
Judiciary And Law MCQs

Option A: The Secretary of that Government

Option B: The Collector of the District

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Both A and B

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Option A: Province of Punjab Vs ABC

Option B: Chief Minister of Punjab Vs ABC

Option C: Interior Ministry of Punjab Vs ABC

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Province of Punjab Vs ABC

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Option A: 60 of C.P.C.

Option B: 61 of C.P.C

Option C: 62 of C.P.C.

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: A. 60 of C.P.C.

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Option A: 10 of 1980 Section 9,

Option B: 10 of 1999 Section 9,

Option C: 10 of 2011 Section 9,

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 10 of 1980 Section 9,

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Option A: Women

Option B: Old person

Option C: Both (a) and (b)

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Women

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Option A: Judgment debtor

Option B: Decree holder

Option C: Both (a) and (b)

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Judgment debtor

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Option A: Original Court

Option B: Appellate Court

Option C: Executing Court

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Executing Court

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Option A: Its discretional power

Option B: Application of decree holder

Option C: Application of decree debtor

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Application of decree holder

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Option A: 35

Option B: 35-A

Option C: 36

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 35

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Option A: Interest

Option B: Costs

Option C: Special cost

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Interest

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Option A: Nazir

Option B: Defendant

Option C: None of the above

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Defendant

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Option A: Appellate Court

Option B: High Court

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Appellate Court

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Option A: Trial

Option B: Appeal

Option C: Revision

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Trial

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Option A: Lowest grade competent to try it

Option B: Highest grade competent to try it

Option C: Both (a) and (b)

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Lowest grade competent to try it

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Option A: The Court which passed the final judgment, decree of order

Option B: Appellate Court

Option C: High Court

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: The Court which passed the final judgment, decree of order

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Option A: Appeal

Option B: Application

Option C: Revision

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Application

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Option A: Civil

Option B: Criminal

Option C: Civil as well as criminal

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Civil

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Option A: English

Option B: French

Option C: Latin

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Latin

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Option A: 3,

Option B: 4,

Option C: 5,

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 4,

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Option A: Res judicata

Option B: Res Sub Judice

Option C: Res, gestae

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Res Sub Judice

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Option A: 50,000

Option B: 1,00,000

Option C: 500,000

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 500,000

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Option A: Family Courts

Option B: Criminal Courts

Option C: Revenue Courts

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Revenue Courts

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Option A: Order

Option B: Judgment

Option C: None of the above

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Order

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Option A: Judgment debtor

Option B: Legal representative

Option C: Mesne profit

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Mesne profit

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Option A: Guardian

Option B: Pleader

Option C: Legal representative

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Legal representative

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Option A: 2(7) C.P.C.

Option B: 2(8) C.P.C.

Option C: 2(9) C.P.C.

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 2(9) C.P.C.

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Option A: Decree defaulter

Option B: Decree holder

Option C: Decree debtor

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Decree holder

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Option A: 2(2),

Option B: 3(2),

Option C: 4(2),

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 2(2),

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Option A: Judgment

Option B: Decree

Option C: Order

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Decree

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Option A: 50,

Option B: 51,

Option C: 52,

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 52,

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Option A: 155,

Option B: 156,

Option C: 158,

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 158,

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Option A: 21st January, 1908

Option B: 21st February, 1908

Option C: 21st March, 1908

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 21st March, 1908

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Option A: Section 95

Option B: Section 114

Option C: Section 115

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Section 115

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Option A: Provincial Small Causes Courts

Option B: Presidency Small Causes Courts

Option C: None of the above

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Presidency Small Causes Courts

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Option A: Presidency Small Causes Courts

Option B: Provincial Small Causes Courts

Option C: High Courts

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Provincial Small Causes Courts

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Option A: Special Courts

Option B: Provincial Small Causes Courts

Option C: High Courts

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: High Courts

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Option A: Government

Option B: The party on whose behalf it is issued unless the Court otherwise directs

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: The party on whose behalf it is issued unless the Court otherwise directs

