
Miscellaneous Economics MCQs

Option A: psychology

Option B: conflict and Marxist theories

Option C: the ideology that tries to rationalize women ,s low position in society

Option D: The Feminine Mystique

Correct Answer: conflict and Marxist theories

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Option A: biological sex only

Option B: sexuality only

Option C: social expectations only

Option D: a combination of biology and socialization

Correct Answer: a combination of biology and socialization

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Option A: instinct

Option B: attempt to elicit parental approval

Option C: which stage of cognitive development they have reached

Option D: biology

Correct Answer: which stage of cognitive development they have reached

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Option A: the instrumental role assumed by males

Option B: women being less intelligent than men

Option C: the choice of women as leaders

Option D: women’s modesty

Correct Answer: the instrumental role assumed by males

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Option A: biology totally controls social role behavior

Option B: all tribes in her study stressed male aggression and hostility

Option C: sex role behavior is conditioned differently in different cultures

Option D: men are men and women are women everywhere

Correct Answer: sex role behavior is conditioned differently in different cultures

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Option A: have a lower birthrate than females

Option B: live longer than females

Option C: are more prone to aggressiveness than females

Option D: are less likely to die violently

Correct Answer: are more prone to aggressiveness than females

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Option A: the young are superior to the old

Option B: the old are superior to the young

Option C: there is a smooth transfer of roles between the old and the young

Option D: work is best left to those who can do it

Correct Answer: the young are superior to the old

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Option A: the castrated male still acted like a tomboy

Option B: the intact twin gradually became more “feminine”

Option C: the castrated twin was tidier than his brother but never played with dolls

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: the castrated male still acted like a tomboy

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Option A: Latinos have a strong sense of community

Option B: they are well organized politically

Option C: they try to use English instead of their native Spanish

Option D: they have a common culture

Correct Answer: Latinos have a strong sense of community

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Option A: age

Option B: social status

Option C: social class

Option D: none of these

Correct Answer: age

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Option A: internal economic development and specialization

Option B: development of a middle class

Option C: geographic concentration

Option D: a social caste system

Correct Answer: a social caste system

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Option A: with prejudice

Option B: as a result of informal quotas

Option C: with or without accompanying prejudice

Option D: as a result of government rulings

Correct Answer: with or without accompanying prejudice

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Option A: unequal status between groups reduces prejudice

Option B: equal status between groups leads to reduced competition

Option C: Southern blacks and whites of the same social class have been driven further apart in recent years

Option D: equal status between groups increases prejudice

Correct Answer: equal status between groups leads to reduced competition

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Option A: prejudging

Option B: characterizing

Option C: stereotyping

Option D: discriminating

Correct Answer: stereotyping

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Option A: acculturation

Option B: accommodation

Option C: segregation

Option D: assimilation

Correct Answer: segregation

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Option A: constitute a subculture within the larger culture

Option B: tend to show solidarity to each other

Option C: exhibit clannish behavior

Option D: practice cultural relativity

Correct Answer: constitute a subculture within the larger culture

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Option A: fewer people than the majority group

Option B: people distinguished by their physical or cultural traits

Option C: the hostile subcultures in the society

Option D: the most recently settled immigrants

Correct Answer: people distinguished by their physical or cultural traits

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Option A: black unemployment was the same as that of whites

Option B: blacks and whites had the same average income

Option C: blacks and whites graduated from college at the same rate

Option D: at least 40 percent of blacks were squarely in the middle class

Correct Answer: at least 40 percent of blacks were squarely in the middle class

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Option A: immigration

Option B: colonization

Option C: conquest

Option D: coexistence

Correct Answer: coexistence

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Option A: biology

Option B: the heritage of slavery

Option C: historic events of recent years

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: historic events of recent years

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Option A: structural discrimination

Option B: attitudinal discrimination

Option C: individual discrimination

Option D: elitist discrimination

Correct Answer: attitudinal discrimination

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Option A: individual discrimination

Option B: institutional discrimination

Option C: cultural discrimination

Option D: lack of talent among blacks

Correct Answer: institutional discrimination

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Option A: Judge each individual on his own merits

