
International Relations MCQs

Option A: Balance of power politics conflict with self-determination

Option B: Great powers carve out spheres of influence antithetical to the freedom of nation states

Option C: Nationalist demands and disputes often lead to conflict and injustice

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: it is liberal

Option B: it is the ‘opium of the masses’

Option C: it facilities globalization

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: B. it is the ‘opium of the masses’

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Option A: Processes of historical change are a reflection of the economic development of a society

Option B: Processes of economic change are based in history

Option C: Processes of historical change are based in class war

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Processes of historical change are a reflection of the economic development of a society

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Option A: The change in the economic base of a society leads to the change in superstructure

Option B: The change in superstructure leads to the change in the economic base of a society

Option C: Both a and b

Option D: Neither a nor b

Correct Answer: The change in the economic base of a society leads to the change in superstructure

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Option A: There are two types of world systems: world-empires and world-economies

Option B: The modern world system is a world economy

Option C: The world system has a core, semi-periphery and periphery

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: it comes out of a barrel of a gun

Option B: it is mixture of coercion and consent

Option C: it is purely economic

Option D: it is purely economic

Correct Answer: it is mixture of coercion and consent

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Option A: Hegemony is a product of the lack of class conflict

Option B: That consent for a particular social and political system was produced and reproduced through the

Option C: Both a and b

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: That consent for a particular social and political system was produced and reproduced through the

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Option A: A reconciliation with power

Option B: Humanity gaining power over nature

Option C: A reconciliation with nature

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: A reconciliation with nature

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Option A: Critical theory attempts to challenge power

Option B: Critical theory accepts the parameters of the present order and critiques it within those parameters

Option C: Critical theory attempts to challenge the prevailing order by seeking out social processes that could lead to emancipatory change

Option D: Critical theory accepts the parameters of the present order and helps legitimate and unjust system

Correct Answer: Critical theory attempts to challenge the prevailing order by seeking out social processes that could lead to emancipatory change

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Option A: The social basis and nature of authoritarianism

Option B: The structure the family

Option C: The concepts of reason and rationality

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: that Realism is a historical in its account of international relations

Option B: that the theory of anarchy is contained within Marx’s analysis of capitalism (anarchy is a key feature of capitalist production)

Option C: historical change in world politics can be understood as a reflection of transformations in the prevailing relations of production

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: an anomaly in the history of the development of capitalism

Option B: a part of long-term trends in the development of capitalism

Option C: something to be prevented

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: a part of long-term trends in the development of capitalism

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Option A: India

Option B: China

Option C: Tibet

Option D: All of them

Correct Answer: All of them

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Option A: Rs.8.5 million

Option B: Rs.7.5 million

Option C: Rs.9.5 million

Option D: Rs.5.5 million

Correct Answer: Rs.7.5 million

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Option A: 1849

Option B: 1846

Option C: 1845

Option D: 1876

Correct Answer: 1846

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Option A: Kashmir

Option B: Siachin

Option C: Kishanganga

Option D: none of these

Correct Answer: Kashmir

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Option A: Join India

Option B: Join Pakistan

Option C: remain Independent

Option D: Join India or Pakistan according to its will

Correct Answer: Join India

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Option A: 60%

Option B: 77%

Option C: 58%

Option D: 80%

Correct Answer: 77%

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Option A: August, 1947

Option B: September, 1947

Option C: June, 1947

Option D: July, 1947

Correct Answer: June, 1947

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Option A: capturing several towns

Option B: massacring large number of civilians

Option C: advancing within four miles of the capital, Srinagar

Option D: all of these

Correct Answer: all of these

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Option A: requested military aid from India

Option B: decided to accede to India on October 06, 1947

Option C: both of these

Option D: none of these

Correct Answer: both of these

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Option A: 1 January 1949

Option B: 1 January 1948

Option C: 1 January 1947

Option D: 1 January 1950

Correct Answer: 1 January 1949

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Option A: Azad Kashmir and Ladakh in Pakistani Control and Jammu and Kashmir in Indian control

Option B: Ladakh and Jammu and Kashmir in Indian and Azad Kashmir and Northern areas in Pakistani control

Option C: Northern Area, Ladakh and Jammu and Kashmir in Indian while Azad Kashmir in Pakistani control

