
American Literature MCQs

Option A: Soulful lyrics

Option B: Human voice

Option C: Epic

Option D: Lyric

Correct Answer: Human voice

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Option A: Nature as a source of secular and spiritual knowledge, emotion as truth, and exploration of the self.

Option B: Scientific exploration.

Option C: Love and romance.

Option D: The philosophy of how to run a new country.

Correct Answer: Nature as a source of secular and spiritual knowledge, emotion as truth, and exploration of the self.

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Option A: Johnathon Edwards

Option B: John Stillwell

Option C: John Smith

Option D: John Stelzer

Correct Answer: John Smith

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Option A: Simile

Option B: Conceit

Option C: Sermon

Option D: Anomoly

Correct Answer: Conceit

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Option A: Throws a rock

Option B: Shouts about his hat

Option C: Sneezes loudly

Option D: Bucks his horse

Correct Answer: Shouts about his hat

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Option A: Bear

Option B: Elk

Option C: Horse

Option D: Both A and B

Correct Answer: Horse

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Option A: he wanted it to create logic to the capitalization of the final E.

Option B: he wanted to emphasize the ‘Y’

Option C: the poem demanded an upper case

Option D: he places his beloved in an upper place

Correct Answer: he places his beloved in an upper place

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Option A: Fifty years

Option B: Twenty years

Option C: One hundred years

Option D: Eighty years

Correct Answer: Twenty years

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Option A: Brown

Option B: Brom Bones

Option C: Rip

Option D: Dupin

Correct Answer: Dupin

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Option A: reinforce the thoughts of the narrator

Option B: reflect the happenings in the life of the narrator

Option C: state the situation of the narrator

Option D: emphasize the choice of the season

Correct Answer: reinforce the thoughts of the narrator

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Option A: Langston Hughes

Option B: William Faulkner

Option C: Wallace stevens

Option D: Countee cullen

Correct Answer: Wallace stevens

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Option A: Atonement

Option B: Catharsis

Option C: Gullibility

Option D: Hubris

Correct Answer: Hubris

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Option A: Mayflower

Option B: Santa Maria

Option C: Titanic

Option D: HMS Bounty

Correct Answer: Mayflower

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Option A: The Puritans

Option B: The Catholics

Option C: The Pilgrims

Option D: The Anglo Saxons

Correct Answer: The Puritans

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Option A: Death

Option B: Relationships

Option C: American landscape

Option D: Hope

Correct Answer: American landscape

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Option A: Apache

Option B: Delaware

Option C: Sioux

Option D: Inuit

Correct Answer: Delaware

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Option A: Thomas

Option B: Pynchon

Option C: John Dos Passos

Option D: Saul Bellow

Correct Answer: Pynchon

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Option A: Mentor to other writers

Option B: Rewrote the autobiography

Option C: Self-made and

Option D: Both B and C

Correct Answer: Both B and C

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Option A: Father of free verse

Option B: Father of American Poetry

Option C: Circumference

Option D: Both A and B

Correct Answer: Both A and B

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Option A: Indian Autobiography

Option B: Father of free verse

Option C: Father of American poetry

Option D: Most popular slave narrative

Correct Answer: Most popular slave narrative

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Option A: Countiee cullen

Option B: William Faulkner

Option C: T.S. Eliot

Option D: Wallace stevens

Correct Answer: Countiee cullen

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Option A: A devil-worshipper

Option B: A boxer

Option C: An apples-salesman

Option D: A medicine man

Correct Answer: An apples-salesman

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Option A: Trembling and timid

