
Miscellaneous Economics MCQs

Option A: continue to control pests for many years

Option B: leach out of the ground quickly

Option C: are harmless to humans

Option D: can be toxic to other forms of life

Correct Answer: can be toxic to other forms of life

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Option A: higher literacy

Option B: environmental damage

Option C: price stability

Option D: increased public services

Correct Answer: environmental damage

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Option A: physical

Option B: chemical

Option C: ecological

Option D: astral

Correct Answer: ecological

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Option A: city dwellers learning proper manners

Option B: middle class professionals renovating old city housing and using them as

Option C: continued movement to suburbs

Option D: city residents returning to manor houses in country

Correct Answer: middle class professionals renovating old city housing and using them as

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Option A: sector model

Option B: concentric zone model

Option C: multiple nuclei model

Option D: wedge-shaped model

Correct Answer: concentric zone model

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Option A: a town smaller than 2500 residents

Option B: one or more counties containing at least one city of 50,000 residents or two cities totaling 50,000

Option C: a town of 10,000 and surrounding counties

Option D: a city of at least 100,000 residents and its suburbs

Correct Answer: one or more counties containing at least one city of 50,000 residents or two cities totaling 50,000

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Option A: large shopping malls

Option B: many high income taxpayers

Option C: continual building of new industries

Option D: a reduced tax base

Correct Answer: a reduced tax base

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Option A: the development of automobile travel

Option B: expensive suburban property

Option C: wartime industrial expansions

Option D: movement of factories out of the cities

Correct Answer: the development of automobile travel

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Option A: extended families

Option B: Gemeinschaft society

Option C: increase in anomie and alienation

Option D: public transportation

Correct Answer: increase in anomie and alienation

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Option A: a relatively large dense permanent settlement of heterogeneous individuals

Option B: any locality with a population of one million people or more

Option C: an ecological system

Option D: any locality with a downtown and suburbs

Correct Answer: any locality with a population of one million people or more

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Option A: strengthening primary ties

Option B: a return to Biblical religions

Option C: homogeneous population

Option D: reduced family size

Correct Answer: a return to Biblical religions

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Option A: a great increase in population in the cities

Option B: rural areas became very depopulated

Option C: urban decentralization

Option D: urban residents providing their own food supply by planting gardens

Correct Answer: urban decentralization

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Option A: many small farmers

Option B: greater productivity of farms because of mechanization

Option C: increase in rural population

Option D: artificial food production

Correct Answer: greater productivity of farms because of mechanization

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Option A: urbanization

Option B: secularization

Option C: popularization

Option D: none of these

Correct Answer: urbanization

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Option A: there was less need for farm workers as agriculture became mechanized

Option B: factories were concentrated in cities

Option C: social change dictated a new fad urban living

Option D: of BOTH a decrease in the need for farm workers and the fact that factories were located in cities

Correct Answer: of BOTH a decrease in the need for farm workers and the fact that factories were located in cities

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Option A: the migration of people from rural to urban centers

Option B: a set of attitudes and a way of life distinct from the rural

Option C: the growth of cities and suburbs at the expense of rural areas

Option D: the study of the growth and decline of populations

Correct Answer: a set of attitudes and a way of life distinct from the rural

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Option A: concentration of apartments

Option B: larger variety of cultural resources

Option C: older more gracious housing

Option D: greater safety from crime

Correct Answer: greater safety from crime

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Option A: an increase in income produces a decline in fertility

Option B: the birth rate rises because of an increase in education

Option C: the rise in income and population results in a decrease of urbanization

Option D: working women have more children

Correct Answer: an increase in income produces a decline in fertility

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Option A: sex and age distribution within a population

Option B: the relation between population and land area

Option C: the ratio between a nation,s standard of living and its population density

Option D: the relation between population growth and food supply

Correct Answer: sex and age distribution within a population

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Option A: Ireland

Option B: France

Option C: Italy

Option D: Mexico

Correct Answer: Mexico

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Option A: U.S.A

Option B: china

Option C: Tropical Africa

Option D: Japan

Correct Answer: Tropical Africa

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Option A: zero population growth worldwide

Option B: the elimination of the demographic transition

Option C: natural change

Option D: a return to preindustrial medicine

Correct Answer: zero population growth worldwide

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Option A: tropical African

Option B: Britain

Option C: Turkey

Option D: Thailand

Correct Answer: tropical African

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Option A: number of births per thousand people per year

