
International Relations MCQs

Option A: US space shuttle challenger

Option B: USSR space shuttle challenger

Option C: German space shuttle challenger

Option D: French space shuttle challenger

Correct Answer: US space shuttle challenger

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Option A: Mrs. Margaret Thather (third time) for Britain

Option B: Bob Hawke (third time) for Australia

Option C: David Lange for New Zealand

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: All of these

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Option A: 1980

Option B: 1983

Option C: 1985

Option D: 1987

Correct Answer: 1987

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Option A: French president Francois Mitterand was re-elected

Option B: George Bush was elected as 41st US president

Option C: R. Premeds was elected as president of Sri Lanka

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: All of these

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Option A: 1989

Option B: 1987

Option C: 1990

Option D: 1991

Correct Answer: 1989

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Option A: 1989

Option B: 1990

Option C: 1991

Option D: 1992

Correct Answer: 1990

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Option A: France

Option B: Zimbabwe

Option C: West Indies

Option D: Germany

Correct Answer: Zimbabwe

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Option A: USSR formally disintegrated into 15 republics

Option B: President Gorbachev was ousted in bloodless coup

Option C: both of these

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: both of these

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Option A: 1990

Option B: 1991

Option C: 1992

Option D: 1993

Correct Answer: 1991

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Option A: Yugoslavia

Option B: Vietnam

Option C: Sri-Lanka

Option D: Bangladesh

Correct Answer: Yugoslavia

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Option A: George Bush

Option B: Bill Clinton

Option C: Bush Junior

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Bill Clinton

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Option A: India-Pakistan

Option B: UK-USA

Option C: Pakistan-UK

Option D: India-UK

Correct Answer: India-UK

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Option A: 1990

Option B: 1991

Option C: 1992

Option D: 1993

Correct Answer: 1992

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Option A: Germany

Option B: Brazil

Option C: USA

Option D: Russia

Correct Answer: Brazil

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Option A: 1992

Option B: 1993

Option C: 1994

Option D: 1995

Correct Answer: 1992

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Option A: World Trade centre was bombed

Option B: Refuelling Machine malfunctioning at the Wylfa Nuclear Plan

Option C: both of these

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: both of these

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Option A: Germany

Option B: France

Option C: USA

Option D: Russia

Correct Answer: Russia

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Option A: 2000

Option B: 2001

Option C: 2002

Option D: 2003

Correct Answer: 2001

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Option A: Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni wins his second re-election

Option B: Han Myeong sook became first female PM of S. Korea

Option C: Saddam Hussein was executed in Baghdad

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: All of these

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Option A: 2006

Option B: 2005

Option C: 2004

Option D: 2003

Correct Answer: 2006

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Option A: Ban Ki-moon

Option B: John Hellary

Option C: Kofi Annan

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Ban Ki-moon

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Option A: Bulgaria

Option B: Romania

Option C: Both of these

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Both of these

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Option A: 2005

Option B: 2006

Option C: 2007

Option D: 2008

Correct Answer: 2007

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Option A: Lord Chemsfort

Option B: Churchell

Option C: Attlee

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: Attlee

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Option A: 15th June 2015

Option B: 15th August 1225

Option C: 15th June 1235

Option D: None of above

Correct Answer: 15th June 2015

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Option A: King Farooq

Option B: Anwar Sadat

Option C: King Nasser

Option D: Mozart Nake

Correct Answer: King Nasser

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Option A: France

Option B: Germany

Option C: Russia

Option D: England

Correct Answer: Russia

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Option A: Ethiopia

Option B: Zambia

Option C: Ghana

Option D: South Africa

Correct Answer: South Africa

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Option A: George Bush

Option B: Jimmy Carter

Option C: Grover Clever

Option D: Howard Taft

Correct Answer: George Bush

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Option A: Portugal

Option B: U.K

Option C: France

Option D: Netherlands

Correct Answer: U.K

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Option A: Liqud Party

Option B: Lilac Party

Option C: Loral Party

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Liqud Party

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Option A: Urawa

Option B: Omiya

Option C: Yono

Option D: all of these

Correct Answer: all of these

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Option A: 2000

Option B: 2001

Option C: 1992

Option D: 2006

Correct Answer: 2001

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Option A: World Trade centre in New York City

Option B: The Pentagon n Arlington, Virginia

Option C: Rural Pennsylvania

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Anaconda

Option B: Cobra

Option C: Black Mamba

Option D: Russell Viper

Correct Answer: Anaconda

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Option A: Brazil

Option B: Zimbabwe

Option C: Sri-Lanka

Option D: France

Correct Answer: Brazil

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Option A: John F. Kennedy

Option B: Ronald Regan

Option C: Bill Clinton

Option D: Hennery Clinton

Correct Answer: John F. Kennedy

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Option A: Crimean War

Option B: American Civil War

Option C: American War of Independence

Option D: 1st World War

Correct Answer: American Civil War

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Option A: A country with a constitution

