
Realist Theories MCQs

Option A: the breakup of Yugoslavia

Option B: It has never been successful

Option C: Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait

Option D: The genocide in Rwanda

Correct Answer: C. Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait

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Option A: Advocates of aggressive foreign policy and war

Option B: Supporters of war when it is necessary to further a rational understanding of the national interest

Option C: Concerned with economic development place

Option D: Afraid terrorism will make the world a less secure place

Correct Answer: Supporters of war when it is necessary to further a rational understanding of the national interest

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Option A: A state that is aggressive and always building up its military

Option B: The conditions when there is no actual conflict but a permanent cold war that could become a “real” war at any time

Option C: A situation in which several or neighbouring states are at war

Option D: None of the options given are correct

Correct Answer: B. The conditions when there is no actual conflict but a permanent cold war that could become a “real” war at any time

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Option A: Africa is still plagued by civil conflict

Option B: Europe continues to be as divided by national interest

Option C: Human rights assumptions are increasingly seen as a Western agenda backed by economic dollars and military divisions

Option D: b and c

Correct Answer: b and c

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Option A: Because this world challenge the realist claim that periods of peace are just a preparation for future wars

Option B: It does not undermine realism, since realism predicts they will not go to war with one another

Option C: Because it would challenge the principle of self-help, by which the structure of the system does not permit friendship, trust and honour

Option D: Both a and c

Correct Answer: Both a and c

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Option A: The need to provide shelter, nutrition and education in a state

Option B: It is the supreme national interest to which all political leader must adhere

Option C: The primary objective of all states

Option D: Both b and c

Correct Answer: Both b and c

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Option A: Power is based on economic strength

Option B: Power is a relational concept

Option C: Power is a relative concept

Option D: Power is a relational concept and power is a relative concept

Correct Answer: Power is a relational concept

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Option A: Very important, as it determines how, or if, a balance of power emerges

Option B: Very important, as it determines if balance of power emerges naturally or must be constructed

Option C: Important, but not crucial to realist understandings of world politics

Option D: Very important because it determines how, or if, a balance of power emerges and it determines if balance of power emerges naturally or must be constructed

Correct Answer: Very important because it determines how, or if, a balance of power emerges and it determines if balance of power emerges naturally or must be constructed

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Option A: It is the responsibility realists have towards the world; this creates a more realistic scene in world politics

Option B: It marks the limits of ethics in international relations, this results in decision-makers weighing up consequences and sometimes expecting positive outcomes of amoral actions

Option C: It is a vow politicians take, which requires them to take responsibility for the ethics of their international actions

Option D: None of the options given are correct

Correct Answer: It marks the limits of ethics in international relations, this results in decision-makers weighing up consequences and sometimes expecting positive outcomes of amoral actions

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Option A: The state is the most important actor of international politics and sovereignty is its distinguishing trait

Option B: The state will always seek to ensure its survival in a perilous international environment

Option C: The state behaves morally and in accordance to what its population’s values are

Option D: The state is the most important actor of international politics, sovereignty is its distinguishing trait and the state will always seek to ensure its survival in a perilous international environment

Correct Answer: The state is the most important actor of international politics, sovereignty is its distinguishing trait and the state will always seek to ensure its survival in a perilous international environment

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Option A: States define national interest depending on its people’s priorities

Option B: States prioritize national interest insofar as they guarantee the state’s survival

Option C: Realists see national interest as homologous to regional interests

Option D: National interest is determined by its degree of economic profitability

Correct Answer: B. States prioritize national interest insofar as they guarantee the state’s survival

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Option A: there is no point in communication or cooperation between the players because their interests are diametrically opposed

Option B: communication between players is rare because their interests are already in sync

Option C: there is no point in communication or cooperation between the players because their interests are already in sync

Option D: coordination of moves can maximize the total payoff to the players

Correct Answer: there is no point in communication or cooperation between the players because their interests are diametrically opposed

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Option A: the policy of containment

Option B: realist philosophy

Option C: neorealist strategy

Option D: the policy of appeasement

Correct Answer: the policy of appeasement

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Option A: population

Option B: real GDP

Option C: geography

Option D: military force

Correct Answer: military force

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Option A: military spending

Option B: geographic size

Option C: population

Option D: money

Correct Answer: money

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Option A: burden sharing

Option B: collective security

Option C: alliance cohesion

Option D: balance of power

Correct Answer: alliance cohesion

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Option A: Japan maintains a small and weak army by world standards

Option B: Japan public opinion restrains militarism and precludes the development of nuclear weapons

Option C: Japan has only recently begun to develop nuclear weapons

Option D: Japan’s economy could not support a much larger military force than it currently does

Correct Answer: Japan public opinion restrains militarism and precludes the development of nuclear weapons

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Option A: fractionation

Option B: deterrence

Option C: compellence

Option D: escalation

Correct Answer: deterrence

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Option A: Hegemony

Option B: Power conversion

Option C: Relative power

Option D: Fungible capability

Correct Answer:

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Option A: Power distribution

Option B: Power center

Option C: Power shift

Option D: Polarity

Correct Answer: Polarity

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Option A: sovereignty

Option B: reciprocity

Option C: linkage

Option D: territorial respect

Correct Answer: sovereignty

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Option A: Thucydides

Option B: Machiavelli

Option C: Hobbes

Option D: Woodrow Wilson

Correct Answer: Woodrow Wilson

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Option A: hegemonic stability

Option B: anarchy

Option C: the Prisoner’s Dilemma

Option D: chaos

Correct Answer: anarchy

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Option A: alliance

Option B: security community

Option C: social contract

Option D: union

Correct Answer: alliance

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Option A: Thucydides

Option B: Hobbes

Option C: Ibn Kahaldum

Option D: Machiavelli

Correct Answer: Thucydides

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Option A: Canada

Option B: Ukraine

Option C: Iceland

Option D: Spain

Correct Answer: Ukraine

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Option A: negotiation

Option B: globalism

Option C: geopolitics

Option D: national interest

Correct Answer: geopolitics

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Option A: states act like rational individuals who “think” in pursuing national interests

Option B: nations think multilaterally in most situations

Option C: human nature is essentially good

Option D: a state’s power is best determined by the size of its territory

Correct Answer: A. states act like rational individuals who “think” in pursuing national interests

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Option A: education of population

Option B: strength of scientific and technological base

Option C: total GDP

Option D: patriotism

Correct Answer: total GDP

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Option A: power of ideas

Option B: patriotism

Option C: diplomatic skill

Option D: military forces

Correct Answer: military forces

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Option A: Brazil

Option B: Pakistan

Option C: Saudi Arabia

Option D: France

Correct Answer: France

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Option A: Great Britain

Option B: Colombia

Option C: Iran

Option D: Luxembourg

Correct Answer: Iran

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