
Conflict, War, And Terrorism MCQs

Option A: ideological issues

Option B: territorial issues

Option C: ethnicity issues

Option D: All of these are causes of international conflict

Correct Answer: All of these are causes of international conflict

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Option A: Brazil/Paraguay

Option B: Iran

Option C: Hong Kong

Option D: Kashmir

Correct Answer: Kashmir

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Option A: Sri Lanka and Pakistan.

Option B: North Korea and South Korea

Option C: South Africa and Namibia

Option D: Albania and Kosovo

Correct Answer: Albania and Kosovo

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Option A: Ethnicity

Option B: Resources

Option C: Trade

Option D: Arms imports

Correct Answer: Ethnicity

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Option A: Yugoslavia

Option B: Serbia-Montenegro

Option C: Thailand

Option D: Czechoslovakia

Correct Answer: Yugoslavia

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Option A: Iran

Option B: Czechoslovakia

Option C: Poland

Option D: Romania

Correct Answer: Czechoslovakia

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Option A: Israel

Option B: Qatar

Option C: Pakistan

Option D: Somalia

Correct Answer: Pakistan

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Option A: Civil

Option B: hegemonic

Option C: guerilla

Option D: total

Correct Answer: Civil

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Option A: the subject of a UN treaty signed in 1998

Option B: typical of groups like al-Qaeda

Option C: the oldest form of terrorism, and not much in existence today

Option D: the use of terrorist groups by states to achieve political aims

Correct Answer: the use of terrorist groups by states to achieve political aims

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Option A: Nicaragua

Option B: Burma

Option C: China

Option D: Colombia

Correct Answer: Colombia

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Option A: communalism

Option B: religious centralism

Option C: primitivism

Option D: fundamentalism

Correct Answer: fundamentalism

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Option A: religious conflicts

Option B: control of national governments

Option C: territory

Option D: trade conflicts

Correct Answer: territory

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Option A: biological

Option B: chemical

Option C: nuclear

Option D: conventional

Correct Answer: conventional

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Option A: Marshall Islands

Option B: Kuril Islands

Option C: Palau and Fiji

Option D: Spratly Islands

Correct Answer: Spratly Islands

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Option A: monitoring of U.S-Russian arms control agreements

Option B: inspection of the nuclear power industry in member states to prevent the diversion of materials to the military

Option C: provision of weapons-grade fissionable material to the United States and Russia

Option D: development of tactical nuclear weapons for United National forces

Correct Answer: inspection of the nuclear power industry in member states to prevent the diversion of materials to the military

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Option A: is used to strengthen the hulls of submarines

Option B: is fissionable material

Option C: is usable only in the nuclear power industry

Option D: cannot be produced legally under the terms of the NPT

Correct Answer: is fissionable material

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Option A: over 5,000 miles

Option B: 100 to 500 miles

Option C: 1,000 to 5,000 miles

Option D: over 10,000 miles

Correct Answer: over 5,000 miles

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Option A: corporatism

Option B: mercantilism

Option C: despotism

Option D: capitalism

Correct Answer: mercantilism

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Option A: the United States

Option B: China

Option C: Russia

Option D: Great Britain

Correct Answer: Great Britain

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Option A: civilians

Option B: more than one state

Option C: a nonstate actor

Option D: all of these: civilians, a nonstate actor, and more than one state

Correct Answer: civilians

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Option A: Iran

Option B: Cuba

Option C: Somalia

Option D: Syria

Correct Answer: Somalia

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Option A: the coup leaders try to create a sense of inevitability around the change in government while claiming their actions will bring long-term stability

Option B: Civilian politicians in power and uncooperative military officers are arrested or killed

Option C: Coup leaders try to keep state building and television stations under civilian management to establish the illusion of civilian control

Option D: Political power is seized by domestic military forces

Correct Answer: Coup leaders try to keep state building and television stations under civilian management to establish the illusion of civilian control

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Option A: three-quarters

Option B: four-fifths

Option C: two-thirds

Option D: one-half

Correct Answer: two-thirds

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Option A: Iran

Option B: Pakistan

Option C: India

Option D: North Korea

Correct Answer: North Korea

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Option A: territorial waters

Option B: a contiguous zone

Option C: res communis

Option D: high seas

Correct Answer: territorial waters

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Option A: the United States

Option B: Russia

Option C: Great Britain

Option D: France

Correct Answer: the United States

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Option A: is considered to be international territory, like oceans

Option B: can be “claimed” as territory by any state

Option C: can be militarized

Option D: is defined by international law as airspace beginning at 40,000 feet above sea level

Correct Answer: is considered to be international territory, like oceans

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Option A: Iran (1979) & the United States (1776)

Option B: China (1949)

Option C: Russia (1917)

Option D: All these answers are correct

Correct Answer: All these answers are correct

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Option A: in an attempt to get Soviet aid for a transformation into a communist state

Option B: in an effort to frighten neighbors into giving it territorial concessions

Option C: in order to quell a rebellion by a pro-Marxist group called UNITA

Option D: to convince the Soviets to give them aid, though the proclaimed ideological transformation was false