Option B: Delineated area of rule-governed activity

Option C: A set of implicit or explicit principles, norms, rules and decision making, procedures around which actors expectations converge in a given area of international relations

Option D: b and c

Correct Answer: b and c

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Option A: Principles are represented by coherent bodies of theoretical statements about how the world works ii. norms specify general standards of behaviour iii. rules operate at a lower level of generality than principles and norms iv. Decision making procedures identify specific prescriptions for behaviour, which will regularly change as a regime is consolidated and extended

Option B: Rules are coherent with the way of life of its actors ii. representatives are elected democratically iii. there is a legal system iv. rule-enforcement is under supervision of police military institutions

Option C: ‘the concept of the regime is so complicated, there are no principle elements’

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Principles are represented by coherent bodies of theoretical statements about how the world works ii. norms specify general standards of behaviour iii. rules operate at a lower level of generality than principles and norms iv. Decision making procedures identify specific prescriptions for behaviour, which will regularly change as a regime is consolidated and extended

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Option A: The situation in which the regime does not have a clear successor to its ruler in case of death

Option B: A situation in which a regime’s constitution is not followed or insignificant

Option C: A situation in which formal rules have been brought into existence without any expectation that they will be observe

Option D: a and b

Correct Answer: A situation in which formal rules have been brought into existence without any expectation that they will be observe

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Option A: Because it is the major mechanism for establishing and maintaining a regime in the absence of a hegemon, since it deters actors from defecting

Option B: Because forming a regime needs much cooperation

Option C: Because following the golden rule puts all actors in the same situation

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Because it is the major mechanism for establishing and maintaining a regime in the absence of a hegemon, since it deters actors from defecting

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Option A: Public goods are those in which unrestrained market competition is not effective (i.e. hospitals). Public bads are the result unrestrained market competition (i.e. pollution)

Option B: Public goods are those goods that are free for the public. Public bads are those that are extremely expensive

Option C: Public goods are positive intangible sentiments widespread in the public (i.e. happiness, pride, nationalism). Public bads are negative attributes that are widespread in the public (i.e. violence, crime)

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Public goods are those in which unrestrained market competition is not effective (i.e. hospitals). Public bads are the result unrestrained market competition (i.e. pollution)

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Option A: It is a situation in which rules are not being followed

Option B: It is a system in which there are no norms or rules

Option C: Anarchy

Option D: Both b and c

Correct Answer: It is a system in which there are no norms or rules

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Option A: Power does not come into play when a state enters an international regime

Option B: Power can be used by a hegemon to pressure other states to collaborate and conform to a regime

Option C: In the absence of hegemonic power, states can establish and maintain regimes through reciprocity

Option D: b and c

Correct Answer: b and c

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Option A: States have to submit their power every time a regime is formed

Option B: Only powerful actors can form regimes, powerless actors must submit to them

Option C: Realists do not accept that regimes can actually be formed

Option D: Power is used to form regimes if such regime promotes the power-holder’s long-term interests

Correct Answer: D. Power is used to form regimes if such regime promotes the power-holder’s long-term interests

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Option A: Lack of initiative from states

Option B: Slow economic growth

Option C: The anarchy structure of the international system, competition among actors, lack of reciprocity, and focus on relative power

Option D: a and b

Correct Answer: The anarchy structure of the international system, competition among actors, lack of reciprocity, and focus on relative power

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Option A: A hegemon

Option B: The shadow of the future

Option C: An information-rich environment

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Association of South East Asian Nations

Option B: African Union

Option C: Southern Cone Common Market

Option D: International Olympic Committee

Correct Answer: International Olympic Committee

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Option A: International Olympic Committee

Option B: Roman Catholic Church

Option C: Amnesty International

Option D: United Nations

Correct Answer: United Nations

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Option A: decisions by national courts upheld by the World Court

Option B: national laws reviewed by the World Court

Option C: All these answers are correct

Option D: international custom

Correct Answer: national laws reviewed by the World Court

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Option A: rarely gain legitimacy in the absence of a world government

Option B: can become institutionalized through international organizations

Option C: were established after World War II by the United Nations

Option D: create common ideas and cultural attitudes across countries

Correct Answer: can become institutionalized through international organizations

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Option A: UN Environment Program

Option B: Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees

Option C: World Health Organization

Option D: UN Conference on Trade and Development

Correct Answer: World Health Organization

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Option A: Security Council

Option B: General Assembly

Option C: Economic and Finance Council

Option D: Economic and Social Council

Correct Answer: General Assembly

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Option A: International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

Option B: Convention against Torture

Option C: Convention on the Rights of the Child

Option D: International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families

