
Miscellaneous Economics MCQs

Option A: By foreign nations

Option B: By government investments

Option C: By Congress

Option D: By withdrawals from the Treasury Department

Correct Answer: By Congress

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Option A: To preserve the status quo

Option B: To form a government that would serve the interests of all groups in the society

Option C: To insure the power of the small farmers

Option D: To diminish the power of a strong central government

Correct Answer: To form a government that would serve the interests of all groups in the society

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Option A: doctrine of elitist pluralism

Option B: doctrine of executive privilege

Option C: principle of federalism

Option D: concept of polis

Correct Answer: principle of federalism

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Option A: always written

Option B: intended to limit governmental power

Option C: meant to establish the rule of men

Option D: blueprints for monarchies

Correct Answer: intended to limit governmental power

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Option A: strong personal power

Option B: weak personal power

Option C: no power at all

Option D: power only in declaring war

Correct Answer: weak personal power

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Option A: explicit statements in the Constitution

Option B: the Marbury v Madison decision

Option C: an act of Congress

Option D: the First Amendment to the Constitution

Correct Answer: the Marbury v Madison decision

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Option A: Chief Justice

Option B: commander in chief of Armed Forces

Option C: chief diplomat

Option D: party leader

Correct Answer: Chief Justice

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Option A: that the Constitution delegates it so little power

Option B: a result of the gradual emergence of the Supreme Court as a legislative body

Option C: the development of the power of state governments

Option D: the traditional organization of the legislative branch

Correct Answer: the traditional organization of the legislative branch

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Option A: is a pivotal institution

Option B: is the acting arm of the state

Option C: includes the political process

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: is the rallying cry of the Women Liberation Movement?

Option B: was Karl Marx’s exhortation to the workers of the world

Option C: is the French expression Adam Smith used to mean that government should keep its hands off the economy?

Option D: is the economic theory introduced to the U.S by Keynes?

Correct Answer: is the French expression Adam Smith used to mean that government should keep its hands off the economy?

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Option A: agricultural nations like Cuba

Option B: less economically developed nations like Russia

Option C: Asian nations lacking well-developed industrial sectors like China

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: It is the American way

Option B: Greed makes the world go around

Option C: keeping up with the Joneses leads to success

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: None of the above

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Option A: all property belongs to the government

Option B: the economy is regulated through legislation and taxation

Option C: losers totally destroyed

Option D: the individual is free to do anything as long as he/she has money

Correct Answer: the economy is regulated through legislation and taxation

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Option A: participation in political decision making should be extended to religious leaders

Option B: the Socialist party must be in command of the economy

Option C: participation in political decision making should be extended to economic decision making

Option D: it is not necessary for everyone in a society to work

Correct Answer: participation in political decision making should be extended to economic decision making

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Option A: the value of the individual

Option B: rule by the elite

Option C: leadership of a charismatic leader

Option D: ideal hopes for a future society

Correct Answer: the value of the individual

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Option A: two extreme positions giving rise to a middle position

Option B: polarization forcing societies to split up

Option C: conflicts between rich and poor countries

Option D: imperialism being destroyed by capitalism

Correct Answer: two extreme positions giving rise to a middle position

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Option A: the means of production are controlled by the masses

Option B: religion and philosophy are the foundations of society

Option C: property is unimportant in the modern state

Option D: they contained the seeds of their own destruction

Correct Answer: they contained the seeds of their own destruction

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Option A: the French Revolution

Option B: starvation in Ireland

Option C: the Industrial Revolution

Option D: the Protestant Reformation

Correct Answer: the Industrial Revolution

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Option A: distrusts reason

Option B: refuses violence

Option C: stresses a belief in human equality

Option D: appeals to intellectuals

Correct Answer: distrusts reason

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Option A: contains secret police

Option B: controls the mass media

Option C: exhibits a centralized control of the economy

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: democracy

Option B: egalitarianism

Option C: authoritarian or totalitarian ideologies

Option D: tyranny

Correct Answer: authoritarian or totalitarian ideologies

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Option A: there are five psycho sexual stages

