
Rural Poverty And Agricultural Transformation MCQs

Option A: Poverty rates

Option B: food security index

Option C: change in the quantity of food demanded per capita

Option D: population growth

Correct Answer: population growth

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Option A: Production possibilities

Option B: entitlement

Option C: income distribution

Option D: egalitarianism

Correct Answer: Production possibilities

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Option A: War and bad governance

Option B: Corruption and mismanagement

Option C: Poor roads

Option D: Aid from developed nations

Correct Answer: Corruption and mismanagement

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Option A: cargil/Monsanto

Option B: ConAgra

Option C: Novartis/ADM

Option D: Procter & Gamble

Correct Answer: Procter & Gamble

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Option A: Rural development is the same as agricultural development

Option B: The agrarian community requires a full range of services such as schools merchants banks and so on

Option C: Household nonfarm income is uncorrelated to farm productivity and uncorrelated to farm productivity and household incomes in Kenya

Option D: China’s rural population receives little income from nonfarm income

Correct Answer: The agrarian community requires a full range of services such as schools merchants banks and so on

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Option A: An increase in the number of landless laborers

Option B: An increase in rural poverty

Option C: Women gain in decision making power

Option D: Workers nutrition is reduced

Correct Answer: Women gain in decision making power

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Option A: multitudinous latitudinous

Option B: latifundios, minifundios

Option C: feudum, nocere

Option D: grameen, repetto

Correct Answer: latifundios, minifundios

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Option A: I, II , III only

Option B: I, II and IV only

Option C: II, III and IV only

Option D: I, II, III and IV

Correct Answer: II, III and IV only

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Option A: society’s system of entitlement

Option B: an egalitarian income distribution

Option C: low poverty rates

Option D: society’s high Gini concentration

Correct Answer: an egalitarian income distribution

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Option A: I and II only

Option B: I and III only

Option C: III and IV only

Option D: II and III only

Correct Answer: III and IV only

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Option A: food sufficiency index

Option B: food security index

Option C: food self-intake index

Option D: food growth index

Correct Answer: food security index

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Option A: new biological chemical mechanical inputs in production

Option B: new technical and organizational knowledge from greater specialization

Option C: expanded markets for agricultural output

Option D: massive government intervention

Correct Answer: massive government intervention

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Option A: Yujiro Hayami

Option B: Raanan Weitz

Option C: Hans Singer

Option D: Tim Dyson

Correct Answer: Yujiro Hayami

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Option A: Such a farm is the most advanced

Option B: Such a farm usually emphasizes

Option C: Such a farm is labor intensive

Option D: Such a farm uses advanced technology and takes advantage of economies of scale.

Correct Answer: Such a farm is labor intensive

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Option A: The staple crop is the chief sources of food

Option B: labor is underutilized except for planting and harvesting seasons

Option C: On the traditional farm, output is always greater than consumption

Option D: cultivators farm only as much land as their

Correct Answer: cultivators farm only as much land as their

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