
Natural Resources And The Environment Toward Sustainable Development MCQs

Option A: Lawyer services purchased by a home buyer

Option B: The purchase of a new Nissan produced in Sunderland

Option C: Copper purchased by tap manufacturer Bristan

Option D: A new art gallery purchased by the city of Newcastle

Correct Answer: Copper purchased by tap manufacturer Bristan

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Option A: foreign; domestic

Option B: current year; base year

Option C: domestic; foreign

Option D: base year; current year

Correct Answer: base year; current year

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Option A: Rs50

Option B: Rs100

Option C: Rs650

Option D: Rs500

Correct Answer: Rs50

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Option A: intermediate goods

Option B: final goods and services

Option C: manufactured goods

Option D: inferior goods and services

Correct Answer: final goods and services

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Option A: final goods and services intermediate goods, transfer payments, and rent

Option B: consumption investment government purchases and net exports

Option C: consumption transfer payments. wages and profits.

Option D: Net National Product Gross National Product, and Disposable personal income

Correct Answer: Net National Product Gross National Product, and Disposable personal income

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Option A: intermediate production

Option B: Net National Product

Option C: Investment

Option D: depreciation

Correct Answer: depreciation

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Option A: It measures wealth not income

Option B: It measures Gross Domestic Product

Option C: It does not measure the quality of the items produced

Option D: It is only measured every five years:

Correct Answer: It measures wealth not income

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Option A: Deduct depreciation

Option B: Deduct indirect taxes

Option C: Deduct subsidies

Option D: Add inflation

Correct Answer: Deduct subsidies

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Option A: Surpluses are likely to occur:

Option B: Prices are likely to fall

Option C: Supply will increase immediately to match demand

Option D: Shortages may occur

Correct Answer: Supply will increase immediately to match demand

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Option A: Real GDP per capita

Option B: Real GDP

Option C: Real GDP population

Option D: Real GDP plus depreciation

Correct Answer: Real GDP per capita

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Option A: Gross National Product adjusted for inflation

Option B: Gross Domestic Product adjusted for inflation

Option C: Gross Domestic Product plus net property income from abroad

Option D: Gross National Product minus depreciation

Correct Answer: Gross National Product minus depreciation

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Option A: investment

Option B: net exports

Option C: government purchases

Option D: consumption

Correct Answer: investment

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Option A: Consumption in increase by Rs40,000 and net export decreases by Rs40,000

Option B: Net exports increase by Rs40,000

Option C: There is no impact because this transaction does not involve domestic production

Option D: Investment increased by Rs40,000 and net exports increases by Rs40,000

Correct Answer: Consumption in increase by Rs40,000 and net export decreases by Rs40,000

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Option A: intermediate production exceeds final production

Option B: foreigners are producing more in the Pakistan then Pakistanis are producing in foreign countries

Option C: real GNP exceeds nominal GNP

Option D: real GDP exceeds nominal GDP

Correct Answer: foreigners are producing more in the Pakistan then Pakistanis are producing in foreign countries

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Option A: the value of taking a day off from work

Option B: consulting services

Option C: intermediate sales

Option D: illegal drug sales

Correct Answer: consulting services

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Option A: must have fallen

Option B: must have risen

Option C: must have stayed the same

Option D: may have risen fallen, or stayed the same because there is not enough information to determine what happened to real output

Correct Answer: may have risen fallen, or stayed the same because there is not enough information to determine what happened to real output

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Option A: Pakistan -owned firms no matter where they are located in the world

Option B: The domestic manufacturing sector only

Option C: The domestic service sector only

Option D: People and factories located within the borders of the Pakistan

Correct Answer: The domestic manufacturing sector only

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Option A: a haircut

Option B: the value of a lawyer’s services

Option C: a 2005 Honda made in Swindon

Option D: All of things mentioned in these answers should be counted in 2005 GDP.