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Option A: When ever Court like

Option B: Upon application of applicant if it justify. His absence in satisfactory manners

Option C: None of the above

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Upon application of applicant if it justify. His absence in satisfactory manners

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Option A: The Court which passed the order or decree

Option B: The Session Court

Option C: High Court

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: The Court which passed the order or decree

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Option A: 5

Option B: 6

Option C: 7

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 7

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Option A: 9

Option B: 11

Option C: 13

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 9

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Option A: When the executing Court faces doubt in question of law

Option B: When executing Court Faces doubt in question of usage

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Both A and B

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Option A: 10 Order XLV of C.P.C.

Option B: 16 Order XLV of C.P.C.

Option C: 18 Order XLV of C.P.C.

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 16 Order XLV of C.P.C.

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Option A: Order XLV, Rule 8, of C.P.C.

Option B: Order XLV-A

Option C: Order XLV-B

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Order XLV-A

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Option A: Signed the relevant documents as provided in R. 7, O. XLV of C.P.C.

Option B: The appellant submit or deposit security so required as provided in R. 7, O. XLV, of C.P.C.

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: The appellant submit or deposit security so required as provided in R. 7, O. XLV, of C.P.C.

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Option A: High Court

Option B: To Supreme Court

Option C: To the Court whose decree is complained of

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: To the Court whose decree is complained of

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Option A: 2

Option B: 4

Option C: 6

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 2

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Option A: O. XLIII, R. 3

Option B: O. XLIII, R. 4

Option C: O. XLIII, R. 5

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: O. XLIII, R. 3

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Option A: Reviewable

Option B: Revisable

Option C: Appealable

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Appealable

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Option A: None appealable

Option B: Appealable as provided in O. XLIII rule 1

Option C: Revisionable

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Appealable as provided in O. XLIII rule 1

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Option A: Order XLI, of C.P.C.

Option B: Order XLII, of C.P.C.

Option C: Order XLIII, of C.P.C.

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Order XLIII, of C.P.C.

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Option A: Order XLI

Option B: Order XLII

Option C: Order XLIII

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Order XLI

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Option A: O. XLI, Rule 27, of C.P.C.

Option B: O. XLI, Rule 28, of C.P.C.

Option C: O. XLI, Rule 29, of C.P.C.

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: O. XLI, Rule 28, of C.P.C.

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Option A: Frame issues or refer them to Trial Court

Option B: To dismissed appeal

Option C: To remand case to Trial Court

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Frame issues or refer them to Trial Court

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Option A: 21, of C.P.C

Option B: 22, of C.P.C

Option C: 23, of C.P.C

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 23, of C.P.C

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Option A: High Court

Option B: To the Court whose decree is challenged

Option C: To Respondent

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: To the Court whose decree is challenged

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Option A: The Court may make an order that the appeal be adjourned

Option B: The Court may make order that the appeal be dismissed

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: The Court may make order that the appeal be dismissed

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Option A: Register of appeal

Option B: Record of appeal

Option C: Book of new entries

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Register of appeal

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Option A: Stay of execution by Court which passed the decree

Option B: Stay of execution by Appellate Court

Option C: Both (a) and (b)

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Stay of execution by Court which passed the decree

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Option A: The copy of decree which is challenged

Option B: The list of witnesses which enclosed with original plaint

Option C: None of the above

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: The copy of decree which is challenged

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Option A: Booklet

Option B: Designed document

Option C: Memorandum

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Memorandum

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Option A: XL,

Option B: XLI,

Option C: XLI(A),

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: XLI,

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Option A: Parties

Option B: Court Officer

Option C: Collector

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Collector

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Option A: Before a decree

Option B: After a decree

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Both A and B

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Option A: Appointment of receiver

Option B: Appointment of local commission

Option C: Appointment of site commissioner

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Appointment of receiver

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Option A: Upon application of any party

Option B: Upon its own observation

Option C: Upon Court officer direction

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Upon application of any party

