
Evolution Of International Relations MCQs

Option A: Made no contribution to just war theory

Option B: Is a form of subnational authority

Option C: Helped constitute the normative basis of international society

Option D: Both made no contribution to just war theory and helped to constitute the normative basis of international society

Correct Answer: Helped constitute the normative basis of international society

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Option A: The Crusades

Option B: Exploration and colonization of the New World

Option C: The Protestant Reformation

Option D: Both exploration and colonization of the New World and The Protestant Reformation

Correct Answer: The Protestant Reformation

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Option A: Deny that international cooperation is possible

Option B: Believe it to be a rhetorical cover for self-serving powerful states

Option C: Argue that it is unable to cope with globalization

Option D: Believe both that it is a rhetorical cover for self-serving powerful state and argue that it is unable to cope with globalization

Correct Answer: Believe both that it is a rhetorical cover for self-serving powerful state and argue that it is unable to cope with globalization

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Option A: Interstate war

Option B: Global warming

Option C: American power

Option D: Dissolution of the bonds of political community

Correct Answer: Interstate war

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Option A: A term coined by political scientist Stephen Krasner to refer to sovereignty

Option B: The legal fiction masking power relations between states.

Option C: A caution against idealistic conceptions of international society

Option D: A term coined by political scientist Stephen Krasner to refer to sovereignty which is a caution against idealistic conceptions of international society meaning the legal fiction masking power relations between states

Correct Answer: A term coined by political scientist Stephen Krasner to refer to sovereignty

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Option A: Created new challenges to international society by raising the issue of nationalism

Option B: Occurred in the 19th century

Option C: Led to the creation of the Concert of Europe

Option D: Created new challenges to international society by raising the issue of nationalism while also leading to the creation of the Concert of Europe

Correct Answer: Created new challenges to international society by raising the issue of nationalism

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Option A: Hierarchical

Option B: Hegemonic

Option C: Imperial

Option D: Hierarchical, Hegemonic, and Imperial

Correct Answer: Hierarchical

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Option A: Wrote Germany’s Aims in the First World WAR

Option B: Argued that Hitler was no different from other German political leaders

Option C: Located the caused of the Second World War in Hitler’s personality

Option D: All of the options given are correct

Correct Answer: Argued that Hitler was no different from other German political leaders

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Option A: Nationalism

Option B: Economic crisis

Option C: The rise of a united Germany

Option D: None of the options given are correct

Correct Answer: The rise of a united Germany

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Option A: Britain

Option B: Russia

Option C: Portugal

Option D: France

Correct Answer: Russia

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Option A: Was partially determined by local or trial factors

Option B: Was constant across regions and imperial powers

Option C: Was sometimes replaces by superpower involvement

Option D: Was partially determined by local or tribal factors and was sometimes replaced by superpower involvement

Correct Answer: Was partially determined by local or tribal factors and was sometimes replaced by superpower involvement

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Option A: Was the Eastern bloc’s answer to NATO

Option B: Gained impetus after the 1954 rearmament f West Germany

Option C: Was a direct response to the Truman doctrine

Option D: Was the Eastern bloc’s answer to NATO and gained impetus after the 1954 rearmament of West Germany

Correct Answer: D. Was the Eastern bloc’s answer to NATO and gained impetus after the 1954 rearmament of West Germany

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Option A: Detente with the USSR

Option B: Rapprochement with China

Option C: German Ostpolitik

Option D: All of the options given are correct

Correct Answer: All of the options given are correct

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Option A: Occurred in the 1970’s

Option B: Followed the elections of Ronald Reagan

Option C: Described a confrontational period in the late 1980’s

Option D: Followed the elections of Ronald Reagan and described a confrontational period in the late 1980’s

Correct Answer: Followed the elections of Ronald Reagan

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Option A: The US, the USSR, China

Option B: The USSR, the US, France

Option C: The US, the USSR, Britain

Option D: The USSR, the US, Britain

Correct Answer: The US, the USSR, Britain

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Option A: Was a catchphrase for foreign policy under Gorbachev

