict

Correct Answer: ascribed statuses

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Option A: the attainment of recognized excellence

Option B: a dominant position in a relationship

Option C: the most widely recognized among several positions

Option D: the position from which all other positions are derived

Correct Answer: the most widely recognized among several positions

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Option A: doing things in an institutionalized way

Option B: working jointly in a common enterprise for a shared goal

Option C: doing something in return for what someone has done for you

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: doing something in return for what someone has done for you

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Option A: the downfall of industrialized societies

Option B: one of the great contributions of democracy

Option C: a major obstacle to establishing social order

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: one of the great contributions of democracy

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Option A: individuals differ in temperament goals and desires

Option B: the world is based on randomness

Option C: humans are solitary creatures

Option D: human behavior is unpredictable

Correct Answer: human behavior is unpredictable

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Option A: task specialization governed by explicit rule

Option B: a pyramid of authority based on inherited privilege

Option C: leadership by a self-appointed

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: task specialization governed by explicit rule

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Option A: nation

Option B: state

Option C: government

Option D: society

Correct Answer: society

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Option A: violence

Option B: coercion

Option C: contest

Option D: competition

Correct Answer: competition

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Option A: is a model

Option B: is a concept

Option C: illustrates how social relationships work in a group

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: our human ancestors way of life in trees

Option B: the fact that human infants are helpless for a long period of time

Option C: a faulty genetic development

Option D: the small size of humans relative to other animals

Correct Answer: the fact that human infants are helpless for a long period of time

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Option A: competition

Option B: cooperation

Option C: conflict

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: conflict

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Option A: Gemeinschaft

Option B: Gesellschaft

Option C: Mineshaft

Option D: family

Correct Answer: Gemeinschaft

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Option A: the use of the plow

Option B: hunting animals

Option C: factories

Option D: farm animals

Correct Answer: the use of the plow

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Option A: reference group

Option B: membership group

Option C: involuntary group

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: reference group

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Option A: the U.S Army

Option B: a family

Option C: AT&T Corp

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: a family

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Option A: triad

Option B: family

Option C: primary

Option D: society

Correct Answer: society

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Option A: no role involvement

Option B: role happiness

Option C: role strain

Option D: the best of both roles

Correct Answer: role strain

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Option A: husband

Option B: president

Option C: dog owner

Option D: jogger

Correct Answer: president

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Option A: achieved status

Option B: ascribed status

Option C: no status

Option D: castes

Correct Answer: achieved status

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Option A: status

Option B: role

Option C: norm

Option D: institution

Correct Answer: status

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Option A: social rules of behavior

Option B: important institutions

Option C: specific roles

Option D: name given to certain kinds of laws

Correct Answer: social rules of behavior

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Option A: expectations as to the behavior of others

Option B: chaos

Option C: haphazard behavior

Option D: disorganization

Correct Answer: expectations as to the behavior of others

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Option A: microsocial level

Option B: macrosocial level

Option C: macroscopic level

Option D: microscopic level

Correct Answer: macrosocial level

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Option A: Redheads

Option B: Tourists visiting a resort

Option C: A married couple

Option D: A sales clerk and a customer

Correct Answer: Redheads

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Option A: Black female

Option B: President of the U.S

Option C: Exotic dancer

Option D: Thief

Correct Answer: Black female

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Option A: faulty role performance

Option B: status inconsistency

Option C: improperly learned roles

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: social process

Option B: social structure

Option C: social stability

Option D: social value system

Correct Answer: social structure

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Option A: Boston Bruins

Option B: Ku Klux Klan

Option C: campaign staff working for presidential candidate

Option D: the Smith family

Correct Answer: the Smith family

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Option A: provide standards against which we measure ourselves

Option B: are important during socialization

Option C: affect our values goals attitudes and behavior

Option D: are groups to which we belong from birth on

Correct Answer: are groups to which we belong from birth on

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Option A: Gesellschaft

Option B: secondary group

Option C: voluntary group

Option D: primary group

Correct Answer: primary group

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Option A: supports the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

Option B: shows that perceptions affect reality

Option C: language affects perceptions of reality

Option D: only A and C

Correct Answer: only A and C

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Option A: a group of guerrillas

Option B: the military establishment

Option C: life in a survivalist enclave

Option D: a doomsday cult

Correct Answer: the military establishment

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Option A: hexahedron

Option B: hermetic

Option C: heterogeneous

Option D: homogeneous

Correct Answer: heterogeneous

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Option A: cultural relativity

Option B: “ethnic cleansing”