Correct Answer: International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

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Option A: diplomatic representation

Option B: diplomatic community

Option C: diplomatic recognition

Option D: diplomatic acceptance

Correct Answer: diplomatic recognition

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Option A: Universal Treaty on Human Rights

Option B: United Nations Covenant on International Norms

Option C: United Nations Declaration of Human Rights

Option D: Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Correct Answer: Universal Declaration of Human Rights

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Option A: UN Security Council

Option B: ECOSOC

Option C: UN Children’s Fund

Option D: All these answers are correct

Correct Answer: C. UN Children’s Fund

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Option A: escalations

Option B: reprisals

Option C: retaliations

Option D: extra-legal responses

Correct Answer: reprisals

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Option A: UN Peacekeeping Forces

Option B: UN armed Forces

Option C: UN Security Council

Option D: None of these answers is correct; the Court has no real means of enforcing its decisions

Correct Answer: None of these answers is correct; the Court has no real means of enforcing its decisions

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Option A: European Parliament, European Commission

Option B: Council of Ministers; European Parliament

Option C: European Commission; European Council

Option D: Council of the European Union, Court of Justice

Correct Answer: Council of the European Union, Court of Justice

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Option A: Italy

Option B: Greece

Option C: Spain

Option D: Austria

Correct Answer: Italy

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Option A: Greece

Option B: Sweden

Option C: Spain

Option D: Portugal

Correct Answer: Greece

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Option A: Belgium, Luxembourg, Greece, and Portugal

Option B: Ireland, Greece, Portugal, and Greece

Option C: Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Greece

Option D: the Netherlands, Ireland, Sweden, and Portugal

Correct Answer: Ireland, Greece, Portugal, and Greece

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Option A: military integration

Option B: political integration

Option C: monetary union

Option D: All of these answers are correct

Correct Answer: All of these answers are correct

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Option A: is the successor to COMECON

Option B: was established by Eastern European governments to promote free trade after the fall of communism

Option C: is an extended free-trade area associated with the EU

Option D: consists of the original six members of the European Coal and Steel Community

Correct Answer: is an extended free-trade area associated with the EU

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Option A: They are not discussed

Option B: Chapter 5

Option C: Chapter 6

Option D: Chapter 9

Correct Answer: They are not discussed

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Option A: Total integration

Option B: Mutual integration

Option C: Spillover

Option D: Supranationalism

Correct Answer: Spillover

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Option A: Rwanda

Option B: Croatia

Option C: Somalia

Option D: Democratic Congo

Correct Answer: Democratic Congo

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Option A: Africa and Asia

Option B: Africa and Latin America

Option C: Asia and Latin America

Option D: Eastern Europe and Africa

Correct Answer: Africa and Asia

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Option A: Kofi Annan

Option B: Ban Ki-Moon

Option C: Javier Perez de Cuellar

Option D: Boutros Boutros-Ghali

Correct Answer: Ban Ki-Moon

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Option A: France

Option B: Germany

Option C: China

Option D: Russia

Correct Answer: Germany

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Option A: World Health Organization

Option B: Food and Agricultural Organization

Option C: Economic and Social Council

Option D: Greenpeace

Correct Answer: World Health Organization

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Option A: the Maastricht Treaty

Option B: Treaty of Vienna

Option C: Treaty of Rome

Option D: Treaty of Bonn

Correct Answer: Treaty of Rome

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Option A: Taiwan

Option B: Iraq

Option C: Cuba

Option D: Vietnam

Correct Answer: Taiwan

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Option A: the Maastricht Treaty

Option B: Treaty of Vienna

Option C: Treaty of Rome

Option D: Treaty of Bonn

Correct Answer: the Maastricht Treaty

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Option A: 182

Option B: 187

Option C: 190

Option D: 193

Correct Answer: 193

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Option A: the Security Council

Option B: the secretary-general

Option C: the ECOSOC

Option D: the Trusteeship Council

Correct Answer: the Security Council

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Option A: it is authorized by a 2/3 majority of the permanent members of the Security Council

Option B: the nonviolent means called for in Chapter 6 have failed

Option C: a peacekeeping operation has been deployed and has failed to prevent the aggressor from advancing or continuing the use of violence

Option D: it is approved unanimously by the General Assembly

Correct Answer: the nonviolent means called for in Chapter 6 have failed

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Option A: economic development, democratic government, and state sovereignty

Option B: human rights, reduction of poverty, and nonviolence

Option C: security, economic development, and human rights

Option D: global identity, shared culture, and human rights

Correct Answer: security, economic development, and human rights

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Option A: They will not take on the mission of running the government in case of collapse

Option B: They do not get involved in the local politics of the troubled area

Option C: They entail the use of force rather than relying on the consent of all parties

