
American Literature MCQs

Option A: not be too scenic

Option B: capture our soul

Option C: be simple and plain

Option D: not dazzle

Correct Answer: not dazzle

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Option A: Metahor

Option B: Oxymoron

Option C: Simile

Option D: Irony

Correct Answer: Simile

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Option A: Marie

Option B: Eliza

Option C: Rachel

Option D: Ophelia

Correct Answer: Marie

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Option A: straightforward and simple

Option B: complex and heart wrenching

Option C: simple and heartwarming

Option D: painful and disgustingly low

Correct Answer: simple and heartwarming

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Option A: examine the aggressive, dominating and stupid nature of human warfare

Option B: create a very vivid and impressive picture

Option C: shows his real intentions in writing

Option D: portray humans allegorically

Correct Answer: examine the aggressive, dominating and stupid nature of human warfare

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Option A: Plymouth

Option B: Mayflower compact

Option C: Massachusetts Bay Colony

Option D: Rhode Island

Correct Answer: Massachusetts Bay Colony

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Option A: Father of Free verse

Option B: Father of american poetry

Option C: Self-reliance

Option D: Father of American Liteature

Correct Answer: Self-reliance

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Option A: The letter S

Option B: The Letter H

Option C: A hexagon

Option D: The number 314

Correct Answer: The number 314

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Option A: fate of the author or how depressed be was

Option B: fate and the mindest of the boy

Option C: turn of events of the ball

Option D: happenings in the poem

Correct Answer: fate and the mindest of the boy

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Option A: The harp

Option B: The guitar

Option C: The ukulele

Option D: The violin

Correct Answer: The guitar

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Option A: A slave

Option B: A Transcendentalist

Option C: The son of itinerant actors

Option D: An indentured servant

Correct Answer: An indentured servant

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Option A: Beat to his size

Option B: Beat to his stomach

Option C: Beat to his socks

Option D: Beat to his Shoe

Correct Answer: Beat to his socks

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Option A: Toni Morrison

Option B: Jane Austin

Option C: Ann Petry

Option D: Frances Harper

Correct Answer: Toni Morrison

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Option A: Popular early nosiest

Option B: Romantisum

Option C: Scarlett letter

Option D: All are correct

Correct Answer: All are correct

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Option A: there is brutal necessity

Option B: there are speakers of the language

Option C: ancient elements force to become a language

Option D: a new language id discovered

Correct Answer: there is brutal necessity

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Option A: Carl Sanburg

Option B: T.S. Eliot

Option C: E.e cummings

Option D: Robert Lee Forst

Correct Answer: Robert Lee Forst

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Option A: religious stories

Option B: creation stories

Option C: A and B

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: A and B

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Option A: Menacing

Option B: Large or abundant

Option C: Fearful and gracious

Option D: Beautiful

Correct Answer: Large or abundant

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Option A: The life of the Indians

Option B: The influence of the missionaries in lives of the Indians

Option C: Reported speech poems

Option D: Narratives captivity

Correct Answer: Reported speech poems

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Option A: They dressed the boys like girls and told them to behave as girls do

Option B: They locked the uncle away until the children were old enough to protect themselves

Option C: They dressed the girls like boys and told them to behave as boys do

Option D: They formed a mob and chased the uncle out of the village

Correct Answer: They dressed the boys like girls and told them to behave as girls do

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Option A: honor and glory

Option B: meticulous faction

Option C: responsibility

Option D: revenge and betrayal

Correct Answer: honor and glory

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Option A: Emerged as a supreme power among the European countries