Option B: number of births a year in the world

Option C: the same as the fertility rate

Option D: the same as the fecundity rate

Correct Answer: number of births per thousand people per year

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Option A: India

Option B: Russia

Option C: China

Option D: the U.S

Correct Answer: China

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Option A: dysfunctions in the earth,s atmosphere

Option B: ignorance on the part of the underdeveloped nations

Option C: human actions that have harmful consequences

Option D: unknown bacteria and viruses

Correct Answer: human actions that have harmful consequences

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Option A: expect the growth rate to remain constant

Option B: expect population to level off at between 8 and 15 billion people

Option C: have written off the Malthusian prophecy altogether

Option D: believe that a high fertility rate continues to be necessary in the developing nations

Correct Answer: expect population to level off at between 8 and 15 billion people

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Option A: it is getting older

Option B: there are more women than men

Option C: rural and sunbelt areas attract only the young

Option D: it is BOTH older and more female

Correct Answer: it is BOTH older and more female

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Option A: means that no more children are born

Option B: indicates that the fertility rate has dropped below the replacement level

Option C: must be achieved by all nations by the year 2005

Option D: is actively pursued by many of the underdeveloped nations

Correct Answer: is actively pursued by many of the underdeveloped nations

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Option A: high birthrates and high death rates

Option B: high birthrates and declining death rates

Option C: declining birthrates and high death rates

Option D: cycles of growth and decline

Correct Answer: cycles of growth and decline

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Option A: by around the middle of the 18th century

Option B: with improvements in agriculture technology and medicine

Option C: in the Bronze Age

Option D: in the 17th century when agriculture technology and medicine

Correct Answer: by around the middle of the 18th century

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Option A: terrorists have no single ideology

Option B: terrorism is a transnational problem

Option C: terrorists have differing goals

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: terrorists have differing goals

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Option A: social movements

Option B: revolution

Option C: coups d,etat

Option D: terrorism

Correct Answer: terrorism

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Option A: scientific discoveries

Option B: technological invention

Option C: new art forms

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: slow until the Industrial Revolution then rapid

Option B: rapid since the beginning of history

Option C: unchanged

Option D: slow because people are creatures of habit

Correct Answer: slow until the Industrial Revolution then rapid

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Option A: future shock

Option B: culture shock

Option C: myocardial shock

Option D: static shock

Correct Answer: future shock

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Option A: took place in 1750

Option B: began with the invention of the steam engine

Option C: turned people from food gatherers to food producers

Option D: occurred in England

Correct Answer: turned people from food gatherers to food producers

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Option A: was introduced when it became convenient to house both workers and machinery under one roof

Option B: gave more power to the employers called entrepreneurs

Option C: was an American invention popularized through cultural diffusion

Option D: resulted from BOTH the convenience of housing workers and equipment together and gave more power to the entrepreneurs

Correct Answer: resulted from BOTH the convenience of housing workers and equipment together and gave more power to the entrepreneurs

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Option A: a change in the economy from agrarian to industrial

Option B: a change in the population distribution from rural to urban

Option C: the discovery of natural resources

Option D: both urbanization and industrialization

Correct Answer: both urbanization and industrialization

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Option A: cultural advancement

Option B: cultural change

Option C: cultural lag

Option D: cultural conflict

Correct Answer: cultural change

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Option A: the invention of a few basic machines

Option B: the overthrow of the British

Option C: the founding of Sony in Japan

Option D: the proletariat in Russia

Correct Answer: the invention of a few basic machines

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Option A: the invention of basic machines

Option B: the discovery of new material

Option C: new sources power

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: grateful

Option B: selective in borrowing

Option C: nonselective in borrowing

Option D: gullible and impressionable

Correct Answer: selective in borrowing

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Option A: By a command system

Option B: According to tradition

Option C: Through a price system

Option D: By executive fiat

Correct Answer: Through a price system

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Option A: discovery

Option B: invention

Option C: diffusion

Option D: miracle

Correct Answer: invention

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Option A: social change

Option B: cultural change

Option C: political change

Option D: radical change

Correct Answer: cultural change

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Option A: democratic

Option B: affluent

Option C: agricultural

Option D: industrial

Correct Answer: industrial

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Option A: change is only a recent situation