Option B: Replaced the Khrushchev doctrine

Option C: Followed glasnost and perestroika

Option D: Was a catchphrase for foreign policy under Gorbachev and followed glasnost and perestroika

Correct Answer: Was a catchphrase for foreign policy under Gorbachev

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Option A: Cuba (1962)

Option B: Able Archer (1983)

Option C: The Arab Israeli War (1979)

Option D: All of the options given are correct

Correct Answer: All of the options given are correct

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Option A: occurred on September 11th 2001

Option B: Refers to US primacy since 1989

Option C: Is over, according to most IR theorists

Option D: All of the options given are correct

Correct Answer: Refers to US primacy since 1989

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Option A: Gorbachev and Reagan’s leadership

Option B: The relative economic strength of the United States

Option C: The ideological attractiveness of Western democracy and capitalism

Option D: All of the options given are correct

Correct Answer: All of the options given are correct

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Option A: Became a defining term of international discourse

Option B: Had its extent contested by scholars such as David Held and Martin Wolf

Option C: Became a defining idea of Realist theory

Option D: Became a defining term of international discourse and had its extent contested by scholars such as David Held and Martin Wolf

Correct Answer: Became a defining term of international discourse

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Option A: Was predicted by constructivist scholars of international relations

Option B: Is a key feature of and challenge in the post-cold war order

Option C: Has stifled debate about the ends and means of American foreign policy

Option D: Was unaffected by 9/11

Correct Answer: Is a key feature of and challenge in the post-cold war order

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Option A: Has struggled to reconcile deepening integration with fragmentation such as that in the former Yugoslavia

Option B: is debating the extent and depth of a “European foreign and security policy” but remains uncertain of their future

Option C: Emphasizes international institutions

Option D: All of the options given are correct

Correct Answer: All of the options given are correct

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Option A: Has decentralized the Russian economy

Option B: Has promoted Western-style civil rights

Option C: Has nationalized Russian economic assets

Option D: Was Yeltsin’s predecessor

Correct Answer: Has nationalized Russian economic assets

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Option A: North Korea’s nuclear programme

Option B: Outstanding territorial disputes

Option C: China’s declining economic power

Option D: North Korea’s nuclear programme and outstanding territorial disputes

Correct Answer: D. North Korea’s nuclear programme and outstanding territorial disputes

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Option A: Is an issue considered by every region of the world today

Option B: is unequivocally a cause for optimism

Option C: Is characterized by a shift toward economic autarky

Option D: All of the options given are correct

Correct Answer: All of the options given are correct

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Option A: Creates new challenges in terms of domestic social stability, migration, and political violence

Option B: Has become more important as globalization empowers sub-state actors

Option C: Has caused scholars to reconsider the helpfulness of the term “Third World”

Option D: All of the options given are correct

Correct Answer: All of the options given are correct

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Option A: Argued that old methods of dealing with contemporary challenges were obsolete and ineffective

Option B: Changed direction sharply after 9/11

Option C: Led to a controversial war in Iraq whose reasons and effects are still being highly debated

Option D: All of the options given are correct

Correct Answer: All of the options given are correct

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Option A: Medieval Christian Europe

Option B: Medieval Islam

Option C: Ancient China

Option D: Medieval Christian Europe, Medieval Islam, and Ancient China

Correct Answer: Medieval Christian Europe

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Option A: A benign form of cosmopolitan democracy

Option B: Imperial expansion.

Option C: Diplomacy, law, and the balance of power

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Diplomacy, law, and the balance of power

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Option A: the sovereign power and authority of national government – the entitlement of states to rule within their own territorial space – being transformed but not necessarily eroded.

Option B: a real dilemma: in return for more effective public policy and meeting their citizens demands, whether in relation to the drugs trade or employment, their capacity for self-governance – that is sate autonomy – is compromised.

Option C: a new geography of political organization and political power is emerging, which transcends territories and borders.

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: was a result of countries appearing as autonomous containers of political, social and economic activity in that fixed borders separate the domestic sphere form the world outside.