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Option A: Corporation

Option B: Upon all officers and members of corporation

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Both A and B

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Option A: Twelve months or disposal of suit

Option B: Nine month or disposal of suit

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Twelve months or disposal of suit

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Option A: Fifteen days

Option B: One month

Option C: Three months

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Fifteen days

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Option A: 2

Option B: 3

Option C: 4

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 4

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Option A: 10

Option B: 15

Option C: 20

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 10

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Option A: To furnish security

Option B: To surrender for his arrest

Option C: To make compromise with plaintiff

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: To furnish security

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Option A: 7

Option B: 10

Option C: 13

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 13

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Option A: Unconditional leave to defend

Option B: Leave with terms as to payment in Court for security

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Both A and B

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Option A: All relevant documents

Option B: Affidavit

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Affidavit

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Option A: Ordinary manners as provided in Order V, Rule 5, of C.P.C.

Option B: As provided in Form 4 appendix B of C.P.C.

Option C: None of the above

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: As provided in Form 4 appendix B of C.P.C.

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Option A: 7

Option B: 9

Option C: 11

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 7

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Option A: A compromise

Option B: A commitment

Option C: An agreement

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: An agreement

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Option A: 3

Option B: 4

Option C: 5

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 5

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Option A: The plaintiff may be required to so pay or place it before Court

Option B: The defendant may be required to so pay or place it before Court

Option C: None of above needs to pay or place so required before Court

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: The plaintiff may be required to so pay or place it before Court

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Option A: 4

Option B: 6

Option C: 8

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 6

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Option A: O. XXXIV, R. 15, of C.P.C.

Option B: O. XXXIV, R. 16, of C.P.C.

Option C: O. XXXIV, R. 17, of C.P.C.

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: A. O. XXXIV, R. 15, of C.P.C.

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Option A: Preliminary decree

Option B: Final decree

Option C: Ex-parte decree

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Final decree

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Option A: 10

Option B: 15

Option C: 20

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 15

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Option A: Revisable

Option B: Appealable

Option C: Reviewable

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Revisable

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Option A: The revenue department

Option B: Relevant Court

Option C: In High Court

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Relevant Court

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Option A: Who does not possess sufficient means to enable him to pay the fee prescribed by law for the plaint in suit

Option B: The person who does not possess property worth 1000/- rupees other than his necessary wearing

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: The person who does not possess property worth 1000/- rupees other than his necessary wearing

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Option A: Suits by unsound persons

Option B: Suits by paupers

Option C: Suits by foreigners

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Suits by paupers

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Option A: The next guardian will be appointed by minor

Option B: The Court shall appoint new guardian

Option C: None of the above

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: The Court shall appoint new guardian

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Option A: To be taken of the file

Option B: To be rejected

Option C: To be stayed

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: To be taken of the file

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Option A: An affidavit verifying the fact that proposed guardian has no interest

Option B: List of relatives of the minors and other persons and their adverse who prima-facie are most likely to act as guardian

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Both A and B

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Option A: 12

Option B: 16

Option C: 20

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 16

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Option A: O. XXI, R. 1 of C.P.C.

Option B: O. XXXI, R. 2 of C.P.C.

Option C: O. XXXI, R. 3 of C.P.C.

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: O. XXXI, R. 2 of C.P.C.

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Option A: 3

Option B: 6

Option C: 9

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 3

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Option A: By the name of his business or style

Option B: By his own name

Option C: Both (a) and (b)

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Both (a) and (b)

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Option A: Personally

Option B: Firm

Option C: By agent

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Firm

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Option A: Corporations

Option B: Firms and persons carrying on business in names other than own

Option C: Interior Ministry

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Firms and persons carrying on business in names other than own

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Option A: Secretary or director of the corporation

Option B: Principal officer of the corporation

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Both A and B

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Option A: 3

Option B: 6

Option C: 9

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: 3

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Option A: His commanding officer

Option B: Any person authorized by him

Option C: His elders

Option D: None of the these

Correct Answer: Any person authorized by him

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