Option B: the more things change the more they remain the same

Option C: the rate of change has increased in recent years

Option D: change has been the downfall of societies

Correct Answer: the rate of change has increased in recent years

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Option A: personal impersonal social

Option B: invention discovery exploration

Option C: micro middle and macro

Option D: planning reform revolution

Correct Answer: micro middle and macro

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Option A: cooptation

Option B: incorporation

Option C: oligarchization

Option D: bureaucratization

Correct Answer: bureaucratization

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Option A: alcohol consumption

Option B: states rights

Option C: slavery

Option D: compulsory education

Correct Answer: slavery

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Option A: alternative

Option B: class

Option C: nationalistic

Option D: fascist

Correct Answer: nationalistic

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Option A: revolution

Option B: a crisis of legitimacy

Option C: a crisis of confidence

Option D: involution

Correct Answer: a crisis of legitimacy

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Option A: focus more on economic issues

Option B: attract the underclass rather than the working class

Option C: are community and locality based?

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: none of the above

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Option A: are more successful in authoritarian than in democratic societies

Option B: substitute one ruling class for another

Option C: may be progressive or reactionary

Option D: aim to change the entire society

Correct Answer: may be progressive or reactionary

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Option A: expressive crowds

Option B: social movements

Option C: people, s fear of the unknown

Option D: spiritual awakening

Correct Answer: expressive crowds

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Option A: reform movement

Option B: nationalistic movement

Option C: change resistant movement

Option D: ethical movement

Correct Answer: reform movement

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Option A: relative deprivation

Option B: a failure of rising expectations

Option C: euphoria

Option D: depression

Correct Answer: a failure of rising expectations

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Option A: develop into political parties

Option B: are voluntary associations

Option C: gain control of governments

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: none of the above

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Option A: direct people to act in a certain way

Option B: never distort the truth

Option C: always abhor fanaticism

Option D: refer to the study of ideas

Correct Answer: direct people to act in a certain way

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Option A: alters people’s perspective

Option B: prevents action

Option C: destroys group identity

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: alters people’s perspective

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Option A: mass society

Option B: primary groups

Option C: face-to-face-communication

Option D: emergent norms

Correct Answer: mass society

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Option A: convergence

Option B: revolution

Option C: collective behavior

Option D: coup d,etat

Correct Answer: revolution

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Option A: has no limits in its antisocial nature?

Option B: always goes against the wishes of individual members

Option C: is generally random

Option D: is usually temporary

Correct Answer: is usually temporary

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Option A: so predictable

Option B: not tied to social factors

Option C: often the basis of important social change

Option D: reflective of purely animal behavior

Correct Answer: often the basis of important social change

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Option A: rather unstructured

Option B: well planned

Option C: based on regular norms

Option D: individual behavior multiplied

Correct Answer: rather unstructured

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Option A: is the same as propaganda

Option B: gives a one-sided interpretation of an issue

Option C: deletes all or parts of information

Option D: is the opposite of propaganda?

Correct Answer: deletes all or parts of information

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Option A: they are temporary

Option B: individuals can remain anonymous

Option C: individuals are unpredictable

Option D: BOTH they are temporary, and individuals are anonymous

Correct Answer: they are temporary

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Option A: Fashions

Option B: Rumors

Option C: Dining out with a friend

Option D: Panic

Correct Answer: Dining out with a friend

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Option A: group

Option B: Crowd

Option C: public

Option D: audience

Correct Answer: public

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Option A: Individuals totally shed their identity

Option B: Development of a common mood

Option C: Behavior according ti previously established norms

Option D: Temporary

Correct Answer: Individuals totally shed their identity

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Option A: anomaly

Option B: rapid social change

Option C: deviant behavior

Option D: fear of the future

Correct Answer: rapid social change

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Option A: the differences is pay for the same job

Option B: the small number of legislators who are women

Option C: the sexual harassment situations in the military and other work places

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: more men than women live alone

Option B: more elderly men than women are married

Option C: only a small percentage of the 65- to 74- year olds live in nursing homes

Option D: older workers perform as well as younger workers

Correct Answer: more men than women live alone

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Option A: males

Option B: females

Option C: the old

Option D: children

Correct Answer: males

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Option A: Most of the health problems associated with growing old pose serious problems by the age of 65

Option B: A majority of the elderly live in nursing homes

Option C: Young workers perform far better than elderly workers which is why employers prefer tham

