
English Literature MCQs

Option A: Aristotle’s Poetics

Option B: Leo Tolstoy’s The Kreutzer Sonata

Option C: John Keats’s “Ode on a Grecian Urn”

Option D: Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness

Correct Answer: Leo Tolstoy’s The Kreutzer Sonata

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Option A: They accept ideology as an essential, although sometimes problematic, part of society.

Option B: They subject all ideologies to critique in order to expose biased interests.

Option C: They reject the idea that ideology has real effects on social progress.

Option D: They promote ideology because it helps to create a dominant social order

Correct Answer: They subject all ideologies to critique in order to expose biased interests.

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Option A: Cleanth Brooks

Option B: Ferdinand de Saussure

Option C: Karl Marx

Option D: Sigmund Freud

Correct Answer: Ferdinand de Saussure

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Option A: Psychoanalysis

Option B: Marxism

Option C: Feminism

Option D: Deconstruction

Correct Answer: Psychoanalysis

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Option A: Critics should examine historical information surrounding a literary work.

Option B: Critics should develop universal readings of texts.

Option C: Critics should consider evolving notions of a text over time.

Option D: Critics should attempt to paraphrase texts in order to find out what they mean

Correct Answer: Critics should develop universal readings of texts.

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Option A: How women really feel about male writers

Option B: The inscription of womanhood and femininity in texts

Option C: Second-wave feminism

Option D: Psychological studies of women

Correct Answer: The inscription of womanhood and femininity in texts

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Option A: Trauma theory

Option B: Ecotheory

Option C: Chaos theory

Option D: Formalism

Correct Answer: Trauma theory

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Option A: Feminist theory

Option B: Ethnic criticism

Option C: Postcolonial theory

Option D: All of the above.

Correct Answer: All of the above.

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Option A: What is literature?

Option B: Why do people write literature?

Option C: What are the effects of literature?

Option D: All of these.

Correct Answer: All of these.

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Option A: Marxist theory

Option B: psychoanalytic theory

Option C: postcolonial theory

Option D: deconstruction

Correct Answer: postcolonial theory

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Option A: Hamlet cannot be staged properly because of the complexity of the play’s use of language.

Option B: Hamlet is not relevant to the Romantic age.

Option C: The role of Hamlet cannot be properly played by any actor.

Option D: Hamlet is a work that was written to be read, not performed.

Correct Answer: The role of Hamlet cannot be properly played by any actor.

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Option A: Members of the audience who comment on the play’s actions

Option B: Characters who remind the audience that the play is fictional

Option C: A group of characters who comment

Option D: A group of characters who comment on the actions of the play while not participating in them

Correct Answer: A group of characters who comment

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Option A: Pound’s “In a Station of the Metro”

Option B: Bishop’s “One Art”

Option C: Auden’s “Paysage Moralisé”

Option D: William Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 18”

Correct Answer: A. Pound’s “In a Station of the Metro”

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Option A: Lines of text with words that rhyme at the end

Option B: A continuous block of text

Option C: Unrhymed lines

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: All of these

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Option A: A comedic play

Option B: A tragic play

Option C: A modern play

Option D: A tragi-comedy

Correct Answer: A comedic play

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Option A: A story in which the author provides an explicit moral

Option B: A story that takes place in the distant past

Option C: A light-hearted, humorous story in which viewers are shown proper ways to behave

Option D: A story told to little children

Correct Answer: A story in which the author provides an explicit moral

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Option A: Plot

Option B: Poetic diction

Option C: Song composition

Option D: Stage design

Correct Answer: Plot

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Option A: Poetry should be written in the common language of ordinary people.

Option B: Poetry should focus on the lives and thoughts of elite people.

Option C: Poetry should never concern itself with the natural world.

Option D: Poetry should rhyme.

Correct Answer: Poetry should rhyme.

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Option A: Investigating the relationship between words and objective reality

Option B: Comparing the Bible to folk tales from other cultures

Option C: Researching an author’s biography for clues about how to understand his or her writing

Option D: Researching what previous critics have said about a literary work

Correct Answer: Comparing the Bible to folk tales from other cultures

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Option A: An ode

Option B: An elegy

Option C: An epitaph

Option D: A ballad

Correct Answer: A ballad

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Option A: An atmosphere of dread, fear, and darkness

Option B: An isolated protagonist

Option C: A hero or protagonist who is tempted

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: All of these

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Option A: For revenge

Option B: To change the weather

Option C: To bring forth life-in-death

Option D: It is never directly stated why he does so.