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Ladakh and Jammu and Kashmir in Indian and Azad Kashmir and Northern areas in Pakistani control

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Option A: Tashkent declaration

Option B: Shimla Declaration

Option C: Trieste

Option D: none of these

Correct Answer: Tashkent declaration

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Option A: March 10, 1993

Option B: March 10, 1994

Option C: March 10, 1995

Option D: March 10, 1996

Correct Answer: March 10, 1993

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Option A: July 1973

Option B: July 1972

Option C: July 1971

Option D: July 1974

Correct Answer: July 1972

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Option A: 1931

Option B: 1935

Option C: 1930

Option D: 1936

Correct Answer: 1930

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Option A: River Indus, Jhelum and Chenab have their sources in Kashmir

Option B: Kashmir is a continuation of the plains of Pakistan into mountains

Option C: Kashmir had its only road and railway likes with Pakistan

Option D: All of them

Correct Answer: All of them

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Option A: 2,25,000

Option B: 1,85,000

Option C: 2,10,000

Option D: 2,37,000

Correct Answer: 2,37,000

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Option A: Cancel the treaty with Pakistan

Option B: Invite Indian army in the state

Option C: Accession of state with India

Option D: Establish diplomatic relation with the India

Correct Answer: Accession of state with India

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Option A: Pakistan forces are scattered so not in a position to attack

Option B: Cannot take action without the orders of supreme commander of Indo-Pak forces

Option C: After accession India had the right to capture the state

Option D: Pakistan has no access to the state

Correct Answer: Cannot take action without the orders of supreme commander of Indo-Pak forces

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Option A: 15th February, 1948

Option B: 25th December, 1947

Option C: 10th January, 1948

Option D: 1st January, 1948

Correct Answer: 1st January, 1948

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Option A: Jammu and Kashmir

Option B: Kerala

Option C: Punjab

Option D: U.P

Correct Answer: Jammu and Kashmir

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Option A: 3rd August, 1948 and 5th January, 1949

Option B: 1st January, 1948, and 5th January, 1949

Option C: 3rd August, 1948, and 2nd February, 1949

Option D: 13th August, 1948 and 10th January, 1949

Correct Answer: 3rd August, 1948 and 5th January, 1949

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Option A: July, 1947

Option B: June, 1947

Option C: September, 1947

Option D: September, 1947

Correct Answer: June, 1947

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Option A: Sardar Abdul Qayyum Khan

Option B: Ali Shah Gilani

Option C: Barrister Sultan Mahmood

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Sardar Abdul Qayyum Khan

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Option A: Kashmir contains huge reserve of mineral resources.

Option B: It is the most beautiful place on earth.

Option C: All five major rivers of Pakistan originate from Kashmir.

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: All five major rivers of Pakistan originate from Kashmir.

