
American Literature MCQs

Option A: Harper Lee

Option B: John Updike

Option C: Henry Miller

Option D: R. Ellison

Correct Answer: John Updike

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Option A: The youngest member

Option B: The oldest member

Option C: The priest’s son

Option D: The chief’s son

Correct Answer: The priest’s son

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Option A: The Eskimo’s felt that family was important and to try to harm a family member was not normal or natural

Option B: The pronunciation of Eskimo names are impossible so the author decided that this was easy for the reader

Option C: All Eskimo myths name the antagonist the “Unnatural Uncle”

Option D: Since this tale is from the oral tradition, the characters had no names and when the myth was written down this is the name that was given

Correct Answer: The Eskimo’s felt that family was important and to try to harm a family member was not normal or natural

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Option A: A boy

Option B: An alien

Option C: A girl

Option D: A communist

Correct Answer: A boy

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Option A: Tom Buchanan

Option B: Tom Joad

Option C: Philip Marlowe

Option D: Rip van Winkle

Correct Answer: Rip van Winkle

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Option A: national identity

Option B: political conflicts

Option C: urban and european vs indigenous and rural

Option D: All the above

Correct Answer: All the above

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Option A: The headless bodies served Hare fish.

Option B: The headless bodies tried to abuse people so they were turned into ’fast-fish’ as a punishment.

Option C: The headless bodies liked to eat fish.

Option D: The headless bodies were actually creatures who evolved from fish so they were simply returned to their primordial state

Correct Answer: The headless bodies tried to abuse people so they were turned into ’fast-fish’ as a punishment.

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Option A: Total depravity

Option B: Unconditional election

Option C: Limited atonement

Option D: Irresistible GraceE. Perseverance of the SaintsF. All of the above

Correct Answer: Total depravity

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Option A: An autobiography

Option B: A fairy tale

Option C: Gothic fiction

Option D: A novel

Correct Answer: Gothic fiction

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Option A: Rober Lee frost

Option B: Eugene O’ Neil’s

Option C: Tennesse Williams

Option D: William Faulkner’s

Correct Answer: William Faulkner’s

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Option A: Field and works

Option B: Crusted snow and dead leaves

Option C: Hills and highways

Option D: all are sleeping

Correct Answer: Crusted snow and dead leaves

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Option A: Mrs. Mallard

Option B: Mrs. Mallard’s sister Josephine

Option C: Mr. Mallard

Option D: a third person

Correct Answer: a third person

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Option A: Tradition

Option B: Constitution

Option C: History

Option D: Myth

Correct Answer: History

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Option A: Teton

Option B: Cherokee

Option C: Utes

Option D: Navajo

Correct Answer: Navajo

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Option A: Total equality

Option B: Unconditional love

Option C: Individualism

Option D: Irresistible grace

Correct Answer: Irresistible grace

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Option A: Diamonds

Option B: Land

Option C: Gold

Option D: Gasoline

Correct Answer: Gold

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Option A: Settled in Northeastern US

Option B: Kept the Navajo Origin Legend through oral tradition

Option C: Believed that corn was crucial to creation

Option D: B and C

Correct Answer: B and C

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Option A: Introduced domestic animals to the Navajo

Option B: Made houses of saplings bent into domes

Option C: Legend From the Houses of Magic

Option D: B and C

Correct Answer: B and C

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Option A: Robert Frost

Option B: R. W. Emerson

Option C: Walt Whitman

Option D: Edgar Allen Poe

Correct Answer: Walt Whitman

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Option A: Predator

Option B: Gentleman

Option C: Hierarchical views of man

Option D: Protector

Correct Answer: Gentleman

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Option A: Exaggerated and embellish events and depicted Native Americans as barbaric

Option B: In the General History of Virginia, attempted an objective, journalistic style

Option C: Was saved by Squanto

Option D: A and B

Correct Answer: A and B

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Option A: Belonged to the Delaware tribe

Option B: Fasted 450 times for sins he committed

Option C: Wrote about the trial of Martha Carrier

Option D: B and C

Correct Answer: B and C

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Option A: Sherwood Anderson

Option B: Robert Lee Frost

Option C: William Faulkner

Option D: Carl Sanburg

Correct Answer: Sherwood Anderson

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Option A: William Faulkner

Option B: Tennessee Williams

Option C: Robert Penn Warren

Option D: T.S.Eliot

Correct Answer: T.S.Eliot

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Option A: He killed all of the old people

Option B: He killed all of the female children

Option C: He killed all of the male children

Option D: He killed all of the women

Correct Answer: He killed all of the male children

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Option A: Awareness of the importance of living a life without error and sin

