
Famous Playwright, Poet And Others MCQs

Option A: The fight between good and evil

Option B: Heaven’s battle and Satan’s tragic fall

Option C: The creation of the universe

Option D: Adam and Eve’s disobedience

Correct Answer: Adam and Eve’s disobedience

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Option A: One

Option B: Two

Option C: Three

Option D: Four

Correct Answer: Three

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Option A: It was created before God the Son

Option B: Earth hangs from Heaven by a chain

Option C: The Earth is a lotus flower

Option D: The Earth revolves around the sun

Correct Answer: Earth hangs from Heaven by a chain

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Option A: Raphael

Option B: Uriel

Option C: Michael

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Michael

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Option A: Michael

Option B: Abdiel

Option C: Uriel

Option D: Satan is not injured

Correct Answer: Michael

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Option A: To assert his superiority to other poets

Option B: To argue against the doctrine of predestination

Option C: To justify the ways of God to men

Option D: To make his story hard to understand

Correct Answer: To justify the ways of God to men

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Option A: Leviticus

Option B: Exodus

Option C: Genesis

Option D: Deuteronomy

Correct Answer: Genesis

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Option A: Michael

Option B: Uriel

Option C: Raphael

Option D: Abdiel

Correct Answer: Uriel

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Option A: The New Testament

Option B: Homer’s epic poems

Option C: The Hebrew Bible

Option D: The Koran

Correct Answer: The Hebrew Bible

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Option A: Ask forgiveness from God

Option B: Put some clothes on

Option C: Satisfy their sexual desire for each other

Option D: Blame each other for their Fall

Correct Answer: Satisfy their sexual desire for each other

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Option A: The Son

Option B: The Holy Ghost

Option C: Michael

Option D: Raphael

Correct Answer: The Son

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Option A: Wit

Option B: Beauty

Option C: Intelligence

Option D: Hard work and spirituality

Correct Answer: Beauty

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Option A: vanity

Option B: lust

Option C: greed

Option D: pride

Correct Answer: vanity

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Option A: Hunting and gathering food

Option B: Tending to the Garden of Eden

Option C: Building shelter to live in

Option D: Naming all God’s creatures and plants

Correct Answer: Tending to the Garden of Eden

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Option A: a mouse

Option B: a cherub

Option C: a toad

Option D: a serpent

Correct Answer: a mouse

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Option A: Head

Option B: Lust

Option C: Anger

Option D: Rib

Correct Answer: Head

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Option A: Wine

Option B: The Holy Spirit

Option C: His favorite pen

Option D: The Son

Correct Answer: The Holy Spirit

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Option A: Sin

Option B: Eden

Option C: Satan

Option D: Eve

Correct Answer: Eve

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Option A: The Tree of Knowledge

Option B: Adam

Option C: Cane and Abel

Option D: Jesus Christ

Correct Answer: Jesus Christ

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Option A: Error, Temptation, and Satan

Option B: Sin, Death and Temptation

Option C: Sin, Temptation, and Satan

Option D: Satan, Sin, and Death

Correct Answer: Satan, Sin, and Death

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Option A: Mammon

Option B: Moloch

Option C: Beelzebub

Option D: Ashtaroth

Correct Answer: Beelzebub

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Option A: First Person Narrative

