
Civil Procedure 1908 MCQs

Option A: O. XX, Rule 1, of C.P.C.

Option B: O. XX, Rule 2, of C.P.C.

Option C: Both (a) and (b)

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: O. XX, Rule 2, of C.P.C.

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Option A: Description of such property

Option B: Value of the property

Option C: Both (a) and (b)

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Both (a) and (b)

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Option A: Facts

Option B: Laws

Option C: Issues

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Issues

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Option A: In open Court

Option B: At break time

Option C: At first day of week

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: In open Court

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Option A: Judgment and decree

Option B: Execution of decrees

Option C: None of the above

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Judgment and decree

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Option A: 2nd affidavit

Option B: Application for submission of affidavit

Option C: Cross examination of deponents

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Cross examination of deponents

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Option A: 3,

Option B: 6,

Option C: 9,

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 3,

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Option A: Trial Court

Option B: Appellate Court

Option C: Revisional Court

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Appellate Court

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Option A: Open Court

Option B: Beyond Court

Option C: None of the above

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Open Court

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Option A: Plaintiff

Option B: Defendant

Option C: Court Officer

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Plaintiff

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Option A: Hearing of the suit

Option B: Examination of the witnesses

Option C: Both (a) and (b)

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Both (a) and (b)

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Option A: 3

Option B: 4

Option C: 5

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 3

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Option A: Court is busy

Option B: Any party intend to do so

Option C: Any party request for adjournment with sufficient cause

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Any party request for adjournment with sufficient cause

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Option A: XVII,

Option B: XVIII,

Option C: Both (a) and (b)

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: XVII,

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Option A: If he is beyond country

Option B: If he denied to record evidence

Option C: If he show sufficient good cause for his non appearance before court

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: If he show sufficient good cause for his non appearance before court

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Option A: Proclamation

Option B: Attachment of that witness property

Option C: Both (a) and (b)

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Proclamation

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Option A: Order to pay the fee from Government treasury

Option B: Order to attach or sale moveable property of applying person

Option C: None of the above

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Order to attach or sale moveable property of applying person

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Option A: Paid by the same party

Option B: Paid by the opposing party

Option C: Both (a) and (b)

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Paid by the same party

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Option A: 7

Option B: 10

Option C: 14

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 7

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Option A: Summoning to attendance of plaintiff

Option B: Summoning to attendance of defendants

Option C: Summoning to attendance of witnesses

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Summoning to attendance of witnesses

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Option A: Disposal of the suit at first hearing

Option B: Disposal of suit at proper time

Option C: Disposal of suit after conclusion of trial

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Disposal of the suit at first hearing

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Option A: Not be changed

Option B: Be changed as provided in O. XIV, Rule 5,

Option C: depends upon circumstances

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Be changed as provided in O. XIV, Rule 5,

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Option A: 2

Option B: 4

Option C: 6

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 2

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Option A: Plaintiff at the first hearing makes no improvements

Option B: Defendant at the first hearing of the suit makes no defence

Option C: Where defendant produce or submit affidavit

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Defendant at the first hearing of the suit makes no defence

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Option A: 5,

Option B: 7,

Option C: 9,

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 7,

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Option A: The winning party

Option B: The losing party

Option C: Any person desirous of receiving back such documents who submitted

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Any person desirous of receiving back such documents who submitted

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Option A: Appealable

Option B: Reviewable

Option C: Revisionable

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Revisionable

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Option A: Can be submitted without endorsement

Option B: Shall be endorsed

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Shall be endorsed

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Option A: Can reject irrellevant and inadmissible document at any stage

Option B: Can submit documents at any stage

Option C: Both (a) and (b)

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Can reject irrellevant and inadmissible document at any stage

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Option A: First hearing

Option B: At the end of trial

Option C: After recording oral evidence

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: First hearing

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Option A: 7

Option B: 9

Option C: 11

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 11

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Option A: Rule 2,

Option B: Rule 4,

Option C: Rule 6,

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Rule 6,

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Option A: His own

Option B: Opposite party

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Opposite party

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Option A: Admissions in cross examination

Option B: Admissions in pleadings

Option C: Admissions

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Admissions

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Option A: Affidavit of interrogatories

Option B: Affidavit of documents

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Affidavit of documents

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Option A: To accpet whole of interrogatories made by any of the party