Correct Answer: It is never directly stated why he does so.

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Option A: Questions for which the answers are obvious

Option B: Persuasive writing and speaking

Option C: Writing that is complicated and scholarly

Option D: Logical writing and speaking

Correct Answer: Persuasive writing and speaking

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Option A: A member of the royalty

Option B: A lowborn, wandering adventurer

Option C: A member of the middle class engaging in self-exploration

Option D: A child as he or she develops into an adult

Correct Answer: A lowborn, wandering adventurer

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Option A: All dogs have four legs, all creatures do not have four legs, hence all creatures with four legs are dogs.

Option B: All men breathe air, all dogs breathe air, hence all men are dogs.

Option C: All mammals are warm-blooded, all dogs are mammals, hence all dogs are warm-blooded.

Option D: All dogs have hair, all people have hair, hence anything with hair is a dog or a person.

Correct Answer: All mammals are warm-blooded, all dogs are mammals, hence all dogs are warm-blooded.

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Option A: There is such a thing as an afterlife.

Option B: Dreams always tell the truth.

Option C: There are some aspects of existence that cannot be explained through reason.

Option D: Heaven exists on earth.

Correct Answer: There are some aspects of existence that cannot be explained through reason.

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Option A: Satan was ultimately heroic.

Option B: The fall of Adam and Eve was a tragic event.

Option C: Adam and Eve were driven to evil by their children.

Option D: God abandoned the realm of Eden without reason.

Correct Answer: The fall of Adam and Eve was a tragic event.

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Option A: A novel that attacks the lower classes

Option B: A novel set in Europe in the 18th century

Option C: A novel that explores the behavior and values of a particular class of people

Option D: A novel that explores class conflict

Correct Answer: A novel that explores the behavior and values of a particular class of people

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Option A: Logos refers to a writer’s presentation of character and image.

Option B: Logos refers to a writer’s ability to present evidence.

Option C: Logos refers to a writer’s ability to inspire action in readers.

Option D: Logos refers to a writer’s ability to inspire emotional responses in readers.

Correct Answer: Logos refers to a writer’s ability to present evidence.

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Option A: A minimalist stage and strict adherence to the script

Option B: Video clips and the use of popular music

Option C: Nonlinear storytelling and the embracement of popular culture

Option D: A pastiche of different literary and historical sources

Correct Answer: A minimalist stage and strict adherence to the script

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Option A: How women are portrayed in literary texts

Option B: The psychologies of female writers

Option C: How women have been socially oppressed in literary texts

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: All of these

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Option A: Lamentation, in which the speaker demonstrates grief

Option B: Praise and admiration for the dead

Option C: Consolation and solace

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: All of these

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Option A: The language in which they are written

Option B: The way they view reality

Option C: The way they are structured

Option D: The type of people who write them

Correct Answer: The way they view reality

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Option A: I began driving at the age of 16 and have never been involved in a serious car accident.

Option B: No one under the age of 18 should be allowed to drive.

Option C: Research has demonstrated that some people under the age of 18 do not have the proper judgment skills to handle operating a car.

Option D: Every year countless people are killed by drivers under the age of 18.

Correct Answer: Research has demonstrated that some people under the age of 18 do not have the proper judgment skills to handle operating a car.

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Option A: She is mature and realistic.

Option B: She is immature and has difficulty recognizing the difference between fact and fiction.

Option C: She is a matchmaker trying to set up romances between her friends, all the while unable to find true love herself.

Option D: B and C

Correct Answer: B and C

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Option A: Marxist criticism

Option B: Reader-response criticism

Option C: Psychoanalytic criticism

Option D: New Criticism

Correct Answer: Marxist criticism

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Option A: Character

Option B: Setting

Option C: Plot

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: All of these

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Option A: passive readers and critics of literary texts.

Option B: involved in critical conversations about literary texts.

Option C: capable of realizing that the viewpoints of some critics are more important than others.

Option D: aware that Hamlet is a remarkable work of literature.

Correct Answer: involved in critical conversations about literary texts.