Option B: the personality is fixed by age five

Option C: psychoanalysis including dream analysis is the only way to overcome personality problems

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: none of the above

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Option A: never developed

Option B: was first based on a common ethnicity and language

Option C: was later reinforced by the notion of “specialness”

Option D: only B and C

Correct Answer: only B and C

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Option A: prosperity

Option B: crisis

Option C: natural disasters

Option D: conversations among intellectuals

Correct Answer: crisis

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Option A: make people feel free

Option B: secure that will of the people

Option C: give legitimate authority to the government in power

Option D: fool the people some of the time

Correct Answer: give legitimate authority to the government in power

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Option A: simplified world views

Option B: complex explanations of the world

Option C: rejecting action

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: simplified world views

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Option A: a set of ideas values and attitudes

Option B: a testable theory

Option C: always based on religion

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: a set of ideas values and attitudes

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Option A: today’s deviant is tomorrow’s leader

Option B: deviant acts invariably point to outdated rules

Option C: deviance is a fad

Option D: some actions initially defined as deviant eventually become generally accepted

Correct Answer: some actions initially defined as deviant eventually become generally accepted

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Option A: the place time and circumstances

Option B: the social status of the person committing the act

Option C: the social status of those judging the act

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: anomie theory

Option B: differential association theory

Option C: deviant personality theory

Option D: focal concerns theory

Correct Answer: anomie theory

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Option A: set examples for others thus reaffirming existing norms

Option B: are invented by society to promote group cohesion

Option C: hinder group cohesion by disrupting stability

Option D: prevent social change from occurring

Correct Answer: set examples for others thus reaffirming existing norms

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Option A: the ability to control impulses

Option B: leadership abilities

Option C: sociability

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: genetic inheritance

Option B: being labeled as deviant

Option C: close association with deviants

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: close association with deviants

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Option A: gang norms are substituted for society’s norms in some cases

Option B: gangs are useful for society

Option C: gangs have no norms

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: gang norms are substituted for society’s norms in some cases

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Option A: manslaughter

Option B: robbery

Option C: moving traffic violation

Option D: aggravated assault

Correct Answer: moving traffic violation

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Option A: another name for split personality

Option B: a term meaning “to hallucinate”

Option C: applied to a number of disturbances for lack of any other label

Option D: a psychosomatic disorder

Correct Answer: applied to a number of disturbances for lack of any other label

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Option A: Lombroso,s criminal types

Option B: Sheldon,s mesomorphs

Option C: the extra Y chromosome

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: in the same way everywhere

Option B: in some cultures, as nonexistent

Option C: in the context of time and place

Option D: as another world for crime

Correct Answer: in the context of time and place

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Option A: going in the wrong direction

Option B: bad manners

Option C: departure from social norms

Option D: reversing one,s opinion

Correct Answer: departure from social norms

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Option A: has a cultural basis

Option B: has a biological basis

Option C: depends on how wanted the infant is

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: has a biological basis

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Option A: conventional post conventional and legal-rational

Option B: pre-conventional authoritarian and post-conventional

Option C: pre-conventional conventional and post-conventional

Option D: charismatic traditional and legal-rational

Correct Answer: pre-conventional conventional and post-conventional

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Option A: infancy childhood adolescence and adulthood

Option B: early childhood plays concrete operational and formal operational

Option C: sensimotor pre-operational intuitive operational and concrete operational

Option D: sensorimotor intuitive operational concrete operational and formal operational

Correct Answer: sensorimotor intuitive operational concrete operational and formal operational

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Option A: protect the superego

Option B: deceive sexual targets

Option C: ward off sexual advances

Option D: deflect anxiety

Correct Answer: deflect anxiety

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Option A: within the ld

Option B: within family relations

Option C: in the genital stage

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: within the ld

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Option A: religion

Option B: the family

Option C: the economy

Option D: education

Correct Answer: the family

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Option A: the acting subject as opposed to “object ”

Option B: the source of experience

Option C: an emergent outcome of social acts

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: none of the above

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Option A: an innate human response to deprivation and frustration