Option B: All blacks are good basketball players

Option C: There are good and bad among all ethnic or racial groups

Option D: Talent is not the exclusive property of any ethnic group

Correct Answer: All blacks are good basketball players

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Option A: segregation

Option B: acculturation

Option C: accommodation

Option D: amalgamation

Correct Answer: amalgamation

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Option A: assimilation

Option B: acculturation

Option C: accommodation

Option D: segregation

Correct Answer: accommodation

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Option A: cultural decline

Option B: cultural pluralism

Option C: cultural complex

Option D: cultural trait

Correct Answer: cultural pluralism

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Option A: race

Option B: religion

Option C: political party

Option D: last name

Correct Answer: race

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Option A: pure stock

Option B: differences in intelligence

Option C: primarily differences in language

Option D: mixtures of several populations

Correct Answer: mixtures of several populations

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Option A: minority refers to the smaller group

Option B: minority refers to an oppressed group

Option C: majority represents the group in power because of its large numbers

Option D: minorities are described on the basis of biology

Correct Answer: minority refers to an oppressed group

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Option A: is learned in school

Option B: is emotionally satisfying

Option C: is based on rational though

Option D: causes guilt feelings and most people need a scapegoat

Correct Answer: is emotionally satisfying

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Option A: an attitude or feeling of dislike for a certain group

Option B: an action taken as a result of prejudicial feelings

Option C: racial hatred

Option D: belief in the superiority of one,s own group

Correct Answer: an action taken as a result of prejudicial feelings

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Option A: It may be culture-conditioned or character -conditioned

Option B: It may reflect the norms of the community

Option C: Its source may be the personality of a specific person

Option D: it is almost never found in persons with an authoritarian personality type

Correct Answer: it is almost never found in persons with an authoritarian personality type

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Option A: share behavioral traits

Option B: share social and cultural traits

Option C: share physical traits

Option D: are heterogeneous

Correct Answer: share social and cultural traits

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Option A: there are three races

Option B: there are fifty two races

Option C: there are no races

Option D: all of humankind is descended from the same common stock

Correct Answer: all of humankind is descended from the same common stock

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Option A: forced assimilation

Option B: cultural relativity

Option C: population transfers

Option D: economic exploitation

Correct Answer: cultural relativity

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Option A: pluralistic

Option B: assimilationist

Option C: secessionist

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: a small group of people living within a large nation

Option B: a group of people who possess the same access to prestige privilege and power but who differ in looks

Option C: any group in society that is socially dominated by another group through discrimination because of race culture religion or sex

Option D: any small group in society which is disliked and abused

Correct Answer: any group in society that is socially dominated by another group through discrimination because of race culture religion or sex

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Option A: as wealthy as the developed nations

Option B: living in poor countries

Option C: living in industrial nations

Option D: living in predominantly agricultural nations

Correct Answer: living in poor countries

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Option A: the elderly

Option B: women

Option C: minorities

Option D: children

Correct Answer: the elderly

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Option A: quintiles

Option B: six or seven layers

Option C: the bourgeoisie and the proletariat

Option D: the haves and the have nots

Correct Answer: the bourgeoisie and the proletariat

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Option A: statistics on cancer deaths

Option B: a recent study by an epidemiologist

Option C: the fact that people revere academics

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: a recent study by an epidemiologist

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Option A: status inconsistency

Option B: horizontal mobility

Option C: intragenerational mobility

Option D: intergenerational mobility

Correct Answer: intergenerational mobility

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Option A: apolitical bureaucrats

Option B: the working poor

Option C: former members of the middle class

Option D: professionals with skills important in the information society

Correct Answer: professionals with skills important in the information society

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Option A: Episcopalians

Option B: Presbyterians

Option C: Congregationalists

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: the state

Option B: democracy

Option C: totalitarianism

Option D: international trade

Correct Answer: the state

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Option A: caste systems

Option B: estate systems

Option C: class systems

Option D: status systems

Correct Answer: estate systems

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Option A: positions in the social system

Option B: ranked occupational positions

Option C: spending and consumption patterns

Option D: prestige derived from ancestry

Correct Answer: ranked occupational positions

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Option A: Marxism

Option B: Social Darwinism

Option C: Classical liberalism

Option D: Classical conservatism

Correct Answer: Classical conservatism

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Option A: the families of the best hunters are permitted to hoard food

