
International Law MCQs

Option A: England and Scotland War

Option B: U.S. and Mexico War

Option C: England and Ireland War

Option D: Indian War

Correct Answer: Indian War

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Option A: Legally binding

Option B: Legally enforceable

Option C: Enforceable by consent

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Enforceable by consent

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Option A: New York

Option B: Paris

Option C: London

Option D: Geneva

Correct Answer: New York

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Option A: Africa

Option B: Asia

Option C: North America

Option D: South America

Correct Answer: South America

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Option A: Boxer Rebellion

Option B: War of 1812

Option C: Boer War

Option D: Crimean War

Correct Answer: War of 1812

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Option A: U.S. and Canada

Option B: England and Scotland

Option C: U.S. and Mexico

Option D: England and Ireland

Correct Answer: U.S. and Canada

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Option A: Sudan

Option B: North Korea

Option C: Iran

Option D: Iraq

Correct Answer: Iraq

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Option A: John Adams

Option B: Thomas Jefferson

Option C: Henry Laurens

Option D: John Jay

Correct Answer: Henry Laurens

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Option A: A treatment extended to a State’s own nationals

Option B: A favourable treatment extended to a particular State

Option C: A treatment similar to the one extended to any third State

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: A favourable treatment extended to a particular State

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Option A: States

Option B: Non-State entities

Option C: Individuals

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Individuals

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Option A: Mississippi

Option B: Florida

Option C: Louisiana

Option D: Georgia

Correct Answer: Florida

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Option A: Is an exercise of territorial sovereignty

Option B: Is a derogation from territorial sovereignty

Option C: Has no concern with territorial sovereignty

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Is an exercise of territorial sovereignty

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Option A: Dutch

Option B: British

Option C: German

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Dutch

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Option A: 1945

Option B: 1815

Option C: 1919

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 1815

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Option A: All treaties

Option B: Only political treaties

Option C: No treaty

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: No treaty

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Option A: Renders the treaty invalid

Option B: Terminates the treaty

Option C: Has no effect on the treaty

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Terminates the treaty

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Option A: Has no right to share water resources of an international river

Option B: Has exclusive right

Option C: Has right to share waters on equitable basis

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Has right to share waters on equitable basis

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Option A: Is bound by a treaty obligation

Option B: Is not bound till it incorporates which an obligation into its municipal law

Option C: Is not bound if treaty obligation conflicts with its municipal law

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Is not bound till it incorporates which an obligation into its municipal law

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Option A: Elected by the Security Council

Option B: elected by the Security council and the General Assembly

Option C: Appointed by the Secretary General in consultation with five permanent members of the Security Council

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: elected by the Security council and the General Assembly

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Option A: When Security Council admits it

Option B: When General Assembly admits it after recommendation Security Council

Option C: When Security Council admits it after the recommendation of the Secretary-General

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: When General Assembly admits it after recommendation Security Council

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Option A: when its own security so demands

Option B: By entering into a treaty with another state

Option C: When it is attacked by another state

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: When it is attacked by another state

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Option A: A government functionary commits treason

Option B: Consent to be bound by a treaty is rendered invalid

Option C: Treaty stands terminated

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Treaty stands terminated

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Option A: General Assembly

Option B: Security Council

Option C: International Court of Justice

Option D: Trusteeship Council

Correct Answer: General Assembly

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Option A: ICJ

Option B: PCIJ

Option C: European court of Human Rights

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: ICJ

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Option A: mutual consent

Option B: a unilateral decision

Option C: a decision of a regional organization

Option D: none of these

Correct Answer: mutual consent

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Option A: Ordinary criminals

Option B: Political and religious criminals

Option C: Heads of State and Govt.

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Political and religious criminals

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Option A: Can nationalize foreign property without compensation

Option B: Cannot nationalize

Option C: Can nationalize by paying compensation

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Cannot nationalize

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Option A: Bound to recognize a new State

Option B: No bound to do so

Option C: Required to enter into dialogue with new State for recognition

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: No bound to do so

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Option A: A super-state organization

Option B: A creation of member states

Option C: Has no link with state after its establishment

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: A creation of member states

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Option A: A state can interfere in internal affairs of another states

Option B: A state cannot interfere in others State’s internal affairs

Option C: A State’s boundaries are secure and cannot be attacked

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: B. A state cannot interfere in others State’s internal affairs

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Option A: An exercise of territorial sovereignty

Option B: An impingement of territorial sovereignty

Option C: Granted by mutual consent

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: An exercise of territorial sovereignty

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Option A: Starlm

Option B: Pufendoxf

Option C: Hugo Grotius

Option D: Oppenheim

Correct Answer: Oppenheim

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Option A: With the decision of the Security Council

Option B: With the decision of the General Assembly

Option C: With the decision of the both the Security council and the General Assembly

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: With the decision of the both the Security council and the General Assembly

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Option A: Is a multilateral Convention adopted by states

Option B: Is a Declaration adopted by the UN Commission on Human Rights

Option C: Is a Declaration adopted by the General Assembly

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Is a Declaration adopted by the General Assembly

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Option A: Security Council

Option B: General Assembly

Option C: Security Council and General Assembly

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Security Council

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