Option B: Short Story

Option C: Epic Poem

Option D: Novel

Correct Answer: Epic Poem

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Option A: In Eden

Option B: After the fall of man

Option C: After the defeat of rebel angels

Option D: In paradise, when Lucifer sits with God

Correct Answer: After the defeat of rebel angels

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Option A: 2

Option B: 1

Option C: 4

Option D: 12

Correct Answer: 2

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Option A: 10

Option B: 14

Option C: 12

Option D: 11

Correct Answer: 12

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Option A: 1671

Option B: 1656

Option C: 1669

Option D: 1652

Correct Answer: 1671

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Option A: Adam

Option B: Moses

Option C: Joseph

Option D: Satan

Correct Answer: Satan

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Option A: Satan

Option B: God

Option C: Adam

Option D: Noah

Correct Answer: Adam

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Option A: satan

Option B: eve

Option C: rapheal

Option D: god

Correct Answer: eve

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Option A: Eve

Option B: God

Option C: Satan

Option D: Jonah

Correct Answer: Jonah

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Option A: Raphael

Option B: Uriel

Option C: Abdiel

Option D: Beelzebub

Correct Answer: Raphael

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Option A: Tree of Life

Option B: Tree of God

Option C: Tree of Sin

Option D: Tree of Knowledge

Correct Answer: Tree of Knowledge

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Option A: Book X

Option B: Book VIII

Option C: Book IX

Option D: Book I

Correct Answer: Book IX

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Option A: Satan

Option B: Adam

Option C: Eve

Option D: God

Correct Answer: Satan

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Option A: Titania

Option B: Urania

Option C: Virgil

Option D: Michael

Correct Answer: Urania

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Option A: A fortress

Option B: A catapult

Option C: A large sword

Option D: A cannon

Correct Answer: A cannon

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Option A: Satan and the devils rise up from the lake in Hell

Option B: The Son is chosen as God’s second-incommand

Option C: God and the Son create the universe

Option D: The angels battle in Heaven

Correct Answer: The Son is chosen as God’s second-incommand

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Option A: Mammon

Option B: Sin

Option C: Moloch

Option D: Beezelbub

Correct Answer: Beezelbub

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Option A: Virgil

Option B: Homer

Option C: Both Virgil and Homer

Option D: Neither Virgil or Homer

Correct Answer: Virgil

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Option A: Mulciber

Option B: Mammon

Option C: Moloch

Option D: Belial

Correct Answer: Mulciber

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Option A: Gems

Option B: Gold

Option C: Oil

Option D: Minerals

Correct Answer: Oil

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Option A: A snake slithering up a tree

Option B: A germ infecting a body

Option C: A wolf leaping into a sheep’s pen

Option D: A fish leaping out of water

Correct Answer: A wolf leaping into a sheep’s pen

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Option A: Night

Option B: Agony

Option C: Discord

Option D: Death

Correct Answer: Agony

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Option A: Belial

Option B: Moloch

Option C: Mammon

Option D: Beelzebub

Correct Answer: Moloch

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Option A: Book VIII

Option B: Book X

Option C: Book IX

Option D: Book VII

Correct Answer: Book IX

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Option A: Ordered and rational

Option B: Chaotic

Option C: Wild and unmanageable

Option D: Comfortable

Correct Answer: Ordered and rational

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Option A: Jealous and envious

Option B: Bombastic

Option C: Firm and militant

Option D: Kind and caring

Correct Answer: Firm and militant

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Option A: a bridge from hell to heaven

Option B: a temple to welcome Satan back

Option C: a bridge from hell to earth

Option D: a funnel from Eden to the gates of hell

Correct Answer: a bridge from hell to earth

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Option A: lust

Option B: love for Eve

Option C: pride

Option D: money

Correct Answer: love for Eve

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Option A: Catapults

Option B: Artillery

Option C: Illusions

Option D: The Holy Sepulcher

Correct Answer: Artillery

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Option A: incest

Option B: lust

Option C: greed

Option D: pride

Correct Answer: pride

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Option A: Adam

Option B: Michael

Option C: Raphael

Option D: Lucifer

Correct Answer: Raphael

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Option A: a feminist

Option B: uncomfortable with Adam

Option C: detailed oriented

Option D: a docile, vain creature

Correct Answer: a docile, vain creature

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Option A: “stepping stones of clouds

Option B: Golden rope

Option C: Golden chain

Option D: Ladder

Correct Answer: Golden chain

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Option A: Michael and Gabriel