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Option A: Stark and sterile

Option B: Flowery and ornate

Option C: Futuristic and technologically advanced

Option D: Ancient and sophisticated

Correct Answer: Stark and sterile

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Option A: Using informal language

Option B: Demonstrating a mastery of the topic

Option C: Appealing to the reader’s emotions

Option D: Using logic and reason

Correct Answer: Demonstrating a mastery of the topic

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Option A: A hypothesis about how literary texts can be understood

Option B: A methodology for applying ideas to literary texts

Option C: The practice of interpreting literary texts

Option D: A trend in university English departments

Correct Answer: A hypothesis about how literary texts can be understood

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Option A: “To be or not to be, that is the question.”

Option B: “And the world didn’t even think of stopping for me.”

Option C: “I played about the front gate, pulling flowers.”

Option D: “I wandered lonely as a cloud.”

Correct Answer: A. “To be or not to be, that is the question.”

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Option A: the psychologies of individual authors.

Option B: the typographical structures of literary texts.

Option C: translation issues.

Option D: how children relate to their parents in terms of literary texts.

Correct Answer: the psychologies of individual authors.

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Option A: Hamlet is placed in a position that can be conceptualized as feminine.

Option B: Hamlet despises his mother and suspects she has killed his father.

Option C: Hamlet is entirely masculinized throughout the play, and thus, is ultimately unlike his mother in terms of his position in the play.

Option D: Hamlet has a personality disorder.

Correct Answer: Hamlet is placed in a position that can be conceptualized as feminine.

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Option A: a line.

Option B: a foot.

Option C: a measure.

Option D: a meter.

Correct Answer: a foot.

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Option A: Hamlet is deeply disturbed by his father’s death.

Option B: It is never proven within the play that Claudius murdered King Hamlet.

Option C: Hamlet doubts the proper course of action to take.

Option D: Ophelia dies by drowning.

Correct Answer: It is never proven within the play that Claudius murdered King Hamlet.

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Option A: Formalism focuses on examining how a text exemplifies its writer’s psychology.

Option B: Formalism focuses on examining the structural dynamics of poems.

Option C: Formalism focuses on examining the use of literary devices within a literary text.

Option D: Formalism focuses on examining the historical contexts and backgrounds of literary texts.

Correct Answer: Formalism focuses on examining the use of literary devices within a literary text.

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Option A: “Into my head there will come / a beach of cotton, a dock where from.”

Option B: “To kiss the sky / to be the sun / is to live forever.”

Option C: “I heard a car crash / just as I died.”

Option D: “Death comes for all of us / even you.”

Correct Answer: A. “Into my head there will come / a beach of cotton, a dock where from.”

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Option A: New Historicism was a reaction against New Criticism, which was seen as too narrowly focused on text rather than context.

Option B: Both fields of literary study are American in origin.

Option C: New Historicism is simply an early form of Cultural Materialism.

Option D: Both fields of study are strictly focused on how readers interpret and invent meanings for literary texts.

Correct Answer: New Historicism was a reaction against New Criticism, which was seen as too narrowly focused on text rather than context.

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Option A: A poem that has no rhyme scheme

Option B: A poem that eulogizes the dead

Option C: A poem that carries a pattern on two rhymes and offers an alternating refrain

Option D: A poem that celebrates the life of a cruel person

Correct Answer: A poem that carries a pattern on two rhymes and offers an alternating refrain

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Option A: Fate and free will

Option B: The corruptive force of technology

Option C: The power of religious faith

Option D: Disobedient children

Correct Answer: Fate and free will

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Option A: The conflict between marriages based on love and those based on money

Option B: The ways in which appearances don’t always match realities

Option C: The danger in not recognizing the difference between reality and fiction

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: All of these

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Option A: Hamlet is a tragedy focusing on the plight of the early-modern self.

Option B: Hamlet is a tragedy that reflects Shakespeare’s own political circumstances.

Option C: Hamlet is a tragedy that focuses on the Elizabethan era’s loss of faith in humanity’s ability to govern itself without violence.

Option D: Hamlet is a tragedy that reflects upon enlightened and progressive political systems that developed during Shakespeare’s time.

Correct Answer: Hamlet is a tragedy that focuses on the Elizabethan era’s loss of faith in humanity’s ability to govern itself without violence.