Option D: They reject the acceptance of infrastructure development

Correct Answer: They entail the use of force rather than relying on the consent of all parties

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Option A: has never seen even partial success

Option B: has been fully and successfully realized in the form of the European Union

Option C: has never been attempted on a national level; it has only been tried on an international level

Option D: has never gone beyond a partial and uneasy sharing of power between state and supranational levels

Correct Answer: has never gone beyond a partial and uneasy sharing of power between state and supranational levels

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Option A: reducing the annual EU budget in order to lower the tax burden on EU members

Option B: controlling national budgets by preventing high expenditures

Option C: restricting membership in the monetary union

Option D: taxing the richer countries of the EU and distributing some of that money to poor countries

Correct Answer: restricting membership in the monetary union

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Option A: To draft the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Option B: To organize peace keeping forces in the Congo

Option C: To prosecute military dictators

Option D: None of these options gives is correct

Correct Answer: To draft the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

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Option A: A list of economic human rights

Option B: The rights that all citizens hold

Option C: A list of indivisible human rights covering civil and political rights

Option D: An authoritative list of universal human rights covering civil, and political rights and economic, social and cultural rights

Correct Answer: An authoritative list of universal human rights covering civil, and political rights and economic, social and cultural rights

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Option A: The end of the Cold War

Option B: The early 1950s

Option C: The mid-1960s

Option D: The mid-1970s

Correct Answer: The mid-1970s

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Option A: The end of World War Two following the Holocaust

Option B: The nineteenth century and anti-slavery campaigners

Option C: The civil rights movement under Dr Martin Luther King

Option D: None of these options given is correct

Correct Answer: The nineteenth century and anti-slavery campaigners

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Option A: The liberal position on rights maintains that life liberal and property are rights that are inalienable and unconditional. The only acceptable reason for constraining one individual is to protect the rights of another

Option B: The liberal position on rights privileges freedoms over rights

Option C: The liberal position on rights says that the primary function of government is to protect the rights to life, liberty and property

Option D: a and c

Correct Answer: a and c

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Option A: Thomas Hobbes, Hugo Grotius, and John Locke

Option B: The Magna Carta

Option C: Greek, Christian and medieval Catholic theology

Option D: Confucianism

Correct Answer: Greek, Christian and medieval Catholic theology

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Option A: It reaffirms faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small

Option B: It makes no explicit reference, but mentions that peace and security are linked with individual rights

Option C: The UN Charter says that human rights are universal and that all members must respect them fully or action will be taken by the Security Council

Option D: None of the options given are correct

Correct Answer: It reaffirms faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small

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Option A: None because they are sovereign states

Option B: Those of the International Criminal Court

Option C: Those of the European Court of Human Rights but it is ineffective

Option D: Those of the effective European Court of Human Rights

Correct Answer: Those of the effective European Court of Human Rights

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Option A: 1 January

Option B: 10 December

Option C: 2 March

Option D: None of the options given is correct

Correct Answer: 10 December

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Option A: They do not, because states are only influenced by the pursuit of power

Option B: Governments feel guilty if they do not try to protect and advance human rights

Option C: The UN is able to enforce international human rights norms

Option D: None of the options given is correct

Correct Answer: None of the options given is correct

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Option A: Justice and Beauty

Option B: Justice and order

Option C: The principle that states must observe treaties

Option D: Laws of war governing when it is legal to use force to or wage war

Correct Answer: Laws of war governing when it is legal to use force to or wage war

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Option A: Evidence of general state practice

Option B: That it is enshrined in a treaty

Option C: Evidence that states accept such practice as law

Option D: Both a and c

Correct Answer: Both a and c

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Option A: States, NGO’s, IGO’s

Option B: Constitutional institutions, fundamental institutions, and regimes

Option C: Local, national and international

Option D: None of above

Correct Answer: Constitutional institutions, fundamental institutions, and regimes

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Option A: A peculiar language of reasoning and argument

Option B: Multilateral form of legislation

Option C: A strong discourse of institutional autonomy

Option D: All of above

Correct Answer: All of above

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Option A: They have defined the nature of legitimate statehood

Option B: Legal instruments have given it a code ethics, and a universal standard of order

Option C: They have clarified the bounds of rightful state action, international and domestic

Option D: a and c

Correct Answer: a and c

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Option A: They tend to be bound by the policies of states

Option B: They are limited to the scope of the legislation at hand

Option C: They are rhetorical as well as logical

Option D: b and c

Correct Answer: b and c

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Option A: The idea that legal rules have legitimacy when from their logical and practical derivation form a fundamental ‘grundnorm’

Option B: The idea that natural law is no different than positive law, and that they are interdependent

Option C: The idea that authority of legal rules comes from their status as the commands of a sovereign authority

Option D: a and c

Correct Answer: a and c

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