Option B: a definite sharply defined emotion

Option C: subject to manipulation

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: instinctual development

Option B: development of higher learning functions

Option C: biological drives

Option D: aggressive behavior

Correct Answer: development of higher learning functions

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Option A: every adult experience cycle back to childhood

Option B: personality affects roles and vice-versa

Option C: all feelings revolve around the self

Option D: all experience is based on preconceptions

Correct Answer: personality affects roles and vice-versa

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Option A: rapidly became shepherds

Option B: their formerly outgoing personalities changed

Option C: became savage warriors

Option D: became outgoing accomplished entrepreneurs

Correct Answer: their formerly outgoing personalities changed

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Option A: development

Option B: stressing self-concept and self-actualization

Option C: psychoanalytic

Option D: environmental determinism

Correct Answer: stressing self-concept and self-actualization

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Option A: To teach infants to sit stand walk and run in that order

Option B: To teach infants the fundamentals of life in society

Option C: To instill societal aspirations

Option D: To transmit skills important in the society

Correct Answer: To teach infants to sit stand walk and run in that order

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Option A: separate items of personality

Option B: behavior as whole

Option C: instincts

Option D: physical appearance

Correct Answer: behavior as whole

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Option A: l

Option B: me

Option C: generalized other

Option D: libido

Correct Answer: l

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Option A: primary institution

Option B: secondary institution

Option C: total institution

Option D: tertiary socialization

Correct Answer: total institution

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Option A: definitely proven to increase the crime rate

Option B: definitely proven to improve school learning

Option C: providing realistic view of the world

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: none of the above

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Option A: peer group

Option B: school

Option C: family

Option D: mass media

Correct Answer: family

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Option A: most of the important norms have been internalized

Option B: they start school

Option C: they have learned to speak

Option D: they are consciously socialized

Correct Answer: they start school

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Option A: a sense of calm

Option B: love of all humans

Option C: anxiety

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: anxiety

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Option A: naires

Option B: personal interviews

Option C: previously gathered statistical information

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: significant others

Option B: generalized others

Option C: the l and the me

Option D: the ego and the superego

Correct Answer: significant others

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Option A: conscious socialization

Option B: unconscious socialization

Option C: subconscious socialization

Option D: conscience socialization

Correct Answer: conscious socialization

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Option A: learning

Option B: social interaction

Option C: body contact

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: successfully socialized

Option B: brainwashed

Option C: conditioned

Option D: a significant other

Correct Answer: successfully socialized

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Option A: the absence of others

Option B: genes alone

Option C: contact with other humans

Option D: the existence of schools or the media

Correct Answer: contact with other humans

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Option A: trial and error

Option B: reinforcement

Option C: symbolic and physical interaction

Option D: prohibition

Correct Answer: symbolic and physical interaction

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Option A: important because they provide the initial role models

Option B: unimportant because models do not influence personality

Option C: constituted by governmental authorities who must be obeyed

Option D: similar to the ego of Freud,s theory

Correct Answer: important because they provide the initial role models

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Option A: Freud stopped at adolescence

Option B: Freud thought all conflicts were conscious

Option C: Freud saw conflicts with parents as predominant

Option D: Freud only worked with males

Correct Answer: Freud stopped at adolescence

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Option A: the development of personality

Option B: physical(biological)development

Option C: the development of natural resources

Option D: the aging process or senescence

Correct Answer: physical(biological)development

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Option A: change to conform to the Chinese modal personality

Option B: the process of the Lookingglass

Option C: the process of resocialization

Option D: a severe anxiety attacks

Correct Answer: the process of resocialization

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Option A: anomie

Option B: socialization

Option C: desocialization

Option D: resocialization

Correct Answer: socialization

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Option A: ad hoc rules

Option B: specialization

Option C: unpredictability

Option D: lack of authority

Correct Answer: specialization

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Option A: clearly stated goals and policies

Option B: no ranking of their members

Option C: little durability

Option D: no people in them

Correct Answer: clearly stated goals and policies

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Option A: oligarchy

Option B: humanized bureaucracy

Option C: informal bureaucracy

Option D: scientific management

Correct Answer: informal bureaucracy

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Option A: accurate description of existing bureaucracies

