
Forestry MCQs

Option A: Only plants

Option B: Only animals

Option C: Only carnivores

Option D: Organisms linked in food chains

Correct Answer: Organisms linked in food chains

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Option A: One

Option B: Two

Option C: Three

Option D: Four

Correct Answer: Three

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Option A: By which life originated

Option B: Where individuals interact with each other

Option C: Which relates to spherical organisms

Option D: Organic compound by which the life diminishes

Correct Answer: Where individuals interact with each other

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Option A: The primary producers

Option B: Primary producers only sometimes

Option C: The decomposers

Option D: The consumers

Correct Answer: The primary producers

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Option A: Photosynthesis-consumer-decomposer

Option B: Decomposer-consumer-photosynthesis

Option C: Photosynthesis-decomposer-consumer

Option D: Consumer-photosynthesis-decomposer

Correct Answer: Photosynthesis-consumer-decomposer

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Option A: Linear

Option B: Upright

Option C: Irregular

Option D: Inverted

Correct Answer: Upright

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Option A: Producers

Option B: Decomposers

Option C: Tertiary consumers

Option D: Primary consumers

Correct Answer: Producers

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Option A: Only the plants

Option B: Both biological and non-biological processes

Option C: Only the living organisms

Option D: Only the animals

Correct Answer: Both biological and non-biological processes

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Option A: Feedback mechanism

Option B: Homeotherms

Option C: Homozygous

Option D: Homeostasis

Correct Answer: Heterozygous

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Option A: Law of limiting factors

Option B: Liebig’s law of minimum

Option C: Laws of thermo dynamics

Option D: Shelford’s law of tolerance

Correct Answer: Laws of thermo dynamics

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Option A: Only the herbivores will die

Option B: All the animal will die

Option C: Only the carnivores will die

Option D: It will not matter to anyone because chemosynthetic bacteria will produce food for all

Correct Answer: All the animal will die

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Option A: Grasshopper, frog, snake

Option B: Grasshopper, rat, snake

Option C: Millipedes, centipedes, sparrow

Option D: Earthworm, hen, rat

Correct Answer: Grasshopper, frog, snake

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Option A: Autotrophic

Option B: Heterotrophic

Option C: Herbivores

Option D: Atrophic

Correct Answer: Herbivores

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Option A: A producer

Option B: A primary consumer

Option C: A secondary consumer

Option D: A tertiary consumer

Correct Answer: A tertiary consumer

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Option A: Food web

Option B: Pyramid of numbers

Option C: Succession

Option D: Predator-prey relationship

Correct Answer: Pyramid of numbers

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Option A: First link of the food chain and are known as primary producers

Option B: Second link of the food chain and are herbivorous

Option C: Third link of the food chain and are tertiary consumers

Option D: The end of the food chain and are decomposers

Correct Answer: The end of the food chain and are decomposers

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Option A: Food chain

Option B: Web of food

Option C: Biomass

Option D: Interdependence

Correct Answer: Food chain

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Option A: Primary consumers

Option B: Producers

Option C: Secondary consumers

Option D: Top consumers in this food chain

Correct Answer: Primary consumers

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Option A: Productivity control

Option B: Food chain mechanism

Option C: Feedback mechanism

Option D: Any of these

Correct Answer: Feedback mechanism

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Option A: Primary producers is larger than that of primary consumers

Option B: Secondary consumers is the largest because they are the most powerful

Option C: Primary consumers outnumber primary producers

Option D: Primary consumers is the least dependent upon primary producers

Correct Answer: Primary producers is larger than that of primary consumers

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Option A: Chemical cycle

Option B: Biogeochemical cycle

Option C: Geological cycle

Option D: Geochemical cycle

Correct Answer: Biogeochemical cycle

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Option A: Primary consumers

Option B: Secondary consumers

Option C: Carnivores

Option D: Primary producers

Correct Answer: Primary consumers

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Option A: All the atmospheric gases

Option B: Only carbon, hydrogen and oxygen

Option C: Energy only

Option D: All the above components

Correct Answer: Energy only

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Option A: Petroleum

Option B: Coal

Option C: Nuclear fuel

Option D: Trees

Correct Answer: Nuclear fuel

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Option A: Two types

Option B: Three types

Option C: Four types

Option D: Five types

Correct Answer: Three types

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Option A: T1

Option B: T3

Option C: T5

Option D: T4

Correct Answer: T5

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Option A: Food chains

Option B: Food web

Option C: Both (a) & (b)

