
Civil Procedure 1908 MCQs

Option A: Their right to relief is same

Option B: They are close relative

Option C: They belong to same group

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Their right to relief is same

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Option A: Plaintiff or plaintiffs

Option B: Defendant or defendants

Option C: Third persons

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Defendant or defendants

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Option A: Litigation

Option B: Parties to the suit

Option C: Documentation

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Parties to the suit

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Option A: Clerical or arithmetical error

Option B: Factual error

Option C: Conceptual error

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Clerical or arithmetical error

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Option A: Natural powers

Option B: Delegated powers

Option C: Inherent powers

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Inherent powers

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Option A: Application of restitution

Option B: Filing of new suit

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Application of restitution

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Option A: Shall be in writing

Option B: Shall be oral

Option C: Both (a) and (b)

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Shall be in writing

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Option A: Police Officers

Option B: Politicians

Option C: Judge, Magistrate, Judicial Officers

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Judge, Magistrate, Judicial Officers

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Option A: 119, of C.P.C

Option B: 120, of C.P.C

Option C: 131, of C.P.C

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 119, of C.P.C

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Option A: Substantive

Option B: Discretionary

Option C: None of the above

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Discretionary

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Option A: Court of Session

Option B: High Court

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Both A and B

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Option A: 114,

Option B: 115,

Option C: 115-A,

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 115,

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Option A: Vast

Option B: Broad

Option C: Limited

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Limited

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Option A: Of Session

Option B: Which passed the decree

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Which passed the decree

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Option A: Section 113, C.P.C

Option B: Section 114, C.P.C

Option C: None of the above

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Section 114, C.P.C

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Option A: Section 107, C.P.C.

Option B: Section 108, C.P.C

Option C: Section 109, C.P.C

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Section 109, C.P.C

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Option A: Finality

Option B: End

Option C: Continuation

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Continuation

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Option A: Appealable

Option B: Revisionable

Option C: Reviewable

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Appealable

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Option A: High Court

Option B: Federal Shariat Court

Option C: Supreme Court

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: High Court

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Option A: First appeal

Option B: 2nd appeal

Option C: 3rd appeal

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 2nd appeal

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Option A: Pecuniary value of a suit

Option B: Trial Court

Option C: Nature of case

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Pecuniary value of a suit

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Option A: Transfer of case from inferior Courts to Superior Court for the purpose of checking credibility of lower Court decision

Option B: Transfer of case from one Court to another Court for the purpose of testing credibility of the decision of lower Court

Option C: None of the above

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Transfer of case from inferior Courts to Superior Court for the purpose of checking credibility of lower Court decision

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Option A: An unreasonable interference in any persons personal matters

Option B: An unreasonable interference with right of general public

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: An unreasonable interference with right of general public

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Option A: Can be used in any Court

Option B: Can not be sued in any Court

Option C: Can not be sued without permission of his own State

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Can be used in any Court

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Option A: Federal Government

Option B: Foreign Ministry

Option C: Interior Ministry

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Federal Government

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Option A: Section 80

Option B: Section 83

Option C: Section 85

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Section 83

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Option A: Interior Minister

Option B: Federal Minister

Option C: Secretary of the Federal Government

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Secretary of the Federal Government

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Option A: President

Option B: Prime Minsiter

Option C: Pakistan

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Pakistan

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Option A: Moveable property

Option B: Immovable property

Option C: Necessary wearing apparel

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Necessary wearing apparel

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Option A: Old age

Option B: Illness

Option C: Being women

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Illness

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Option A: Six months

Option B: Nine months

Option C: One year

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: One year

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Option A: Three years

Option B: Four years

Option C: Six years

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Six years

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Option A: 36, to 60,

Option B: 36, to 74,

Option C: 35, to 84,

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 36, to 74,

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Option A: Court which passed it or by the Court to which sent for execution

Option B: Court which passed it or by appellate Court

Option C: Special Court

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Court which passed it or by the Court to which sent for execution

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Option A: Interest

Option B: Costs

Option C: Compensatory costs

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Costs

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Option A: 31

Option B: 32

Option C: 33

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 33

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Option A: An application

Option B: A memo

Option C: Plaint

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Plaint

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Option A: Court of Session

Option B: High Court

Option C: Trial Court

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Court of Session

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Option A: Karachi

Option B: Dacca

Option C: Both at Karachi and Dacca

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Karachi

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Option A: Be conclusive

Option B: Not be conclusive

Option C: Be based on fraud

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Not be conclusive

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Option A: 11,

Option B: 12(1),

Option C: 12(2),

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 12(2),

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Option A: Further proceeding

Option B: A matter already adjudicated

Option C: Stay of proceeding

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: A matter already adjudicated

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Option A: Res subjudice

Option B: Res judicata

Option C: Res gestae

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Res judicata

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Option A: The case instituted earlier

Option B: The case instituted later

Option C: None of the above

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: The case instituted later

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Option A: 20,000

Option B: 50,000

Option C: 100,000

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 100,000

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Option A: 2

Option B: 3

Option C: 4

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 4

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Option A: Pecuniary jurisdiction

Option B: Appellate jurisdiction

Option C: Civil as well as criminal

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Pecuniary jurisdiction

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Option A: Civil Courts

Option B: Criminal Courts

Option C: Both (a) and (b)

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Criminal Courts

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Option A: (14), of C.P.C.

Option B: (15), of C.P.C.

Option C: (16), of C.P.C.

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: A. (14), of C.P.C.

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Option A: Section 2(11)

Option B: Section 2(12)

Option C: Section 2(13)

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Section 2(11)

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Option A: Judgment

Option B: Decree

Option C: Order

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Judgment

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Option A: Judgment debtor

Option B: Judgment holder

Option C: None of the above

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Judgment debtor

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Option A: 2 sub section (3),

Option B: 2 sub section (4),

Option C: 2 sub section (5),

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 2 sub section (3),

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Option A: Plaint

Option B: Definitions

Option C: Jurisdiction

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Definitions

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Option A: Order

Option B: Judgment

Option C: None of the above

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Judgment

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Option A: XI

Option B: XII

Option C: XIII

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: XI

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Option A: 21st March, 1908

Option B: 22nd March, 1909

Option C: 1st January, 1909

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 1st January, 1909

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Option A: Code of Civil Procedure

Option B: Civil Courts Act

Option C: Criminal Procedure Code

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Code of Civil Procedure

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