Option B: represents a process in which the organization of social activities is increasingly less constrained by geographical proximity and national territorial boundaries.

Option C: involves a complex mix of homogenization and increased heterogeneity given the global diffusion of popular culture, global media corporations, and communications networks.

Option D: was the product of a complex politics involving public and private actors form trade unions, industrial associations, humanitarian groups, governments, and legal experts.

Correct Answer: was the product of a complex politics involving public and private actors form trade unions, industrial associations, humanitarian groups, governments, and legal experts.

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Option A: capitalism’s insatiable requirement for new markets and profits, which lead inevitably to the globalization of economic activity.

Option B: a shared ecology involving shared en environmental problems, from global warming to species protection, alongside the creation of multilateral responses and regimes of global environmental governance.

Option C: central to any account of globalization since it is a truism that without modern communications infrastructures, in particular, a global system or worldwide economy not be possible.

Option D: the technologically induced erosion of distance and time giving the appearance a world that is in communication terms shrinking

Correct Answer: the technologically induced erosion of distance and time giving the appearance a world that is in communication terms shrinking

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Option A: countries appear as autonomous containers of political, social and economic activity in that fixed borders separate the domestic sphere from the world outside

Option B: by comparison with the heyday of European global empires the majority of the world’s population and countries in the South are now much less integrated into the global system

Option C: in a more interdependent world, simply to achieve domestic objectives national government are forced to engage in extensive multilateral collaboration and co-operation

Option D: stare power, nationalism and territorial boundaries are of growing not less importance in world politics.

Correct Answer: in a more interdependent world, simply to achieve domestic objectives national government are forced to engage in extensive multilateral collaboration and co-operation

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Option A: by comparison with the period 1870 to 1914 the world is much less globalized economically, politically and culturally

Option B: the vast bulk of international economic and political activity is concentrated within the group of OECD states

Option C: globalization is at best a self-serving myth or ideology which reinforces western and particularly US hegemony in world politics.

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: is the complex which bring together the representatives of governments, international organizations, NGOs, and the corporate sector for the formulation and implementation of global public policy

Option B: is the formal and informal mechanism which link government officials in one agency with their foreign counterparts for purposes of policy coordination, harmonization, dialog and enforcement

Option C: is he tendency for stats to become increasingly fragmented actors in global politics as every part of the government machine becomes entangled with its foreign counterparts and others in dealing proliferating transgovernmental and global policy networks

Option D: is the rightful entitlement to exclusive, unqualified and supreme rule within a delimited territory

Correct Answer: is he tendency for stats to become increasingly fragmented actors in global politics as every part of the government machine becomes entangled with its foreign counterparts and others in dealing proliferating transgovernmental and global policy networks

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Option A: defined a new age in world history so today the microchip and the satellite are icons of a globalized world order

Option B: evidenced a major expansion in the spread and entrenchment of European empires

Option C: saw the expansion of transnational and international law from trade to human rights

Option D: saw the establishment of the international Convention on the Elimination of Child Labour

Correct Answer: evidenced a major expansion in the spread and entrenchment of European empires

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Option A: the way in which contemporary globalization is equally experienced across the world and amongst different social gruops

Option B: the way in which contemporary globalization is unequally experienced across the world and amongst different social groups

Option C: the degree to which networks or patterns of social interaction are formally constituted as organizations with specific purposes

Option D: a process in which the organization of social activities is increasingly less constrained by geographical proximity and national territorial boundaries.

Correct Answer: the way in which contemporary globalization is unequally experienced across the world and amongst different social groups

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Option A: a benign form of cosmopolitan democracy.

Option B: equally experienced across the world and amongst different social groups

Option C: decisively shaped by European expansion and conquest

Option D: saw the establishment of the international Convention on the Elimination of Child Labour

Correct Answer: decisively shaped by European expansion and conquest

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Option A: a stretching of social, political, and economic activities across political frontiers.