Option B: Awareness of the dangers of setting yourself up as the judge of others or of isolating yourself from humanity

Option C: Awareness of the ethical problems of sin, punishment and atonement

Option D: Awareness of the mysteries and frailties of human nature

Correct Answer: Awareness of the importance of living a life without error and sin

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Option A: Mystical

Option B: Naturalistics

Option C: Deterministic

Option D: Supernatural

Correct Answer: Naturalistics

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Option A: a revenge story

Option B: not a happy story

Option C: a metaphysical poem

Option D: a deterministic poem

Correct Answer: not a happy story

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Option A: A conversion

Option B: A christening

Option C: A wedding

Option D: A baptism

Correct Answer: A baptism

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Option A: It took place at nightfall.

Option B: It was a moody and spooky story.

Option C: It contained clues to events yet to happen.

Option D: It had descriptions of shadows in the woods.

Correct Answer: It contained clues to events yet to happen.

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Option A: 1952

Option B: 1954

Option C: 1956

Option D: 1958

Correct Answer: 1954

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Option A: Eliza and Harry

Option B: Uncle Tom and Cassy

Option C: Uncle Tom and Eliza

Option D: Uncle Tom and Harry

Correct Answer: Uncle Tom and Harry

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Option A: They are nosey and stays busy tending to other people’s business

Option B: The Zunis are spiritual and have a strong moral code that they live by and teach to their children

Option C: That the Zunis are afraid of earthquakes and floods

Option D: That the Zunis like to make up stories for pure entertainment

Correct Answer: The Zunis are spiritual and have a strong moral code that they live by and teach to their children

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Option A: happy and meaningful note

Option B: courageous and hopeful note

Option C: tragic and painful note

Option D: philosophical note

Correct Answer: philosophical note

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Option A: Silvia plath

Option B: Langston Hughes

Option C: Wallace Stevens

Option D: Robert Frost

Correct Answer: Robert Frost

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Option A: Jamming

Option B: Snaring

Option C: Hortatory sermon

Option D: Framing

Correct Answer: Hortatory sermon

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Option A: He sends a young man to retrieve it

Option B: He sends his grandmother to cast a spell on him that causes Sharp-elbow to consent to anything asked of him

Option C: He takes a whetstone with him to retrieve the arrow and when Sharp-elbow attacks he uses the whetstone for protection against the attack

Option D: He lights four prayersticks and asks the gods to retrieve it for him

Correct Answer: He takes a whetstone with him to retrieve the arrow and when Sharp-elbow attacks he uses the whetstone for protection against the attack

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Option A: To include the tribe’s favorite food, corn, into the myth

Option B: To warn its youth about the consequences of promiscutiy and other inquities

Option C: To explain how floods came into existence

Option D: To explain how earthquakes came into existence

Correct Answer: To warn its youth about the consequences of promiscutiy and other inquities

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Option A: De Vaca

Option B: Johnathan Edwards

Option C: Cortez

Option D: Vasco de Gama

Correct Answer: De Vaca

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Option A: Idealism

Option B: Slavery

Option C: Romanticism

Option D: Nationalism

Correct Answer: Nationalism

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Option A: The Mississippi

Option B: The Colorado

Option C: The Ohio

Option D: The Danube

Correct Answer: The Ohio

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Option A: Mysterious

Option B: Slant Rhymes

Option C: True Rhymes

Option D: No titles

Correct Answer: True Rhymes

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Option A: The Civil war

Option B: Voyage

Option C: Abraham Lincoln

Option D: Trip form England to the United States

Correct Answer: The Civil war

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Option A: Discovery of America by Columbus

Option B: Discovery and settlement of the Western continent

Option C: early English settlers

Option D: missionaries settled in America

Correct Answer: Discovery and settlement of the Western continent

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Option A: Elizabeth Browning

Option B: Eliza Snow

Option C: George Elliot

Option D: Anne Bradstreet

Correct Answer: Anne Bradstreet

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Option A: Dekonawidah planted the Tree of Great Peace

Option B: Powerful enemy of the Delaware tribe

Option C: The tribe drafted a constitution to define the governance of their society

Option D: All the above

Correct Answer: All the above

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Option A: General History of Virginia

Option B: Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves

Option C: Walum Olum

Option D: Beowulf

Correct Answer: General History of Virginia

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Option A: Indian Autobiography

Option B: Father of free verse

Option C: Father of American poetry

Option D: Both A and B

Correct Answer: Both A and B

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Option A: Cook

Option B: Groomsman

Option C: Head Coachman

Option D: Valet

Correct Answer: Head Coachman

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Option A: Black community in America

Option B: identity of Blacks in The United States

Option C: Survival and continuation of the Black community

Option D: restoration of a language

Correct Answer: Survival and continuation of the Black community

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Option A: A recurrent thematic element in an artistic or literary work.