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Option A: 720 km

Option B: 820 km

Option C: 780 km

Option D: 920 km

Correct Answer: 720 km

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Option A: 18 Parties

Option B: 26 Parties

Option C: 19 Parties

Option D: 21 Parties

Correct Answer: 26 Parties

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Option A: 12

Option B: 11

Option C: 10

Option D: 13

Correct Answer: 10

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Option A: 80

Option B: 75

Option C: 90

Option D: 95

Correct Answer: 80

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Option A: 25 October 2004

Option B: 25 January 2001

Option C: 28 March 2002

Option D: 29 December 2000

Correct Answer: 25 October 2004

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Option A: Veer Singh

Option B: Hari Singh

Option C: Ranjeet Singh

Option D: Golab Singh

Correct Answer: Hari Singh

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Option A: 24 December 2008

Option B: 20 December 2008

Option C: 21 December 2008

Option D: 22 December 2008

Correct Answer: 24 December 2008

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Option A: 24 December 2008

Option B: 26 December 2008

Option C: 28 December 2008

Option D: 30 December 2008

Correct Answer: 30 December 2008

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Option A: Omar Abdullah

Option B: Yaseen Malik

Option C: Mirwaiz Omar Farooq

Option D: Saeed Mufti

Correct Answer: Omar Abdullah

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Option A: Freedom

Option B: Uprising

Option C: Rebellion

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: Freedom

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Option A: Yaseen Malik

Option B: Abdul Ghani Bhat

Option C: Mirwaiz Omar Farooq

Option D: Shabbir Shah

Correct Answer: Yaseen Malik

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Option A: Yaseen Malik

Option B: Abdul Ghani Bhat

Option C: Mirwaiz Omar Farooq

Option D: Shabbir Shah

Correct Answer: Shabbir Shah

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Option A: Yaseen Malik

Option B: Abdul Ghani Bhat

Option C: Mirwaiz Omar Farooq

Option D: Shabbir Shah

Correct Answer: Abdul Ghani Bhat

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Option A: Yaseen Malik

Option B: Abdul Ghani Bhat

Option C: Mirwaiz Omar Farooq

Option D: Shabbir Shah

Correct Answer: Mirwaiz Omar Farooq

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Option A: 1965

Option B: 1966

Option C: 1967

Option D: 1968

Correct Answer: 1967

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Option A: August 15, 1969

Option B: November 5, 1968

Option C: July 1, 1968

Option D: June 15, 1967

Correct Answer: July 1, 1968

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Option A: Alireza Jafarzadeh

Option B: Alireza Perzada

Option C: Alijafar Perzada

Option D: Ali Jafar

Correct Answer: Alireza Jafarzadeh

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Option A: 2002

Option B: 2003

Option C: 2004

Option D: 2005

Correct Answer: 2003

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Option A: Called the world to negotiate on the matter

Option B: Called the inspection team to inspect its programme

Option C: Presented its case before Security Council

Option D: Voluntary and temporary suspended its Uranium Programme

Correct Answer: Voluntary and temporary suspended its Uranium Programme

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Option A: Untied Kingdom on behalf of European Union

Option B: France on behalf of European Union

Option C: Germany on behalf of European Union

Option D: all of these

Correct Answer: all of these

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Option A: 8 August 2005

Option B: 10, August 2005

Option C: both of these

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: both of these

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Option A: Pressurized USA to bring Iran’s nuclear programme before UN’s Security Council

Option B: Decided to put sanctions of on Iran

Option C: Decided to boycott Iran’s produces to put pressure on its economy

Option D: pressurized IAEA to bring Iran’s Nuclear programme before UN’s Security Council

Correct Answer: D. pressurized IAEA to bring Iran’s Nuclear programme before UN’s Security Council

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Option A: Hary Dixion

Option B: Jame Pisen

Option C: John Phillip

Option D: Henry Betten

Correct Answer: Jame Pisen

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Option A: Henry Kissinger

Option B: Phillip Pirringer

Option C: John

Option D: Dudi Kissinger

Correct Answer: Henry Kissinger

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Option A: 1973

Option B: 1974

Option C: 1975

Option D: 1976

Correct Answer: 1976

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Option A: USA

Option B: Russia

Option C: Britain

Option D: Germany

Correct Answer: Russia

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Option A: August 2005

Option B: January 2005

Option C: April 2005

Option D: July 2005

Correct Answer: August 2005

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Option A: 1996

Option B: 2001

Option C: 2000

Option D: 1998

Correct Answer: 2001

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Option A: 1975 Islamic Revolution

Option B: 1977 Islamic Revolution

Option C: 1979 Islamic Revolution

Option D: 1971 Islamic Revolution

Correct Answer: 1979 Islamic Revolution

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Option A: Iran’s open enmity with Israel

Option B: Before Islamic revolution of 1979 government was friend of USA but now there is nothing like that.

Option C: Both of these

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Both of these

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Option A: 1972

Option B: 1973

Option C: 1971

Option D: 1974

Correct Answer: 1974

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Option A: Germany

Option B: France

Option C: England

Option D: USA

Correct Answer: France

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Option A: 4 reactors

Option B: 6 reactors

Option C: 7 reactors

Option D: 8 reactors

Correct Answer: 8 reactors

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Option A: January, 1978

Option B: February, 1979

Option C: April, 1978

Option D: June, 1977

Correct Answer: February, 1979

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Option A: March, 1996

Option B: April, 1997

Option C: January, 1995

Option D: May, 1995

Correct Answer: January, 1995

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Option A: 2002

Option B: 2001

Option C: 2003

Option D: 2004

Correct Answer: 2003

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Option A: 14th November, 2004