Correct Answer: to convince the Soviets to give them aid, though the proclaimed ideological transformation was false

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Option A: the failure of nationalism to motivate populations to a defense of country meant that governments had to conscript soldiers

Option B: nationalism proved a stronger force than socialism

Option C: socialist workers from different European countries banded together as workers to fight for workers’ rights

Option D: socialism died as a political movement and was not resurrected until after WWII

Correct Answer: nationalism proved a stronger force than socialism

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Option A: are considered to be low-intensity conflict when they occur only once

Option B: are the type of action that elevate a low-intensity conflict into full-scale warfare

Option C: fall into the category of guerilla war because they consist of a conventional force facing a nonconventional force

Option D: fall into the gray area between wars and nonwars because their destruction is limited and they are over quickly

Correct Answer: fall into the gray area between wars and nonwars because their destruction is limited and they are over quickly

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Option A: They explain wars in terms of power relations among major actors in the international system

Option B: There are two major theories and neither holds up very well in reality

Option C: One theory at the individual level, consistent with realism, holds that the use of war and other violent means of leverage in international conflicts is abnormal and reflects the irrational decisions of national leaders

Option D: The two major theories in this arena are based on the assumptions of realism

Correct Answer: There are two major theories and neither holds up very well in reality

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Option A: develop defenses that could shoot down incoming ballistic missiles

Option B: build up U.S. numbers of intercontinental ballistic missiles

Option C: build up U.S. stockpiles of nuclear weapons

Option D: ensure that the U.S. has second-strike capability

Correct Answer: develop defenses that could shoot down incoming ballistic missiles

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Option A: May be becoming increasingly obsolete

Option B: Is rooted in our understanding of a Westphalian state system

Option C: a and b

Option D: None of the options given is correct

Correct Answer: a and b

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Option A: Thucydides

Option B: Quincy Wright

Option C: Hedley Bull

Option D: Karl von Clausewitz

Correct Answer: Hedley Bull

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Option A: Is a political instrument

Option B: Is only fought between states

Option C: Can be an agent of historical change

Option D: a and b

Correct Answer: a and b

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Option A: Comes from the work of historical sociologist Charles Tilly

Option B: Applies to the development and use of atomic weapons

Option C: Is the primary argument of Robert Heinlein

Option D: Is used to explain civil conflict in Africa

Correct Answer: Comes from the work of historical sociologist Charles Tilly

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Option A: is the dominant focus of the Revolution in Military Affairs

Option B: Neglects the complex political dimensions of warfare

Option C: a and b

Option D: None of the options given is correct

Correct Answer: a and b

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Option A: Identity politics are increasingly important

Option B: Economic insecurity provokes civil conflict

Option C: Technological development and ‘virtual war’ have enabled Western intervention

Option D: All of the options given are correct

Correct Answer: All of the options given are correct

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Option A: Afghanistan in the 1980’s

Option B: Rwanda in 1994

Option C: Serbia in 1999

Option D: Iraq in 2003

Correct Answer: Serbia in 1999

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Option A: The media

Option B: Women

Option C: Children

Option D: All of the options given are correct

Correct Answer: All of the options given are correct

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Option A: Hostage-taking

Option B: Illegal trafficking of diamonds and drugs

Option C: Arms smuggling across weakly enforced borders

Option D: All of the options given are correct

Correct Answer: All of the options given are correct

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Option A: Both are a current phenomenon

Option B: both are a recently new phenomenon

Option C: Both are complex and open to subjective interpretation

Option D: Both are causes of major transactions of funds internationally

Correct Answer: Both are complex and open to subjective interpretation

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Option A: Islamic Fundamentalists

Option B: The State

Option C: The United Nations

Option D: None of the options given is correct

Correct Answer: The State

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Option A: The end of the cold war

Option B: The expansion of air travel

Option C: The wider availability of televised news coverage

Option D: Broad common political and ideological interest

Correct Answer: The end of the cold war

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Option A: Global Capitalism

Option B: Citizens of the USA

Option C: President Clinton

Option D: The International Monetary Fund

Correct Answer: Global Capitalism

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Option A: To identify perpetrators and aid in their arrest

Option B: To determine future targets terrorist may attack in the future

Option C: To recruit members

Option D: To appear on the Al-Jazeera TV Show “Terrorists Funniest Home Videos”

Correct Answer: To recruit members

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Option A: Increase in trade and commerce throughout the world

Option B: The use of cellular phone technology

Option C: The globalization of commerce

Option D: Increased immigration

Correct Answer: Increased immigration

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Option A: United States veto power

Option B: Resolutions targeting Israel as a “terrorist-state”

Option C: Debate on larger issues such as Iraq and Bosnia

Option D: Arguments over semantics and definitions

Correct Answer: Arguments over semantics and definitions

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Option A: Widespread uprising of the disaffected and oppressed or collapse of the USA

Option B: The USA invades more Arab countries, thus allowing them more places to establish themselves

Option C: International cooperation between terrorists groups for the shared objective of a better world

Option D: Widespread conversion of Christians and Jews to Islam

Correct Answer: Widespread uprising of the disaffected and oppressed or collapse of the USA

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