
Miscellaneous Economics MCQs

Option A: similar to an earthly paradise

Option B: among “noble savages”

Option C: “solitary poor nasty brutish and short”

Option D: a pre-Christian utopia

Correct Answer: C. “solitary poor nasty brutish and short”

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Option A: classical liberals

Option B: Marxists

Option C: stoic philosophers like Marcus Aurelius

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: Marxists

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Option A: Scots

Option B: Picts

Option C: Slavs

Option D: English

Correct Answer: English

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Option A: subordinate to the government

Option B: a provision of government

Option C: synonymous with government

Option D: the basis of legitimate government

Correct Answer: subordinate to the government

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Option A: Talcott Parsons

Option B: Thomas Hobbes

Option C: Karl Marx

Option D: Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Correct Answer: Thomas Hobbes

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Option A: it is an abstract concept

Option B: its political control is complete

Option C: membership is compulsory for all residents of its territory except for aliens and visitors

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: its political control is complete

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Option A: homogeneous single-culture societies

Option B: heterogeneous multicultural societies

Option C: simple agrarian societies

Option D: Central A Pakistan society

Correct Answer: heterogeneous multicultural societies

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Option A: identifies with a state’s culture

Option B: shares a state,s interests and goals

Option C: displays feelings of ethnocentrism

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: the elite would work toward the good of the masses

Option B: the lion would lie down with the lamb

Option C: social classes ceased to exist

Option D: all societies became capitalist

Correct Answer: social classes ceased to exist

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Option A: maintain order

Option B: protect the privileged few

Option C: protect private property

Option D: maintain the state of nature

Correct Answer: maintain order

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Option A: legal-rational

Option B: charismatic

Option C: traditional

Option D: irrational

Correct Answer: legal-rational

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Option A: any social control

Option B: social control exercised by peers

Option C: social control exercised by the government

Option D: being forced to vote

Correct Answer: social control exercised by the government

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Option A: it shares it with the citizens

Option B: it lacks it completely in democracy

Option C: it has a monopoly on it

Option D: it gives it up to the people

Correct Answer: it has a monopoly on it

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Option A: is internalized cultural learning

Option B: is acquired through socialization

Option C: is social control exerted by forces outside the individual

Option D: takes the place of moral control in simple societies

Correct Answer: is social control exerted by forces outside the individual

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Option A: conjugal family

Option B: atomic family

Option C: extended family

Option D: group family

Correct Answer: extended family

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Option A: force

Option B: the police

Option C: the state

Option D: authority

Correct Answer: authority

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Option A: Functionalism

Option B: Ideologist

Option C: Conflict

Option D: Hegelianism

Correct Answer: Conflict

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Option A: provide social welfare

Option B: implement political control

Option C: exercise total control

Option D: regulate human life in society

Correct Answer: implement political control

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Option A: size property

Option B: imprison persons

Option C: deprive people of their lives

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: imprison persons

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Option A: politics

Option B: general social processes

Option C: dynamics

Option D: statics

Correct Answer: politics

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Option A: It is necessary for exerting social control in society

Option B: It plays a significant role in all kinds of social interactions

Option C: All power relationships are one sided

Option D: People have greater or lesser amounts of power according to their statuses in society

Correct Answer: All power relationships are one sided

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Option A: reciprocating

Option B: promising a reward in return for compliance

Option C: coercion

Option D: coercion reciprocation or reward

Correct Answer: coercion

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Option A: government is symbol state is the process

Option B: government is a process that includes the people who exercise political power

Option C: the state is an abstract symbol of the political institution

Option D: government is a process and the state is an abstract symbol

Correct Answer: government is a process and the state is an abstract symbol

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Option A: public but not private diplomacy

Option B: legal but not illegal or “black market” trade

Option C: declared but not undeclared wars

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: B. legal but not illegal or “black market” trade

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Option A: the legitimacy of nation -states depends upon propaganda and internal surveillance

Option B: industrial nations depend upon raw materials located in no-industrial nations

Option C: Third-World countries are maintained in a state of dependency by First-and Second- World nations

Option D: the effectiveness of the United Nations depends upon a cohesive Security Council

Correct Answer: Third-World countries are maintained in a state of dependency by First-and Second- World nations