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Both (a) & (b)

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Option A: Tropical rainforest

Option B: Temperate grassland

Option C: Tropical deciduous forest

Option D: Desert shrub

Correct Answer: Desert shrub

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Option A: Carbon

Option B: Potassium

Option C: Nitrogen

Option D: Free energy

Correct Answer: Free energy

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Option A: Herbivores

Option B: Carnivores

Option C: Producers

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Carnivores

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Option A: Scavenger

Option B: Saprophyte

Option C: Carnivore

Option D: Herbivore

Correct Answer: Herbivore

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Option A: Food chains

Option B: Biological control

Option C: Natural barriers

Option D: All the above

Correct Answer: Food chains

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Option A: Mineral

Option B: Water

Option C: Forest

Option D: Solar energy

Correct Answer: Forest

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Option A: Upright

Option B: Inverted

Option C: Any of the two

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: None of the above

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Option A: T3

Option B: T4

Option C: T2

Option D: T1

Correct Answer: T4

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Option A: Inverted

Option B: Upright

Option C: Both of these/Horizontal

Option D: Inverted in forest ecosystem

Correct Answer: Upright

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Option A: Carbohydrates in plants

Option B: Biomass

Option C: Solar energy

Option D: Producers

Correct Answer: Solar energy

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Option A: Energy flow and food chain

Option B: Mineral recycling and energy flow

Option C: Food chain and decomposers

Option D: Energy flow and decomposers

Correct Answer: Food chain and decomposers

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Option A: Producer

Option B: Consumer

Option C: Herbivore

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Consumer

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Option A: Primary consumers

Option B: Producers

Option C: Secondary consumers

Option D: Tertiary consumers

Correct Answer: Producers

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Option A: Open sea

Option B: Grasslands and pastures

Option C: Coniferous forests

Option D: Tropical and sub-tropical forest

Correct Answer: Tropical and sub-tropical forest

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Option A: Upright

Option B: Inverted

Option C: Anything possible

Option D: None is correct

Correct Answer: Inverted

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Option A: Cycling of materials

Option B: Flow of energy

Option C: Both (a) & (b)

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Both (a) & (b)

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Option A: Tiger and wild beer

Option B: Snake and earthworm

Option C: Deer and honey bee

Option D: Crow and cow

Correct Answer: Deer and honey bee

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Option A: Phototrophs are transducers

Option B: Some herbivores are converters

Option C: Microconsumers are saprotrophs

Option D: All are correct

Correct Answer: Microconsumers are saprotrophs

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Option A: The biomass of producers is less than the combined biomass of consumers and decomposers

Option B: No general statement can be made about relative biomass of different ecological groups

Option C: The biomass of secondary consumers is usually greater than the biomass of primary consumers

Option D: The biomass of producers is generally greater than the biomass of primary consumers

Correct Answer: No general statement can be made about relative biomass of different ecological groups

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Option A: Nitrogen fixing organisms

Option B: Photosynthesizing organisms

Option C: Respiration

Option D: Decomposers

Correct Answer: Photosynthesizing organisms

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Option A: Herbivore

Option B: Carnivore

Option C: Autotroph

Option D: Omnivore

Correct Answer: Omnivore

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Option A: Pond ecosystem

Option B: Grassland ecosystem

Option C: Desert ecosystem

Option D: Forest ecosystem

Correct Answer: Pond ecosystem

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Option A: The first trophic level

Option B: The second trophic level

Option C: The third trophic level

Option D: The fourth trophic level

Correct Answer: The first trophic level

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Option A: They are widely distributed

Option B: They are firmly fixed to soil

Option C: They alone have the capacity to fix the atmospheric CO2 in the presence of sunlight

Option D: There are more herbivorous animals than the carnivorous

Correct Answer: They alone have the capacity to fix the atmospheric CO2 in the presence of sunlight

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Option A: Producers and primary consumers

Option B: Producer, herbivores and carnivores

Option C: Producers, carnivores and decomposers

Option D: Producers, consumers and decomposers

Correct Answer: Producers, consumers and decomposers

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Option A: Plants of a particular area

