
Disputed Barrages. Dams MCQs

Option A: Jhelum River

Option B: Indus River

Option C: Chenab River

Option D: Ravi River

Correct Answer: Indus River

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Option A: Kishanganga Hydroelectric Project

Option B: Tulbul project

Option C: Wullar Lake barrage

Option D: Baglihar Dam

Correct Answer: Kishanganga Hydroelectric Project

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Option A: Neelum

Option B: Jhelum

Option C: Ravi

Option D: Ganga

Correct Answer: Neelum

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Option A: Jhelum River

Option B: Indus River

Option C: Chenab River

Option D: Ravi River

Correct Answer: Indus River

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Option A: Jhelum River

Option B: Indus River

Option C: Chenab River

Option D: Ravi River

Correct Answer: Indus River

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Option A: Jhelum River

Option B: Indus River

Option C: Chenab River

Option D: Ravi River

Correct Answer: Indus River

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Option A: Domestic and agriculture use

Option B: Restricted use of hydroelectric power through a “run-of-th river” plant

Option C: Non-consumptive use

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: All of these

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Option A: Jhelum River

Option B: Indus River

Option C: Chenab River

Option D: Ravi River

Correct Answer: Chenab River

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Option A: Jhelum River

Option B: Indus River

Option C: Chenab River

Option D: Ravi River

Correct Answer: Indus River

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Option A: Jhelum River

Option B: Indus River

Option C: Chenab River

Option D: Ravi River

Correct Answer: Jhelum River

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Option A: Jhelum River

Option B: Indus River

Option C: Chenab River

Option D: Ravi River

Correct Answer: Jhelum River

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Option A: Jhelum River

Option B: Indus River

Option C: Chenab River

Option D: Ravi River

Correct Answer: Jhelum River

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Option A: January 2004

Option B: February 2005

Option C: March 2006

Option D: April 2007

Correct Answer: January 2004

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Option A: Srinagar

Option B: Doda

Option C: Azad Kashmir

Option D: Baramola

Correct Answer: Doda

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Option A: Jhelum River

Option B: Indus River

Option C: Chenab River

Option D: Ravi River

Correct Answer: Jhelum River

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Option A: it will slop its construction

Option B: according to the will of Pakistan it is changing its gated structure

Option C: it will share dam’s 450 M/q of power with Pakistan

Option D: none of these

Correct Answer: C. it will share dam’s 450 M/q of power with Pakistan

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Option A: Pakistan does not agree to any change in treaty

Option B: Pakistan has accepted India’s proposal of sharing dam’s power

Option C: Pakistan will accept the dam for the navigation only

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Pakistan does not agree to any change in treaty

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Option A: Reamond Laffty

Option B: Rums John

Option C: Joh F. Tarren

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Reamond Laffty

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Option A: Italy

Option B: France

Option C: Switzerland

Option D: Germany

Correct Answer: Switzerland

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Option A: Pakistan could lose 7,000 to 8,000 acres water per day

Option B: India can use it as weapon against Pakistan by blocking water through its gates

Option C: both of these

Option D: none of these

Correct Answer: none of these

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Option A: June 2003

Option B: June 2002

Option C: June 2001

Option D: June 2000

Correct Answer: June 2003

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Option A: 11 March 1999

Option B: 11 June 2000

Option C: 11 April 2001

Option D: December 2002

Correct Answer: 11 March 1999

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Option A: Jhelum

Option B: Chanab

Option C: Indus

Option D: none of these

Correct Answer: Chanab

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Option A: Wullar dam

Option B: Kishanganga dam

Option C: Ganga dam

Option D: Baglihar dam

Correct Answer: Wullar dam

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Option A: Siemens

Option B: Hydro industries

Option C: Both of these

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Siemens

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Option A: Its power house will be constructed near Bunkot in Indian held Kashmir

Option B: Its water will be re-routed into the river Jehlum through Wullar Lake

Option C: Both of these

Option D: none of these

Correct Answer: Both of these

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Option A: completion of 22km tunnel to divert water from Kishanganga to Wullar lake will leave Pakistan falling a 27% Water deficit.

Option B: It would reduce flow of Neelum River and thus decrease the power generation of Pakistan’s proposed 696-mw Neelum-Jehlum hydropower project in Azad Kashmir.

Option C: both of these

Option D: none of these

Correct Answer: both of these

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Option A: Muzafarabad

Option B: Sindh

Option C: Mir Pur

Option D: Jhelum

Correct Answer: Muzafarabad

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Option A: 1987

Option B: 1989

Option C: 1990

Option D: 1992

Correct Answer: 1989

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Option A: October 1991

Option B: December 1991

Option C: January 1991

Option D: April 1991

Correct Answer: October 1991

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Option A: Chahab

Option B: Ganga

Option C: Ravi

Option D: Jehlum

Correct Answer: Jehlum

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Option A: Volume of water

Option B: Direction of water

Option C: storage capacities

Option D: All of them

Correct Answer: All of them

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Option A: risks of floods and draughts in Pakistan would be enhanced and Mangla Dam would be adversely affected

Option B: During a military confrontation, it would enable India to control the mobility and retread Pakistan troops

Option C: Closing the Barrage gates would render the Pakistan canal system dry and easy to cross

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: All of these

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Option A: Indus Water Commission

Option B: United Nation Organization (UNO)

Option C: SAARC

Option D: G-8

Correct Answer: Indus Water Commission

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Option A: referred to it as a Barrage meant for water storage

Option B: accused India of violating Indus Water Treaty 1960

Option C: both of these

Option D: none of these

Correct Answer: both of these

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Option A: it is only meant for enhancing ‘navigation’ that is permissible under Indus Water treaty

Option B: 90% of Tulbul project would be beneficial to Pakistan

Option C: both of these

Option D: none of these

Correct Answer: both of these

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Option A: 1968

Option B: 1975

Option C: 1980

Option D: 1985

Correct Answer: 1985

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Option A: Wullar Barrage

Option B: Tulbul Barrage

Option C: Wullar Navigational Barrage

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Wullar Barrage

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Option A: Ravi

Option B: Jehlum

Option C: Chanab

Option D: Ganga

Correct Answer: Jehlum

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Option A: 1989

Option B: 1988

Option C: 1984

Option D: 1990

Correct Answer: 1984

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Option A: Pakistan

Option B: Bangladesh

Option C: India

Option D: Nepal

Correct Answer: India

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Option A: World Bank

Option B: IMF

Option C: Security Council

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: World Bank

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Option A: April 1st, 1947

Option B: April 1st, 1948

Option C: April 1st, 1949

Option D: April 26th, 1948

Correct Answer: April 1st, 1948

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Option A: May 14, 1949

Option B: June 4, 1948

Option C: May 24, 1948

Option D: May 4, 1948

Correct Answer: May 4, 1948

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Option A: Pakistan

Option B: Bangladesh

Option C: Nepal

Option D: all of these

Correct Answer: all of these

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Option A: Indus Basin Treaty 1965

Option B: Indus Water Treaty 1960

Option C: Indus Basin Treaty 1960

Option D: Indus Water Treaty 1965

Correct Answer: Indus Basin Treaty 1960

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