Option B: Michael and Raphael

Option C: Raphael and Gabriel

Option D: Michael and Lucifer

Correct Answer: Michael and Gabriel

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Option A: One day

Option B: Three days

Option C: Seven days

Option D: One hour

Correct Answer: Three days

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Option A: Michael

Option B: Abdiel

Option C: Rafael

Option D: Gabriel

Correct Answer: Michael

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Option A: Beezlebub

Option B: Michael

Option C: Lucifer

Option D: Belial

Correct Answer: Lucifer

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Option A: 1660

Option B: 1667

Option C: 1658

Option D: 1654

Correct Answer: 1667

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Option A: The fall of Lucifer

Option B: The fall of man

Option C: Adam and Eve

Option D: The genesis

Correct Answer: The fall of man

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Option A: Free verse

Option B: Vers libre

Option C: Regular meter

Option D: blank verse

Correct Answer: blank verse

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Option A: 1673

Option B: 1676

Option C: 1656

Option D: 1667

Correct Answer: 1667

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Option A: To justify the fall of Lucifer

Option B: To justify the loss of paradise

Option C: To justify the fall of man

Option D: To justify the ways of God to men

Correct Answer: To justify the ways of God to men

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Option A: Medievalism

Option B: Modernism

Option C: Victorianism

Option D: Neoclassicism

Correct Answer: Neoclassicism

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Option A: John the Apostle

Option B: John the Baptist

Option C: Michael the Archangel

Option D: Joseph, Jesus’s stepfather

Correct Answer: John the Baptist

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Option A: “Christian Doctrines”

Option B: “On Regicide”

Option C: “The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce”

Option D: “Paradise Lost”

Correct Answer: “The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce”

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Option A: Samuel Johnson

Option B: Edmund Spencer

Option C: Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Option D: T. S. Eliot

Correct Answer: Samuel Johnson

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Option A: one who is in agony.

Option B: one who inflicts agony.

Option C: one who struggles for or champions a cause.

Option D: one who predicts the future.

Correct Answer: one who struggles for or champions a cause.

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Option A: braille

Option B: dictation

Option C: a code of his own devising

Option D: an Abacus

Correct Answer: dictation

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Option A: Satan lays dazed on the burning lake.

Option B: Satan assembles his fallen legions.

Option C: Adam and Eve fall from the state of Paradise.

Option D: A and B

Correct Answer: A and B

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Option A: Gunpowder

Option B: Adamantine armor

Option C: The Chariot of Paternal Deity

Option D: The Thunderbolt

Correct Answer: Gunpowder

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Option A: One

Option B: Two

Option C: Three

Option D: Four

Correct Answer: Three

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Option A: French

Option B: Greek

Option C: Roman

Option D: German

Correct Answer: Greek

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Option A: Dalila pays Samson’s ransom from prison.

Option B: Dalila refuses to pay Samson’s ransom in prison.

Option C: Never records Dalila’s visit to Samson in prison.

Option D: Never records Dalila’s cutting of Samson’s hair.

Correct Answer: Never records Dalila’s visit to Samson in prison.

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Option A: both statements end up happening that day.

Option B: both statements end up not happening that day.

Option C: Samson is echoing the older prediction of the prophet Enoch.

Option D: both statements will later be fulfilled by Christ.

Correct Answer: both statements end up happening that day.

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Option A: Spenserian

Option B: Shakespearean

Option C: Wordsworthian

Option D: Petrarchan

Correct Answer: Petrarchan

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Option A: history play

Option B: tragedy

Option C: comedy

Option D: Morality Play

Correct Answer: tragedy

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Option A: In “Samson,” Samson is blind, but he is not in “Judges.”

Option B: In “Samson,” Manoa is Samson’s father, but he is not in “Judges.”

Option C: In “Samson,” Samson is married to Dalila, but he is not in “Judges.”

Option D: In “Samson,” Dalila cuts Samson’s hair, but she does not in “Judges.”

Correct Answer: In “Samson,” Samson is married to Dalila, but he is not in “Judges.”