Option B: 10th December, 2004

Option C: 25th August 2004

Option D: 15th October, 2003

Correct Answer: 25th August 2004

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Option A: 10th August, 2005

Option B: 15th September, 2004

Option C: 15th November 2005

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: 10th August, 2005

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Option A: February 9, 2003

Option B: February 21, 2003

Option C: February 27, 2003

Option D: February 19, 2003

Correct Answer: February 9, 2003

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Option A: 1983

Option B: 1982

Option C: 1984

Option D: 1985

Correct Answer: 1984

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Option A: Not in compliance with the NPT

Option B: In full compliance with the NPT

Option C: Partially in compliance with the NPT

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: In full compliance with the NPT

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Option A: 20th December 2006

Option B: 23rd December 2006

Option C: 26th December 2006

Option D: 28th December 2006

Correct Answer: 23rd December 2006

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Option A: 9 June 2010

Option B: 14 October 2010

Option C: 17 October 2010

Option D: 19 October 2010

Correct Answer: 9 June 2010

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Option A: Sanctions Iran over its nuclear program

Option B: Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission in Sudan

Option C: Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission in Iraq

Option D: Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission in Syria

Correct Answer: Sanctions Iran over its nuclear program

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Option A: Arak

Option B: Ardakan

Option C: Bonab

Option D: Bushehr

Correct Answer: Bushehr

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Option A: William McKinley

Option B: Ulysses Grant

Option C: Grover Cleveland

Option D: Benjamin Harrison

Correct Answer: William McKinley

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Option A: Maria Cristina

Option B: Isabella

Option C: Alfonso XII

Option D: Don Carlos

Correct Answer: Maria Cristina

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Option A: Cultural segregation

Option B: Racial segregation

Option C: Ethnic segregation

Option D: Religious segregation

Correct Answer: Racial segregation

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Option A: Santiago Harbor and Bay of Biscay

Option B: Manila Bay and Philippine Sea

Option C: Manila Bay and Santiago Harbor

Option D: Santiago Harbor and Philippine Sea

Correct Answer: Manila Bay and Santiago Harbor

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Option A: Cuba

Option B: Puerto Rico

Option C: Philippines

Option D: Hawaiian islands

Correct Answer:

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Option A: Havana

Option B: Siboney

Option C: Santiago

Option D: Daiquiri

Correct Answer: Daiquiri

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Option A: Brussels

Option B: Madrid

Option C: London

Option D: Paris

Correct Answer: Paris

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Option A: Puerto Rico

Option B: Guam

Option C: Canary Islands

Option D: Hawaiian Islands

Correct Answer: Canary Islands

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Option A: Portugal

Option B: England

Option C: Sweden

Option D: Spain

Correct Answer: England

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Option A: James I

Option B: Charles I

Option C: James II

Option D: Mary, Queen

Correct Answer: James I

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Option A: Rice

Option B: Rum

Option C: Slaves

Option D: Tobacco

Correct Answer: Slaves

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Option A: Robespierre

Option B: Napolean

Option C: Louis XVI

Option D: Louis XV

Correct Answer: Louis XVI

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Option A: Treaty of Paris

Option B: Treaty of London

Option C: Treaty of Washington

Option D: Versailles Treaty

Correct Answer: Treaty of Paris

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Option A: France

Option B: Portugal

Option C: Austria

Option D: Prussia

Correct Answer: Prussia

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Option A: Robben Island

Option B: Goodwood Prison

Option C: Pollsmoor Prison

Option D: Victor Verster in Paarl

Correct Answer: Victor Verster in Paarl

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Option A: Japan’s bombing of Pearl Harbor

Option B: The Mukden Incident

Option C: The end of communist rule in China

Option D: Germany’s invasion of Poland

Correct Answer: D. Germany’s invasion of Poland

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Option A: Bell Systems Broken Up

Option B: Challenger Disaster

Option C: Falklands War

Option D: South Korean Airliner Shot Down by Soviets, 269 Killed

Correct Answer: Falklands War

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Option A: Hitler Marches into Austria

Option B: Germany Invades Poland

Option C: Japan Invading Manchuria

Option D: Britain and France Declare War on Germany

Correct Answer: Japan Invading Manchuria

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