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: none of the above

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Option A: The more elderly widowers

Option B: Women who derived their identity from being someone’s wife

Option C: Women living in large cities those with small incomes and those who are fairly young

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: irreversible

Option B: the inevitable outcome of modernization

Option C: a reasonable response to the declining intellectual performance that occurs after age 55

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: none of the above

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Option A: oligopolies

Option B: trusts

Option C: interlocking directorates

Option D: restraint of trade

Correct Answer: interlocking directorates

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Option A: increase consumption

Option B: create brand awareness and direct consumption

Option C: create demand

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: reduced the need for unskilled or semi-skilled workers

Option B: eliminated hardcore unemployment

Option C: established a general trend toward the professionalization of everyone

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: reduced the need for unskilled or semi-skilled workers

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Option A: clear everybody out

Option B: capital employment outlay

Option C: chief executive officer

Option D: Caribbean Entrepreneurs Office

Correct Answer: chief executive officer

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Option A: Welcomed minorities

Option B: Were socialist

Option C: Were horizontally organized

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Were horizontally organized

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Option A: Nissan Motors

Option B: Mazda Motors

Option C: Toyota Motors

Option D: Mitsubishi Motors

Correct Answer: Toyota Motors

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Option A: Craft method

Option B: Assembly-line method

Option C: Lean-production method

Option D: Production-line method

Correct Answer: Craft method

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Option A: A type of money used in the Middle Ages

Option B: Organizations dating back to the 10th century

Option C: Kinds of labor unions

Option D: Only b and c

Correct Answer: Only b and c

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Option A: is a movement aimed at pulling African nations into a world economy?

Option B: refers to the fact that capitalism has become the economic system of choice around the world

Option C: attracts young idealistic people who want to introduce a world government

Option D: is a movement of religious zealots who want to introduce a common religion around the world?

Correct Answer: refers to the fact that capitalism has become the economic system of choice around the world

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Option A: Blacks still lag behind whites in life chances particularly in the economic sector

Option B: The black underclass finds itself in the situation of being a minority within a minority

Option C: Relations between blacks and whites are 100 percent improved

Option D: The civil rights movement has raised black consciousness and helped decrease self hatred

Correct Answer: Relations between blacks and whites are 100 percent improved

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Option A: bisexuality should be the norm

Option B: we should adopt passive roles

Option C: we should adopt blurred ill-defined roles

Option D: we should combine male and female sex-typed traits

Correct Answer: we should combine male and female sex-typed traits

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Option A: twice as high as men’s

Option B: half that of men

Option C: the same as men’s

Option D: similar in duration to that of men

Correct Answer: twice as high as men’s

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Option A: gender roles have been reversed

Option B: in a marriage spousal role are egalitarian

Option C: housekeeping and childcare are still considered women’s work

Option D: sex roles are blurred

Correct Answer: housekeeping and childcare are still considered women’s work

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Option A: they are treated unequally and are aware of their minority status

Option B: they are residentially segregated

Option C: they control few resources

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: they are treated unequally and are aware of their minority status

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Option A: in spite of ours being an egalitarian society

Option B: by the frequent instances of sexual harassment on the job

Option C: for the lack of wage parity

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: stayed home when men hunted

Option B: ceased to gather the majority of the food supply

Option C: assumed primary child-care responsibilities

Option D: left home to gather food

Correct Answer: ceased to gather the majority of the food supply

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Option A: men and women participated in a sex-based division of labor

Option B: human infants and their mothers had to protected

Option C: males were assigned hunting and other dangerous tasks

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: are functionally identical

Option B: differ in left-right communication

Option C: distribute sensory functions differently

Option D: differ in size weight and capacity

Correct Answer: differ in left-right communication

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Option A: wisdom accompanies advancing age

Option B: each stage of life has its own rewards

Option C: the young are superior to the old

Option D: life begins forty

Correct Answer: the young are superior to the old

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Option A: very voluntary

Option B: never forced

Option C: often forced

Option D: rarely enforced

Correct Answer: often forced

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Option A: anatomical differences

Option B: hormonal differences

Option C: chromosomal differences

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: the fact that most men are rich

Option B: an equal number of men and women being poor now

Option C: the fact that female-headed households are usually poor

Option D: the fact that women are more blessed than men in spite of poverty

Correct Answer: the fact that female-headed households are usually poor

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