Option B: To set aside and strike out interrogatories if they do not fulfill requirement of law

Option C: None of the above

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: To set aside and strike out interrogatories if they do not fulfill requirement of law

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Option A: Must be in written form

Option B: Be in oral form

Option C: Depends upon parties discretion

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Must be in written form

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Option A: Discovery and inspection

Option B: Ex. Parte

Option C: Sight inspection

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Discovery and inspection

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Option A: Not reduce such examination into writing

Option B: Reduce such examination into writing

Option C: Depends upon judge discretion

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Reduce such examination into writing

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Option A: 4

Option B: 8

Option C: 12

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 4

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Option A: Setting aside exparte orders

Option B: Intermediate dates after submission of application

Option C: Both (a) and (b)

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Intermediate dates after submission of application

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Option A: Passing of ex-parte order

Option B: Setting aside ex-parte decree against defendants

Option C: Dismissal of plaintiff’s suit due to plaintiffs failure to appear non appearance

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Setting aside ex-parte decree against defendants

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Option A: Plaintiff

Option B: Defendant

Option C: Both (a) and (b)

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Plaintiff

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Option A: For a period of 3 months

Option B: For a period of 4 months

Option C: For a period of 5 months

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: For a period of 3 months

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Option A: May dismissed the suit

Option B: May order for summon at Courts expenses

Option C: None of the above

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: May dismissed the suit

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Option A: 13

Option B: 14

Option C: 15

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 14

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Option A: The Court may pronounce judgment against it

Option B: Make any other order regarding the suit

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Both A and B

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Option A: Plaint

Option B: Written statement

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Written statement

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Option A: Have great importance in the eye of law

Option B: Does not have any sanctity in the eye of law

Option C: Depends upon matter

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Does not have any sanctity in the eye of law

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Option A: Defendant

Option B: Plaintiff

Option C: None of the above

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Defendant

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Option A: Written reply

Option B: Reply

Option C: Written Statement

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Written Statement

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Option A: Order V of C.P.C.

Option B: Order III, Rule 5 of C.P.C.

Option C: Order II, Rule 4 of C.P.C.

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Order III, Rule 5 of C.P.C.

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Option A: O. VII, Rule 14, of C.P.C.

Option B: O. VII, Rule 16, of C.P.C.

Option C: O. VII, Rule 19, of C.P.C.

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: O. VII, Rule 19, of C.P.C.

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Option A: O. VII, Rule 12, of C.P.C.

Option B: O. VII, Rule 11, of C.P.C.

Option C: O. VII, Rule 11-A,

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: A. O. VII, Rule 12, of C.P.C.

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Option A: O. VII, Rule 10,

Option B: O. VII, R. 11,

Option C: None of the above

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: O. VII, R. 11,

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Option A: O. VII, R. 10(1)

Option B: O. VII, R. 10(2),

Option C: O. VII, R. 10(3),

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: O. VII, R. 10(2),

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Option A: Contains reflection of that property

Option B: Contain a description of the property sufficient to identify it

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Contain a description of the property sufficient to identify it

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Option A: 7 Sub-rules or ingredients

Option B: 8 Sub-rules or ingredients

Option C: 9 Sub-rules or ingredients

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 9 Sub-rules or ingredients

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Option A: 24,

Option B: 25,

Option C: 26,

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 26,

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Option A: 10 days

Option B: 14 days

Option C: 18 days

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 14 days

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Option A: Notrized

Option B: Signed by Court Officer

Option C: Signed by the party and his pleader

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Signed by the party and his pleader

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Option A: Plant

Option B: Written statement

Option C: Both (a) and (b)

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Both (a) and (b)

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Option A: Chief of Staff Committee

Option B: Chief of Air Staff, Navel or Army

Option C: Commanding Officer together with a copy to be retained by the defendants

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Commanding Officer together with a copy to be retained by the defendants

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Option A: Substituted service

Option B: Ordinary service

Option C: Special service

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Substituted service

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Option A: 4

Option B: 5

Option C: 6

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 6

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Option A: Service of process upon defendant in any way

Option B: Service of process made under authorization of Court upon defendants

Option C: Both (a) and (b)

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Service of process made under authorization of Court upon defendants

