
Constitution Of Pakistan 1962 MCQs

Option A: Karachi

Option B: Lahore

Option C: Islamabad

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Islamabad

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Option A: Sixty years

Option B: Sixty two years

Option C: Sixty five years

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Sixty years

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Option A: Uni Cameral

Option B: Bi Cameral

Option C: Tri-Cameral

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Uni Cameral

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Option A: President

Option B: Prime-Minister

Option C: chef minister

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: President

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Option A: Republic of Pakistan

Option B: Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Option C: Islamic Democratic Pakistan

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Republic of Pakistan

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Option A: 156 members

Option B: 218 members

Option C: 318 members

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 218 members

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Option A: Islam

Option B: Non believer

Option C: No restriction upon

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: No restriction upon

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Option A: 13

Option B: 23

Option C: 33

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 23

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Option A: Parliament

Option B: Provincial assemblies

Option C: Electoral College

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Electoral College

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Option A: Direct

Option B: Indirect

Option C: Both (a) and (b)

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Indirect

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Option A: 250 Articles, and 10 parts

Option B: 260 Articles, and 9 parts

Option C: 234 Articles, and 12 parts

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 250 Articles, and 10 parts

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Option A: Chief Executive

Option B: Martial Law Administrator

Option C: President

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: President

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Option A: One man show

Option B: Sign of dictatorship

Option C: Absolute Constitution

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: One man show

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Option A: March, 1969

Option B: June, 1970

Option C: July 1970 of 1962

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: March, 1969

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Option A: General Tikka Khan

Option B: General Agha Muhammad Yahya Khan

Option C: General Asghar Khan

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: General Agha Muhammad Yahya Khan

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Option A: Six years

Option B: Seven years

Option C: Eight years

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Seven years

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Option A: Provisional Constitution Order of 1969

Option B: Legal Frame Work Order of 1971

Option C: Constitution of 1973

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Provisional Constitution Order of 1969

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Option A: Ordinance

Option B: Instrument

Option C: Bill

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Ordinance

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Option A: Provincial autonomy

Option B: Independence

Option C: Self control

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Provincial autonomy

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Option A: Urdu

Option B: Bengali

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Both A and B

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Option A: Sixty years

Option B: Sixty two years

Option C: Sixty five years

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Sixty five years

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Option A: Supreme Court

Option B: Federal Court

Option C: Federal Shariat Court

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Supreme Court

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Option A: 4 years

Option B: 5 years

Option C: 6 years

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 5 years

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Option A: December

Option B: October

Option C: August

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: December

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Option A: 200

Option B: 218

Option C: 220

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 218

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Option A: 2

Option B: 3

Option C: 1

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 2

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Option A: President

Option B: Prime-Minister

Option C: Speaker

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: President

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Option A: 35 years

Option B: 40 years

Option C: 45 years

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 35 years

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Option A: 21 years

Option B: 20 years

Option C: 18 years

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 21 years

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Option A: Parliamentary

Option B: Presidential

Option C: None of the above

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Presidential

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Option A: 23rd March, 1962

Option B: 28 February, 1962

Option C: 14 August, 1962

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 28 February, 1962

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