Option B: Stiff

Option C: Afraid

Option D: Contemplating and deciding

Correct Answer: Trembling and timid

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Option A: Fredrick Douglass

Option B: John Winthrop

Option C: Benjamin Franklin

Option D: William Apess

Correct Answer: Benjamin Franklin

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Option A: Reason

Option B: Deism

Option C: Political

Option D: Skepticism

Correct Answer: Political

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Option A: Cotton Mather

Option B: Owen Edwards

Option C: Annie Bradford

Option D: Terry Pratchett

Correct Answer: Cotton Mather

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Option A: Tutoring Eva

Option B: Managing finances

Option C: Helping Dinah cook

Option D: Administering Marie’s medicine

Correct Answer: Managing finances

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Option A: A-1941

Option B: B-1949

Option C: C-1945

Option D: D-1938

Correct Answer: B-1949

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Option A: Communism

Option B: Revolution

Option C: An independent nation of independent individuals

Option D: Abolition

Correct Answer: An independent nation of independent individuals

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Option A: Iroquois

Option B: Sioux

Option C: Navajo

Option D: Hopi

Correct Answer: Iroquois

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Option A: Narration

Option B: History

Option C: Persuasion

Option D: Oral Tradition

Correct Answer: Oral Tradition

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Option A: Transcendentalism, Symbolism, and Dark Romanticism.

Option B: The Harlem Renaissance, The Lost Generation, and Confessional Poetry.

Option C: There were no movements during the modernist time period.

Option D: Symbolism, Naturalism, and Postmodernism.

Correct Answer: The Harlem Renaissance, The Lost Generation, and Confessional Poetry.

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Option A: A letter

Option B: His clouded eye

Option C: His pact with the devil

Option D: His loud heart beat

Correct Answer: His clouded eye

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Option A: He drowns

Option B: He suffers a heart attack

Option C: He is poisoned

Option D: He is stabbed

Correct Answer: He is stabbed

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Option A: Wrote the Mayflower Contract

Option B: Was a Puritan preacher and writer

Option C: When he spoke, audiences rose to their feet and cheered

Option D: B and C

Correct Answer: B and C

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Option A: Flattery will get you no where

Option B: Don’t put of for tomorrow what you can do today

Option C: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

Option D: Boasting shows weakness and will lead to bad things

Correct Answer: Boasting shows weakness and will lead to bad things

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Option A: Fredrick Douglass

Option B: John Winthrop

Option C: Benjamin Franklin

Option D: William Apess

Correct Answer: William Apess

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Option A: Fredrick Douglass

Option B: John Winthrop

Option C: Benjamin Frankin

Option D: William Apess

Correct Answer: Fredrick Douglass

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Option A: Long, wide petticoats

Option B: A trench-coat

Option C: Loose, wide breeches

Option D: Underpants

Correct Answer: Loose, wide breeches

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Option A: An act or instance of beginning

Option B: An of revolting against civil authority

Option C: The state of one risen from the dead

Option D: The condition of being stopped

Correct Answer: An of revolting against civil authority

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Option A: Fearless daring or aggressive boldness

Option B: Auditory city

Option C: Authority

Option D: Insanity or dementia

Correct Answer: Fearless daring or aggressive boldness

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Option A: Wasteful extravagance

Option B: Promiscuity

Option C: Return from the dead

Option D: Redemption

Correct Answer: Wasteful extravagance

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Option A: Stupidity

Option B: Silliness

Option C: Pain

Option D: Intelligence

Correct Answer: Pain

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Option A: Commits suicide

Option B: Devours a heart

Option C: Meets the devil

Option D: Buries someone alive

Correct Answer: Buries someone alive

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Option A: Samson Occcum

Option B: John Winthrop

Option C: Benjamin Franklin

Option D: Mayflower Compact

Correct Answer: Samson Occcum

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Option A: Execution

Option B: Going to extremes

Option C: Extermination

Option D: Expatriating

Correct Answer: Extermination

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Option A: Rancher

Option B: Male partner in a marriage

Option C: Cowboy

Option D: Man of ordinary status

Correct Answer: Man of ordinary status

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Option A: Continue being apart of the Church of England

Option B: Reform

Option C: Separate from the Church of England

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Separate from the Church of England

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Option A: A cotton ginning machine

Option B: A hemp cleaning machine

Option C: A hemp twines

Option D: A bread slicing machine

Correct Answer: A hemp cleaning machine

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Option A: Ten

Option B: Thirteen

Option C: Seventeen

Option D: Fifteen

Correct Answer: Fifteen

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Option A: Slave narrative

Option B: Free verse poem

Option C: Journal

Option D: Spiritual diary

Correct Answer: Spiritual diary

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Option A: Critic the way white people’s society treats people of color wrong.