Option B: The struggle found in fiction

Option C: Giving human qualities to animals or objects

Option D: A story about a mischievous, supernatural being

Correct Answer: A story about a mischievous, supernatural being

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Option A: The Burning of Our House

Option B: The Story of Plymouth Plantation

Option C: Sinners in the Hand

Option D: The Wonders of the Invisible World

Correct Answer: The Wonders of the Invisible World

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Option A: An examination of life as it actually is.

Option B: A romantic portrayal of life.

Option C: An examination of the countryside versus the city.

Option D: A sad and depressing view of reality.

Correct Answer: An examination of life as it actually is.

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Option A: Kindly but firmly

Option B: Set them all free

Option C: Beat them everyday

Option D: They do not have slaves

Correct Answer: Kindly but firmly

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Option A: Spiders of the World

Option B: Hands of Satan

Option C: Hell and Salem

Option D: Sinners in the Hand…

Correct Answer: D. Sinners in the Hand…

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Option A: Langston Hues

Option B: William Faulkner

Option C: Wallace Stevens

Option D: T.S. Elliot

Correct Answer: T.S. Elliot

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Option A: Emerson

Option B: Hawthrone

Option C: Thoreau

Option D: Stewart

Correct Answer: Hawthrone

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Option A: a wide range of emotion from joy to sorrow

Option B: His style of writing

Option C: the joyous moment

Option D: a feeling of excitement

Correct Answer: a wide range of emotion from joy to sorrow

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Option A: Seeing his mother die

Option B: Watching a slave get beaten to death

Option C: Watching his aunt get whipped

Option D: Watching his dad beat his mother

Correct Answer: Watching his aunt get whipped

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Option A: The Rocky Mountains.

Option B: The Appalachian Mountains.

Option C: The Sierra Nevada Mountains.

Option D: The Sierra Madre Mountains.

Correct Answer: The Sierra Nevada Mountains.

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Option A: life resumes to normal routine

Option B: it is day break

Option C: streets are bright

Option D: life is unpredictable

Correct Answer: life resumes to normal routine

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Option A: Tom’s death

Option B: Eliza’s escape

Option C: Tom’s daughter’s wedding

Option D: Tom saving Eva

Correct Answer: Tom’s death

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Option A: Cassy

Option B: Eliza

Option C: George

Option D: Uncle Tom

Correct Answer: Cassy

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Option A: a clean well-lighted place

Option B: the old waiter

Option C: the old man

Option D: liquor

Correct Answer: a clean well-lighted place

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Option A: Fiction

Option B: Narration

Option C: Exposition

Option D: Persuasion

Correct Answer: Narration

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Option A: He decided to prepare some animals for humans to eat

Option B: He decided to go on his way and start a family of his own

Option C: He decided that there were more bad animals and set out to destroy the rest of them

Option D: The tale ended and the reader is not certain about what happened to bear

Correct Answer: He decided to prepare some animals for humans to eat

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Option A: Sherwood Anderson

Option B: Langston Hugues

Option C: William Faulkner

Option D: Robert Lee Frost

Correct Answer: William Faulkner

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Option A: Genre that details life exerpeinces of white americans in early america and critiques american society to native americans.

Option B: Genre that details life experiences of native Americas in early America and critiques American society to native Americans.

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Genre that details life experiences of native Americas in early America and critiques American society to native Americans.

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Option A: tingle our senses

Option B: stir our intellect

Option C: restore our skills for the art

Option D: instill in us the sense of the art

Correct Answer: stir our intellect

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Option A: Hunger or famine

Option B: Decrease

Option C: Derivation

Option D: Neglect or decray

Correct Answer: Neglect or decray

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Option A: as a pro- slavery argument

Option B: the author was a runaway slave

Option C: as a view point from Canada

Option D: as propaganda against slavery

Correct Answer: as propaganda against slavery

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Option A: Ezra Pound

Option B: E.E. Cummings

Option C: Carl Sandburg

Option D: Carlos William

Correct Answer: Carl Sandburg

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Option A: Lacking in freshness and originality