Option B: idealized or exaggerated model of rational administration

Option C: explanation of elite domination

Option D: obviously false portrait of democratic administration

Correct Answer: idealized or exaggerated model of rational administration

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Option A: one cannot join an institution

Option B: only a few organizations last long enough to become institutions

Option C: institutions are organizations in which people no longer discuss the basis of the rules

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: one cannot join an institution

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Option A: differentiation stratification conflict and coercion

Option B: accommodation assimilation conflict and coercion

Option C: exchange reciprocity competition and conflict

Option D: conflict exchange cooperation and competition

Correct Answer: conflict exchange cooperation and competition

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Option A: technological

Option B: informational

Option C: post-subsistence

Option D: postindustrial

Correct Answer: postindustrial

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Option A: hunting and gathering to pastoral society

Option B: pastoral to horticultural society

Option C: horticultural to agricultural society

Option D: agricultural to industrial society

Correct Answer: horticultural to agricultural society

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Option A: voluntary group

Option B: reference group

Option C: membership

Option D: Gesellschaft

Correct Answer: membership

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Option A: politics

Option B: law

Option C: personality

Option D: social change

Correct Answer: personality

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Option A: the N.A.A.C.P

Option B: the N.R.A

Option C: sharpshooters at a pistol range

Option D: all the redheads currently imprisoned in the U.S

Correct Answer: all the redheads currently imprisoned in the U.S

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Option A: may occur within the confines of a single role

Option B: may result from faulty role performance

Option C: may occur when entrenched statuses become altered

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: estate systems in feudal Europe

Option B: industrial societies like the United States

Option C: occupationally-based caste systems as in pre-modern India

Option D: A and C only

Correct Answer: A and C only

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Option A: statuses are ascribed

Option B: authority is hierarchical

Option C: statuses are ranked

Option D: roles are scripted

Correct Answer: statuses are ranked

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Option A: rules and regulations

Option B: group situations and the positions of individuals

Option C: patterns of actions

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: explicit standards of quality control must be imposed by management

Option B: employees are given too much discretion

Option C: small organization inevitably become bureaucracies

Option D: vertical hierarchies of power are too sluggish

Correct Answer: vertical hierarchies of power are too sluggish

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Option A: the military prisons and mental hospitals

Option B: businesses and industries of all types

Option C: professional and religious organizations

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: businesses and industries of all types

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Option A: agrarian

Option B: pastoral

Option C: hunting and gathering

Option D: horticultural

Correct Answer: hunting and gathering

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Option A: may be analyzed at the microsocial and the macrosocial levels

Option B: is a fixed set of rules?

Option C: is sometimes used interchangeably with social structure

Option D: is microsocial macrosocial and interchangeable with social structure

Correct Answer: is microsocial macrosocial and interchangeable with social structure

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Option A: excludes written language

Option B: is entirely nonverbal

Option C: includes gestures speech and music

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: includes gestures speech and music

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Option A: conflict

Option B: competition

Option C: cooperation

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: cooperation

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Option A: processes of social interaction

Option B: diseases that harm societies

Option C: problems of cement roads

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: processes of social interaction

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Option A: kinship

Option B: primary ties

Option C: machines for production

Option D: smokestacks

Correct Answer: machines for production

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Option A: reference group

Option B: membership group

Option C: voluntary group

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: membership group

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Option A: the primary group is always helpful to the individual

Option B: primary group relations can be harmful to the individual

Option C: secondary relations are more important than primary ones

Option D: none of the above are relevant

Correct Answer: primary group relations can be harmful to the individual

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Option A: small size

Option B: daily contact

Option C: intimacy

Option D: formal interaction

Correct Answer: formal interaction

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Option A: triad

Option B: quadrad

Option C: dyad

Option D: monad

Correct Answer: dyad

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Option A: fear of a divorce

Option B: role conflict

Option C: no role involvement

Option D: a master status

Correct Answer: role conflict

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Option A: ancient Egypt

Option B: 19th century India

Option C: feudal Europe

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: none of the above

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