Option B: Area occupied by living beings

Option C: Plants of world

Option D: Spherical plants

Correct Answer: Area occupied by living beings

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Option A: Producer

Option B: Primary consumer only

Option C: Primary and Secondary consumer

Option D: Secondary consumer only

Correct Answer: Primary and Secondary consumer

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Option A: Mineralization

Option B: Humification

Option C: Nutrient immobilization

Option D: Microbe immobilization

Correct Answer: Nutrient immobilization

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Option A: Usually primary consumers

Option B: Usually secondary consumers

Option C: Usually decomposers rather than consumers

Option D: Usually secondary or tertiary consumers

Correct Answer: Usually secondary or tertiary consumers

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Option A: Flow of energy

Option B: Cycling of matters

Option C: Both (a) & (b)

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Both (a) & (b)

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Option A: Producer and primary consumer

Option B: Producer and decomposer

Option C: Primary consumer and decomposer

Option D: Primary and secondary consumer

Correct Answer: Producer and decomposer

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Option A: Meadow

Option B: Forested river bank

Option C: Cave

Option D: Pond

Correct Answer: Cave

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Option A: Energy

Option B: Number

Option C: Biomass

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: Energy

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Option A: Primary producer

Option B: Consumer

Option C: Primary producer and consumer

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Primary producer

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Option A: Temperate grasslands

Option B: Tropical grasslands

Option C: Prairie grasslands

Option D: Steppes grasslands

Correct Answer: Temperate grasslands

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Option A: Pure vegetarians

Option B: Milk drinker and vegetarian

Option C: Non-vegetarians

Option D: Dependent upon milk, egg and vegetarian habit

Correct Answer: Dependent upon milk, egg and vegetarian habit

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Option A: Group of plants, which act as the energy suppliers

Option B: Group of organisms which form population

Option C: Functional unit for ecological studies

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Functional unit for ecological studies

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Option A: Commensals

Option B: Herbivores

Option C: Fauna and flora

Option D: Planktons

Correct Answer: Planktons

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Option A: A community of organisms interacting with one another

Option B: The abiotic component of an area

Option C: The part of the earth and its atmosphere where living organisms exist

Option D: A community of organisms together with the environment in which they live

Correct Answer: A community of organisms together with the environment in which they live

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Option A: Artificial ecosystem

Option B: Forest ecosystem

Option C: Natural ecosystem

Option D: Grassland ecosystem

Correct Answer: Natural ecosystem

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Option A: On the lithosphere surface

Option B: In the hydrosphere

Option C: In the lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere

Option D: In the lithosphere and hydrosphere

Correct Answer: In the lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere

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Option A: Checking pollution

Option B: Fertility of soil

Option C: Stabilizing the ecosystem

Option D: Improving food-web

Correct Answer: Stabilizing the ecosystem

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Option A: Savana ecosystem

Option B: Taiga ecosystem

Option C: Tundra ecosystem

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Taiga ecosystem

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Option A: Only bacteria and fungi

Option B: Only microscopic animals

Option C: The above two types of organisms plus macroscopic animals

Option D: Only the above two types of organisms

Correct Answer: Only bacteria and fungi

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Option A: Closely related species occupying the same niche

Option B: Closely related species occupying different niche

Option C: Unrelated species occupying the same niche

Option D: Species occupying different overlapping ecosystems

Correct Answer: Closely related species occupying the same niche

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Option A: Both open and closed unit depending upon the biomass present

Option B: Closed unit

Option C: Open unit

Option D: Both open and closed unit depending upon community type

Correct Answer: Open unit

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Option A: Holocoene

Option B: Cherposem

Option C: Biosystem

Option D: Geobiocoenosis

Correct Answer: Cherposem

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Option A: A localized association of several plants and animals

Option B: Different communities of plants, animals and microbes, together with their physico-chemical environments

Option C: Different communities of plants and microbes plus their physico-chemical environments

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Different communities of plants, animals and microbes, together with their physico-chemical environments

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Option A: Daubenmire/R.Misra/Koestle

Option B: Tansley

Option C: Weaver and Clements

Option D: Odum/Kormondy

Correct Answer: Tansley

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Option A: Plants and animals

Option B: Weeds and trees

Option C: Biotic and abiotic

Option D: Frogs and men

Correct Answer: Biotic and abiotic

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