Option B: Making peace

Option C: Working together

Option D: both B and C

Correct Answer: both B and C

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Option A: Arrived on the Mayflower

Option B: Mistook Bahama Islands for India

Option C: Kept a journal of the First Voyage to America

Option D: B and C

Correct Answer: B and C

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Option A: the yellow metal

Option B: paycheck or money

Option C: materialism

Option D: the pot of luck

Correct Answer: the pot of luck

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Option A: Alcohol

Option B: Slavery

Option C: Foreign

Option D: Imperialism

Correct Answer: Slavery

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Option A: Cumings

Option B: Robert Lee Frost

Option C: T.S. Eliot

Option D: Edgar lee masters

Correct Answer: T.S. Eliot

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Option A: Main Street

Option B: Arrowsmith

Option C: Elmer Gantry

Option D: The Jungle

Correct Answer: The Jungle

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Option A: Cassy

Option B: Mrs.Shelby

Option C: Mrs.Legree

Option D: Aunt Chole

Correct Answer: Cassy

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Option A: gambling

Option B: drinking

Option C: bribery

Option D: lying

Correct Answer: bribery

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Option A: 1815-1820

Option B: 1830-1840

Option C: 1861-1865

Option D: 1825-1833

Correct Answer: 1861-1865

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Option A: Mayflower compact

Option B: Salem Witch Trails

Option C: No involvement

Option D: All the above

Correct Answer: Salem Witch Trails

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Option A: Created spiritual Diary

Option B: Non-Separating puritan

Option C: Separating puritan

Option D: both A and C

Correct Answer: both A and C

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Option A: His weakness for spirits

Option B: That he is henpecked by his wife

Option C: His love of town gossip

Option D: His unwillingness to work

Correct Answer: His unwillingness to work

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Option A: condensed life to the screen

Option B: life turning more attractive

Option C: bringing reality before them

Option D: creating indifference to realities of life

Correct Answer: creating indifference to realities of life

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Option A: Mending Wall

Option B: Birches

Option C: The Gift Outright

Option D: Directive

Correct Answer: The Gift Outright

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Option A: Ralph Waldo Emerson

Option B: Thoruau

Option C: Robert E. Spiller

Option D: Gustave Falubert

Correct Answer: C. Robert E. Spiller

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Option A: First native american to publish life writing

Option B: Mentor to other writers

Option C: Literary Maverick

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Mentor to other writers

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Option A: dowry

Option B: slavery

Option C: corruption

Option D: superstitions

Correct Answer: slavery

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Option A: Robert Frost

Option B: Walt Whitman

Option C: Henry David Thoreau

Option D: Herman Melville

Correct Answer: Henry David Thoreau

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Option A: a vision for himself

Option B: inner strength

Option C: his own life

Option D: a will not to depend on others

Correct Answer: inner strength

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Option A: to hide here emotion

Option B: to live and enjoy her life

Option C: to fight with people

Option D: not to lodge a complaint

Correct Answer: to live and enjoy her life

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Option A: Swiss-bom painter

Option B: French guitarist

Option C: An Italian-born doctor

Option D: British painter

Correct Answer: British painter

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Option A: Myth

Option B: History

Option C: Tradition

Option D: Metaphor

Correct Answer: Metaphor

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Option A: A hortatory sermon

Option B: A historial novel

Option C: Gothic fiction

Option D: A narrative frame

Correct Answer: A historial novel

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Option A: Rocky land

Option B: Bridge

Option C: Plain or plateau

Option D: Meadow or pastureland

Correct Answer: Meadow or pastureland

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Option A: They are victimized by corrupt Indian Agents appointed by the government.

Option B: They are not provided with adequate education.

Option C: They are legally denied the right to engage in commerce.

Option D: Native American women have been seduced and abandoned by white men.

Correct Answer: They are legally denied the right to engage in commerce.