Option B: the elder females make all the group,s rules

Option C: there is a priestly caste

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: none of the above

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Option A: Charles Darwin

Option B: Karl Marx

Option C: Talcott Parsons

Option D: Kingsley Davis

Correct Answer: Karl Marx

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Option A: In simple societies social differences among individuals are nonexistent

Option B: Slavery serfdom and caste are all instances of inequalities that are social in nature

Option C: People rank themselves according to wealth prestige and power

Option D: Stratification occurs in every society that has produced a surplus

Correct Answer: In simple societies social differences among individuals are nonexistent

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Option A: the social meanings people give these differences

Option B: the evidence that some traits are more desirable than others

Option C: the fact that to have more is better than to have less in all circumstances

Option D: those with most power can determine cultural values

Correct Answer: the social meanings people give these differences

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Option A: resulting from a need for order

Option B: providing a stabilizing influence on society

Option C: preventing conflicts among individuals

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: create inequality

Option B: help people decide whom they should marry

Option C: provide a work force for society

Option D: fulfill the laws of nature

Correct Answer: create inequality

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Option A: Urban resident

Option B: More educated than parents

Option C: Comes from a large family of several brothers and sisters

Option D: Marries later and limits family to no more than two children

Correct Answer: Comes from a large family of several brothers and sisters

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Option A: the condition of persons who are ranked higher in one variable of status than another

Option B: the order of importance given to status variables

Option C: the mechanism high status persons use to protect themselves from competition

Option D: the least important dimension of stratification

Correct Answer: the condition of persons who are ranked higher in one variable of status than another

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Option A: complex industrial societies

Option B: simple farming societies

Option C: hunting and gathering societies

Option D: all social systems

Correct Answer: all social systems

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Option A: women

Option B: children under 6

Option C: the elderly

Option D: black males

Correct Answer: children under 6

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Option A: the ability to make someone do what you want

Option B: education and income

Option C: access to economic resources

Option D: an ambitious mother and later marriage

Correct Answer: education and income

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Option A: additions to the circular flow

Option B: withdrawals from the economic flow

Option C: injections into the economic flow

Option D: as not affecting the economic flow

Correct Answer: as not affecting the economic flow

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Option A: households

Option B: firms

Option C: governments

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: law and administration

Option B: the moral effects of government policies

Option C: work as a source of identity

Option D: the social impact of government on groups and individuals

Correct Answer: the social impact of government on groups and individuals

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Option A: longitudinal

Option B: inferential

Option C: descriptive

Option D: cross sectional

Correct Answer: cross sectional

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Option A: primary

Option B: secondary

Option C: Tertiary

Option D: Quaternary

Correct Answer: Tertiary

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Option A: land

Option B: labor

Option C: capital

Option D: entrepreneurship

Correct Answer: capital

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Option A: the housing given factory workers

Option B: The fact that in early industrialization work was done in the home

Option C: a type of architecture popular in Britain

Option D: The way young people were put out to go work in factories

Correct Answer: The fact that in early industrialization work was done in the home

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Option A: Untrained and unskilled

Option B: High-cost, highly skilled

Option C: Lean skilled and motivated

Option D: Untrained and unmotivated

Correct Answer: High-cost, highly skilled

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Option A: 50%

Option B: 25%

Option C: 35%

Option D: 40%

Correct Answer: 25%

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Option A: combines the best features of craft and mass production

Option B: has as its goal perfection

Option C: pushes responsibility down the organizational ladder

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: 50 times that of the average workers

Option B: 100 times that of the average workers

Option C: 250 times that of the average workers

Option D: 262 times that of the average workers

Correct Answer: 262 times that of the average workers

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Option A: Domestic workers

Option B: Accountants and financial consultants

Option C: Senior and chief executive

Option D: corporate attorneys

Correct Answer: Senior and chief executive

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Option A: Home construction

Option B: Oil drilling

Option C: Salmon canning

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: Oil drilling

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Option A: PACs

Option B: interlocking directorates

Option C: investment portfolios

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: gradually narrowed

Option B: remained stable

Option C: slightly increased

Option D: greatly increased

Correct Answer: greatly increased

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Option A: fixed costs

Option B: risk

Option C: opportunity costs

Option D: prime costs

Correct Answer: opportunity costs

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Option A: production-possibility schedules