Option B: a huge collection of paintings and sculptures

Option C: the wisest men of the time

Option D: many scholars and sceptics

Correct Answer: many scholars and sceptics

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Option A: Nationalism

Option B: Transcendentalism

Option C: Romanticism

Option D: Indian Autobiography

Correct Answer: Romanticism

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Option A: Anne Bradstreet

Option B: Bradford Nelson

Option C: Jonathan Edwards

Option D: William Bradford

Correct Answer: William Bradford

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Option A: A bird

Option B: A small mountain lake

Option C: A wide river

Option D: A high cliff

Correct Answer: A small mountain lake

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Option A: Himself

Option B: Indians

Option C: His son, john

Option D: His son, William

Correct Answer: His son, William

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Option A: one

Option B: seven

Option C: five

Option D: three

Correct Answer: three

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Option A: Text

Option B: Doctrine

Option C: Bibliography

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Bibliography

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Option A: His dead uncle

Option B: His dead father

Option C: His dead grandmother

Option D: His dead grandfather

Correct Answer: His dead uncle

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Option A: Confessional poem

Option B: Metaphorical poem

Option C: Fragmental poem

Option D: Delusional poem

Correct Answer: Confessional poem

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Option A: Temperance

Option B: Silence

Option C: Order

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: None of the above

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Option A: Connotation

Option B: Connection

Option C: Constitution

Option D: Description

Correct Answer: Connotation

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Option A: The prayer was not answered and the people continued to live in sin

Option B: The dead uncle sent a hail storm to destroy the land

Option C: The priest’s son was told to set fire to the village

Option D: The dead uncle sent an earthquake to punish the corn clan for their wrongdoings

Correct Answer: The dead uncle sent an earthquake to punish the corn clan for their wrongdoings

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Option A: Goody Cloyse, Faith, and old goodman Brown.

Option B: Goody Cloyse, deacon Gookin, and the minister.

Option C: The minister, old goodman Brown, and deacon Gookin.

Option D: Faith, old goodman Brown and deacon Gookin.

Correct Answer: Goody Cloyse, deacon Gookin, and the minister.

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Option A: To make mischief and cause trouble

Option B: To trample upon evil beings that were abusing his aunts and uncles

Option C: To play tricks on other animals to prove how intelligent he is

Option D: The hare has no purpose that is why his grandmother must always watch over him

Correct Answer: To trample upon evil beings that were abusing his aunts and uncles

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Option A: Love

Option B: Pity

Option C: Misfortune

Option D: Death

Correct Answer: Pity

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Option A: Used pictographs to explain nature

Option B: Told the story of Wolam Olum

Option C: Settled in Northeast US

Option D: All the above

Correct Answer: All the above

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Option A: Journal

Option B: History

Option C: Article

Option D: Legend

Correct Answer: Journal

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Option A: Establishment of puritans

Option B: Establishment of autobiography

Option C: Establishment of Indian praying towns

Option D: Establishment of self- reliance

Correct Answer: Establishment of Indian praying towns

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Option A: Black humor; metafiction.

Option B: Metaphors; verbal irony.

Option C: Hyperbole; Personification.

Option D: Symbolism; Imagery.

Correct Answer: Black humor; metafiction.

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Option A: Connotation

Option B: Constitution

Option C: Convocation

Option D: Exposition

Correct Answer: Exposition

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Option A: History of puritans

Option B: History of slavery

Option C: Transcendentalism

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: History of puritans

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Option A: Experimental

Option B: Expressionistic

Option C: Lethargic

Option D: Modernistic

Correct Answer: Experimental

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Option A: Plymouth

Option B: Mayflower compact

Option C: Massachusetts Bay Colony

Option D: Rhode Island

Correct Answer: Plymouth

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Option A: Freedom

Option B: Escape from enslavement

Option C: Transportation to the colonies

Option D: Dropping charges for murder

Correct Answer: Transportation to the colonies

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Option A: Cracks in the ground

Option B: Decorative molding beneath a roof

Option C: Dust

Option D: Stolen goods

Correct Answer: Decorative molding beneath a roof

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Option A: Description

Option B: Metaphor

Option C: Persuation

Option D: Narration

Correct Answer: Description

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Option A: Gatsby

Option B: Nick

Option C: Buchannan

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Nick

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Option A: Indian autobiography

Option B: Most popular slave narrative

Option C: First african american to speak to mixed audience

Option D: None of the aboveE. All of the above

Correct Answer: Indian autobiography

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Option A: pretension

Option B: nostalgia

Option C: national identity

Option D: All the above

Correct Answer: All the above

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Option A: Hare told him of a large beast living near Bear’s home.

Option B: Hare took out his quiver and showed him four arrows.