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Option A: An understanding of the various conceptions and understandings of gender that have carried throughout various cultures

Option B: An understanding of gender as a human construct

Option C: An understanding of how standard histories of western societies are presented in terms of heterosexual identity

Option D: All of these.

Correct Answer: All of these.

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Option A: He is suggesting that artists serve to develop culture.

Option B: He is suggesting that all artists are from high social classes.

Option C: He is suggesting that artists are repressed throughout society.

Option D: He is suggesting that the making of laws is itself an art.

Correct Answer: He is suggesting that artists serve to develop culture.

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Option A: Art serves a particular worldly purpose.

Option B: Art’s supreme function is to entertain the public.

Option C: Artists are dangerous to social order.

Option D: Artists serve to construct the foundations of culture.

Correct Answer: Artists serve to construct the foundations of culture.

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Option A: A narrative that introduces readers to the main characters of a story

Option B: A narrative that summarizes the plot of the novel

Option C: A story within a story

Option D: A story that reminds the reader that the story is fictional

Correct Answer: A story within a story

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Option A: Persuasion is the art of making readers or listeners believe what the writer or speaker is stating.

Option B: Persuasion is the art of lying to good effect.

Option C: Persuasion is the opposite of rhetoric.

Option D: Persuasion is the use of syllogisms to influence the opinions of readers and listeners.

Correct Answer: Persuasion is the art of making readers or listeners believe what the writer or speaker is stating.

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Option A: The world is a bright and interesting place.

Option B: Universal truth doesn’t exist, and audience members must discover truth for themselves.

Option C: The world is so complex that it does not require literature or theater.

Option D: Mainstream audiences are so shallow that it is not worth writing plays for them.

Correct Answer: Universal truth doesn’t exist, and audience members must discover truth for themselves.

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Option A: A narrative poem is vague and difficult in style.

Option B: A narrative poem is a poem that does not have a plot or tell a story.

Option C: A narrative poem has a plot and tells a story.

Option D: A narrative poem is a poem written in the style of a conversation.

Correct Answer: A narrative poem has a plot and tells a story.

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Option A: psychoanalytic criticism.

Option B: Marxist criticism.

Option C: New Criticism.

Option D: structuralism.

Correct Answer: psychoanalytic criticism.

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Option A: Historically, writers have been considered liars or at the very least irrelevant.

Option B: Fictionalizing reality is a basic human need.

Option C: Every text includes traces from the outside world, including social, historical, and literary remnants.

Option D: All of these.

Correct Answer: All of these.

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Option A: A noble person who becomes completely corrupted

Option B: A cowardly person who doubts himself or herself despite possessing great wealth and political power

Option C: A cowardly person who shows some personal strength when faced with a crisis

Option D: A noble person who makes a costly mistake

Correct Answer: A noble person who makes a costly mistake

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Option A: Epic theater is plot-driven theater.

Option B: Epic theater turns the passive spectator into an active observer.

Option C: Epic theater privileges feeling over reason.

Option D: Epic theater maintains the illusion of realism.

Correct Answer: Epic theater turns the passive spectator into an active observer.

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Option A: Another character

Option B: The protagonist

Option C: Society

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: All of these

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Option A: Compares his love to a winter storm

Option B: Compares his love to a summer’s day

Option C: Compares his love to a turbulent sea

Option D: Compares his love to his fear of death

Correct Answer: Compares his love to a summer’s day

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Option A: Emotional arguments

Option B: Political arguments

Option C: Deductive arguments

Option D: Inductive arguments

Correct Answer: Political arguments

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Option A: A narrative that emphasizes character development

Option B: A narrative with a unified, plausible plot structure

Option C: A narrative that conveys the illusion of reality

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: All of these

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Option A: wanted to subvert middle class values.

Option B: accepted middle class values.

Option C: wrote in a hyperrealistic fashion.

Option D: had a negative view of human nature.

Correct Answer: accepted middle class values.

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Option A: Simplicity in language, brevity in form, and humorousness in attitude

Option B: Complexity in language, lengthiness in form, and seriousness in attitude

Option C: Simplicity in language, lengthiness in form, and humorousness in attitude

Option D: Complexity in language, brevity in form, and humorousness in attitude

Correct Answer: Complexity in language, lengthiness in form, and seriousness in attitude

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Option A: A narrative based entirely on verifiable facts

Option B: A narrative that does not analyze characters on a situation-by-situation basis

Option C: A narrative without characters

Option D: A narrative that takes place in the past.