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Option A: Jean Toomer

Option B: Richard Wright

Option C: Ralph Ellison

Option D: Stephen Crane

Correct Answer: Richard Wright

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Option A: Age of reason

Option B: Political thinking

Option C: Celebration of individual

Option D: Philosophical movment

Correct Answer: Age of reason

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Option A: resistance

Option B: cultural independence

Option C: Europe

Option D: All the above

Correct Answer: All the above

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Option A: Jason and Isolde

Option B: General History of Virginia

Option C: Declaration of Independence

Option D: Journal of an Expedition

Correct Answer: General History of Virginia

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Option A: Postmodern; end slavery.

Option B: Colonial; end patriotism for England.

Option C: Modernism; end individualism.

Option D: Romanticism; define themselves and their writing style as independent from England.

Correct Answer: Romanticism; define themselves and their writing style as independent from England.

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Option A: Liberia

Option B: Nigeria

Option C: France

Option D: Algeria

Correct Answer: Liberia

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Option A: A locket

Option B: A ring

Option C: A dollar

Option D: A crucifix

Correct Answer: A dollar

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Option A: First African American woman to speak to a mixed audience

Option B: First African American to publish life writing Most popular native American writer

Option C: Most popular slave narrative

Option D: All the above

Correct Answer: First African American woman to speak to a mixed audience

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Option A: Discourse

Option B: Constitution

Option C: Language

Option D: Connotation

Correct Answer: Constitution

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Option A: In New Orleans

Option B: On a ferry

Option C: In Memphis

Option D: On a river boat

Correct Answer: On a river boat

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Option A: Relocate to Louisiana

Option B: Punish another slave

Option C: Abandon his faith

Option D: Marry another woman

Correct Answer: Marry another woman

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Option A: African Americans

Option B: White public of Plymouth

Option C: White public of Massachusetts

Option D: Native Americans

Correct Answer: White public of Massachusetts

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Option A: His gentle and soft-spoken nature

Option B: His honesty and deep devotion to God

Option C: His overwhelming fear of violence

Option D: His ability to hide his rebellious nature.

Correct Answer: His honesty and deep devotion to God

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Option A: Memphis

Option B: New Orleans

Option C: Louisville

Option D: Atlanta

Correct Answer: New Orleans

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Option A: To show ideas of transcendentalism are put into action

Option B: To critique slavery

Option C: Tell his entire life story

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: To show ideas of transcendentalism are put into action

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Option A: Fredrick Douglass

Option B: John Winthrop

Option C: Benjamin Franklin

Option D: William Apess

Correct Answer: John Winthrop

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Option A: Steinback

Option B: Faulkner

Option C: Hemingway

Option D: Fitzgerald

Correct Answer: Faulkner

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Option A: Pamphlets, poetry, novels, short stories

Option B: Novels, poetry, dramas, histories

Option C: Literary magazines, poetry, novels, short stories

Option D: Narratives and poetry

Correct Answer: Narratives and poetry

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Option A: That he will adopt Topsy

Option B: That he will free Uncle Tom

Option C: That he will remarry

Option D: That he will try to find Harry

Correct Answer: That he will free Uncle Tom

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Option A: Going back to his hometown

Option B: his errors and starts correcting them

Option C: going back to the state of depression

Option D: the final destination where he has to reach

Correct Answer: the final destination where he has to reach

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Option A: Religious freedom

Option B: Everyone has a role in society

Option C: Only men should work

Option D: Woman have no role in society

Correct Answer: Everyone has a role in society

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Option A: Mildred

Option B: Yank

Option C: The Secretary of I.W.W.

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Yank

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Option A: The Earthmaker wanted the opportunity to creat a new race of people

Option B: Mankind would suffer because of a lack of food if there were more people than resources to care for them

Option C: Hare wished it to be so and that was how it was

Option D: Grandmother wished it to be so and that was how it was

Correct Answer: Mankind would suffer because of a lack of food if there were more people than resources to care for them

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Option A: Anti-Slavery

Option B: Father of american poetry

Option C: Pro Slavery

Option D: Father of American Liteature

Correct Answer: Pro Slavery

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