
Stabilization, Adjustment, Reform And Privatization MCQs

Option A: introducing the reform package at once to ensure that it became too late and costly to reverse the reforms

Option B: agricultural reform rather than industrial reforms to overcome food insecurity

Option C: the creation of a small-scale private sector ans small independent banks

Option D: attempts to gradually remake institutions

Correct Answer: introducing the reform package at once to ensure that it became too late and costly to reverse the reforms

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Option A: III only

Option B: IV only

Option C: I, II and IV only

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: IV only

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Option A: centralized firms

Option B: government oligopolies

Option C: market economies

Option D: public enterprises

Correct Answer: public enterprises

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Option A: produced by the three largest firms in the industry

Option B: produced in cement, machine tools and steel industries

Option C: and labor intensities relative to labor productivity

Option D: as a percentage of production and marketing

Correct Answer: produced by the three largest firms in the industry

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Option A: special economic zones

Option B: liberalized trade monopoly zones

Option C: Economic Union zones

Option D: Communist free trade areas

Correct Answer: special economic zones

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Option A: contractionary monetary and fiscal policies

Option B: currency devaluation

Option C: long-run institutional and structural economic change

Option D: short term-adjustment with a human face

Correct Answer: long-run institutional and structural economic change

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Option A: I and II only

Option B: III and IV only

Option C: I, II and III only

Option D: I, II and IV only

Correct Answer: I, II and IV only

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Option A: S – I = X = M

Option B: S + I = X + M

Option C: S = I – (X+M)

Option D: S-I = X/M

Correct Answer: A. S – I = X = M

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Option A: U.S

Option B: OECD

Option C: IMF

Option D: OPEC

Correct Answer: IMF

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Option A: Gosplan

Option B: Gosagroprom

Option C: nomenklatura system

Option D: Parastatals

Correct Answer: nomenklatura system

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Option A: Transitional Monetary Fund

Option B: World Bank

Option C: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Option D: OECD

Correct Answer: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

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Option A: SOEs perform better with competition

Option B: Successful performing SOEs in Japan, Singapore and Sweden have greater managerial autonomy and accountability than other SOEs

Option C: SOEs in South Korea and Sweden generally achieve inferior economic results to those in Ghana

Option D: Financial autonomy is a major factor contributing to SOEs managerial effectiveness

Correct Answer: SOEs in South Korea and Sweden generally achieve inferior economic results to those in Ghana

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Option A: national defense

Option B: an automobile

Option C: libraries

Option D: fire protection

Correct Answer: an automobile

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Option A: agricultural bank only

Option B: urban credit cooperatives

Option C: mono bank system

Option D: housing savings banks

Correct Answer: mono bank system

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Option A: Japan and Korea

Option B: Brazil and Argentina

Option C: Algeria and Yugoslavia

Option D: Singapore and Malaysia

Correct Answer: Algeria and Yugoslavia

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Option A: switching spending from domestic to foreign sources

Option B: devaluing local currencies

Option C: increase trade restrictions by imposing quota

Option D: increase government spending

Correct Answer: devaluing local currencies

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Option A: full employment and price stability

Option B: exports minus imports

Option C: monetary policy offsetting fiscal policy

Option D: exports equal to imports

Correct Answer: full employment and price stability

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Option A: I only

Option B: II only

Option C: I and II only

Option D: I, III and IV only

Correct Answer: I, III and IV only

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Option A: I and II only

Option B: III and IV only

Option C: I, II , III and IV

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: I, II , III and IV

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