Correct Answer: a haircut

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Option A: Profit

Option B: rent

Option C: unemployment benefits

Option D: government purchases

Correct Answer: unemployment benefits

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Option A: Is likely to want to decrease demand in the economy

Option B: Is likely to want to decrease demand in the economy

Option C: Is likely to want to stabilise demand in the economy

Option D: Is likely to want to increase supply in the economy

Correct Answer: Is likely to want to increase supply in the economy

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Option A: Add indirect taxes

Option B: Subtract subsidies

Option C: Deduct indirect taxes and subsidies

Option D: Deduct indirect taxes and add subsidies

Correct Answer: Subtract subsidies

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Option A: GNP

Option B: NNP

Option C: Depreciation

Option D: Real GDP

Correct Answer: GNP

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Option A: Unemployment is likely to be low

Option B: Prices are likely to increase

Option C: Growth is negative

Option D: Growth is slow

Correct Answer: Growth is slow

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Option A: Net National Product adjusted for inflation

Option B: Gross Domestic Product adjusted for inflation

Option C: Gross Domestic Product plus net property income from abroad

Option D: Net National Product plus net property income from abroad

Correct Answer: Gross Domestic Product adjusted for inflation

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Option A: capital increasingly replaces labor

Option B: technological change compensates for capital depletion

Option C: costs rise, leaving less capital for future investment

Option D: contingent valuation becomes critical

Correct Answer: costs rise, leaving less capital for future investment

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Option A: biological diversity is dominant in agricultural production

Option B: the globe’s water pollution affects plankton

Option C: the earth’s atmosphere traps infrared radiation

Option D: climatic changes occur naturally in the forest

Correct Answer: C. the earth’s atmosphere traps infrared radiation

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Option A: rivalry and exclusion in consumption

Option B: nonrivalry and nonexclusion in consumption

Option C: rivalry but nonexclusion in production

Option D: nonrivalry but exclusion in usage

Correct Answer: nonrivalry and nonexclusion in consumption

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Option A: population growth leads to rigid land rights

Option B: participants will organize their transactions

Option C: violence displacement erosion and poverty are minimized

Option D: individuals overuse of the biosphere is curtailed

Correct Answer: participants will organize their transactions

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Option A: I and III only

Option B: II and III only

Option C: I, II and III only

Option D: I, II , III only IV

Correct Answer: I, II , III only IV

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Option A: Russia

Option B: Saudi Arabia

Option C: Iraq

Option D: Venezuela

Correct Answer: Saudi Arabia

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Option A: examples of Coase’s theorem

Option B: internalization of negative spillover effects

Option C: marginal abatement cost

Option D: examples of a free rider

Correct Answer: internalization of negative spillover effects

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Option A: external economies

Option B: negative externalities

Option C: internal spillover

Option D: social distortion

Correct Answer: negative externalities

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Option A: capital accumulation

Option B: common property resources

Option C: non-producible

Option D: output

Correct Answer: non-producible

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Option A: also known as index of Sustainable Economic Welfare per capita

Option B: GDP plus resource depletion and environmental cost

Option C: resource depletion and environmental cost divided by GDP per capita

Option D: increasing from 1976 to 2000

Correct Answer: also known as index of Sustainable Economic Welfare per capita

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Option A: attains the global optimal level of common property resource

Option B: relies on internationally tradable emission permits

Option C: minimizes free riders of public goods

Option D: reduces ozone depletion through the cutting of chlorofluorocarbon production

Correct Answer: reduces ozone depletion through the cutting of chlorofluorocarbon production

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Option A: includes genetic species ecosystem and functional diversities

Option B: refers to diversifying earth’s nonrenewable resource

Option C: refers to reconstruction of tropical rainforests

Option D: refers to biological effects on commercial plantation

Correct Answer: includes genetic species ecosystem and functional diversities

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Option A: natural resource that cannot be reproduced in the future if we fail to preserve them now

Option B: obtaining intellectual property rights for products

Option C: natural extinction of various species in DCs

Option D: industrialization replacing agriculture in LDCs

Correct Answer: natural resource that cannot be reproduced in the future if we fail to preserve them now

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Option A: I and II only

Option B: III and IV only

Option C: I, II and III only

Option D: I, II , III and IV only

Correct Answer: I, II and III only

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Option A: markets distortions

Option B: defective economic policies

Option C: inadequate property

Option D: the expansion of capitalism

Correct Answer: the expansion of capitalism

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Option A: Trade deficit

Option B: Blind river disease

Option C: Dutch disease

Option D: Economic turmoil

Correct Answer: Dutch disease

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Option A: external diseconomies

Option B: marginal damage

Option C: public goods

Option D: resource curse

Correct Answer: external diseconomies

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Option A: over fishing

Option B: smoking in a public place

Option C: excessive rain

Option D: common use of public toilets

Correct Answer: over fishing

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Option A: monopoly

Option B: entropy

Option C: industry

Option D: cartel

Correct Answer: cartel

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Option A: the tragedy of commons

Option B: sustainable development

Option C: net primary productivity (NPP)

Option D: the impossibility theorem

Correct Answer: sustainable development

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