
Human Security MCQs

Option A: Globalization

Option B: Measures to prevent the use of child soldiers

Option C: Smallpox disease inoculation

Option D: All of the options given are correct

Correct Answer: Measures to prevent the use of child soldiers

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Option A: The UN Charter

Option B: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Option C: The Geneva Conventions

Option D: All of the options given are correct

Correct Answer: All of the options given are correct

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Option A: Has been advocated more by Japan

Option B: Stresses individual escape from poverty, disease, and environmental threats

Option C: Focuses heavily on security

Option D: a and b

Correct Answer: a and b

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Option A: Human security

Option B: National security

Option C: Human development

Option D: Economic development

Correct Answer: Human development

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Option A: The concept is too broad to be analytically useful

Option B: That it creates false expectations of assistance which cannot be met

Option C: That it marginalizes or weakens the state’s role in security

Option D: All of the options given are correct

Correct Answer: All of the options given are correct

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Option A: Justifies the use of force and breach of sovereignty based on human security grounds

Option B: Argues that human security does not exist

Option C: Argues that national security does not exist

Option D: a and c

Correct Answer: Justifies the use of force and breach of sovereignty based on human security grounds

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Option A: Food and economic security

Option B: Economic and environmental security

Option C: Community and personal security

Option D: All of the options given are correct

Correct Answer: All of the options given are correct

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Option A: Illustrates the guns-versus-butter trade-off

Option B: Is no longer true thanks to globalization

Option C: Is the conclusion of a Swedish study by Inga Thorsson et al

Option D: a and c

Correct Answer: a and c

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Option A: Rising economic interdependence

Option B: The end of colonialism and cold war

Option C: The growing role of international institutions and community (peace operations)

Option D: All of the options given are correct

Correct Answer: All of the options given are correct

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Option A: Genocide

Option B: War

Option C: Politicide

Option D: Ethnic cleansing

Correct Answer: Ethnic cleansing

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