Option C: Hare told thim that the country is full of wars.

Option D: Hare threated to kill him.

Correct Answer: Hare took out his quiver and showed him four arrows.

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Option A: Wrote the Mayflower Compact agreement

Option B: Founded Jamestown

Option C: Wrote about the Plymouth Plantation

Option D: A and C

Correct Answer: A and C

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Option A: Birth

Option B: Assimilation

Option C: Sovereignty

Option D: Religious in nature

Correct Answer: Sovereignty

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Option A: oversoul

Option B: Slant Rhyme

Option C: True Rhyme

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Slant Rhyme

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Option A: A fairy tale

Option B: An autobiography

Option C: A detective story

Option D: A Gothic tale

Correct Answer: A Gothic tale

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Option A: Bradford Nelson

Option B: William Holden

Option C: Nelson Holden

Option D: William Bradford

Correct Answer: William Bradford

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Option A: 1784

Option B: 1841

Option C: 1850

Option D: 1857

Correct Answer: 1850

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Option A: Captain Ahab

Option B: Elijah

Option C: Ishmael

Option D: Gabrial

Correct Answer: Ishmael

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Option A: His buttocks was scorched by the sun which he had caught in a trap

Option B: Grandmother burned him with a hot poker for being so mischievous

Option C: Hare caught his own tale on fire trying to cook himself some dinner

Option D: He was born that way

Correct Answer: His buttocks was scorched by the sun which he had caught in a trap

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Option A: God

Option B: Painter

Option C: Sculptor

Option D: Author

Correct Answer: Painter

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Option A: The first romance novel.

Option B: The Declaration of Independence.

Option C: Confessional poetry.

Option D: The Heiner Papers

Correct Answer: The Declaration of Independence.

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Option A: Waste and abuse of natural resources

Option B: Immoral behavior

Option C: Love and respect for family and its elders

Option D: Uncivilized society

Correct Answer: Love and respect for family and its elders

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Option A: A Boy’s Will

Option B: A Witness Tree

Option C: North of Boston

Option D: Mountain Interval

Correct Answer: Mountain Interval

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Option A: Gilgamesh

Option B: Colba

Option C: Odysseus

Option D: Walum Olum

Correct Answer: Walum Olum

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Option A: Persuasion

Option B: Prejudice

Option C: Promise

Option D: Promotion

Correct Answer: Persuasion

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Option A: a minimalist achievements in life

Option B: magnanimous life style

Option C: brave approach to life

Option D: hard work and sensitivity towards the society

Correct Answer: a minimalist achievements in life

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Option A: Reason

Option B: Individualism

Option C: Political thinking, philosophical, and social movement

Option D: Deism, skepticism

Correct Answer: Political thinking, philosophical, and social movement

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Option A: Harriet Beecher Stowe

Option B: Edgar Allan Poe

Option C: Arthur Miller

Option D: Edith Wharton

Correct Answer: Harriet Beecher Stowe

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Option A: Christian

Option B: Hindu

Option C: Jew

Option D: Afro-American

Correct Answer: Jew

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Option A: Cotton Mather

Option B: Diedrich Knickerbocker

Option C: Brom Bones

Option D: Geoffrey Crayon

Correct Answer: Brom Bones

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Option A: Fiesta

Option B: The Assistant

Option C: The Sea in Being

Option D: Farewell to Arms

Correct Answer: The Sea in Being

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Option A: To communicate

Option B: To articulate their circumstances

Option C: For existence

Option D: For identifying themselves

Correct Answer: To articulate their circumstances

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Option A: Obedience

Option B: Patience

Option C: Loyalty

Option D: Jealousy

Correct Answer: Jealousy

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Option A: Mormons

Option B: Catholics

Option C: Puritans

Option D: Druids

Correct Answer: Puritans

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Option A: For the land

Option B: Sovereignty to establish godly kingdom as they saw fit

Option C: Religious practice of the Church of England

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Sovereignty to establish godly kingdom as they saw fit

