
Miscellaneous Economics MCQs

Option A: children’s picture books

Option B: stress on male sports in school

Option C: TV ads showing women as domestics

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: in most cultures’ males are more aggressive than females

Option B: there is no pattern to aggressive behavior in either males or females

Option C: biology is totally unimportant in sex role behavior

Option D: aggression is strictly socially learned

Correct Answer: in most cultures’ males are more aggressive than females

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Option A: testosterone

Option B: estrogen

Option C: Premarin

Option D: progesterone

Correct Answer: testosterone

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Option A: XY

Option B: XX

Option C: XXX

Option D: YYY

Correct Answer: XY

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Option A: Latin American

Option B: Spain

Option C: Mexico

Option D: Puerto Rico

Correct Answer: Mexico

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Option A: it may have an evolutionary origin

Option B: it is caused by anger

Option C: it is directed at a target from a different group

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: one makes a judgment before having all the facts

Option B: one refuses to change one,s mind even when confronted by facts

Option C: one takes action against minorities

Option D: ones judgments are BOTH preconceived and unchangeable

Correct Answer: ones judgments are BOTH preconceived and unchangeable

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Option A: the majority becomes more oppressive

Option B: assimilation occurs

Option C: the economic status of minorities becomes equal to that of the majority

Option D: the economic status of minorities declines

Correct Answer: the economic status of minorities becomes equal to that of the majority

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Option A: having good taste in art and music

Option B: actions taken as a result of prejudicial feelings

Option C: ability to discern the direction of social relations

Option D: the physical ability to see in the dark

Correct Answer: actions taken as a result of prejudicial feelings

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Option A: suspend judgment until more evidence is found

Option B: change their judgment to conform to new evidence

Option C: refuse to change the original judgment in spite of evidence to the contrary

Option D: apologize to the victim of their prejudice

Correct Answer: refuse to change the original judgment in spite of evidence to the contrary

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Option A: An inaccurate interpretation and social application of Darwin,s theory of evolution

Option B: “Social Darwinism “applied to religious beliefs

Option C: An invention of European colonial governments

Option D: The New Testament

Correct Answer: An inaccurate interpretation and social application of Darwin,s theory of evolution

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Option A: social class

Option B: religion

Option C: race

Option D: residence

Correct Answer: religion

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Option A: They are recognizable by their visible ascribed traits or cultural customs

Option B: They are subject to differential treatment

Option C: They are not aware of their minority status

Option D: They are aware of a common group identity

Correct Answer: They are not aware of their minority status

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Option A: most powerful

Option B: subordinate

Option C: largest

Option D: oldest

Correct Answer: most powerful

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Option A: differentiate among people within societies

Option B: equalize the status of people in a society

Option C: oppress children and the old

Option D: create conflict between old and young

Correct Answer: differentiate among people within societies

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Option A: the experience of the American Indians

Option B: immigration from Europe

Option C: moves of professionals from New York to Los Angeles

Option D: the arrival of the Cuban middle class after Castro

Correct Answer: immigration from Europe

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Option A: economic competition among different groups

Option B: equality of groups

Option C: lack of human compassion

Option D: plain ignorance

Correct Answer: economic competition among different groups

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Option A: structural discrimination

Option B: individual discrimination

Option C: nature of life

Option D: personal discrimination

Correct Answer: structural discrimination

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Option A: Democratic personality

Option B: unprejudiced personality

Option C: authoritarian personality

Option D: totalitarian personality

Correct Answer: authoritarian personality

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Option A: groups inherit certain traits that are inferior

Option B: the dominant majority is the fittest from a Darwinian point of view

Option C: minority groups should not have access to wealth and power

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: accommodation

Option B: acculturation

Option C: amalgamation

Option D: assimilation

Correct Answer: assimilation

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Option A: African Americans

Option B: Hispanics

Option C: Native Americans

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: language differences

Option B: residence stability

Option C: religion

Option D: skin color

Correct Answer: religion

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Option A: clear-cut

Option B: vague because of overlap of traits

Option C: restricted to skin color

Option D: done according to physical appearance

Correct Answer: vague because of overlap of traits

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Option A: skin color

Option B: common customs and /or identities

Option C: genes

Option D: eye shape

Correct Answer: common customs and /or identities

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Option A: attitudinal discrimination