Option B: Saddened

Option C: Double meaning

Option D: Blue-eyed

Correct Answer: Lacking in freshness and originality

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Option A: Unity of effect

Option B: Ratiocinactive effect

Option C: Cataleptic effect

Option D: Didactic effect

Correct Answer: Unity of effect

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Option A: Democracy

Option B: Brother love/charity

Option C: US Exceptionalism

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: None of the above

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Option A: T.S. elliot

Option B: William Faulkner

Option C: Langston Hughes

Option D: Sherwood anderson

Correct Answer: William Faulkner

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Option A: Freeing his slaves

Option B: Relearning to pray

Option C: Overcoming his alcoholism

Option D: Reuniting Tom with Aunt Chole

Correct Answer: Freeing his slaves

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Option A: Eliza

Option B: George

Option C: Haley

Option D: Mr.Symmes

Correct Answer: George

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Option A: Origin tale

Option B: Trickster tale

Option C: Hero tale

Option D: A fable

Correct Answer: Hero tale

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Option A: Husband belonged to the Massachusetts Bay Company

Option B: Arrived on the Mayflower

Option C: Wrote about her house burning down

Option D: A and C

Correct Answer: A and C

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Option A: Georgia

Option B: Florida

Option C: Louisiana

Option D: Vermont

Correct Answer: Louisiana

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Option A: Transcendentalism

Option B: Imperialism

Option C: Socialism

Option D: Naturalism

Correct Answer: Imperialism

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Option A: Linguistics Society

Option B: Unites States of American -English

Option C: Black Diaspora Association

Option D: Black Diaspora

Correct Answer: Black Diaspora

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Option A: George Washington

Option B: John Adams

Option C: Abraham Lincoln

Option D: John. F. Kennedy

Correct Answer: Abraham Lincoln

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Option A: Mark Twain.

Option B: Herman Melville.

Option C: Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Option D: Walt Whitman.

Correct Answer: Ralph Waldo Emerson.

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Option A: William Bradstreet

Option B: Mather Edwards

Option C: John Williams

Option D: Johnathan Edwards

Correct Answer: Johnathan Edwards

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Option A: 1945

Option B: 1947

Option C: 1949

Option D: 1950

Correct Answer: 1949

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Option A: Senator Bird

Option B: Mrs. Bird

Option C: St. Clare

Option D: Haley

Correct Answer: Mrs. Bird

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Option A: Helping Robin to search for his uncle

Option B: A detective

Option C: Leading the police to the scene of a crime

Option D: Helping the police to look for a letter

Correct Answer: Leading the police to the scene of a crime

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Option A: Doctrine of Stoicism

Option B: Doctrine of Gnosticism

Option C: Doctrine of Materialism

Option D: Doctrine of salvation by faith alone

Correct Answer: Doctrine of salvation by faith alone

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Option A: Stephen

Option B: Parker J

Option C: Goodman Parker

Option D: Stephen J Parker

Correct Answer: Goodman Parker

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Option A: Historical fiction

Option B: A fairy tale

Option C: An autobiography

Option D: A detective story

Correct Answer: Historical fiction

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Option A: Samson Occcum

Option B: John Winthrop

Option C: Benjamin Franklin

Option D: Mayflower Compact

Correct Answer: Benjamin Franklin

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Option A: The narrator and Roderick bury Madeline alive in a stone tomb beneath the mansion.

Option B: The narrator and Roderick drown Madeline in the tarn next to the mansion.

Option C: Roderick and Madeline escape the house via an underground tunnel.

Option D: The narrator and Roderick become trapped in catacombs beneath the mansion.

Correct Answer: The narrator and Roderick bury Madeline alive in a stone tomb beneath the mansion.

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Option A: remind the leader of the tragedy

Option B: repeat the lines for the rhyming

Option C: keep the readers aware of what is to come

Option D: clarify his idea

Correct Answer: remind the leader of the tragedy

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Option A: William Faulkner

Option B: Carl Sandburg

Option C: Langston Hues

Option D: Sherwood anderson

Correct Answer: Langston Hues

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Option A: a romantic achiever

Option B: a frustrated romantic idealist

Option C: an under achiever

Option D: an accomplished royal

Correct Answer: a frustrated romantic idealist

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Option A: Fredrick Douglass

Option B: John Winthrop

Option C: Benjamin Franklin

Option D: William Apess

Correct Answer: Fredrick Douglass

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Option A: Faith

Option B: Madeline

Option C: Magawisca

Option D: Katrina

Correct Answer: Katrina

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Option A: Civil Disobedience

Option B: Walden

Option C: Herald of Freedom

Option D: Life without principle

Correct Answer: Walden

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