Correct Answer: A narrative that does not analyze characters on a situation-by-situation basis

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Option A: a disturbed and insane man.

Option B: a man of tremendous humor, simplicity, and innate goodness and kindness.

Option C: a depressed but ultimately good and nonviolent man.

Option D: a wicked and manipulative man.

Correct Answer: a depressed but ultimately good and nonviolent man.

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Option A: As a crazed fool

Option B: As a profound philosophical genius

Option C: As boyish and immature

Option D: As a brilliant warrior

Correct Answer: As a profound philosophical genius

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Option A: The world can be fully understood if people listen closely to what others are saying.

Option B: Good things, including salvation, come to those who are patient.

Option C: Redemption comes from surrendering to a higher power.

Option D: People are fundamentally unable to realize any sort of inherent meaning in existence.

Correct Answer: People are fundamentally unable to realize any sort of inherent meaning in existence.

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Option A: Hamlet is depressed yet highly intelligent.

Option B: Hamlet is naive and simple minded.

Option C: Hamlet is spoiled and manipulative.

Option D: Hamlet is intellectually passive and deeply frightened of his father’s ghost.

Correct Answer: Hamlet is depressed yet highly intelligent.

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Option A: They were not popular with ancient Greek audiences.

Option B: They were usually set in the past.

Option C: They were almost never set in the past.

Option D: They were often done in honor of the Greek god Zeus.

Correct Answer: They were usually set in the past.

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Option A: All novelists are painters at heart.

Option B: George du Maurier felt that black-andwhite illustrators could be as important as novelists and painters.

Option C: George du Maurier attacked the social position of the novelist in his illustrations.

Option D: George du Maurier was a tremendous influence on Victorian novelists.

Correct Answer: George du Maurier felt that black-andwhite illustrators could be as important as novelists and painters.

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Option A: readers choose their favorite works of literature.

Option B: readers experience a literary work.

Option C: readers decide which works of literature to read.

Option D: readers develop their own unique and personal critical discourses.

Correct Answer: readers experience a literary work.

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Option A: logical in terms of plot and structure.

Option B: complex in terms of plot and structure.

Option C: without any sort of moral insight.

Option D: sad.

Correct Answer: logical in terms of plot and structure.

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Option A: Introduce the main characters

Option B: Preview the play’s conclusion

Option C: Provide insight into the play’s mythological background

Option D: Remind the viewers of what kind of play they are viewing

Correct Answer: Provide insight into the play’s mythological background

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Option A: the author or speaker was of good mind and character.

Option B: the author or speaker was emotionally involved in the topic at hand.

Option C: the author or speaker has provided proper logic and evidence in support of his topic.

Option D: the author or speaker maintained the appropriate critical distance from the topic.

Correct Answer: the author or speaker was of good mind and character.

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Option A: A romantic awaiting true love

Option B: A cynic awaiting the world’s destruction

Option C: A delusional girl with no grasp on reality

Option D: A young girl with a particularly dark Mindset

Correct Answer: A romantic awaiting true love

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Option A: It offers a critique of Romantic poetry and ideology.

Option B: It serves to parody gothic novels.

Option C: It is a horror novel.

Option D: It is a memoir based on Jane Austen’s childhood.

Correct Answer: It serves to parody gothic novels.

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Option A: Traditional literary criticism is mainly focused on exploring gender issues.

Option B: Traditional literary criticism only examines pre-20th-century literary texts.

Option C: Traditional literary criticism focused on tracking influences and textual allusions and considering the historical contexts of literary texts.

Option D: Traditional literary criticism attempted to consider the psychological aspects of literary texts.

Correct Answer: Traditional literary criticism focused on tracking influences and textual allusions and considering the historical contexts of literary texts.

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Option A: The sublime

Option B: The supernatural

Option C: Love

Option D: The manners and traditions of the upper classes

Correct Answer: The manners and traditions of the upper classes

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Option A: A historical narrative and a historical novel are the same thing.

Option B: A historical narrative tells only part of the story surrounding a historical event; a historical novel tells the whole story.