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Option A: Delivery of summons through Court officer

Option B: Delivery of summons through post

Option C: Delivery of summons in any way

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Delivery of summons through post

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Option A: Document upon which plaintiff rely

Option B: Plaint

Option C: Both (a) and (b)

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Plaint

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Option A: Issue and service of summons

Option B: Issuance of warrant

Option C: Issuance of precept

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Issue and service of summons

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Option A: Appointment of agent

Option B: Institution of suits

Option C: Framing of suit

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Institution of suits

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Option A: Appearance of plaintiffs

Option B: Appearance of attorney

Option C: Appearance of recognized agents and pleaders

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Appearance of recognized agents and pleaders

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Option A: Whole of claim

Option B: Only opening portion of a suit

Option C: Both (a) and (b)

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Whole of claim

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Option A: Mis-joinder and non joinder of the parties

Option B: Lack of documents

Option C: None of the above

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Mis-joinder and non joinder of the parties

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Option A: Order for sepaarate trial

Option B: Struck off plaintiffs rights

Option C: None of the above

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Order for sepaarate trial

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Option A: In dispute

Option B: Attached to the litigation

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Attached to the litigation

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Option A: Plaintiff

Option B: Defendant

Option C: Both (a) and (b)

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Plaintiff

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Option A: Clerical and arithmetical errors in judgment, decree or order

Option B: Clerical or arithmetical errors in plaint

Option C: Clerical or arithmetical errors in written statement

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Clerical and arithmetical errors in judgment, decree or order

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Option A: 150, C.P.C

Option B: 151, C.P.C

Option C: 152, C.P.C

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 151, C.P.C

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Option A: Inherent power

Option B: Mandatory power

Option C: Discretionary power

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Discretionary power

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Option A: 129

Option B: 139

Option C: 149

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 139

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Option A: Section 135, of C.P.C.

Option B: Section 135-A, of C.P.C.

Option C: Section 136, of C.P.C.

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Section 135-A, of C.P.C.

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Option A: Section 122, C.P.C

Option B: Section 132, C.P.C

Option C: Section 142, C.P.C

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Section 132, C.P.C

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Option A: Question of law

Option B: Question of fact

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Question of law

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Option A: Thirty days,

Option B: Sixty days,

Option C: Ninety days

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Ninety days

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Option A: A re-examination or careful reading of a case for the purpose of correction or improvement

Option B: A factual change of trial Court decision

Option C: None of the above

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: A re-examination or careful reading of a case for the purpose of correction or improvement

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Option A: Basic right

Option B: Substantive right

Option C: Natural right

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Substantive right

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Option A: Discovery of new facts

Option B: Misreading and non reading of evidence

Option C: None of the above

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Discovery of new facts

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Option A: Judicial re-examination of a case in certain prescribed and specified circumstances

Option B: Re-examination of any matter

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Judicial re-examination of a case in certain prescribed and specified circumstances

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Option A: High Court

Option B: Court of Session

Option C: Supreme Court

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: High Court

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Option A: Double Bench of High Court

Option B: Supreme Court

Option C: None of the above

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Supreme Court

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Option A: Section 106, of C.P.C.

Option B: Section 107(c), of C.P.C.

Option C: Section 107(d), of C.P.C.

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Section 107(d), of C.P.C.

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Option A: Determine a case finally

Option B: Frame new issues and remand the case

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Both A and B

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Option A: Section 103, of C.P.C

Option B: Section 103-A, of C.P.C.

Option C: Section 104, of C.P.C.

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Section 104, of C.P.C.

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Option A: Section 99, C.P.C.

Option B: Section 100, C.P.C.

Option C: Section 101, C.P.C.

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Section 100, C.P.C.

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Option A: On merits

Option B: On facts

Option C: With consent of parties

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: With consent of parties

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Option A: Court of Civil Judge First Class

Option B: Court of District Judge

Option C: High Court

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Court of District Judge

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Option A: 1st appeal

Option B: 2nd appeal

Option C: None of the above

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 1st appeal

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Option A: Public charities

Option B: Diplomats

Option C: Public nuisances

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Public charities

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Option A: District Judge

Option B: Provincial government

Option C: Advocate General

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Advocate General

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Option A: Provincial government

Option B: Federal government

Option C: President

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Federal government

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