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Option A: brinkmanship

Option B: statecraft

Option C: high politics

Option D: low politics

Correct Answer: low politics

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Option A: nations contain a variety of ethnic and racial groups

Option B: no global government exists

Option C: nations do not have common goals

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: wealth correlates with religion

Option B: wealth does not correlate with religion

Option C: in most wealth nations religion is very important

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: wealth does not correlate with religion

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Option A: high tuitions

Option B: a lowering of standards

Option C: muzzling of academic freedom

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: elitism

Option B: academicism

Option C: credentialism

Option D: syndication

Correct Answer: credentialism

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Option A: occupational success is desirable

Option B: success does not matter as much as happiness

Option C: their children should have a classical education

Option D: students should find peers with similar goals

Correct Answer: occupational success is desirable

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Option A: Students with low levels of self-esteem and low levels of confidence tend to do poorly in school

Option B: Students are seldom able to evaluate their own abilities

Option C: Lower-class students do as well academically as those from higher social classes

Option D: Testing consistently low does not affect a students self-confidence

Correct Answer: Testing consistently low does not affect a students self-confidence

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Option A: the nonproductive member of an underclass

Option B: the nonproductive elderly

Option C: the technically sophisticated and well-educated individual

Option D: the manual worker

Correct Answer: the technically sophisticated and well-educated individual

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Option A: education makes no attempt to exercise social control

Option B: education places too little emphasis on hard work and obedience

Option C: education is used to foster the acceptance of our political system without

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: education is used to foster the acceptance of our political system without

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Option A: the family is unimportant

Option B: the family is crucial to student success

Option C: the social class of the family is unimportant

Option D: smart students easily overcome the disinterest of the family

Correct Answer: the family is crucial to student success

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Option A: To teach skills

Option B: To teach the values prevalent in the society

Option C: To reinforce the norms of the society

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Orthodox

Option B: Conservative

Option C: Reform

Option D: Sephardic

Correct Answer: Reform

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Option A: a book of the Bible

Option B: a member of the clergy

Option C: a universal religion

Option D: a state religion

Correct Answer: a state religion

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Option A: tithing

Option B: mana

Option C: prayer

Option D: taboo

Correct Answer: prayer

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Option A: beliefs rituals and organization

Option B: doctrine sacraments and priests

Option C: dogma ecclesia and faith

Option D: church clergy and believers

Correct Answer: beliefs rituals and organization

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Option A: a rejection of the ideological function of religion

Option B: a refutation of economic determinism

Option C: a vindication of the morality of capitalism

Option D: an explanation of Third-World underdevelopment

Correct Answer: a vindication of the morality of capitalism

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Option A: a deliberate hoax on the part of dominant classes

Option B: alienating on both personal and social levels

Option C: an opiate

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: an inappropriate object of worship

Option B: a figment of the human imagination

Option C: a sort of ideal

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: a figment of the human imagination

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Option A: reinforce society’s nation of good and evil

Option B: link the human and divine orders

Option C: provide a special feeling of belonging and power

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: the power of good over evil

Option B: the power of evil over good

Option C: a power that is neither good nor evil

Option D: the food miraculously given to the escaped slaves in the wilderness

Correct Answer: a power that is neither good nor evil

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Option A: recreation

Option B: innovation

Option C: ingratiation

Option D: integration

Correct Answer: integration

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Option A: good and evil

Option B: children of light and children of darkness

Option C: natural and supernatural

Option D: sacred and profane

Correct Answer: sacred and profane

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Option A: about the time of Moses

Option B: around the time of the apostle Paul

Option C: well after the founding of either Judaism or Christianity

Option D: 400 years before the birth of Jesus Christ

Correct Answer: well after the founding of either Judaism or Christianity

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Option A: provide criteria for choosing a valid religion

Option B: neither accept nor reject claims of divine revelation

Option C: have no interest in the content of religious doctrines

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: neither accept nor reject claims of divine revelation

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Option A: provides answers to basic s for which there is no other authority

Option B: supports societal norms and values by transforming them into divine laws

Option C: helps people deal with guilt for their transgressions offering a way back to a constructive life

Option D: provides a single set of norms that are universally accepted and agreed upon