Option C: ethnic pluralism

Option D: assimilation

Correct Answer: B. “ethnic cleansing”

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Option A: one,s own culture subculture or society is best bar none

Option B: women are subordinate in every culture

Option C: other cultures can be judged by the standards of one,s own

Option D: the males of a given ethnic group are superior

Correct Answer: one,s own culture subculture or society is best bar none

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Option A: everyone fears pain and embarrassment

Option B: individuals are anxious to be accepted

Option C: people need to be manipulated

Option D: independent though and action are too hard

Correct Answer: individuals are anxious to be accepted

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Option A: mores

Option B: a cultural trait

Option C: a taboo

Option D: a cultural complex

Correct Answer: a taboo

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Option A: dictate conduct in every situation

Option B: are specifically spelled out

Option C: are often contradictory

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: are often contradictory

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Option A: shame and quilt

Option B: past and future

Option C: love and endearment

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: none of the above

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Option A: symbols have universal meaning

Option B: symbols are intrinsically meaningful

Option C: symbols are biologically determined

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: none of the above

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Option A: are interrelated and interdependent

Option B: are in continual conflict

Option C: are separate phenomena

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: are interrelated and interdependent

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Option A: rules roles and norms

Option B: society culture and the individual

Option C: income safety and deference

Option D: class status and power

Correct Answer: society culture and the individual

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Option A: arise from fundamental human needs

Option B: include government the economy education the family and religion

Option C: differ in traits and culture complexes from society to society

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: an attitude with which members of one society judge another society according to their own standards

Option B: the attitude that cultures be analyzed on their own terms

Option C: the attitude that certain values and practices are common to all cultures

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: an attitude with which members of one society judge another society according to their own standards

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Option A: ethnocentrism

Option B: cultural relativity

Option C: ethnic uniformity

Option D: cultural pride

Correct Answer: ethnocentrism

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Option A: norm

Option B: guideline

Option C: folkway

Option D: value

Correct Answer: value

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Option A: A football games

Option B: The football itself

Option C: The NFL rules

Option D: “competition is good for you”

Correct Answer: The football itself

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Option A: when people commit too many sins

Option B: when the court system declares that they are needed

Option C: when the folkways and mores are not sufficient to control behavior

Option D: when it is necessary to create folkways and mores

Correct Answer: when the folkways and mores are not sufficient to control behavior

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Option A: animals larger and stronger

Option B: people communicate with symbols while animals communicate with signals

Option C: biology dictates human behavior while instincts direct animal behavior

Option D: people live in families while animals live in tribes

Correct Answer: people communicate with symbols while animals communicate with signals

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Option A: emphasizes math

Option B: is based in stores

Option C: opposes values of the mainstream culture

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: opposes values of the mainstream culture

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Option A: personal adornment

Option B: music

Option C: food taboos

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: music

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Option A: A rock bands

Option B: The economy

Option C: A jail

Option D: A symphony orchestra

Correct Answer: The economy

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Option A: one cultural trait

Option B: a psychological condition

Option C: a cluster of traits centered around a common activity

Option D: a theater symphony hall and museum

Correct Answer: a cluster of traits centered around a common activity

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Option A: rebel against group norms

Option B: accept group norms

Option C: respond only to negative sanctions

Option D: respond only to violence

Correct Answer: accept group norms

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Option A: informal norms

Option B: formal norms enforced by the state

Option C: casual folkways

Option D: less important than folkways

Correct Answer: formal norms enforced by the state

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Option A: values norms and beliefs are always in agreement

Option B: values norms and beliefs are unimportant

Option C: values norms and beliefs are often in conflict

Option D: people value and believe what they please because its a free country

Correct Answer: values norms and beliefs are often in conflict

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Option A: folkways

Option B: mores

Option C: table manners

Option D: taboos

Correct Answer: mores

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Option A: normative

Option B: cognitive

Option C: rule oriented

Option D: value oriented

Correct Answer: cognitive

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Option A: vision in depth

Option B: opposable thumb

Option C: erect walking posture

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: helps humans to cooperate

Option B: passes on knowledge from generation to generation

Option C: reflects changes in society

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: human social life

Option B: not only human but also ant society

Option C: all animal groups

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: human social life

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Option A: that moral values different from one, s own are all wrong

Option B: everyone’s crazy except you and me (and I’m not sure about you)