Option B: institutional discrimination

Option C: cultural discrimination

Option D: personal discrimination

Correct Answer: attitudinal discrimination

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Option A: Anglo-conformity

Option B: melting pot

Option C: ethnicity

Option D: cultural pluralism

Correct Answer: cultural pluralism

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Option A: there are three races

Option B: there are fifty two races

Option C: there are no races

Option D: all of humankind is descended from the same common stock

Correct Answer: all of humankind is descended from the same common stock

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Option A: minorities are perceived as different

Option B: minorities perceive themselves as different

Option C: the dominant group has coercive power

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: in the size of each group

Option B: ethnic minorities do not suffer from discrimination but only from prejudice

Option C: racial minorities differ biologically ethnic minorities differ culturally from the dominant group

Option D: racial minorities have been here longer than ethnic minorities

Correct Answer: racial minorities differ biologically ethnic minorities differ culturally from the dominant group

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Option A: characteristic only of industrial societies

Option B: a variable of the stratification system

Option C: a biological rather than a social product

Option D: the cross every individual must bear

Correct Answer: a variable of the stratification system

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Option A: the size of families

Option B: per capita

Option C: the items rich countries throw out

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: upper-middle class

Option B: middle-middle class

Option C: working class

Option D: “new class”

Correct Answer: working class

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Option A: how one performs one,s job

Option B: how long one lives

Option C: how much stress one experiences

Option D: only B and C

Correct Answer: only B and C

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Option A: structural mobility of a negative sort

Option B: horizontal mobility

Option C: intragenerational mobility

Option D: status ambiguity

Correct Answer: structural mobility of a negative sort

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Option A: Computer programmers

Option B: MBAs staring their own firms

Option C: Out of work middle managers

Option D: journalists’ academics media commentators

Correct Answer: journalists’ academics media commentators

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Option A: about the same across social classes

Option B: lower for the upper-middle class

Option C: lower for the lower classes

Option D: lower for the middle class

Correct Answer: about the same across social classes

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Option A: reflect the common -sense self-ratings of individuals

Option B: indicate that there are two classes the working class and the middle class

Option C: tend to be arbitrary and artificial

Option D: adequately reflect the complexity of the American class system

Correct Answer: tend to be arbitrary and artificial

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Option A: members of the middle class

Option B: members of minority groups

Option C: poor

Option D: B and C

Correct Answer: B and C

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Option A: social status

Option B: personal power

Option C: social power

Option D: occupational prestige

Correct Answer: personal power

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Option A: Karl Marx

Option B: Emile Durkheim

Option C: Adam Smith

Option D: Max Weber

Correct Answer: Karl Marx

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Option A: social Darwinism

Option B: classical conservatism

Option C: structural functionalism

Option D: classical liberalism

Correct Answer: classical liberalism

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Option A: the amount of education

Option B: occupation of the father

Option C: the nature of the first job

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: being part of the law of nature

Option B: resulting from the struggle for goods and services in a society

Option C: serving the needs of society

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: Stratification

Option B: Ethnicity and race

Option C: Head shape and eye color

Option D: Sex and age

Correct Answer: Head shape and eye color

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Option A: offer ways to end inequality

Option B: answer the of what causes inequality

Option C: agree that inequality is an evil

Option D: offer two different ways of looking at inequality

Correct Answer: offer two different ways of looking at inequality

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Option A: resulting from class struggles

Option B: effects of the law of nature

Option C: mechanisms of coercion

Option D: BOTH coercive and resulting from class struggles

Correct Answer: resulting from class struggles

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Option A: Class status and power

Option B: Family background attractiveness wealth

Option C: Talent service goodness

Option D: Caste estate feudalism

Correct Answer: Class status and power

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Option A: usually do not worry about it

Option B: tend to suffer more frustration and dissatisfaction than those whose status is consistent

Option C: work hard to accumulate wealth to make up for it

Option D: willingly accept a lower status in return for social recognition

Correct Answer: tend to suffer more frustration and dissatisfaction than those whose status is consistent

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Option A: be the strongest in mind and body