Correct Answer: provides a single set of norms that are universally accepted and agreed upon

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Option A: lower-middle class

Option B: upper-lower class

Option C: upper and lower classes

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: upper and lower classes

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Option A: sect

Option B: cult

Option C: denomination

Option D: ecclesia or universal church

Correct Answer: ecclesia or universal church

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Option A: exploited the masses

Option B: was a reflection of human society

Option C: had nothing to do with social life

Option D: was a radical force in society

Correct Answer: was a reflection of human society

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Option A: history

Option B: shop manuals

Option C: the Bible

Option D: maps

Correct Answer: the Bible

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Option A: to have felt unloved and unwanted by one,s own parents

Option B: to have felt the injustice of abuse

Option C: to have come to believe that abuse is the way things are

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: to have felt unloved and unwanted by one,s own parents

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Option A: in the teenage years

Option B: in the 10-15 years age group

Option C: in the 0 to 3 year age group

Option D: equally in all age groups

Correct Answer: in the 0 to 3 year age group

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Option A: began to decline in 1997

Option B: has declined principally for non-Hispanic black teens

Option C: is highest among Asian teens

Option D: only A and B

Correct Answer: only A and B

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Option A: they increased dramatically with industrialization

Option B: they are highest in the Untied States

Option C: they have stabilized at 3.6 per 1000 marriages

Option D: all of the above are true

Correct Answer: all of the above are true

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Option A: families have gotten larger

Option B: the birthrate has greatly declined

Option C: there has been an increase in voluntary childlessness

Option D: marriage rates have declined

Correct Answer: families have gotten larger

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Option A: eliminating marriage altogether

Option B: allowing same-sex couples to marry

Option C: lowering the age at marriage

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: allowing same-sex couples to marry

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Option A: is considered the wave of the future

Option B: has its own set of problems

Option C: is the best solution to a failing institution

Option D: only a and b

Correct Answer: only a and b

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Option A: decided to return to the traditional forms of family

Option B: saw the family as an oppressive institution

Option C: preferred to live in communes

Option D: chose to cohabit rather than marry

Correct Answer: saw the family as an oppressive institution

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Option A: left alimony awards intact

Option B: all but eliminated alimony and somewhat decreased the average child support award

Option C: increased child support requirements

Option D: increased both alimony and child support awards for the first few year after divorce

Correct Answer: all but eliminated alimony and somewhat decreased the average child support award

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Option A: marriage after an engagement of over three years

Option B: differences in occupational goals and careers

Option C: pregnancy shortly after marriage

Option D: dramatic differences in family backgrounds

Correct Answer: differences in occupational goals and careers

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Option A: elderly women

Option B: childless middle-aged women

Option C: young mothers

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: young mothers

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Option A: equal to that of women

Option B: less than that of women

Option C: considerably more than that of women

Option D: slightly more than that of women

Correct Answer: less than that of women

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Option A: 90%

Option B: 80%

Option C: 60%

Option D: 50%

Correct Answer: 80%

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Option A: income

Option B: the ability to earn income

Option C: occupational prestige

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: experience a decline in martial satisfaction

Option B: spend more time together and are more content

Option C: shift their focus toward their own relationship

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: experience a decline in martial satisfaction

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Option A: norms

Option B: illusions

Option C: orders

Option D: scripts

Correct Answer: scripts

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Option A: cannot occur

Option B: has not been positively sanctioned in any society

Option C: reflects the norms and values of Pakistan society

Option D: is considered a sin by all religions of the world

Correct Answer: has not been positively sanctioned in any society

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Option A: is widespread in several societies

Option B: is practiced among Australian aborigines

Option C: has been a consistent feature in Western societies

Option D: has never been consistently or extensively practiced

Correct Answer: has never been consistently or extensively practiced

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Option A: discourage marriage

Option B: encourage marriage

Option C: accept all kinds of man-women unions

Option D: pay couples to have children

Correct Answer: encourage marriage

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Option A: two social science disciplines

Option B: ways of studying institutions

Option C: social limitations placed on marriages

Option D: practiced only by select groups in society

Correct Answer: social limitations placed on marriages

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Option A: Polyandry

Option B: Polygyny

Option C: Polygamy

Option D: Monogamy

Correct Answer: Monogamy

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Option A: most functions are better performed in secondary groups

