
Post-Colonialism MCQs

Option A: Seeks to study the experiences of blacks in colonial powers

Option B: Linked black people across Africa, the Caribbean and the USA around a set of humanist values that were supposedly held by blacks the world over

Option C: Was introduced to post-colonial studies by Franz Fanon

Option D: Was introduced to post-colonial studies by Edward Said

Correct Answer: Linked black people across Africa, the Caribbean and the USA around a set of humanist values that were supposedly held by blacks the world over

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Option A: Black Skin, White Masks (1952) and The Wretched of the Earth (1961)

Option B: Power, Power, power (1951) and How Colonisation Happened (1960)

Option C: The Way to Prosperity (1955) and The Colonised (1975)

Option D: Colonies (1980) and Post-Colonial Theory (1990)

Correct Answer: Black Skin, White Masks (1952) and The Wretched of the Earth (1961)

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Option A: That there have been too many political science theories based purely on the works of academics

Option B: That because stories and novels are generated by culture they therefore produce meanings and significances that are indicative of that culture

Option C: Novels and stories are more enjoyable to read than works of theory so post-colonial studies will garner more followers using this method

Option D: Turner didn’t have access to academic works when he was writing

Correct Answer: That because stories and novels are generated by culture they therefore produce meanings and significances that are indicative of that culture

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Option A: African, mate scholars who were educated in the United States

Option B: Indian scholars who had spent years abroad studying the cultures of those in other countries

Option C: Feminist scholars with Latin American backgrounds

Option D: Academics who had been to more than twenty countries

Correct Answer: Feminist scholars with Latin American backgrounds

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Option A: Portrayal of the colonised errs towards either a passive and conquerable subject or an irrational, untamed barbarian. This means that the colonial subject becomes consistently stereotyped

Option B: Scholars did not travel to colonies and therefore could not establish an accurate picture of colonised peoples

Option C: Post-colonial scholars were too focused on the colonising power rather than the colonised peoples

Option D: The colonised did not make enough effort to have their voices heard

Correct Answer: Portrayal of the colonised errs towards either a passive and conquerable subject or an irrational, untamed barbarian. This means that the colonial subject becomes consistently stereotyped

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Option A: Ethnoscapes, mediascapes, technoscapes, financscapes and ideoscapes

Option B: Ethnoscapes, econoscapes, culturescapes, financscapes and ideoscapes

Option C: Geographical flows, cultural flows, ideas-flows, technological flows, ethnicity flows

Option D: Liberal flows, realist flows, post colonial flows and post structuralist flows

Correct Answer: Ethnoscapes, mediascapes, technoscapes, financscapes and ideoscapes

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Option A: That the entire world is now in the post-colonial era

Option B: That the global south alone is now in the post-colonial era

Option C: That post-colonialism, spelled with a hyphen, is a concept only applicable to those countries that experienced colonialism

Option D: That there was a grammatical error in the earlier spelling

Correct Answer: That the entire world is now in the post-colonial era

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Option A: That the theory entered international relations too recently to be considered an academic theory

Option B: That it is too similar to realism and so serves no function

Option C: That it is not sophisticated enough to be an academic theory

Option D: That the field focuses so heavily on identity and language that it ignores the urgent of whether those in the global south can eat, leaving this problem up to Western agencies to sort out

Correct Answer: That the field focuses so heavily on identity and language that it ignores the urgent of whether those in the global south can eat, leaving this problem up to Western agencies to sort out

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Option A: A place prone to liberal democracy and revolutionary feminism

Option B: An accurate depiction of the modern day Middle East and Asia, meaning that scholars and academics can rely solely on these ancient works

Option C: Lost in the past, prone to despotic rule and plagued by ‘odd’ cultural traditions

Option D: Too focused on historical facts and accurately portraying the experience of life in the region

Correct Answer: C. Lost in the past, prone to despotic rule and plagued by ‘odd’ cultural traditions

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Option A: When people with hybrid identities and cultures become diasporic, travelling physically from south to North to live

Option B: When people from different nations come together in a new country

Option C: When people from one nation immigrate en masse to another country

Option D: When people with hybrid identities and cultures become diasporic travelling physically from North to South to live

Correct Answer: When people with hybrid identities and cultures become diasporic, travelling physically from south to North to live

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