Option B: a growing magnitude of interconnections in almost every sphere of social existence

Option C: an accelerating pace of global interactions and processes associated with a deepening enmeshment of the local and the global

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: Poland from East Germany

Option B: the Soviet Union from East Germany

Option C: West Germany from the Soviet Union

Option D: West Berlin from East Berlin

Correct Answer: West Berlin from East Berlin

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Option A: containment of American military power

Option B: economic reform

Option C: support of developing world communist revolutions

Option D: detente with China

Correct Answer: economic reform

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Option A: Eastern Europe’s stated desire to remain politically close to Russia

Option B: The division between Eastern and Western Europe over expanding membership in NATO

Option C: Eastern Europe’s support of the U.S decision to invade Iraq in 2003

Option D: Western Europe’s rejection of high agricultural subsidies in international world trade negutiations

Correct Answer: C. Eastern Europe’s support of the U.S decision to invade Iraq in 2003

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Option A: an attempt to secure its natural reaources

Option B: an attempt to support the new Soviet policy of glasnost

Option C: an attempt to prevent the Soviet Union from gaining a seaport in the Horn of Africa

Option D: a proxy war with the Soviet Union

Correct Answer: a proxy war with the Soviet Union

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Option A: It cemented communist military control over Southeast Asia

Option B: It sparked a thaw in relations between the Soviet Union and china

Option C: It hardened overall American attitudes toward communism

Option D: It sparked a thaw in relations between China and the United States

Correct Answer: It hardened overall American attitudes toward communism

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Option A: China

Option B: Japan

Option C: Great Britain

Option D: the United States

Correct Answer: China

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Option A: North America

Option B: Western Europe

Option C: the Middle East

Option D: Japan

Correct Answer: the Middle East

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Option A: Macedonia

Option B: Bosnia

Option C: Iraq

Option D: Rwanda

Correct Answer: Rwanda

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Option A: dominance

Option B: reciprocity

Option C: identity

Option D: favoritism

Correct Answer: identity

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Option A: Bosnia

Option B: Croatia

Option C: Serbia

Option D: Czechoslovakia

Correct Answer: Bosnia

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Option A: tragedy of the commons

Option B: collective action

Option C: free riding

Option D: hegemony

Correct Answer: hegemony

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Option A: MNCs

Option B: NGOs.

Option C: IGOs

Option D: substate actors

Correct Answer: MNCs

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Option A: were crises during the post-Cold War

Option B: were crises that ted to World War II

Option C: were crises that followed the Vietnam War

Option D: were crises during the Cold

Correct Answer: were crises during the Cold

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Option A: the Marshall Plan

Option B: containment

Option C: mutual assured destruction

Option D: peaceful coexistence

Correct Answer: containment

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Option A: Amnesty International

Option B: NATO

Option C: the World Trade Organization

Option D: OPEC

Correct Answer: Amnesty International

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Option A: France

Option B: Soviet Union

Option C: United States

Option D: All these countries occupied Germany after World War II: the United States, the Soviet Union, & France

Correct Answer: France

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Option A: immediately before World War I

Option B: immediately after the Korean War

Option C: immediately after World War I

Option D: immediately after World War II

Correct Answer: immediately after World War I

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Option A: identity

Option B: co-operation

Option C: dominance

Option D: reciprocity

Correct Answer: identity

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Option A: North Korea

Option B: Poland

Option C: East Germany

Option D: Cuba

Correct Answer: Cuba

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Option A: United States

Option B: Japan

Option C: China

Option D: Great Britain

Correct Answer: United States

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Option A: interstate

Option B: individual

Option C: global

Option D: national

Correct Answer: interstate

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Option A: reciprocity

Option B: dominance

Option C: identity

Option D: polity

Correct Answer: reciprocity

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Option A: The central concept of the “English school”

Option B: Presented most compellingly by Hedley Bull.

Option C: Any association of distinct political rules, values, institutions

Option D: The central concept of the ‘English school’ presented most compellingly by Hedley Bull, which descries any association of distinct political communities that accept common rules, values and institutions.

Correct Answer: D. The central concept of the ‘English school’ presented most compellingly by Hedley Bull, which descries any association of distinct political communities that accept common rules, values and institutions.

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