Option B: geographic and social mobility are common in industrial societies

Option C: ascribed status is more important in industrial societies

Option D: a large family means more hands to work

Correct Answer: geographic and social mobility are common in industrial societies

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Option A: consists of natural parents and children

Option B: is another name for a childless family

Option C: is made up of natural parents’ stepparents natural children and stepchildren

Option D: is quite stable for children

Correct Answer: is made up of natural parents’ stepparents natural children and stepchildren

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Option A: no problems

Option B: a preference for parental conflict rather than their divorce

Option C: the most difficulty at ages nine and ten

Option D: fewer problems of adjustment than children from intact families

Correct Answer: the most difficulty at ages nine and ten

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Option A: the standard number of marriages in our society

Option B: a faulty distribution of power in their marriages

Option C: respect for polygamy

Option D: a negative experience of married life

Correct Answer: a faulty distribution of power in their marriages

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Option A: able nutrition

Option B: increased drug use

Option C: increase of women in work force

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: increase of women in work force

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Option A: homogamy

Option B: heterogamy

Option C: exogamy

Option D: hypogamy

Correct Answer: homogamy

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Option A: production activities

Option B: attitudes on politics

Option C: hospitalization rates

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: attitudes on politics

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Option A: biologically programmed

Option B: a religious universal

Option C: way of reducing family conflict

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: way of reducing family conflict

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Option A: monogamy

Option B: bigamy

Option C: polyandry

Option D: polygyny

Correct Answer: polyandry

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Option A: any union of males and females

Option B: a union recognized as legal by a society

Option C: always monogamous

Option D: always endogamous

Correct Answer: a union recognized as legal by a society

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Option A: traditional agrarian societies

Option B: industrial societies

Option C: locations where there is the need for large families

Option D: rural areas

Correct Answer: industrial societies

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Option A: is found only in some human societies

Option B: has functions fundamental to human life

Option C: is harmful and leads to schizophrenia

Option D: was the last institution to develop

Correct Answer: has functions fundamental to human life

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Option A: interdependence

Option B: The industrial

Option C: The normative

Option D: The habitual

Correct Answer: The normative

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Option A: marriage

Option B: family

Option C: culture

Option D: society

Correct Answer: culture

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Option A: SMSAs

Option B: CMSAs

Option C: CBSAs

Option D: MSAs

Correct Answer: CMSAs

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Option A: the growth or decline of population

Option B: human processes such as migration

Option C: how ideologies motivate human behavior

Option D: the way living things relate and adjust to each other in a common habitat

Correct Answer: the way living things relate and adjust to each other in a common habitat

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Option A: natural resources are increasing in proportion to an increased demand for them

Option B: natural resources are decreasing as demand for them increase

Option C: natural resources can be substituted with artificial ones

Option D: humans are capable to adapt to other resources when the old ones disappear

Correct Answer: natural resources are decreasing as demand for them increase

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Option A: Water

Option B: Air

Option C: Land

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: the way humans found the earth

Option B: the totality of natural conditions and resources that occur in a specific area

Option C: the total complex of manmade elements in an area

Option D: mountains oceans rivers and deserts

Correct Answer: the totality of natural conditions and resources that occur in a specific area

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Option A: late marriage

Option B: abstinence

Option C: celibacy

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: an important demographic concept

Option B: the number of male births per 1000 people per country per year

Option C: the rate at which infants survive past their first year

Option D: the rate at which the elderly die in any given year

Correct Answer: an important demographic concept

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Option A: the number of people to a land area

Option B: the density of a compound group

Option C: the number of births and deaths per year

Option D: the ability of a square foot of land to feed a number of people

Correct Answer: the number of people to a land area

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Option A: avoid stress

Option B: be important

Option C: feel respectable

Option D: reproduce themselves

Correct Answer: reproduce themselves

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Option A: symbols of disgrace

Option B: social security for the future of the parents

Option C: detested by non-Catholics

Option D: sings of a good harvest

Correct Answer: social security for the future of the parents

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Option A: Iran

Option B: Zimbabwe

Option C: the United States

Option D: Turkey

Correct Answer: the United States

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