
Contemporary Mainstream Approaches. Neo-Realism And Neo-Liberalism MCQs

Option A: A great opportunity for free trade to expand in the world

Option B: A fad of the 1990s

Option C: The new international order

Option D: A forced that causes states to lose control over their institutions

Correct Answer: A fad of the 1990s

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Option A: Because game-theoretic approaches are easier to understand

Option B: Game-theoretic approaches are not suited to realist work

Option C: Because this approach allows an analysis of relative and absolute gains, which is a central point of the ‘neo-neo’ debate

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: C. Because this approach allows an analysis of relative and absolute gains, which is a central point of the ‘neo-neo’ debate

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Option A: Liberalism, neo-liberalism and post-liberalism

Option B: Northern liberalism, southern liberalism and compassionate liberalism

Option C: Commercial liberalism, republican liberalism and sociological liberalism

Option D: Neo-liberal internationalism, sociological liberalism, liberal institutionalism

Correct Answer: Commercial liberalism, republican liberalism and sociological liberalism

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Option A: The role of domestic politics

Option B: The possibility leaders learn from their experiences

Option C: Political globalization and the shift of Political activity away from the state

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Globalization provides for more opportunities for terrorist networks to be formed

Option B: Inequality and uneven nature of economic globalization which can create instability in strategic regions

Option C: The quest for the lowest common denominator could lead to the loss of industries that are important for national security

Option D: Both b and c

Correct Answer: Both b and c

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Option A: The structure of the system is a major determinant of actor behaviour

Option B: States are rational actors, selecting strategies to maximize benefits and minimize losses

Option C: The most critical problem presented by anarchy is survival]

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: States seek to maximize absolute gains through cooperation

Option B: The greatest obstacle to cooperation is cheating

Option C: States will shift loyalty to institutions if they are seen as mutually beneficial and if they provide states with increasing opportunities to secure their international interests

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Offensive realists are more contemporary, defensive realists are more traditional

Option B: Offensive realists emphasize the importance of relative power and are always wary of expansionary power Defensive realists recognize the cost of war and are more open to cooperation, but realize that weapons will always be needed given the existence of expansionary powers

Option C: Offensive realists are advocates of free trade and international cooperation, while defensive realists propose protectionist measures and isolationism

Option D: Offensive realists prefer pre-emptive attacks, defensive realists will only go to war to defend themselves

Correct Answer: Offensive realists emphasize the importance of relative power and are always wary of expansionary power Defensive realists recognize the cost of war and are more open to cooperation, but realize that weapons will always be needed given the existence of expansionary powers

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Option A: The debate has not dominated international theory

Option B: Because it represents a debate between paradigms that define an agenda for research, policymaking, the field of study

Option C: Because academics want to keep the debate alive by inventing new theories

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Because it represents a debate between paradigms that define an agenda for research, policymaking, the field of study

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Option A: Because the brain-drain has resulted in most academics in International Relations to be in American institutions

Option B: Because it is a debate among ‘rule-makers’. and the United States needs to define a direction for its approach to foreign policy

Option C: Because the US is today’s hegemon

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: B. Because it is a debate among ‘rule-makers’. and the United States needs to define a direction for its approach to foreign policy

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