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Option A: T.S. Elliot

Option B: Carl Sandburg

Option C: William Faulkner

Option D: Wallace Stevene

Correct Answer: Carl Sandburg

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Option A: spring

Option B: Winter

Option C: fall

Option D: summer

Correct Answer: Winter

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Option A: Eugene O’ Neil’s

Option B: William Faulkner

Option C: Robert Lee frost

Option D: Countee Cullen

Correct Answer: William Faulkner

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Option A: Transcendentalism

Option B: Communism

Option C: Totalitarianism

Option D: Feudalism

Correct Answer: Transcendentalism

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Option A: Scarred

Option B: Grey or white with age

Option C: Ancient or venerable

Option D: Wrinkled with age

Correct Answer: Grey or white with age

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Option A: Eva

Option B: Prue

Option C: Emmeline

Option D: Topsy

Correct Answer: Topsy

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Option A: finding spiritual meaning

Option B: Critic slavery

Option C: Defend Slavery

Option D: Both B and C

Correct Answer: Both B and C

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Option A: General History of Virginia

Option B: Puritan Sermons

Option C: The story of Plymouth Plantation

Option D: Pride and Prejudice

Correct Answer: The story of Plymouth Plantation

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Option A: Faith

Option B: Hope

Option C: Magawisca

Option D: Madeline

Correct Answer: Hope

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Option A: Burning tobacco as an offering

Option B: Singing songs

Option C: Entering into a trance to commune with the spirits of the natural world.

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Quadroon

Option B: Mulatto

Option C: Octoroon

Option D: Hectoroon

Correct Answer: Mulatto

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Option A: Santiago

Option B: Marlin

Option C: Mandolin

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Santiago

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Option A: Born to be free

Option B: Inflicted with the disease Porphyria

Option C: Of royal birth

Option D: Wearing purple robes

Correct Answer: Of royal birth

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Option A: Frogs used to eat rocks and one day a frog ate a rock that was too hard and smashed its teeth.

Option B: Frogs never had any teeth.

Option C: Hare hit a frog with a club and burned the frog and cursed it by declaring it would never be able to harm anyone because it threatedned to hunt the hare down with dogs.

Option D: Grandmother wanted to eat frog leg stew so she captured a frog and extracted its teeth one by one while chanting a Winnebago song, and since then frogs were without teeth.

Correct Answer: Hare hit a frog with a club and burned the frog and cursed it by declaring it would never be able to harm anyone because it threatedned to hunt the hare down with dogs.

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Option A: Hemingway

Option B: Gertude Stein

Option C: F. Scott Fitzserald

Option D: Sherwood Anderson

Correct Answer: Gertude Stein

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Option A: At Lake Tahoe.

Option B: At Willow Pond.

Option C: At the Feather River.

Option D: At Walden Pond.

Correct Answer: At Walden Pond.

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Option A: To a Congregationalist community

Option B: To a Methodist community

Option C: To a Quaker settlement

Option D: To Philadelphia

Correct Answer: To a Quaker settlement

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Option A: Predicting the Apocalypse

Option B: Declaring his intention to run for public office

Option C: Calling for Native Americans to declare themselves independent of the U.S. government

Option D: Exhorting his allies and advocates to continue working to end prejudice

Correct Answer: Exhorting his allies and advocates to continue working to end prejudice

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Option A: To borrow

Option B: To steal

Option C: To ruin

Option D: To return

Correct Answer: To steal

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Option A: Lake Erie

Option B: Lake Huron

Option C: Niagara Falls

Option D: Northern Minnesota

Correct Answer: Lake Erie

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Option A: Emily

Option B: Rachel

Option C: Margaret

Option D: Danielle

Correct Answer: Emily

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Option A: Interest in the common man

Option B: Celebration of the individual

Option C: Age of reason

Option D: Both A and B

Correct Answer: Both A and B

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Option A: Bear

Option B: Fox

Option C: Deer

Option D: Cougar

Correct Answer: Bear

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Option A: Sinclair Lewis

Option B: Upton Sinclair

Option C: John Steinbeck

Option D: Raymond Chandler

Correct Answer: Sinclair Lewis

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Option A: Horse

Option B: Fox

Option C: Eagle

Option D: Deer

Correct Answer: Eagle

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