
Gender In World Politics MCQs

Option A: Has to do with women’s role in the global anti-slavery movement

Option B: Is committed to the status quo

Option C: Pursues knowledge that will lead to changes in favour of a normative ideal, such as gender equality

Option D: All of the options given are correct

Correct Answer: Pursues knowledge that will lead to changes in favour of a normative ideal, such as gender equality

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Option A: Characterizes men as protectors and women as protected

Option B: Is used to justify and shape national security policies

Option C: Has been challenged by changing gender roles in contemporary warfare

Option D: All of the options given are correct

Correct Answer: All of the options given are correct

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Option A: Is based on gender-structured conceptions of appropriate work

Option B: Has led to an increase in women’s compensation worldwide

Option C: Negates the “double burden”

Option D: a and b

Correct Answer: Is based on gender-structured conceptions of appropriate work

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Option A: Ticker

Option B: Enloe

Option C: Peterson and Runyan

Option D: None of the options given is correct

Correct Answer: Peterson and Runyan

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Option A: Prostitution and human trafficking

Option B: Civil wars and refugee flows

Option C: Trade and development

Option D: All of the options given are correct

Correct Answer: All of the options given are correct

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Option A: Empowers women through microcredit loans to facilitate small-scale economic development

Option B: Is gender-blind in its policies

Option C: Focuses its investment lending on women

Option D: a and c

Correct Answer: a and c

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Option A: The establishment of the UN Gender Development Index

Option B: The election of US Speaker Nancy Pelosi

Option C: The incorporation of “gender mainstreaming” into policy discourse

Option D: All of the options given are correct, but it depends on which feminist theory you pick

Correct Answer: All of the options given are correct, but it depends on which feminist theory you pick

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Option A: Created new areas of women’s advancement

Option B: Led to new challenges and dangers for women

Option C: Not changed the fundamental inequality of gender relationship in the world enough

Option D: All of the options given are correct

Correct Answer: All of the options given are correct

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Option A: Liberal

Option B: Post-modern

Option C: Environmental

Option D: Constructivist

Correct Answer: Environmental

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Option A: Refers to the disproportionate share of housework done by women

Option B: Dates to the 17th century

Option C: Is rooted in gendered conceptions of the distinction between public and private life

Option D: All of the options given are correct

Correct Answer: All of the options given are correct

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Option A: Male or female

Option B: Biological difference

Option C: A social construction

Option D: a and b

Correct Answer: a and b

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Option A: Male or female

Option B: A social construction of what it means to be male or female

Option C: Biological difference

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: A social construction of what it means to be male or female

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Option A: Heterosexuality

Option B: Homosexuality

Option C: Multiple and/or shifting sexualities

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Recognizing the increase in global demand for women as cheap labour and care

Option B: Paid and unpaid reproductive labour and care

Option C: Lowering standards for labour worldwide

Option D: a and b

Correct Answer: a and b

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Option A: Liberal feminists seek to put an end to women’s exclusion/under representation in position of power and employment, radical feminists see women as different from men

Option B: Liberal feminists seek to put an end to women’s exclusion/under representation in position of power and employment, radical feminists see women’s subordination as universal taking different forms at different times

Option C: Liberal feminists see women as different from men and do not reject ‘women’s values’, radical feminists see women as different from men

Option D: Liberal feminists see women as different from men and do not reject ‘women’s values’, radical feminists see women’s subordination as universal taking different forms at different times

Correct Answer: B. Liberal feminists seek to put an end to women’s exclusion/under representation in position of power and employment, radical feminists see women’s subordination as universal taking different forms at different times

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Option A: The growing global demand for women’s domestic and sexual services

Option B: The growing global demand for nannies

Option C: The global economy of unpaid work

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: A. The growing global demand for women’s domestic and sexual services

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Option A: Feminization of labour

Option B: That women’s work includes primary responsibility of childcare and housework

Option C: Mail order brides

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: B. That women’s work includes primary responsibility of childcare and housework

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Option A: Women/girls come from rural areas into towns or cities to provide gendered services

Option B: An increased global flow of women

Option C: Prostitution and mail order brides

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: i

Option B: ii, iii

Option C: i, ii, iii

Option D: i, ii

Correct Answer: i

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Option A: a group of Israeli women demonstrating for Palestinian women.

Option B: a group of Israeli women demonstrating against Palestinian Women

Option C: a group of Palestinian demonstrating against Israeli women

Option D: None

Correct Answer: a group of Israeli women demonstrating for Palestinian women.

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