Option B: carry out one,s wishes in spite of resistance

Option C: gain consent

Option D: do as one pleases

Correct Answer: carry out one,s wishes in spite of resistance

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Option A: life style approach

Option B: reputational approach

Option C: subjective approach

Option D: occupational prestige and socioeconomic status(SES)

Correct Answer: occupational prestige and socioeconomic status(SES)

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Option A: technological changes only

Option B: lack of work ethic

Option C: patterns of prejudice and technological change

Option D: discrimination only

Correct Answer: patterns of prejudice and technological change

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Option A: prices of goods and services

Option B: income for labor

Option C: prices of resources for firms

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: income for labor

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Option A: firm to firm

Option B: household to firm to consumer and back again

Option C: government to consumer

Option D: firm to consumer

Correct Answer: household to firm to consumer and back again

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Option A: a government plan

Option B: tradition

Option C: consumer demand

Option D: the command of a ruler

Correct Answer: consumer demand

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Option A: The goals of the society

Option B: Economic activities in which the government engages for the public good

Option C: Economic activities in which self-interest makes for personal affluence

Option D: Economic activities open to the public

Correct Answer: Economic activities in which the government engages for the public good

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Option A: Large consumer purchasing power

Option B: Elastic demand

Option C: Inelastic demand

Option D: Inferior products

Correct Answer: Elastic demand

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Option A: Female headed households

Option B: children

Option C: minorities

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: education

Option B: religion

Option C: hard work

Option D: belonging to organized crime

Correct Answer: education

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Option A: SES

Option B: BES

Option C: CES

Option D: TES

Correct Answer: SES

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Option A: The Soviet Union

Option B: China

Option C: The United States

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: none of the above

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Option A: Estate

Option B: Class

Option C: Caste

Option D: Strata

Correct Answer: Caste

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Option A: professors

Option B: physicians

Option C: ministers

Option D: research scientists

Correct Answer: physicians

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Option A: the owners of the means of production

Option B: persons who have similar forms of power prestige or wealth

Option C: categories of people set up by governments

Option D: people especially endowed by nature

Correct Answer: persons who have similar forms of power prestige or wealth

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Option A: inequality is a motivating force for people to rise in the stratification system

Option B: Everyone is talented equally

Option C: Marxism tries to explain all social problems

Option D: Democracy delivers equality better than Marxism does

Correct Answer: Marxism tries to explain all social problems

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Option A: who says that a football player is more important than a college professor?

Option B: sons of talented persons are privileged even if they themselves lack talent

Option C: is a stable society better than an unequal society?

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: inequality is the law of nature

Option B: stratification must be legislated

Option C: inequality results from exploitation

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: inequality is the law of nature

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Option A: surplus

Option B: shortage of everything

Option C: equality

Option D: capitalistic system

Correct Answer: surplus

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Option A: food is hoarded by a few

Option B: food is shared by all

Option C: hunting lacks prestige

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: food is shared by all

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Option A: horizontal mobility

Option B: vertical mobility

Option C: intragenerational mobility

Option D: inter structural mobility

Correct Answer: horizontal mobility

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Option A: a high position in the stratification system

Option B: a low position in the stratification system

Option C: lack of talent

Option D: lack of desire for an education

Correct Answer: a low position in the stratification system

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Option A: classes are the result of different life styles

Option B: status is also a phenomenon of stratification

Option C: classes are determined by the relationship of a group in society to the means of production

Option D: classes are composed of the have-nots who eventually revolt against the haves

Correct Answer: classes are determined by the relationship of a group in society to the means of production

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Option A: many witnesses lie

Option B: it is a cruel way to end someone’s life

Option C: sometimes an innocent person is put to death

Option D: only God has the right to kill

Correct Answer: sometimes an innocent person is put to death

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Option A: it prevents capital crime

Option B: it acts as a deterrent

Option C: societies need to threaten prospective criminals

Option D: it protects the Biblical commandment against killing

Correct Answer: it acts as a deterrent

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Option A: copyright infringement

Option B: data rape

Option C: price fixing

Option D: all but B

Correct Answer: all but B

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Option A: Honduras ans Mexico

Option B: Japan and Finland

Option C: Switzerland and France

Option D: Germany and Austria

Correct Answer: Japan and Finland

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Option A: a shocking decline in moral standards