Option C: A historical novel focuses on providing the reader with only the central truth of a historical event, while a historical narrative attempts to tell the entire truth of a historical event.

Option D: Faruqi actually argues that historical novels do not exist.

Correct Answer: A historical novel focuses on providing the reader with only the central truth of a historical event, while a historical narrative attempts to tell the entire truth of a historical event.

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Option A: The political and social meanings of literary texts

Option B: Characters who are sympathetic to issues facing the working classes

Option C: The relationship between economics and the production of literary texts

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: All of these

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Option A: Hamlet desires his mother, not Ophelia.

Option B: Hamlet desires revenge, not Ophelia.

Option C: Hamlet desires Ophelia, but only when she is unattainable.

Option D: Hamlet desires attaining the throne of Denmark, of which Ophelia is a symbol.

Correct Answer: Hamlet desires Ophelia, but only when she is unattainable.

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Option A: A novel set in the past

Option B: A novel that consists entirely of dialogue

Option C: A novel that is set in the countryside of Europe

Option D: A novel that consists of a series of documents, such as diary entries, letters, and newspaper articles

Correct Answer: A novel that consists of a series of documents, such as diary entries, letters, and newspaper articles

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Option A: begins at the apparent end of the story.

Option B: introduces the characters of the play one by one.

Option C: opens by plunging the viewer into a crucial series of events.

Option D: begins with a preview of the play’s conclusion.

Correct Answer: opens by plunging the viewer into a crucial series of events.

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Option A: A story of one person’s fall from grace and into destruction

Option B: A story of one person’s growth and development within a particular social order

Option C: A story of one person’s success within a capitalistic economic system

Option D: A story of one person’s selfrealization and attempt to return to innocence

Correct Answer: A story of one person’s growth and development within a particular social order

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Option A: A system for categorizing books

Option B: The psychological study of authors

Option C: The study of textual interpretation

Option D: A reader-response test

Correct Answer: The study of textual interpretation

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Option A: Literary theory involves coming to a precise understanding of a writer’s psychology.

Option B: Literary theory involves measuring the quality of a literary work.

Option C: Literary theory involves considering the publication history of literary texts.

Option D: Literary theory involves describing the underlying principles of a literary work.

Correct Answer: Literary theory involves describing the underlying principles of a literary work.

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Option A: A play that depicts the downfall of a noble person

Option B: A play in which someone gets revenge

Option C: A play in which a hero faces likely defeat and overcomes it

Option D: A play in which no form of humor appears

Correct Answer: A play that depicts the downfall of a noble person

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Option A: Hamlet’s father’s ghost is not really a ghost.

Option B: Hamlet feels a sense of desire for both his mother and his father.

Option C: Hamlet is truly insane in the play.

Option D: Hamlet is an impossible play to truly understand.

Correct Answer: Hamlet feels a sense of desire for both his mother and his father.

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Option A: “She is a woman of beauty and wonder.”

Option B: “Death, that which feels nothing.”

Option C: “Milton, thou shouldst be living at this hour: / England hath need of thee.”

Option D: “I wandered lonely as a cloud.”

Correct Answer: C. “Milton, thou shouldst be living at this hour: / England hath need of thee.”

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Option A: A play in which characters make humorous remarks

Option B: A play in which characters experience reversals of fortune, usually for the better

Option C: A play in which no characters die or suffer

Option D: A play in which elite members of society are mocked

Correct Answer: A play in which characters experience reversals of fortune, usually for the better

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Option A: A recurring element in a story that is symbolically significant

Option B: A character’s fatal flaw

Option C: A rhyme scheme

Option D: A character’s moment of selfrealization in a narrative

Correct Answer: A recurring element in a story that is symbolically significant

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Option A: Ethos refers to a writer’s presentation of character and image.

Option B: Ethos refers to a writer’s ability to present evidence.

Option C: Ethos refers to a writer’s ability to inspire action in readers.

Option D: Ethos refers to a writer’s ability to inspire emotional responses in readers.

Correct Answer: Ethos refers to a writer’s presentation of character and image.

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Option A: An awareness of the historical circumstances surrounding a text’s production

Option B: A set of objective criteria for critical analysis

Option C: An awareness of the economic circumstances surrounding a literary text

Option D: Strict criteria for evaluating the quality of a literary text

Correct Answer: A set of objective criteria for critical analysis

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