Option C: mindless acceptance of all cultural values of others

Option D: tolerance and respect for the cultural values of others

Correct Answer: tolerance and respect for the cultural values of others

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Option A: a football

Option B: goal posts

Option C: team uniforms

Option D: playing football

Correct Answer: playing football

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Option A: folkways

Option B: mores

Option C: customs

Option D: traditions

Correct Answer: mores

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Option A: bifocalism

Option B: upright posture

Option C: grasping ability of the hand

Option D: complex symbolic communication

Correct Answer: complex symbolic communication

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Option A: overt and covert culture

Option B: moral and immoral culture

Option C: legal and illegal culture

Option D: ethical and unethical culture

Correct Answer: overt and covert culture

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Option A: economic theories

Option B: issues in psychology

Option C: theoretical models used by sociologists and anthropologists

Option D: the vocabulary of computer science

Correct Answer: theoretical models used by sociologists and anthropologists

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Option A: economics

Option B: anthropology

Option C: sociology

Option D: psychology

Correct Answer: economics

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Option A: physical anthropology

Option B: cultural anthropology

Option C: demography

Option D: psychology

Correct Answer: physical anthropology

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Option A: predict a relationship between two factors

Option B: be general

Option C: be based on scientific theory

Option D: predict a causal relationship

Correct Answer: predict a relationship between two factors

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Option A: limited research funds are available

Option B: no hypothesis can be formulated

Option C: events under consideration are rare

Option D: facts must be established

Correct Answer: facts must be established

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Option A: precedes causation

Option B: only indicates a probable relation

Option C: occurs purely by chance

Option D: occurs among more than two variables

Correct Answer: occurs purely by chance

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Option A: objectivity

Option B: judgmental social science

Option C: generalization

Option D: participant observation

Correct Answer: judgmental social science

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Option A: independent variables

Option B: constants

Option C: dependent variables

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: dependent variables

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Option A: as a method of social control

Option B: as a search for universal social laws

Option C: to systematically apply common sense to issues

Option D: to defend the established order

Correct Answer: as a search for universal social laws

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Option A: social scientists are a lawless group

Option B: social science research techniques are flawed

Option C: the various disciplines squabble among themselves

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: none of the above

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Option A: Courage

Option B: Patience

Option C: Ethical neutrality

Option D: Social involvement

Correct Answer: Social involvement

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Option A: The functioning of supply and demand

Option B: Case study of an urban gay community

Option C: The interaction of various drugs in humans

Option D: The course of population growth and decline

Correct Answer: The interaction of various drugs in humans

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Option A: are differences of vantage point

Option B: are a matter of stress?

Option C: consist of the examination of various facets of a social universe

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: it is body of knowledge organized in a logical manner

Option B: it is not concerned with the method of acquiring knowledge

Option C: id does not include the method of investigation

Option D: its content is more important than its method

Correct Answer: it is body of knowledge organized in a logical manner

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Option A: must proceed systematically

Option B: must occur under controlled conditions

Option C: yields valid date with classification organization or recording

Option D: is open to anyone who wants to pursue it

Correct Answer: is open to anyone who wants to pursue it

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Option A: scientific investigation

Option B: speculation

Option C: inspiration

Option D: measurement

Correct Answer: speculation

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Option A: statistical and quantitative ways of investigating human behavior

Option B: a totally value free approach

Option C: using the findings of the social sciences to reform society

Option D: using whatever technique seems best to fit

Correct Answer: using whatever technique seems best to fit

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Option A: Generalization

Option B: Developing a research design

Option C: Data analysis

Option D: Replication

Correct Answer: Developing a research design

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Option A: precision

Option B: taking nothing for granted

Option C: eliminating bias

Option D: repeating observations

Correct Answer: eliminating bias

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Option A: sample survey

Option B: participant observation

Option C: statistical survey

Option D: experiment

Correct Answer: participant observation

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Option A: an entire population

Option B: a statistically valid section of a population

Option C: eating samples at various supermarkets

Option D: asking people who walk by to fill out naires

Correct Answer: a statistically valid section of a population

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Option A: theories

Option B: concepts

Option C: scientific laws

Option D: generalization

Correct Answer: scientific laws

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Option A: suicide

Option B: mental illness

Option C: sex

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: suicide

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Option A: only violent behavior

Option B: only normal behavior

Option C: mental states of individual humans

Option D: groups of people in interaction

Correct Answer: mental states of individual humans

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Option A: its primary concern is to record events of the past

Option B: historians do not use computers

Option C: it does not study people

Option D: it is not based on evidence

Correct Answer: its primary concern is to record events of the past

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Option A: production of goods and services

Option B: consumption of goods and services

Option C: distribution of goods and services

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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