
Sir Creek Dispute MCQs

Option A: South of Rann of Kutch

Option B: North of Rann or Kutch

Option C: West of Rann of Kutch

Option D: East of Rann of Kutch

Correct Answer: South of Rann of Kutch

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Option A: 40 Km

Option B: 45 Km

Option C: 31 Km

Option D: 38 Km

Correct Answer: 38 Km

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Option A: British Government

Option B: Sindh Government

Option C: Partly by Sindh government and partly by Maharaja of Rann of Kutch

Option D: Maharaja of Rann of Kutch

Correct Answer: Partly by Sindh government and partly by Maharaja of Rann of Kutch

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Option A: the eastern edge of the creek

Option B: the western edge of the creek

Option C: Through the middle of the creek

Option D: through 3rd half of the creek

Correct Answer: Through the middle of the creek

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Option A: Thalweg Doctrine

Option B: Mari Doctrine

Option C: B.P (Border Post) Doctrine

Option D: none of these

Correct Answer: Thalweg Doctrine

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Option A: 1947

Option B: 1958

Option C: 1960

Option D: 1965

Correct Answer: 1965

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Option A: it should run on northern bank of creek

Option B: it should run on eastern bank of creek

Option C: it should run on southern bank of creek

Option D: it should run on western ban k of creek

Correct Answer: it should run on eastern bank of creek

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Option A: this is India’s deviation from historical Indus Water Treaty

Option B: this doctrine is applicable to navigable area and creek is not navigable

Option C: Creek is not regularly navigable

Option D: none of these

Correct Answer: this doctrine is applicable to navigable area and creek is not navigable

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Option A: maps of 1913-14 approved by surveyor General of India

Option B: map of 1937 approved by surveyor General of India

Option C: both of these

Option D: none of these

Correct Answer: both of these

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Option A: India

Option B: Pakistan

Option C: UNO

Option D: USA

Correct Answer: India

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Option A: both countries should go for another arbitration

Option B: both countries should go for international arbitration

Option C: both countries should share creek equally

Option D: none of these

Correct Answer: both countries should go for international arbitration

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Option A: 1966

Option B: 1967

Option C: 1968

Option D: 1969

Correct Answer: 1968

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Option A: 1914 map

Option B: 1925 map

Option C: both of them

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: both of them

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Option A: 35 miles

Option B: 45 miles

Option C: 55 miles

Option D: 60 miles

Correct Answer: 60 miles

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Option A: prospect of finding petroleum deposits

Option B: presence of schools of fish in the continental shelf

Option C: both of these

Option D: none of these

Correct Answer: both of these

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Option A: US convention on the Law of Seas

Option B: UN convention on the Law of Seas

Option C: India-Pakistan convention of the Law of Seas

Option D: none of these

Correct Answer: UN convention on the Law of Seas

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Option A: January 2004

Option B: January 2005

Option C: January 2003

Option D: January 2006

Correct Answer: January 2006

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Option A: Resolution of 1914 signed between government of Sindh and Maharga of Kutch

Option B: Resolution of 1925 signed between Sindh government and Maharga of Kutch

Option C: Both of them

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: Resolution of 1914 signed between government of Sindh and Maharga of Kutch

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Option A: Western Flank of the creek

Option B: Eastern Flank of the Creek

Option C: Southern Flank of the Creek

Option D: Northern Flank of the Creek

Correct Answer: Eastern Flank of the Creek

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Option A: Blue line

Option B: Green line

Option C: Red line

Option D: Yellow line

Correct Answer: Green line

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Option A: The delta concentration

Option B: The bond or river

Option C: The mid channel

Option D: All of them

Correct Answer: The mid channel

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Option A: Navigable

Option B: Not Navigable

Option C: Partially Navigable

Option D: Mostly Navigable

Correct Answer: Navigable

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Option A: 18th September, 1999

Option B: 15 the October, 1993

Option C: 10th August, 1999

Option D: 21st November, 1999

Correct Answer: 10th August, 1999

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