Option B: product-moment correlations

Option C: Venn diagrams

Option D: welfare functions

Correct Answer: production-possibility schedules

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Option A: Ownership

Option B: consumption

Option C: distribution

Option D: production

Correct Answer: Ownership

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Option A: partnership

Option B: subchapter S corporation

Option C: sole survivorship

Option D: sole proprietorship

Correct Answer: sole proprietorship

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Option A: secure the highest possible salaries for managers

Option B: ensure that the long-term interests of the corporation outweigh short-term gains

Option C: shield absentee owners from any and all responsibility

Option D: shield the board of directors from any and all responsibility

Correct Answer: ensure that the long-term interests of the corporation outweigh short-term gains

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Option A: Government

Option B: stockholders

Option C: banks

Option D: founders

Correct Answer: stockholders

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Option A: 60%

Option B: 70%

Option C: 80%

Option D: 70%

Correct Answer: 70%

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Option A: creation of a middle class

Option B: dehumanization and commodification of labor

Option C: continued accumulation and reinvestment of capital

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: a means of exchange

Option B: a method of barter

Option C: anything of intrinsic value

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: economic consequences

Option B: social consequences

Option C: value of sacrificed resources

Option D: parallel world

Correct Answer: value of sacrificed resources

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Option A: land used for both mining and recreation

Option B: Swimming fishing and boating in the same lake

Option C: stringing beads in the morning fishing in the afternoon, and teaching bead stringing at night

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: land used for both mining and recreation

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Option A: multinationalism

Option B: insourcing

Option C: diversification

Option D: Oligopoly

Correct Answer: multinationalism

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Option A: distribute

Option B: consume

Option C: allocate

Option D: appropriate

Correct Answer: consume

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Option A: population

Option B: universe

Option C: sample

Option D: inferential

Correct Answer: population

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Option A: sociology

Option B: psychology

Option C: archaeology

Option D: economics

Correct Answer: psychology

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Option A: archaeology

Option B: cultural geography

Option C: history

Option D: ornithology

Correct Answer: archaeology

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Option A: Is primarily an instrument of the U.S

Option B: Open supports communist and socialist regimes

Option C: is extremely effective in policing the world

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: None of the above

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Option A: raised new concerns about nuclear proliferation

Option B: has shifted American policy toward cooperative internationalism

Option C: created new possibilities for the world balance of power

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: foreign policy

Option B: manipulation

Option C: propaganda

Option D: the democratic value system

Correct Answer: foreign policy

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Option A: secure borders between Germany and France

Option B: the principle that state religions were forbidden

Option C: King Henry the VII as the Holy Roman Emperor

Option D: that the power of the state superseded the power of the Catholic church

Correct Answer: that the power of the state superseded the power of the Catholic church

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Option A: cultural interaction

Option B: issues of war and security

Option C: social and economic issues

Option D: diplomatic relations

Correct Answer: issues of war and security

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Option A: exists in every nation

Option B: is lacking in Third-World nations

Option C: is represented by the U.N on a global level

Option D: exists only theoretically or in a rudimentary form on the international level

Correct Answer: exists only theoretically or in a rudimentary form on the international level

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Option A: tools with which nations try to manipulate other nations

Option B: exchanges entered into in the spirit of trust

Option C: expressions of human solidarity around the world

Option D: ways of competing for the title of superpower

Correct Answer: tools with which nations try to manipulate other nations

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Option A: IGOs

Option B: LDCs

Option C: ICUs

Option D: EEcs

Correct Answer: IGOs

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Option A: assured destruction capability

Option B: very large number of troops

Option C: trust in U.S allies

Option D: a spirit of peace in the world

Correct Answer: assured destruction capability

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Option A: helped the domestic economies of industrial nations

Option B: boosted international trade

Option C: prevented revolutionary movements from starting in a number of nations

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: boosted international trade

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