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Option A: Invocation of a muse

Option B: A cry of lament

Option C: Prayer to the Sun

Option D: A and B

Correct Answer: A and B

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Option A: A quest for knowledge of the self

Option B: A quest for knowledge of other countries

Option C: A quest for knowledge of the future

Option D: A quest for Forbidden Knowledge

Correct Answer: A quest for knowledge of the self

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Option A: The Son

Option B: Raphael

Option C: Michael

Option D: Adam

Correct Answer: Michael

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Option A: Medieval Mystery Plays

Option B: Greek Epic

Option C: Greek Drama

Option D: French Chanson de Gestes

Correct Answer: Greek Drama

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Option A: Bath

Option B: Paris

Option C: London

Option D: Nottingham

Correct Answer: London

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Option A: Latin, Greek, and Hebrew

Option B: Latin, Sanskrit, and Aramaic

Option C: Latin, Arabic, and Spanish

Option D: Mandarin, Dutch, and French

Correct Answer: Latin, Greek, and Hebrew

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Option A: One decade

Option B: Two decades

Option C: Three decades

Option D: Four decades

Correct Answer: One decade

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Option A: William Wordsworth

Option B: Percy Bysshe Shelley

Option C: William Blake

Option D: John Keats

Correct Answer: William Blake

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Option A: Pastoral elegy

Option B: Prose polemic

Option C: Blank verse tragedy

Option D: Masque

Correct Answer: Prose polemic

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Option A: There is an emphasis on the importance of preaching.

Option B: There is an emphasis on spiritual experience.

Option C: There is an emphasis on the freedom of sexual expression.

Option D: A and B

Correct Answer: A and B

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Option A: Existentialism

Option B: Humanism

Option C: Stoicism

Option D: Postmodernism

Correct Answer: Humanism

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Option A: A brief summary of “Paradise Lost”

Option B: A detailed description of Satan

Option C: A detailed description of Milton himself

Option D: A and B

Correct Answer: A brief summary of “Paradise Lost”

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Option A: the king

Option B: the House of Lords

Option C: popular election

Option D: God

Correct Answer: popular election

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Option A: Civil Engineer

Option B: Poet Laureate

Option C: Military Strategist

Option D: Intellectual Defender

Correct Answer: Poet Laureate

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Option A: visible, inaccessible

Option B: inaccessible, omnipresent

Option C: nonexistent, invisible

Option D: invisible, omnipresent

Correct Answer: invisible, omnipresent

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Option A: God/Yahweh

Option B: Judea

Option C: Lot

Option D: A and B

Correct Answer: God/Yahweh

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Option A: England’s first poet

Option B: England’s first dramatist

Option C: England’s poet laureate

Option D: England’s greatest civil engineer

Correct Answer: England’s poet laureate

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Option A: Nature is immediately wounded by Eve’s transgression.

Option B: Satan is immediately wounded by Eve’s transgression.

Option C: Raphael is immediately wounded by Eve’s transgression.

Option D: Abdiel immediately flees the Council of Rebel Angels.

Correct Answer: Nature is immediately wounded by Eve’s transgression.

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Option A: The Book of “Genesis”

Option B: The Book of “Revelations”

Option C: “The Odyssey”

Option D: “Canterbury Tales”

Correct Answer: The Book of “Genesis”

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Option A: Pastoral elegy

Option B: Prose polemic

Option C: Blank verse tragedy

Option D: Masque

Correct Answer: Pastoral elegy

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Option A: Transubstantiation

Option B: Free will

Option C: Predestination

Option D: Sufficience

Correct Answer: Free will

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Option A: the prediction is never fulfilled.

Option B: the prophet Enoch had made the same prediction centuries earlier.

Option C: Samson doesn’t know he himself will fulfill the prediction.

Option D: the prediction is finally fulfilled much later when Jesus defeats Dagon

Correct Answer: Samson doesn’t know he himself will fulfill the prediction.

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