
Diplomacy MCQs

Option A: Because their education systems are les advanced

Option B: Because they don’t have the resources to maintain diplomats

Option C: Because they have relatively underdeveloped diplomatic machinery and a restricted range of policy instruments

Option D: Because they prefer to handle domestic matters first

Correct Answer: Because they have relatively underdeveloped diplomatic machinery and a restricted range of policy instruments

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Option A: Because many diplomats died that day

Option B: Because it was unclear what negotiation and diplomacy can contribute to resolve a conflict with terrorism in the future

Option C: Because the Bush administration’s ‘war against terrorism’ suggested that military force and other coercive measures would be used to resolve this conflict

Option D: Both b and c

Correct Answer: Both b and c

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Option A: Information gathering

Option B: Policy advice

Option C: Representation and Consular Services

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Because globalization has taken away the focus on the state

Option B: Because of the increased amount of non-state actors that are significant in the international stage

Option C: It is still significant, since most diplomatic agency is still the preserve of states

Option D: b and c

Correct Answer: b and c

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Option A: Diplomats no longer operate within the well-defined shell of the state, rather, they now operate within shifting boundaries of state sovereignty

Option B: The growth of civil society and non-governmental organizations require a more broad-based diplomacy

Option C: State-based diplomacy is outdated

Option D: a and b

Correct Answer: a and b

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Option A: To prevent the ideological spread of their counterparts in their region

Option B: To gain the hearts and minds of non-aligned countries

Option C: To avoid a global nuclear conflict

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: To avoid a global nuclear conflict

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Option A: It is an approach to foreign policy that seeks to enhance economic development through trade liberalization

Option B: A process whereby developed countries create development funds, usually at summit meetings

Option C: Processes whereby developing countries attempt to negotiate improvements in their position in the international political economy

Option D: Both b and c

Correct Answer: Processes whereby developing countries attempt to negotiate improvements in their position in the international political economy

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Option A: In world politics, diplomacy is a communications process between international actors that seeks through negotiation to resolve conflict short of war

Option B: In foreign policy, diplomacy is a policy instrument to enable an international actor to achieve its policy objectives

Option C: Diplomacy focuses on the resolution of conflict through dialogue and negotiation

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Mixed diplomacy encompasses realist and liberal theories to be used as a policy instrument

Option B: Mixed diplomacy is when diplomacy is a means to communicate the use or threatened use of other instruments

Option C: Mixed diplomacy is both a policy instrument and a process

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Mixed diplomacy is when diplomacy is a means to communicate the use or threatened use of other instruments

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Option A: Traditional diplomacy constituted a communications process between recognizably modern states rather than between other forms of political organization

Option B: Traditional diplomacy was more inclined to negotiate and cooperate and less of an instrument to threaten the use of force

Option C: The structure of traditional diplomacy was institutionalized

Option D: a and c

Correct Answer: a and c

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