
North-South Relations MCQs

Option A: post dependency

Option B: neocolonialism

Option C: colonialism

Option D: mercantilism

Correct Answer: neocolonialism

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Option A: moves to a new country to be granted asylum

Option B: lives only in an urban area

Option C: flees his or her country to avoid a natural disaster

Option D: moves to a new country in search of better economic opportunities

Correct Answer: moves to a new country in search of better economic opportunities

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Option A: The handout model, Oxfam model. and disaster relief model are all disaster relief models

Option B: Oxfam

Option C: disaster relief

Option D: handout

Correct Answer: The handout model, Oxfam model. and disaster relief model are all disaster relief models

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Option A: France

Option B: Portugal

Option C: Spain

Option D: Switzerland

Correct Answer: Switzerland

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Option A: North Korea

Option B: Australia

Option C: Mexico

Option D: Brazil

Correct Answer: Mexico

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Option A: periphery

Option B: core

Option C: semi-periphery

Option D: lumpenproletariat

Correct Answer: core

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Option A: cartels

Option B: MNCs

Option C: IGOs

Option D: the WTO

Correct Answer: MNCs

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Option A: Pakistan

Option B: Australia

Option C: Singapore

Option D: the United States

Correct Answer: Pakistan

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Option A: Singapore

Option B: Japan

Option C: Thailand

Option D: Hong Kong

Correct Answer: Singapore

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Option A: Burma

Option B: Taiwan

Option C: Singapore

Option D: the Philippines

Correct Answer: Burma

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Option A: Mao Zedong

Option B: Hu Jintao

Option C: Deng Xiaoping

Option D: Sun Yat-Sen

Correct Answer: Deng Xiaoping

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Option A: allowing and MNC to purchase the debt and invest in the country whose debt it has purchased

Option B: reworking the terms on which a loan will be repaid

Option C: shifting debt from governmental creditors to multilateral creditors

Option D: taking out new loans to pay off old ones

Correct Answer: reworking the terms on which a loan will be repaid

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Option A: Japan

Option B: OPEC members

Option C: other states in the global South

Option D: APEC members

Correct Answer: Japan

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Option A: grants-in-aid

Option B: compensatory funds

Option C: credits

Option D: reciprocal development grants

Correct Answer: credits

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Option A: reciprocal aid

Option B: bilateral aid

Option C: multilateral aid

Option D: unitary aid

Correct Answer: bilateral aid

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Option A: empowerment

Option B: debt services

Option C: repatriation

Option D: absorptive capacity

Correct Answer: empowerment

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Option A: interest relief

Option B: microcredit

Option C: concessionary terms

Option D: conditional relief

Correct Answer: concessionary terms

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Option A: U.S. Agency for Integrated Decision-making

Option B: U.S. Agricultural and International Development Agency

Option C: U.S. Agency for International Development

Option D: U.S. Aid Agency

Correct Answer: U.S. Agency for International Development

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Option A: unitary aid

Option B: indirect aid

Option C: reciprocal aid

Option D: multilateral aid

Correct Answer: multilateral aid

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Option A: Luxembourg

Option B: Austria

Option C: the United States

Option D: Canada

Correct Answer: the United States

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Option A: agricultural

Option B: economic

Option C: military

Option D: manufacturing

Correct Answer: military

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Option A: WTO

Option B: GATT

Option C: NIEO

Option D: IMF

Correct Answer: IMF

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Option A: capital accumulation

Option B: rising per capita incomes

Option C: increasing levels of foreign aid

Option D: increasing skills in the population

Correct Answer: increasing levels of foreign aid

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Option A: Subsistence crops

Option B: Cash crops

Option C: Bumper crops

Option D: Rotation crops

Correct Answer: Subsistence crops

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Option A: Marxist

Option B: capitalist

Option C: mercantilism

Option D: neo-functionalist

Correct Answer: Marxist

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Option A: UNDP

Option B: USAID

Option C: UNICEF

Option D: UNESCO

Correct Answer: UNDP

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Option A: opposition to the weakening of communist economic structures

Option B: a desire for greater political freedoms

Option C: popular resentment over such problems as inflation and corruption

Option D: opposition to a ban on exports to Western countries

Correct Answer: popular resentment over such problems as inflation and corruption

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Option A: all of the aid distributed via this model comes from countries of the global South

Option B: it relies on local communities to determine the needs of their own people and to carry out development projects

Option C: it relies on simply giving food or money without much through to the broader consequences

Option D: it cuts off aid if the recipient states or communities do not show immediate progress in improving the provision of basic human needs

Correct Answer: it relies on local communities to determine the needs of their own people and to carry out development projects

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Option A: Although growth has been uneven, total rate of growth is basically equal between the North and South

Option B: Africa experienced negative economic growth

Option C: South Asia still lags far behind China in growth rate

Option D: The South now outpaces the North in growth rate

Correct Answer: The South now outpaces the North in growth rate

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Option A: capitalism, allowing private enterprise to dictate the rise and fall of major industries

Option B: Marxist values and central control of all means of production

Option C: socialism and state control of agriculture and consumer goods, but private capitalism for large industries

Option D: socialism and state control of large large industries but on private capitalism in agriculture and consumer goods

Correct Answer: socialism and state control of large large industries but on private capitalism in agriculture and consumer goods

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Option A: Those exports are typically controlled by a handful of large landowners

Option B: The revenue arrives in a very concentrated form of large payments oh hard currency

Option C: When the price for those exports drops on the world market, local government officials seek to supplement their income by corrupt means

Option D: It is nearly impossible to officially track the value and payment receipts for a few large exports in developing countries

Correct Answer: The revenue arrives in a very concentrated form of large payments oh hard currency

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