Option B: a street ethic that requires young men to commit murder to prove their manhood

Option C: violence presented as entertainment by the media

Option D: poverty drugs and hopelessness

Correct Answer: poverty drugs and hopelessness

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Option A: white collar crime

Option B: crimes against persons

Option C: organized crime

Option D: property crimes

Correct Answer: white collar crime

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Option A: reject deviant labels

Option B: accept deviant labels and eliminate the behavior in

Option C: reject the deviant labels but maintain the behavior in

Option D: accept the deviant labels and maintain the behavior in

Correct Answer: accept the deviant labels and maintain the behavior in

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Option A: anomie

Option B: labeling theory

Option C: innovation

Option D: differential association theory

Correct Answer: differential association theory

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Option A: psychotherapy

Option B: psychosurgery

Option C: hypnotherapy

Option D: electroconvulsive shock therapy

Correct Answer: psychosurgery

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Option A: anxiety or emotional tension producing physical symptoms

Option B: purely imaginary physical problems

Option C: bodily ailments creating mental disorder

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: anxiety or emotional tension producing physical symptoms

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Option A: is deviance of which we are all guilty at one time or another

Option B: occurs when deviants accept the label

Option C: is a more serious offense than secondary deviance

Option D: is the first deviant act ever discovered

Correct Answer: is deviance of which we are all guilty at one time or another

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Option A: Freud,s theory that anatomy is destiny

Option B: Mead,s theory of inherited criminality

Option C: Cooley,s theory of original sin

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: None of the above

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Option A: Premeditated murder

Option B: Rape

Option C: Public drunkenness

Option D: Burglary

Correct Answer: Public drunkenness

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Option A: trauma

Option B: anomie

Option C: alienation

Option D: anomaly

Correct Answer: anomie

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Option A: is based on violence

Option B: gains small amounts of money for its perpetrators

Option C: is very costly to society

Option D: is punished more severely than blue-collar crime

Correct Answer: is very costly to society

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Option A: demand is elastic

Option B: demand is inelastic

Option C: there is aggregate demand

Option D: exchange takes place

Correct Answer: demand is inelastic

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Option A: anomie

Option B: alienation

Option C: crime

Option D: differentiation

Correct Answer: crime

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Option A: anomie

Option B: labeling

Option C: transmission

Option D: forgiveness

Correct Answer: labeling

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Option A: 50%

Option B: 15%

Option C: 45%

Option D: 3%

Correct Answer: 15%

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Option A: 50 billion

Option B: 6 billion

Option C: 12 billion

Option D: 1.2 billion

Correct Answer: 6 billion

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Option A: Burkina Faso

Option B: China

Option C: Zimbabwe

Option D: Ethiopia

Correct Answer: China

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Option A: Singapore South Korea and Malaysia

Option B: Hong Kong Macao Bali

Option C: Japan India China

Option D: Taiwan Indonesia Tibet

Correct Answer: Japan India China

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Option A: Baltic nations

Option B: Slavic nations

Option C: Asian nations

Option D: African nations

Correct Answer: Asian nations

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Option A: occurred after President Wilson,s stroke

Option B: was due to the Republican Senate,s opposition

Option C: illustrated that national interest is more important than collective security or moral opposition to aggression

Option D: was due to Marxism-Leninism

Correct Answer: illustrated that national interest is more important than collective security or moral opposition to aggression

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Option A: only terrorists take credit for bombing museums

Option B: they do not organize the masses on a large scale

Option C: they tend to hide in rural areas

Option D: their leaders are well known

Correct Answer: they do not organize the masses on a large scale

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Option A: there are no restrictions in reaching agreements with other nations

Option B: the different nations of the world have the same values when it comes to treaties

Option C: each nation has different standards as to what is proper behavior and values

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: each nation has different standards as to what is proper behavior and values

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Option A: general

Option B: administrative

Option C: crisis

Option D: none it was an internal matter

Correct Answer: general

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Option A: wishes to absorb other nations

Option B: plans to enlarge its power over other nations

Option C: displays no self-interest

Option D: looks out for its own interests only

Correct Answer: looks out for its own interests only

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